Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1952)
» THE NYSSA GATE CÎTY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 17, W 2 io In the aftermKin Mr and M rs K; uh Tollman and family ot Home- dale. Mr and Mrs. Donnn Brewer and sons and Mr. and Mrs T. H ■' Mi and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and Maxine went to Crooked Creek Sun day where they visited the Keith and Kenneth Kygar families and returned home Monday Mr. and Mr- Oral Hite and sons returned Tuesday from a week in Seattle and Canada. Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Brewer and daughter of Ontario accompanied the Hites. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner took their son. Bobby, to Boise Friday afternoon where he was scheduled to play the guitar on the radio but p * r p THF TE due to the Republican convention he a was made of Bobby and F*rank.i Parr playing two numbers and will be heard over K I DO. at 5 pm Mr*. Sherman Wilson Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mclv Phone Parma 21-MI Thune (M -K 3 and children visited at the Lt-ter Parker home in Hoinedale Sunday Several of the cattlemen of thu Oregon, where she will be one of church ba-emeiit. planned by the Mr and Mrs. Silas Bigelow called BO STO N -SH IPPEY W ED D IN G cim munity have been riding the the counsellors. The camp is for Marian Boston, daughter o f Mr WSOS. with Mrs. France Smalley in NJ Hall Pa-t week to see about their cattle Campfire girls and will last three Sohwetzer homes Sunday afternoon. ind Mrs. Earl Boston of Apple Val- l,i charge in the hills. They report very few weeks Mi s Cook i- a student at ley became the bride of Pfc. Robert Th e young couple, aft r a short Mr. and Mrs. T H Brew» , were cases of yellow fever here although E.O.C.E at La Grande. Shippey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carol honeymoon, will make their h >me Sunday dinner guests m the Faye in some other places losses have Shippey of Parma, in a double ring 111 Seattle, where the g r >ni i> -ta- Last Wednesday evening Mr and Beavers home in Caldwell. been rather heavy. .■eremony performed Sunday after- turned in the Ala-kail Coni Division Mrs. Bill Cook were pleasantly sur Mrs Werner Peutz and Wanda ut noon in the Apple Valles Methodl-t The t.ered wedding cake was cul On Sunday Mr and Mrs. Charley prised when some friends whom Mrs. Bob M orfitt and Mr William church. Reverend Finkbeiner of and served by an aunt of the groom, Culbertson were hosts at dinner for they hadn't seen for several years Peutz made a trip to Nampa Thurs Nampa officiated Mrs Opal Doinan and the punch Mr and Mrs. Eugene Youngman called on them They were Mr. and day. The ceremony was performed be was poured by an aunt of the bride. and daughters of Utleyville. Colo Mrs. Wesley Land and children fore a background of lighted white Mrs. Connie Rogers. The center- rado. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar and from Grand Junction. Colorado, who tapers and baskets of summer flow piece of the gift table was a large children and Mr. and Mrs. Merle were on their way to Boise on a va- ers in the presence of approximately doll, beautifully attired ii. tradition Kygar and children. ! cation. al wedding clothes. seventy-five relatives and friends. The O.K K. will have a picnic for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dali of Puy The bride, attired in a blue lace, allup, Wash., visited in the Archie their families Sunday in the Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hen-haw street length gown, and carrying a Moses home last week and also park. Members are asked to bring Mrs. Jake Borge and Dewey, returned from their trip white bible and a corsage of red their table service and potlucic visited relatives near Parma. Phone 048-R2 rosebuds and carnations, was given Henshaw home with them for the Mrs. Robert Toyne and son Jim. lunch. The club will furnish ice m marriage by her father. Her only summer. arrived Tuesday morning on the cream. Plans are to start dinner Dwight Seward was in Wenatchee. attendant, her sister. Betty Boston, train from Seattle to visit her sister at 1 o'clock. Mrs Ann Norvell and three child leader. Vern Butler, were present Wash.. Monday and Tin lay of li t Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and fam i Mr. and Mrs. D irrell Williams ren of Colorado Springs. Colorado, Terry's lamb was the topic of dis wore pink nylon and carried pink week to see a demonstration of a ly. Mr Toyne will arrive later and were hosts at dinner Sunday for were guests at the G e n e Pratt home cussion for the meeting Refresh rosebuds and carnations. new combine Dim Collins was the best man. take them hack home. her aunt. Mrs. Mae Townsend of la-t week. Mrs. Norvell is an aunt ments of punch and cookies were Mr. and Mrs A1 Grimes of Cald The tapers were lit preceding the Virginia Cook left Friday morning Buhl, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. of Mrs. Pratt and was enroute to served by Terry's mother. Mrs. well were Wednesday afternoon and ceremony by Wanda Scott and the far Camp Hideaway near Ukiah. Ernie Barker and family of O ntar Washington. Borge. two younger brothers of the bride evening visitors in the Waldo Smal The Ilira i brothers harvested a and groom were ushers. ley home. Mrs. Grimes attended the Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Borge field of early potatoes last week. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. bridal shower for Marian Boston. Jim Turnbull of Salem. Mr. and and children picnicked at Owyhee J. W. Jones, father of Mrs. Oscar B >ston chose a sheer afternoon dress Dam Sunday. The Jim Borge fam i Mrs. Henry Pete of Portland and with a corsage of red rosebuds and Nichols, passed away at a Caldwell ly, who have spent the past week Ml and Mrs. L. J. Kim ey of On white carnations, and Mrs. Shippey. hospital Friday afternoon and fu at the Jake Borge home left for tario were guests at the M. O. Judd mother of the groom, wore a navy neral services were held Tuesday. their home in Sacramento later in home Thurs lay evening. blue crepe with a rosebud and car Mrs Jones underwent major surgery Friday morning and is in serious | the evening. I Mrs. Maurice O. Judd assisted nation corsage. Trula Franklin sang "Alw ays” and condition. The Modern Pioneer club mem Mrs. L. J. Kinney Saturday evening Mrs DeLoyd Sehimmels entered bers, their husbands and families, when she entertained in her home " I Love You Tru ly" preceding the .it Alphonsus hospital in Boise went to the Caldwell park Sunday in Ontario for Mrs. Henry Petp, who ceremony. Immediately following the nupti Monday afternoon for surgery Tues for a picnic. This picnic is an an- was formerly Jane Turnbull of On tario. als, a reception was held in the day morning j nual affair. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz spent a family went to the E. c. Seuell few days in the mountains fishing and resting last week. home for a watermelon feed. The 4-H Livestock club met at Fred Norman left Sunday for St. Wednesday evening Mrs. Roy llo ff the home o f Terry Borge Saturday j Louis, Missouri, where he will a t i attended a reunion of the girls of Mrs. Pauline McGinnis afternoon. Four members and their tend the Purina research farm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes went to her graduating class at Fruitland Owyhee Occurrences Apple Valley Activities Newell Heights News Adrian News '(TI ¿nxü. IS C O M I N G ! DR. C.W. GRAVES Optometrist FROM Eyes Examined M- G- M! T E C H N I C O L O R ! Phone 9-2312 718 Arthur St. NYSSA THEATRE Caldwell, Idaho Telephone 108 LOCAL NEWS Rev. and Mrs. Henry Moore are Unity Sunday to meet her aunt and attending the United Presbyterian iTncle, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow conference in Seabeck Washington. of John Day. They had a picnic in Mr and Mrs. Andrew Ekanger of Unity and then went to Malheur Richland district were visitors Mon City. Sunday evening Carroll Tucker day evening at the Jim McGinnis and family of Warden, Washington, home. Mr. and Mrs. Atteberry and fam i and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H o ff and ly of Ontario were dinner guests Saturday evening at the Glen Brown home. Mrs. Bill Looney spent Sunday in Emmett visiting her father A. C. Henderson at the hospital. She re ports he is progressing nicely after major surgery. Judy Atteberry o f Ontario spent Wire Tie several days visiting Kristine Kor- man at her grandparents, the Glen Browns. Friday evening they at All New Equipment tended the Nyssa rodeo. Clayton and Floyd Martin at tended the Nebraska picnic Sunday at the park in Nyssa. Phone 277-NW Mrs. Lorna Smith spent Sunday visting her brother Waiter Pinkston and family of Kingman Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly are va cationing at Burgdorf. Idaho, this week. Airman 2nd class Bob Matthews is home on furlough from Seattle visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Matthews. Mrs. Leonard Smith and daughters spent the weekend in Payette visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Montague. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Trousdale and son Dick of Seattle, were Mon day evening dinner guests o f Mr and Mrs. Glen Brown. They were on their way home after a trip through Yellowstone park. . Mrs Bill Ashcraft received word of the death of her brother Bob Stacey at Thornton, Idaho. She went up there Sunday to attend the funeral. He has visited here many times. Rev. and Mrs. John Phillips and family left Wednesday for Sanders, Idaho, where they will attend a two-week conference meeting of Not too long ago , within the memory o f living men, the Free Methodist churches. exploration for new petroleum de|H»sits here in the West Mr. and Mrs Robert Neer of w hh a mutter o f discovering oil seeps or drilling on “ hunch.” Portland are the parents of a daugh Hut even hunches had a reasonable chanee o f succès*. ter born Sunday, July 13. She has Although methods were primitive, the early Western fields been named Stephanie. This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. | were brought into production at a cost which nowadays K I. Peterson. would seem extremely low. Mr. and Mrs. James Moncarr and Kristine of Boise were dinner guests Tuesday evening of her parents, the Glen Browns, Kristine remained for a longer visit. Floyd Martin of Oconto. Nebraska, arrived Friday to live with his uncle, Clayton Martin. He will help work in the store. M iss Faye Loup of Idaho Falls is spending her vacation here visiting her sister, Mrs. Carl Piercey. high in 1945. Approximately 10 girls were pre-ent. Visitors at the Roy llu ff home Monday evening were Mr. and Mr- Wyley Beyf and sons. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Olson spent Sunday in Nam pi visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 4 ruson flew to Bei-e Sunday tor rht air br -ax- ia.-t Mr. and Mrs. Richard I orhess and sons returned Sunday from a three- week trip through Calif' >rnia. Ore gon. Washington and into Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Smalley ami sons arrived Monday at the home of Mr and Mr- Richard Forbes«. Mrs. Smalley and Mrs. Forbe-- are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hall, parents of Mrs. Clifford Fox returned to their home in South Dakota. Sun day. Before they left they had a family picnic at McCall and then they left for their home from there. Wlule visiting in Nyssa they took a trip to Bellingham to visit Mrs. Hall’s brother Visitors at the D. W. Hooper home over the weekend were Mrs. Hooper's brother, Bill Baker, and her sister-in-law. Mr-. Carl Baker, Norman and Charles, all of Burley, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear vis ited with friends at the Veterans' hospital in Boise Sunday. FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Call J. C. SMI TH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J ssci?::-.: yym*mata DEAD AlNIMALS F re e P ickup F a st S e rv ic e WANTED Hay Baling Parma Phone 98 Nyssa Phone 100-R Id a h o O r e g o n R e n d e rin g C o. Jack Ziltercob Nyssa« Oregon 9 What it takes to find oil fo r you O n SATURDAY, JULY 19, we will announce an entirely new line of general-purpose tractors — suc J Simmons, former resident of Nyssa, has been in the hospital at | Caldwell for quite a while and the ; last report was that his condition | is considered better. Mrs. A. L. Ileldt's mother, Mrs. Pentz, left Sunday for her home in Stanford, Nebraska. She has been visiting her daughter for the past week. cessors to the famous John Deere Models “A ” and “B.” By far the greatest values ever offered by John Deere, these new tractors feature major engineering advancements and a host of improvements that step up tractor performance in many different ways. CROP INSURANCE One of these new models will be on display at our store this Saturday so be sure to stop in and see for yourself how much more value these great new John Deere Tractors offer you. and hail insurance on all tender crops protects your farm income. SEE US TODAY HOLLINGSWORTHS’, INC. Nvssa Fire Insurance on your hay, Oregon P H O N » 142 * KEN POND ¿6 N. 3rd Insurance Ph. 21S It's not so easy today. Most o f the easily d iscovera b le deposits have been found. Hut Standard geolog’-*« using seismograph and the la te st electronic methods, are com bing every promising part o f America, from ILouisiana swamps to the Arctic Circle . . . and many foreign coun tries as well. 4| As oil has become more difficult and ex p en sive to produce, your demand has becom e greater. M ore and more o f the good thinga in you r life depend on p e tro le u m 'fo r fuel, or lubrication, or their actual ingredients. 4JTo do its share in the great new search for oil. Standard alone has spent more than $230,000,000 in the last 5 years. Result: U.S. companies altogether have found enough untapped petroleum to give this country its highest oil reserve in history — fo u r tim es greater than that o f 30 years ago. Geologists estimate that there are still 1500 billion barrels o f undiscovered oil in the earth. Standard Oil Company of California does every thing possible in large acale exploration to increase available reserves. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA plans ta sene better