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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1952)
\ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1952 Payette and Ontai:o Wednesday Jolly Janes Club I forenoon. Holds Gathering I Mrs M. McCormick of Boise ar rived Thursday for a visit in the Prank A. Miller home. Mrs. Will Jones and little son of Pittsburg, California and her sister Mrs. Ellis Givens and little daugh ter of Roseberg. Oregon called on friends in this vicinity Friday. The women were formerly Evelyn and Phillis Haworth. Mrs. Fern Hatch is keeping books and stamping lids. She reports the cannery will be open Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturday until fur ther notice. Mr. and Mrs. Tuppeny's daugh ter and husband, whv had been vis iting them, left Thursday for their home in Denver. Little Patty Bean, who has spent some time with her grandparents, accompanied them to her home in Denver Bobby <kshby of upper Roswell spent several days visiting Jimmy Thompson the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family and Mr and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and family attended the rodeo at Nampa las*. Friday night. Mr. and Mrs John Thompson at tended a birthday party at the Mar tin Ashby home Wednesday even ing in celebration of Mrs Ashby's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dolberg and family o f Loveland. Colorado vis ited over Sunday night in the Noel Tuppeny home. They were on their way to Portland to visit his father. Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hamilton of Ridgeview were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tup peny. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas at tended the Kingman Kolony Grange picnic at the Gordon Toombs home in Sunset valley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van De Water and Billie and Loraine went to Boise Sunday, had dinner with her broth er, Rev. DeGroff and wife and at tended the Bob Wells revival. Loretta Van De Water attended the church picnic given at Middle- ton for the Bob Jones university group. Mike and Douglas Pelton, who have been visiting in the Varner Hopkins home, returning to their home in Clarkston, Washington. Loretta Van De Water accompan ied the Varner Hopkins family to Nampa to attend the rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fisher of Cul ver City, California and his mother, Mrs. George Fisher ol Parma, spent Sunday afternoon visiting in the Harvy Hatch home. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Alice and Jimmy had dinner and spent Sunday afternoon in the Call Pockwood home. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Thorton of Horseshoe Bend were callers in the Rolland home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeb Wilson left Thursday for Disston, Oregon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and daughter. Kenneth Clany of Fort Meade, Maryland is home on a 10-day leave, visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. Earl Clary of Roswell, and his sis- B IO BEND, July 26—The Jolly Janes club met Thursday, July 19 with Mrs. Sybil Cleverly. The nett meeting will be held with Mrs. Paul ine McGinnis of Adrian August 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and Helen and Mrs. Florence Richardson of j Parma drove to Snively’s spring Sunday and visited Mrs. McCreary, who is an old acquaintance. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop spent Sunday at their Donnelly ranch. Mrs. E. H Brumbach. Mrs. Myrtle Hatch and Helen and Mrs. Hazel Ferguson of Apple valley shopped in Home beauty begins w ith . . . Hundreds of decorating ideas for you — at a glance! All the wall, woodwork, ceiling colors you yearn for — with FREE swatches to take home! See Fuller’s JEWEL CASE decorating inspirations! ¡NTS MODI DECORATING « I F DON B. MOSS Firestone - D ealer Store 5th and Main Nyssa, Oregon y i-:V . .'.¿¿v.' fxicSSw. iWix&v: Phone 2 P A « * THREE ------------------------- 1--------------------- ter, Mrs. Darrell English o f Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W ill Troughton of Homedale and Mr. and Mrs. K en neth of Grandview, Idaho were din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Molt Sunday. Mrs. BUI Hopkins is spending this week at Warm lake helping with the Baptist young peoples camp there. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright were business visitors in Caldwell Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright of Adrian attended the car sale at Caldwell Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Morgan vis ited Sunday evening in the A1 Sheri dan home at Homedale. Guests of Mrs. Woodrow Shearer Tuesday evening were her mother, Mrs. Arch Wright; her brother, John Wright and nephew. Vernon Peterson, of New Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaffer of Scranton, Iowa, visited over night Sunday 'with her brother, Woodrow Shearer and family. David W itty and Jimmy Chaney were on a 4-H tour from Tuesday until Friday. Union was one of the places they visited. Joan Thorton of Montour, Idaho has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Virgil Rolland the past week. Mrs. Albert Wallace of Madras, Oregon is caring for Mrs. Vern Bulleu and infant daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and family enjoyed a swim Tuesday evening at Sniveley’s swimming pool. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Clucas and family were business visitors in Caldwell and Ontario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swigert were Ontario visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Swigert visited his mother, Mrs. Flora Swigert and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maurer and fam ily of Wilder Sunday. Mrs. Doyle Hodge of Caldwell vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson Wednesday. Ray Cartiwrlght has started to work in the cannery at Adrian, as Virgil Viers has excepted a job in the cannery at the county farm at Nampa. Mrs. Chet Smith, Mrs. Pearl Ab bott of Parma, Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Parma visited Kenneth Smith in the veterians hospital in Boise W ed nesday. Here For The Summer— John F. Collins of Hartford, Con necticut will be in charge of services in the St. Paul’s Episcopal church while Reverend Crenshaw is va cationing in the east. Mr. Collins is studying at Berkeley Divinity school at Yale university. He will also assist at the Holy Trinity church in Vale. Return From Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Stan Keefer spent several days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. K eefer o f Idaho Falls. On their return trip they spent two days in Big Springs fish ing. They returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. David Christensen and M^. and Mrs. Joseph E. Bair, all of Nyssa with combined ages totaling 167 for each couple, won honors in that category. One hundred and seventy-five The stake committee in charge of persons attended the L. D. S. old the outing was George Palmer, Dan folks outing at Kiwanis Park in Brown and Mrs. D. O. Bybee. Payette Tuesday afternoon. The three dinner tables were centered with vases of spring flowers in sil ver pots and wicker baskets. A fried chicken dinner was served. Each ward was identified with a name card including miniature cov SUNSET VALLE Y, July 26—Mr. and ered wagons, sego lilies and seagulls. Mrs. Ira Chadd were hosts at a Honored guests other than members supper and lawn party Wednesday over 60 years of age were the ward evening for their out-of-state over bishoprics and their wives, Presi night visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Harley dent and Mrs. Arvel Child and pro Maier, June Jolnes, Muriel Patter son of Ocanot. Nebraska, and Margie gram participants. Dlckman of Callaway, Nebraska. Dan Brown of Vale was master of Also present were Mr. and Mrs. ceremonies for the program. Numb Ervin Charland and Perry Lee, Mr. ers were a reading and song by Miss and Mrs. James Chadd and family, Adrianne Peterson; banjo selections, Joanne Price and Carolene Dider- Mrs. Harm Folkerts; vocal duet, icksen. The Nebraska visitors had Mrs. Ruth Sessions and Mrs. Hen completed a trip to the west coast rietta Maw; comic songs, Dave to Seattle and also visited Mr. and Christensen; reading, Mrs. Orin Mrs. Chadd’s daugnter, Mrs. Ed Burgess; and accordian selections, Steiner, and family at Wapato, Mrs. Jake Kapp. President Child Washington, and left for Nebraska complimented the committees fo r Thursday. the successful outing. Sunday supper guests at the Ira The oldest man present, Edward Chadd home were M r and Mrs. Jim Clark, is 92. He is from Utah. The Malloy and Mr. and Mrs. Harry oldest lady was Marie Dart of P a i- Gahan. ma, who is 94 years old. The couple Mr. and Mrs. James Etherington having been married the longest of Ogden visited last week at the were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dridge of home of their daughter, Mrs. D el Parma. Two couples, Mr. and bert Garner, and were visiting at Old Folks Outing Is Held Bv Church Couple Hosts At Rural Lawn Party the home of their daughter, Mis. week at the home of Mr. and Mm. George Folkman, this week. Roy Barnes. The two women are cousins. Mrs. Oberg, on her way to Join her husband in Alaska, stop Return From Vacation— Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kerby returned ped in Prairie City to visit the Saturday after spending a week in woman's aunt, Mrs. Hugh Olasglow. Canada and a week at Payette lakes. Accompanying them was a niece, Brings Cattle From Ranch— Jan Rossean o f Springfield, M is W. A. Bybee brought several loads souri. She is here to spend the of cattle from the Bybee •’Mile Hi" summer. ranch near Riddle, Idaho. He also took several Nyssa men to the ranch Here From Wyoming— to assist in harvesting 300 acres of Mrs. Russell Oberg and two child hay. He left again Monday to bring ren of Baggs, Wyoming visited last in another load of cattle. Finer Hay with Fewer M an-H ours That’s w h y a N When Pullels Need a Boosl Top Feed PURINA POULTRY ROOSTER CHECKERS I d e a e w is a go o d idea! NEW IDEA T ractor M o w e r 1 Com pletely to.n«d — anced. Se lf-co n - fu lly b a l 1 Q uickly, e a t llf a t tached or detached. W « rkt with a n y m o d ern tractor. 1 Cutter b a r ra ise d or low erod b y pow er. 1 Take* »hart, th o rp torn* without cram p- * Lighter in draft. High in vitamins and protein. help you hold high production build body condition. STO P To and TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL till m. ■ ■ Nyssa, Oregon . v . w . w AND SEE THESE H IG H Q U A L IT Y H A Y MA K I R S ’ Allis-Chalmers and N ew Idea Dealer Come in and we’ll tell you all about what Booster Check ers can do. P h o n e 26 IN Don't let delay cut the value of your hay? NEW IDEA Haying Machines get you on tho r job j quicker — through tho field fatter. Hitched or unhitched in a hurry. Sunpio and easy to operate. Smooth and reliable in roughest Extra protection against wear and breakage. Many exclusive work-saving, hay-saving features. Stop in and see for yourself why any NEW ID E A is a pood ids w v . v Your Power Farming Headquarters BAUMAN FARM EQUIPMENT 1 Mile North of Nyssa on U. S. 20 Phone 333 'S town Aatinthis and - . . . mtTCO M R MOTHER ,.. 0/0 How much of M R SHOPPIM TOMORROW" U would you like # . . PtCKEO VP A 9ARCAHV 1 , . . ARRAMEO MR CIVS M T M * 180 HORSEPOWER« TODAY? 3 •• here today, not “ coming some tim e!” Chrysler FirePower owners today have the most powerful engine ever put in an American passenger car . . . and enjoy incomparable performance on non-premium grade fuel beeidetl POWER BRAKING... not “ in the laboratory stage” but under your toe right now! Regular equipment on all Chrysler New Yorkers, Imperials, and extra-wheelbase Windsor models. Power braking assures smoother, safer braking. i . . PI AH MO A PICRIC . . .S O iO M R OÍO BeORCCM swrt ( , . UAAMD AROVT K0RM4Ì MW tASY How did sh« do H? By telephone, of court«. 2 HYDRAGUIDE POWER STEERING... now for the first time in any American car! Automatic hydraulic power now gives eteering ease, safety and car control under all conditions such as you never felt before! CHRYSLER < ii id HEMISPHERICAL COMBUSTION CHAMBERS.. . On the left you see the Chrysler engineering reason why no engine in any other American passenger car today can match FirePower’s fuel efficiency or its 180 horsepower performance . . . Plut new Oriflow Ride C ontrol. . . Waterproof Ignition . . . Safety Rim Wheels . .*. Cyclebond Brahe Lining» . . . Ignition Key Starting . . . Come tee and feel tor youreelf how much that other cars may have “ some day,** you can have now in Chryelerl See ft and drive U. N o wondor sh« says,“ I olw ayt feel my telephone it worth mor« then H c«tH. Malheur Home Telephone Co. NYSSA. OREGON 116 Good Ave. WAGGONER MOTOR CO. Nyss.,<*•*«■