Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1952)
J • • THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON, THURSDAY JULY H 1952 M any Topics Enliven G range Meeting Artificial rainmaking, affect- of the steel strike on food sanitation, trucking laws and atop signs on m- tersection* were among the subjects discussed last Thursday night at a regular meeting of the Oregon Trail Grange. During the discussion, it w7s pointed out that tin cans may be in short supply as the result oi the steel strike. The group also dis- BRING YOUR IGNITION TROUBLES HERE! Í ft, Li SHELL Products and Service BLUNCK SHELL SERVICE CROP cussed state trucking laws and mem bers were urged to study pending legislation regarding large trucks I and the po--ible damage to the high ways. All members were urged to give blood for the blood bank when the mobile unit appears in Nyssa at the high school gym Aug. 5 Members were reminded that Malheur county has an insufficient supply of blood A letter of thanks from Bet tv Boeing was read to the group She was the winner o f a 4-H scholarship The Grange a ked the Nyssa Road district to see about cutting weeds >bstructing the view on intersec tions The organization went on record favoring stop signs and is asking the county court and road district to place* signs on roads in- i tersecting the main traveled roads. \ Mrs. Wilson Winter, home econ omics chairman, announced the Grange picnic to be held at the Nvssa city park July 27 is open to »11 members, former members and their friends. A special invitation is being given to the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce to be Grange guests that day. Refreshments were served by Mr ind Mrs. Alva Goodell and O. E. Cheldelin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom spent | the week-end in Ogden visiting j friends and relatives. Tuesday evening guests at the Kov H off home were Rev. and Mrs. John Briel and son, Johnny. Clifford Mink returned home Sat- | urday after a two weeks’ training | at Ft Lewis, Washington. Sunday evening guests at the Carl : Choat home at Middleton were Mr } and Mrs. Clifton Neilson. INSURANCE FOR SALE and grade stock. tender crops protects your farm income. Holstein Cows KEN PO ND “ IG N. 3rd VEST BRO. JSf Ph. 218 Route No. 2 Nyssa, Ore. Phone 030-R1 \ \ \ W U M ',/ ,/ / / / / As published in The Physical Therapy Re view and submitted by Pete Fleissner, re istered physiotherapist, and full-time member of the Malheur Memorial Hospital staff. The Polio Pledge is presented as a public service by The Gate City Journal. I W ILL REMEMBER TO Let my children continue to play and be with their usual companions. They have already been exposed to whatever polio virus may be in that group, and they may have developed immunity (protection) against it. Teach my children to scrub their hands before putting food in their mouths. Polio virus may be carried into the body through the mouth. See that my children never use any body else's towels, wash cloths or dirty drinking glasses, dishes and tableware. Polio virus could be carried from these things to other people. Follow my doctor’s advice about nose and throat operations, inoculations, or teeth extractions during the polio sea son. Be ever watchful for signs of polio: headache, fever, sore throat, upset stomach, tenderness and stiffness of the neck and back. Call my doctor at once and, in the meantime, put to bed and away from others any member of my family show ing such symptoms. I W ILL NOT There are three different viruses that cause polio. My children’s group may be immune to one of these. Strangers may carrv another polio virus to which they are not immune. Let my children become fatigued or chilled. Over-tired or chilled bodies are less able to fight off polio. Take my children away from our com munity without good cause. Polio time is the time to stay at home and keep with everyday companions. DEPENDABLE If Polio Sfcri f:es My Home USED CARS I WILL Have confidence in my doctor, know ing the earlier the care the better my child’s chances for complete recovery. I know that my child has a better than even chance to recover without para lysis. Call my local chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (in Nyssa, Clyde Snider, business phone, 24H; residence, 27Ü-J) immediately for information or help. Remember that whatever financial help my lamily needs for polio care w ill be given through the chapter. This is made possible by the gifts of the Am eri can people to the March of Dimes each January. A Williams, dean of admissions. The roster for the fall term Includes students from five states, Hawaii and indications are that this fall Addition was made to the City will see one of the largest entering of Nyssa’s rolling stock with the pur classes in the history of the college. chase last week of a a one and a half ton dump truck costing $600 A 1941 model, the truck was pur chased by City Manager E. K. Bur Visitors at the Harry Miner home ton while in Portland last Friday Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. H E. attending a hearing before the Sani Bloomenrader o f Hymore, South tation Authority of Oregon. Dakota. Tom Weeks, water superintendent, Out of town guests at the G. .1. went to Portland by train Saturday Mitchell home this last week were to drive the truck to Nyssa. Burton Dale Mitchell o f Donneley, Idaho made the return journey with him. and Charles Ross and Mrs. Raymond arriving here at 6 a.m. Sunday after Ross of Council, Idaho. Mrs. James Savage underwent sur driving all night. Other rolling stock of the city gery today (Thursday) at the M al includes two pickups. The new truck heur Memorial hospital. will be used principally in the pick Mrs. Bernard Frost returned from ing up o f street sweepings. Kellog Sunday. She brought her sis ter, Mrs Henry Krowley and chil dren home for a visit. Carolyn Vaukghn left last Tues day for a two weeks’ visit with her grandmother. Mrs. John W heel James Skeen, son of Frank Skeen, j wright at Ogden. [ route 1, Nyssa, is one of the fresh- i Mr. and Mrs. Evan Tobler and I men students who has completed all family, their houseguests, Mr. and ! admission procedures at the College Mrs. B. F. Cunningham o f Indiana, of Idaho, Caldwell, according to L. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler en- City Adds Dump Truck To Vehicles LO C A L NEW S Registered SEE US TO D AY O f turd W.«>h M r- Clokejr, sister ton state. On their return in three M V . weeks they will again visit with the spoilt three day- here on 4 vacation Fields. trip Vermont. Mr and Mr*. J. C. Smith were sur Tina June* and Bernard Fr.wt prised Tuesday mornin, when their ii' .. indu a tad their intention* of daughter. Mrs Jack Field, and fam attending the bi-monthly picnic of ily arrived from Britesville, Okla. the A-sociated Chamber- of Com A tetter of invitation from Owyhee merce. scheduled for July 21 at Cald County Fair board for Ny -a busi well nessmen to participate in the parade Mr and Mr*. Neil Forbes, of O g at Homed ale, Ida . Saturday. Aug. den, Utah, were guests Saturday and 23, was read before members of the Sunday at the Ellis Field home, Nys-a Chamber ol Commerce at its Route 2. on their way to Washing Wednesday noon meeting 1949 FORD FORDOR 1 2 9 5 00 Radio, Heater, Overdrive 1948 FORD FORDOR Radio and Heater—Exceptionally Clean QQCOO W ^ W 1947 FORD FORDOR 8 9 5 00 Overdrive, Heater 1947 FORD FORDOR from registered and hail insurance on all POLIO PLEDGE Allow my children to mingle with strangers, especially in crowds, or go into homes outside their own circle. Columbia rams Fire Insurance on your hay, o ir.R NINE /'///, GREATEST VALUE- lames Skeen To Attend Idaho College \ isitors at the John Ostrom home week were a daughter, Mrs Ad o f I Bowl, Who Till tort from W ed nesday until Friday, and Sunday guests were Mrs. M. E. Ostrom and children of Boise. joyed a picnic dinner Sunday at ! Julia Davis Park in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dority and their niece, Joanne of Chicago and Junior Paul plan to leave F ri day for a tour o f Yellowstone Park and two days of fishing at Spencer, I Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Howland Tobler and son returned to their home at Spo kane Saturday after a week’s visit at i the Lloyd Tobler home. Mrs. James Yost and ehildren spent from Monday until Thursday visiting at Juntura. (Crowded Out Last W eek) Visitors at the Holland Laurence home last week were Mr. and Mrs Leo Hank of Lakeview, Oregon. They were also visiting other friends and came to attend the Dollarhide funer- Visitors at the Diek Mason home, 214 K in g avenue, last week were , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clokey of Port Heater 8 9 5 ^ this 1947 DODGE SEDAN 8 9 5 “ Heater, Fluid Drive A L L OUR USED CARS C A R R Y A W RITTEN G U AR AN TE E — 6.000 MILES OR 180 D AYS WE HAVE TWO USED TRUCKS Hcrrlman Moior Co. "YO U R TR A N SPO R TA TIO N M ERCHANT" 314 Main Phone 77 or 76 IN DOOR STORAGE REFRIGERATORS - =5* / / / / __ 4 /// i \ A \W \ W \ FOR Everything Pertaining to BUILDING You'll Find Your Needs at Stunz QUALITY tu M s e x added space in the door for foods you use most often PHILC0 723. Here it is—the new value sensation in door storage refrigerators from Philco. Gives you twice as much front row space. Full 7.3 cu. ft. New "Key Largo” color. Full-width Crisper. F ull- width Freezer Compartment. Hew Low Price ffls Æ Philco SpaceSaver Electric Range PHILCO 221. Here in just 21 inches of wall space Philco packs the cooking capacity of a full- ■ize electric range. Yes. a huge 4800 cubic inch oven. Three high •peed surface units, including a giant size for big pana. Applianow outlet. Enjoy it now, pay later. mrssA FUfflirruHE co. 1 Block Waal of UailMBd Dapei Phon* 141 W 3 - x IÇ T " Complete Plans For Homes, Dairy Barns and Other Farm Buildings At No Extra Cost !' I I (JU T! Too hurt oven to cry. A thousand feelings flood through you —but your first coherent thought is h e lp ... doctor e telephone. CEMENT— NAILS— ROOFING— A telephone c a l l at such a time can mean Overall costs of construction are the d iffe r e n c e between p a in fu l a n x ie ty and peace o f mind, even the d iffe r e n c e between l i f e and death. But your teleph on e is not f o r em ergencies a lo n e. I t ’ s the ev eryday convenience that makes your telephone one of the thiu*s you could 1east do without- W INDOW S— BOLTS & SCREWS Your additional profits from a not as great as you might think. Grade A Dairy, will mean that your That’s part of our job, to help you barn is merely an investment from figure your needs and hold the cost to which you receive large returns. a minimum Many items in the build Other farm buildings, too, can mean ing line are actually lea* now than greater profits by the protection they they were a few year« ago. afford for your machinery and crops. Stunz Lumber Co. The stea dily Incre ajl n« dea/ind for service, from people l a e l l talks of l i f e , ia proof that *your telephone i * eortlt pore thaa i t c o a t » .* 707 Adrian Bird. Malh»uf H o rn * T b U photuo C o . e> 9