Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1952)
THE N T IS A GATE C I T Y J O P E N A L . N Y S S A . OREGON. THURSDAY. A U G U S T 14 J 1952 n >w Twin Falls, visited Mrs Hildi guest, Ola Chard ; R '.1 ca.l w. an. were 1 in v ist. r ren-vi: The assessed valuation Follow 1 1 d Malheur county Increased $8'j i, i in.ll’ over 1946 with Ny—a -t-h »1 From the Journal Files V I Mrs I laude Bay di>t: No. 6 having the Urges! vai- meeting will be Am: i t 20 with Dor Phon. 082 I!» tn the county. $4,317.777 5« othy Runcorn a h ■.te--. Roll call Is 5 Years Ago August 14, 1917 their home after living at Homodale 10 Years Ago Angast 13. 191* to be answered by a li i-ehold lunt. C. E. Leseberg and George W. for over a year.------The Idaho Can Pun :a-e of the Emma Quinby Mr. and Mr I G R ime, and Stoker. Nyssa were awarded a Nyssa ning Co. plant, Nyssa's newest in Pollyanna club was held with Mi Mr. and Mrs. Glen H line Jr., were property between the U H railroad street improvement contract at an dustrial establishment, started ope BUI Ratigan Thursday with nine NEW S OF RECORD Sunday dinner gue-t- at the Frank trucks and Snake river by the gov ajourned meeting of the city coun ration this week canning corn with members present. The next meeting MarrUgr l icense- Issued Byers home. ernment for a farm security admin- will bo held with Mrs. Oscar Schafer cil Wednesday night. The Nyssa men approximately 150 employees.— Miss Della Shunter of Ontario Janie- William McHargue, of Pay- latration labor camp has been com Sept. 4. bid $36,014 29 for intersections and Porz Ostrom of Stockholm, Sweden <*:: \ and Grace Mae Lawrence, of visited several day la-t week at the pleted and Luther Fife, local con Mrs. Marion Cleray and son. R ic Ontario. 8 4 52. $ JO .841 67 on the streets, a total of visited this week at the home of hi- F. G. Holmes home. ky. visited Saturday night and Sun $126,855 06, lower than four other uncle, John Ostrom.------Mrs. C C tractor. is expected to receive the Carroll John Lammera, of Payette. Stanley Byers, Larry II dme-, Dick go ahead" sign for construction. day at the Berle Phifer home. bids.------Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith. Hunt and daughter, Mrs. Merritt and Frances C. Richter, of Ontario, and Clarence Hart went on the this week.------The R. O. Whitaker Mr. and Mr.- O-car Schafer and 8 5 52. returned to Nyssa Monday to make Greeling, former Nyssa residents. F F A campm family has been released from diph Freddie were Sunday dinner guests Ja k Chard and Lucille Hill, both Ore. They left la t Friday morning theria quarantine and the two girls, at the Kerby Kendall home in Cald of Ny-sa. 8 7 52. accompanied by other F F A mem Sharon and Carol, have recovered well. Erman B.ishans, of Ironsides, and bers and their instructor, Dwight satisfactorily.----- Railroad company Mr. and Mrs. Berle Phifer and I.ucille Loui-e Allen, of Brogan. Wyckoff. officials stated 100 freight cars of family spent the week-end at Mad 8 8 52. Mr. and Mrs Frank Byers and potatoes were shipped from Nyssa ras visiting Mr Phifer's brother and Frank Kuzuoko, Jr. and Betty L Betty visited at the John Bowen family Mrs Phifer and Lawrence Ellis, both of Boise 8 8 52. in July and 72 more were shipped to home at Vale, Saturday evening. went on to Portland to consult an date this month.------Norbert Sara- Warner Hoopes, of Weston, Ida. eye specialist. l)r. Kenneth A. Hanford will be and Annie Dolder, of Logan, Utah. ! /.in. B 'b McCoy, Reed Cottle, Sid A naturalized citizen has the same Mr. and Mrs Art Sparks attended 8 8 52. « Brown Bob Applegate. Ted Morgan associated with l)r. J. J, Saruzin rights as one native-born, except Edward Leavitt, of Ontario, and and Dick Osborn spent the week and Dr. K. E. Kerby at the Sarazin the rodeo in Caldwell Saturday eve that he cannot vote. ning. Mary Margaret Switzer, of Vale. end at Payette Lakes.------Earl Jen- clinic after Sept. 1. l>r. Hanford, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer at 8 8 52. nings, with the navy at San Diego, with his wife and three children, tended the rodeo Friday evening at Complaints Filed In Circuit Court -pent everal days with his parents, come here from Mahnomen. Minn, Caldwell. United Credit Mens Assn, vs A. W Mr and Mrs. J . W. Jennins.----- After where he has been practicing medi Claudette Day entertained six Hendricks. 8 4 52. Recovery on note. As long as our supplies last, we are offering alfalfa, cine for the past five years, lie ser -pending nine days in the woods friends at a birthday party Friday, $420.17. red clover and pasture seeds at these prices. This special j near Prairie City building a log cab- j ved in tlie Naval medical corps for those present being Sandra Day, Patsien Wilson Cudd vs William Garnet Ritchie. Sharon Fox. Sharon James Cudd 8 5 52. Divorce. offer ends September 1st. in for Pete Tensen, the carpenter.-, three years. Slippy. Jan ette Conant and Donna M. A Borders vs Clifford Cline. I including Gordon Williams, Jim Reuter. Ice cream and cake were 87 52 Damages, $345 35. Com m on A lfa lfa 58c P er Lb. Huffman and Ray Lewis have re year from sagebrush" land. He is turned home.------Mrs. Harry Kingrey i hopeful of a 20 bushel yield, approxi served. Claudette received several Petitions Filed In Probate Court R a n g e r A l f a l f a ...... 6 2 c P er Lb. nice gifts. Estate of Albert L Pfeiler, de and Mrs. Fae Dickson returned from mately $33 to the acre or $48 an acre Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marcum are R ed C lover 4 2 c P er Lb. a 3300 mile trip to Scotts Bluff. at the present 5c price.----- Mr. and the proud parents of a baby girl ceased. Neb. Mrs. Jess Thompson and Jake Groot born Saturday morning. R eg istered K enland R ed C lover 6 4c P er Lb. Mr. and Mrs. W E. Pierey a tte n d 15 Years Ago August 12, 1937 will leave for Lima, Ohio to take A lta F e s c u e ............................................................... 4 0 c P er L b. 25 uniforms of blue were ordered delivery on two new school busses ed the rodeo in Caldwell Thursday Monday for members of the Nyssa for the local school.-----73 business evening. C ertified A lta F escu e 5 0 c P er Lb. municipal Mrs. Arlene Sparks spent the band.----- Rees Byram ex men from Boise. Emmett. Caldwell. pects to start harvesting his 30 acres Vale. Wilder, Ontario. Weiser, Fruit- week-end at Warm Lake with other O rch ard G rass .......................................... 3 0 c P er Lb. Parma bank employees. of Red Mexican beans on his "first land and Parma attended a meeting Mrs. Frank Byers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Louk and Helen. B rom e G rass 3 2 c P er Lb. of the Associated Chambers of Com Earl, Tommy and Jimmy, of Idaho Phone 076-Iti L ad in o C lover, P astu re G rad e ...... 90c P er Lb. merce at Nyssa. ------ A committee Falls, visited with Mr and Mrs. Carl from the Civic club and Commercial Pierey and new daughter last week The Merry Matrons club met at C ertifie d L ad in o ..............„ ...................... 1.2 5 P er Lb. club are cooperating in working out Mrs Pierey is a ifcuighter of Louks. the home of Bonnie Holmes Wednes Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson and l a plan for Nyssa cemetery imprve- W h ite C lover, P astu re G rad e 75c P er Lb. day. Aug 6 with members and one i ment. —— Supt. Leo Hollenberg is Mr. and Mrs. Hersohel Thompson and family attended a family re busy making arrangements for the union at Nampa Sunday. opening of school Sept 6 ---- Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Kloubflash and son. I Foster is taking another load of new of Philer, Ida., visited over Friday honey to Portland today. Estimates Gladly Given night at the W. E. Pierey home. Dr. and Mrs. H. J Nevlns spent 20 Years Ago August II. 1932 Assessor Andrew M Graham stat the week-end at the W. E. Pierey ed that one store building and nine home. Phone 134L2 Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. Dick j dwelling houses were erected in Nys W ire Tie Ashcraft and children were Nampa sa last year, adding about $25,000 callers Monday. Nyssa, O regon P h o n e 132 evaluation to the city. Combined Parma, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Chet. Hudson are the All New Fqilipnient j with the Nyssa valuation of $298,- proud parents of a baby boy, born In 306 69 for the previous year, the in the Nyssa hospital Thursday, July crease will bring Nyssa values to 31. , Miss Bonita Langlols was a week $323,306 69.------Twelve year old W ar Phone 277-NW ren Larsen passed the last tests for end guest of Miss Shirley Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. David Highland and a first class scout at the Warm Lake camp and young Howard Larsen son David of Coos Bay were supper earned two merit badges.——After guests at the Claude Day home F ri day. Sept. 1. a state examiner of appli Sandra Day spent the week-end at cants for driver’s licenses will make the Claude Day home. a periodic visit in Nyssa. In the past, Dick Ashcraft, of John Day. spent the examiner visited in Vale and Saturday night and Sunday at the Ontario but excluded Nyssa.----- W. Dale Ashcraft home. Mrs Dick Ash W. "Honey” Foster advertised new craft and children, who had spent honey, 7c a pound.------Misses Char- the week at Dale Ashcraft, returned lena and Claudena Crawford and home with him Sunday. Mrs. Claude Day and Mrs. Henry Mae Keizer gave a dancing party at the Eagles hall for 40 young people Day attended a party at the Silas complimenting Miss Martha Schla- Hoffman home Friday afternoon. pkohl.----- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schire- Technically, the U S. Government man and family and the Clark Enos has not established any national family of Adrian spent the week-end holidays. at Payette Lakes. ------ Nat Leigh. theater owner, dismantled his mo pany of the Second Idaho was on tion picture screen at Owyhee dam guard duty in Nyssa was culminated and removed it to Parma. During S o i i nif, w e ll m a i n t a i n e d Saturday evening when Miss Iola O. the busy years of construction he Forbes was married to Lawrence F. properties qualify f o r o u r gave shows at the dam during the Schirmer of the regimental hospital f a m o u s “ P re fe rre d Kink” week. corps and Miss Josie C. Forbes was capital stock fire insurance«. 25 Years Ago August 19, 1927 married to Forest D. Sherman, a ONLY good risks are ac< Jimmie Cook, little son of Mr. and private of I Company. The brides Mrs. A. V. Cook, suffered a broken are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. repted. Ilen re, l o s s e s a r e collar bone, through a fall last F ri Forbes, Nyssa.----- The Hoxle cot fewer, net cost is low and day.----- Mrs. Myra Johnson and Mrs. tage at the corner of Main and First Security unquestioned. Gel Mattie Clendenlng were taken in streets is being repaired and will be details. as new members of Yellow Rose occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rebekah lodge.----- J . B. Smith, J . J. R enstrom Thompson.------Fong Lee, recently of Sarazin. S. D. Goshert, J . R. Davis Boise, has opened up a hand laun Insu ran ce A gency together with P. M. Boals, F. A. dry in the Reece building on First Banks, chief engineer, Newell and Nyssa. Oreqon street near Main.------Artie Robertson others, formed the advisory board and Frank Newbill returned from Tha CAPITAL STOCK Company o f “PREFERRED RISKS* L J r"f who attended a meeting at Boise at MoDermitt, Nev., where they had the Reclamation office at which been working with a government time bids were received for construc surveying party. ------ The Newbill tion of a highway and railroad to family are possessors of a new Ford H O M I O f f i c i S f A r T L Owyhee dam site.----- The Nyssa Girl car. Scout party, numbering 28, returned from a week’s outing at Lakeview camp. Payette Lakes. Chaperons were Mrs. A. V. Cook, Mrs. Newton and Misses Pauline Fisher and Ma bel Posey.------Honest Bill, three-ring circus will have a one-day showing In Nyssa Aug. 30 with a big street parade. It isn't a b it too early to call in you r heating man and 30 Years Ago August 11, 1922 Mrs. Nellie Newblll, Mrs. Barbara Stubbs, Mrs. Leah Elliott and Mrs. make sure th a t your e q u ip m e n t is in tip -to p opera ting Vernena Beam of Yellow Rose Re bekah lodge recently received certi ficates of perfection for proficiency shape for w in te r, 1952. He can give you more tim e now, in the work of the order.------Con 1 struction has begun on the Black get equipm ent in to p e rfe ct a d ju stm e n t to give you the Canyon darn near Em m ett------Qor- don Ray ha- rented the P. M. Bink ley house on Third street. ------ A m ost heat fo r the least money. third trick operator has been added O n that next trip, travel in air-conditioned, to the O. S. L. depot force owing to rest-as-you-ride comfort — yet be kind to increase of business incident to ship ment of crops.----- J . D. Diven, On yo ur pocketbook at the sam e time. Go If you are not already equipped w ith a m odern h e a t tario, purchased a half interest in Coachl A ll Union Pacific train s o ffer Coach the Nyssa Grain and Seed Co.----- as w ell as Pullman se rvice. ing plant, ask your dealer fo r a survey o f your heating Hiram Van Dyken, left for Holly wood where he has entered into a a Restful, reclining seats . . . reserved on most Union contract to become a movie actor.— needs. Enjoy even, econom ical heat th is w inter. There's Pacific trains. Wilson Bros, have installed a radio receiving station at their store and a Appetizing meals. During August, our dining cars entertain their customers with con no better investm ent for the home than oil or co a l-fire d will feature Shrimp Louie . . . a seafood dish con certs from points as distant as Los taining fresh shrimp seasoned with Louie dressing. Angeles and l4an Francisco.------Mr Prepared with a master's touch, cool and crisp . . autom atic house heating and Mrs. Claude Willson have re expertly served by thoughtful attendants . . . its., turned from Raymond, Wash., heavy perfect for summer days. forest fires forcing sawmills to close down----- Oradlng contracts on the • Low fares! Round trip rates save 10°i or more. C all your h e atin g specialist to d a y 1 Nyssa-Jordan Valley market road Children under 5 free; under 12 half-fare. are nearing completion. Instead of continuing south from the railroad In adjustable, reclining coach seats you save money, [for cUlailt and r*»»rvoli«ns track, the highway will cross the W. 'yet still enjoy the comforts and convenience of train E Edwards ranch. i n your n to rtil Union Pacific travel. 35 Years Ago August 17, 1917 Railroad li«k»f ogonl. It Is reported that County Sur veyor B F. Farm er will next week rfof Dependable Passenger and Freight Jranspertatien fù n c P u a 'Ù j De*» So fcHJCH-Costi So U T T H 1 begin surveying a new road up Suc cor Creek, and that the road will be Be Spe*Hi< ■ • * Soy built in the near future.------A double romance which began when I Com-1 Kingman Kolony Konlacls D a y s G o n e B y in Nyssa C o m m u n it y Special! Special! Special! Along The Oregon Trail Order Your Fall Seeding Requirements Now Dessert Seed Co. MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS WANTED Hay Baling HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER Jack Zittercob GET YOUR HEATING PLANT CHECKED NOW GENERAL AMERICA COMPANIES . . . avoid the rush later! Dollar-Saving CocA I D A H O Y POWER UNION PACIFIC & o O