Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1952)
o o THE NYSSA PAGE TWO THE GATE CITY JOI RY4L D l 'A N F K. Al l I .................................................E d it o r i n d P u b li s h e r l i u a n r K A lters a n d l<eo. I W h o rto n . O w n ers SI BS( R1PTION RATES 1 Y ear_______________ |2 50 NIW JfAPII C $1 50 l year outside Malheur Co and Parma Ida rural routes. Ei 00 3 . • ( ' r 03 J iStrictly in Advance) > S .............................. OC I At IO N Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United State* the act M onths at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second cl*as matter, under of March 3. 187» Along The Letters to Editor EDITOR'S BEET GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY JUNE 19 1952 thorough-fare fr an th< »a. I er Bridge to the city Lmiu to the north of j ;r '.»ere were bat four flags on di-piay Of these none were in front or above e.ther the Post Office or your bank One of the first things that is taught to our children in our schools is the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag and the honor and respect which it deserves Are we as adults -etting the example we should by not display».' the FI ig of the United State» of America on Flag Day? Are the people •! Nys-a so engrossed >n their own that they are for getting the traditions and the heri tages that i e> with being Ameri cans? Yours truly. M. C. Wilder burial ing playing game T e who won aLso won k g n w*th M prize were Mr Chat.* Garrison, Mrs. George Coleman. Mrs. Oscar! is Oscar l Mu» NewbiU opened her gifts re- * erved by the co- -c :> . ... E * K• aharo and Mr» Wilson. ito ti e A m nity Club Met The Amnity me: at the home of Mr- Charles Mann la-' Thursday During the program Laura Schenk gave an account of her experience and life at B Y U Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting is today at the home of Mrs. Delbert Hooper. Tom Low Mr. and Mrs. Entertained Let's Go To The Third Annual Irrig a to rs’ Institute Friday , June 27 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Loe entertained at a dinner Saturday evening for Mrs. Wilber Stewart of Ontario, Mr and Mrs Harold Loe and family of McNary, Mr and M: Clifton Neil- son. Miss Mildred L<>e of Nyssa and Robert Laughlin of Portland. Bridal S lo w er Given \ C 8«iee wxrorg second w re served by the A bridal ¡hi ver was given Wed nesday even».-, June 11 for Miss Bridge Club Ontario, Oregon A bridge club was held Tuesday June 14. 1952 Betty Nexo.:; at the home of Mrs. Marvin W. . There were 20 guests at Mrs. Bernard Pro-t home Mr- Dear Editor: What has become of the Spirit of present a: d they enjoyed the even A H Boydell'was the gue-t and she Someday we're gonna do just what Patriotism that the American people all editors want to do and never get at one time displayed and the re done, and what all tourists to Europe spect that they showed for the flag actually do—were gonna wmte a ol our country. It so happened that book then head for the high hills on Memorial Day that I passed down the main street of Nyssa and for two or three years. Yes, that's the number marveled at the total absence of the This book will really be filled with to call for your every vitriolic blasts and should be a best Stars and Stripe» on the day that seller—for two or three days—be we honor those who gave their lives Photographic need— cause it will contain biased opinions, in an effort to preserve the Ameri can Way of Life. plenty of tips on how to correct, PORTRAITS I again passed down the main everything and so many unrevealed 1 street of Nyssa today Flag Day. On COMMERCIAL revelations on local and national ac tivities that toes will be sore from the entire length of the main WEDDING the treading for months to come The book will be the unabridged even more biased than we are He cupy of burning editorials we had had all the answers—which probably was the chief source of our irrita better sense than to publish The public probably doesn’t un tion—and some rough remarks about derstand how difficult it is to keep other politicians. Even though we Hours 10:00 to 7:00 from expounding on Just about every agreed with his basic reasoning, his comments got under our skin and issue of the day, local and other- i Dally Except Thurs. wise. When the blood pressure goes a sarcastic comment slipped out up and we think it our bounded duty when we got a word in edge-wise to 10:00 to 6:00 to sound off, we Just use up some 1 . <• us some red-tape-heckling from over Salem way. We couldn't extra copy papier. type to our heart' content until we have the blood print our opinions of the episode be Satisfaction Guaranteed pressure down and our chest clear- j cause of a left-handed threat or two or our service is FREE! ed The hot copy is set aside for a tossed our way. so you'll just have to 24-hour cooling off pieriod. after wait for our autographed copy of f which we are calm, cool and collect our book. Oh well, they say that next to be ed and realize it's ridiculous to blow 114 South Third St. ' 2 Block South of the City Hall our top, and it's never published ing shot at and missed, nothing is Phone 264-J Nyssa, Oregon Apparently Drew Pearson and West quite so satisfying as an income brook Pegler don't have any cooling tax refund The latter, we've never off period for their copy, but look experienced. where they are. John Daly, the Journal ad man This book could well serve as a guide for all young people with aspi and printer, has been fit to be tied c ^ t rations to enter the newspaper work the past week Last Friday morning he became grandpa for the fifth It is a well known fact that editors are considered hard-headed guys time when a son was born to his whose opinions can't be changed, daughter. Mrs. Marva Smith. Mon who think they're right in the face day afternoon he was grandpa the of concrete proof otherwise and sixth time when a son was born to whose advice serves mainly to swav another daughter, Mrs. Alvin Ma the public to the side other than son Both events were at the Mal heur Memorial hospital. that which they advocate. A few days ago, for instance, we Being a master at figuring the made a dent right In the ceiling whys and wherefores, John still above the desk after blowing our doesn't have the answer to the qut*'- tops at a political appointee who is tion of the reversals being presented by the third generation from the second generation. Mr and Mrs Daly have five daughters and one son, and they now have five grand TRAIL WAYS sons and one granddaughter. 264 J Please! You are cordially invited to attend the Irrigators’ Institute which will be held at the Boulevard («range Hall, I miles south of Ontario, on Friday, dune 27. The program will begin im mediately following the luncheon, which will be served at 12 o'clock noon by Idaho Power Company. Open Saturday, June 21st Outstanding specialists will discuss all phases of elect--Ir pumping and sprinkler irrigation system s. Colored slides of actual local installations will be shown to demonstrate all types of irrigation. •a?- ID A H O V SCHOEN PORTRAITS A CITIZEN POW ER WHEREVER IT S E R V E S yourself a s a v in g s 0 (à ' X à L«< Vo*" A Agent plan a LOW COST .„ri-‘¡I Tour anywhere í ' a , in the nation li' '-ri for your VACATION * ' this year..Relax in comfort and TRAVEL I M I I R I I N D I T SUS U N I 220 Main St. . Phone 217 Last week's announcement that Mr and Mrs Bernard Frost and soil Bernard Hazel and Bunky—will be leaving Nyssa, already has left a hole In the community. Bernard and Hazel have been active in commun ity uffairs for many years and are directly and Indirectly responsible for hundreds of points of progress, many of which have faded from the memory of others. Undoubtedly many of the small things in which their influence was felt, will be recalled after they move to Payette. The big things, and there are many of them, have never been forgotten even though they may not be cataloged. The Frosts have been enriched with the satisfaction of being an ac tive part of a growing community and the community is a better place for their having spent 22 years here Tile Journal Joins with hundreds of others in expressing regrets that they are leaving, but wishing them well In their new location where he has served so many years. W E E K - El ND SPECIALS W H ILE THEY LAST B akery Goods CAKES * A 0 t £ l - Slight Irr’s—7 4 to 1 0 4 to;. 49:. Large size 24x48 CHECKED DENIM TERRY CLOTH Extra heavy- White and Rose 49;, State Fair Tomatoes No. 2 can $ 1 .0 0 D r y Good« nm m/rii’o DnAbnUl 0 Shoaa Fitting X-Ray 3hoa Clothing CAM MHO GET Alters M it CAMPINO HIT HltC Pkg. 15c Pkg. 15c Ice Cold Joan of Arc Pork & Beans No. 308 size $ 1 .0 0 11 for Marshmallows Saturday, June 21 Large size ! Simplot Cream Style Corn $ 1 .0 0 Oranges 6 for 100 for only Sun Pep Juice 4 for $ 1 .0 0 Cauliflower Wilson's Corn King "Franks " $ 1 .0 0 2 Pounds 39c Pound Ground Beef Pound 5 5 e Cold Lunch Meats Pound 5 9 c Assorted Large you’ll Want S I.00 Frozen Lemon Juice ____ 7 Cans for $ 1 .0 0 5 for $ 1 .0 0 Titan Green Beans ________ 8 Cans for $ 1 .0 0 $ 1 .0 0 Simplot Diced Carrots No. 2 cans ___9 Cans $ 1.00 Flapjack Flour 5 for $ 1 .0 0 each 2 3 c 20 oz. Flapjack Flour 3 for $ 1 .0 0 EACH Cantalopes 3 for 4 5 c W onderfood—12 oz. package No. 303 size Watermelons 6 for heads STRAW HATS YOUR CHOICE Two for S I.0 0 Canning Supplies Complete 2 4 lb._________________________________ Tomato Hot Sauce 13 Cans for $ 1 .0 0 S dr W Vanilla Dessert 2-5 lb. Cans $ 1 .0 0 WHITE STAR STRAINED Baby Tuna Open Sunday Afternoon 79U Large Selection LADIES' SUITS Clearance Price V* OFF W f&t*- 39c GARDEN FRESH Wilson's Corn King Balogna RAG RUGS each Hamburger Bun* Hot Dog Buns Orange, grapefruit, blended—46 oz cans BOYS' DRESS SOCKS MakesJ4n}lig ht and fluffy as 0 Cloud! J s J FREE POP Saturday Only DEPEND- « ABLE GORDON'S DRIVE - IN wmmgXk I ph o n e 88 ' l ïi A\ u 1B///// fiff/s s G R O C ER S 8 Cans $ 1 .0 0