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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1951)
I THE N YSSA Jolly Janes Plan Christmas Parlv G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R meat. John Thompson and Tom Jones went on to Payette to trans act business, and attend the regular weekly sale at Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Sharan. Karan and Wayne and Mr B IG BEND, Dec 13—The Jolly Jane and Mrs. Elmer Prosser went to club will hold its regular Christmas Emmett Sunday to visit Mr. and party December 19 at the Harvey Mrs. Delno Brock and girls. Hatch home. A covered dish lunch Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taomas spent will be served at noon. Each member Sunday in the Virgil Raney home. Is asked to be hostess to a new mem The group enjoyed a birthday dinner ber The afternoon will be taken up in honor of Miss Millie Raney with election of new officers, draw Mrs. Herb Thomas. Mrs. Virgil ing names for new Pollyannas and Raney o f the Island, and Mrs. exchange of gifts. Oifts. candy, nuts Bawtimheimer of Roswell were shop and popcorn will be distributed from ping in Caldwell Thursday. a Christmas tree to the children. Saturday afternoon, Ronnie, Helen | and Bethel English of Adrian, help- i ed little Ross English celebrate his third birthday Saturday afternoon. ! In the evening his grandmother. G ifts fo r B a b y . | Mrs. Earl Clary; Elaine and Martha W e d d in g . B irth d a y s A L L K IN D S O F j of Roswell and Mr. and Mrs. Dyre I Roberts and Sharen and Karen en- D e b u ta n te Cosm etics ( Joyed a birthday supper given for U N F IN IS H E D P L A Q U E S j Ross. | Mrs Darrell Warshen, formerly C H R IS T M A S A N D B IR T H D A Y Miss Melvlna Kandler, and Mrs. CARDS j Gene Ellis, formerly Miss Leona T R IM M IN G S AN D Kandler. of Hazleton, Idaho, came R ea l Estate H E M S T IT C H IN G home to visit their parents Decem- Insurance i ber 1. They have both returned to M rs .F a ie H . D u f f in Phon e 218 16 North 3rd. their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater and Billie and Loraine were dinner guests in the Bill Van DeWater home home Sunday. Carl Fugleman and Ester of Nam pa called in the Bill Van DeWater home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cartwright and children went to Burns over the week-end goose hunting. While at Burns they visited in the home of W R A P P IN G . C U S T O M B U T C H E R IN G Mrs Cartwright’s sister, Mrs. Van- derdasson Stock re ceive d fro m M o n d a y m o rn in g Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullins of G ar u n til F r id a y noon denia, California, returned to their home Friday after visiting her sister. Mrs. Ezra Wooley and family. M r .and Mrs. Ezra Wooley were in Caldwell shopping Saturday. Miss Janice Jones accompanied the Harvey Knapp family to Melba Sunday and visited the Floyd Piersol family. Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers were shopping in Ontario Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reno of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Clenton Reno of Parma and their families, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reno. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Cartwright were business visitors in Caldwell Thursday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley Tuesday morn ing, December 4. She has been nam ed Kathy Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Reno were business visitors in Nyssa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett were dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Bennett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Bill Van DeWater attended the live stock sale in Ontario Monday. 2 X 4 D I M E N S I O N A T $55 P E R M Mrs. Angie Chaney and children were Christmas shopping in Cald well Saturday. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs Phil Bockus’ daughter. Phyllis, and husband are the parents of a boy born November 20. The Bockus family formerly lived at Big Bend, but now reside at Addy, Washington. Mrs. Ruth Morgan and Oladys Swigert visited their grandmother, Mrs. Tom Lowe, Sunday evening. Mrs. Lowe feels some stronger, but Is not to well yet. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Tuppeny re turned home Monday from a visit at Denver with Mr. Tuppeny's moth er, their three children and other relatives. Mrs. James Bean, their youngest daughter, and three child ren came home with them. Mrs. Bean Is not very well and is taking treatments. Patty started to school Tuesday at Adrian. Faie's Gift Shop Anyone wishing to attend the party is invited Plans for the party were outlined at a meeting o f the club Wednesday, December & at the home of Mrs. Lenne Smith. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Alice and Jimmy went to Caldwell Satur day Christmas shopping. Harvey Hatch made a business trip to Vale Monday. Mr. and Mrs John Thompson, Helen Hatch and Tom Jones went to Ontario Tuesday. Mary and Helen were project leaders from the A and B extension unit. Miss Miller dem onstrated how to cook low cuts of -L O A N S - Real Estate Loans Prompt, Courteous Service KEN POND 313 Good Ave. FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE LOCKERS AVAILABLE GRAIN-FED BEEF, CUSTOM CUTTING AND Vz mile west on Alberta Ave. Phone 381-R, locker plant Phone 381-W, slaughterhouse and cutting room Stretch Your Building $ $ $ WITH HOME-OWNED NYSSA LUMBER CO. HELMER'S SPECIAL THIS WEEK WE STILL HAVE 1 x 12 SHEETING AT $45 PER THOUSAND WALL-SATIN A washable, rubberized finish for interior walls and wood trim per gallon $4.65 Clothing Is Given For Korean Relief NU-ACRBS. Dec. 13—T h e Nu-Acres Orange collected a large amount of used clothing at the meeting Thurs day evening. The main feature o f Full 40-inch range with 3 full-sized “ C o a o x ” Surface Unite, plus built-in, 6-quart Econo-Cooker and 3 big, easy-glide Storage Drawers! SUPER-SIZED MIRACLE OVEN! Offered for the first time in this value-priced model! Bakes perfectly in any rack poeition! Full-width, smokeless broiling. "" !■ ' — — a»^ | FAM OUS WESTINGHOUSE CO O KING CONTROLS I Exclusive Tel-A-Glanos Controls, all located out o f the “ Steam Zone!" Light and Electric Timer sembly available at alight additional cost. Membership Plan Of Bureau Laid The Malheur County Farm Bureau met at the Moore hotel dining room for a membership "kick-off", lunch eon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Staggs of Baker county were special guests. The meeting was started with a welcome ATTENTION M AN OR LADY Will you have $5000 to $10,000 you could put to work at 8 to 10% annual re turns? One year or five- year period. Very best se curity. Interest Paid BROWER S PLUMBING SHOP 310 Main Street M onthly. Phone 196-J THE STORK SHOP 14 No. Third St Bureau is the only force taking the initiative In preventing the state from confiscating farming lands". After short sUtements by the center membership chairmen. Tiny Hardin of Vale. Art Bennett of Wli- lowcreek. Ted Morgan of Nyssa and Lawrence Kreager of Adrian, mem bership kits were passed out by County Membership Chairman Jake Borge And Older Children ^ A nnouncing C hrysler h’52 CARS SO WONDERFULLY DIFFERENT TO DRIVE THEY BRING YOU A O p por tunity for additional Incom e also. AD D R E SS IN Q U IR IE S T O P . O . B O X 54 NEW KIND OF TRAVEL! P A R M A , ID A H O SHAKES Think of the joy in your whole hqptehold (hit Christmat H you moke your older home look now ogoin! You con hove a beautiful now appeoranco with iho application of pro-ttoinod OLYMPIC Porfoct Fit Shako* over your proton! tide walk Soloct your own color from tho choico of 16 modom colon available There are no »trvctural change* nece«*ory .. provide* color plu* double intulafion. Economical too, tave* 25X of fuel cott and 50% on upkeep too vt I odor tor oirhootot and you can BE iTiVVestinghouse thing of the new su te U x appraisal program now In progress. He said he wished to make It clear that the Farm Bureau has no desire to try to evade paying uxes, but wants to maintain equalization of taxes in the counties. He asked the question go back to the sound thinking of ; good people". Ted Morgan, regional director, ex pressed the thought that “the Parm THREE Colorful and Educational toys for the small fry. Baby blankets and shawls in lovely pastels and white. Show-off panties, yellow, mint, red and white. Quilted robes and dusters for Christmas morning. Warm jackets and coats, quilted linings and fur collars. Smart air force and army uniforms for the boys. Corduroy shirts, in Christ mas colors. ., --------------- ---------------------------------- fif « ' the program was a movie. "The by Hugh McConnell, county chair- Science of Milk Production", shown concerning Inflation. "How far and by Dean Ellis of Fruitland. The how long can this thing go and the clothing that was collected will be government still retain the privilege of borrowing from Its citizens?” packed and sent to Korea. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chesney re Staggs also brought out that "we ceived word from their son. Pfc. have to go beyond political party and Donald Chesney, who Is with the man; piano and guitar selections by 160th infantry in Japan, that he TUlie Saxton and JakeHorgeand an has been moved from Camp McNair address by the guest speaker. Ira to Camp Zama. Chesney drives a, Suggs, who told the group some truck wnich carries medical supplies.! He and his truck were flown to the new camp in a C-110 flying box car. At present he is working in the hos pital near Camp Zama caring for wounded boys from Korea. Oeorge Dohner was a dinner guest at the Merle Thomson home Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Michell were called to Oklahoma this week be cause o f the death o f a relative. Mr Mitchell's parents of Fruitland went with them. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Murray and family are moving to Moses Lake, Washington. Joy Cullen and Donna Nedbalek visited Friday evening with Joy’s grandmother. Mrs. Elbert Robinette, In New Plymouth. Jake Sm it returned home from Stlbnite Tuesday. He will remain here to farm this coming year. Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H off and Terry were In Boise Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M C. Seuell attend ed the State Farm Bureau meeting in Boise Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley went with them Thurs day. Dinner gue-ts at the M. C. Seuell home Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell and family of Adrian. Mrs. Seuell’s brother. Marvin Coons of Kansas City. Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H off and Terry of Nyssa. and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and family o f Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit played whist at the Pete Tensen home in Nyssa Friday afternoon. Mrs. Cecil Evans and Mrs. Henry Orcutt returned Friday after attend ing the State Grange meeting In Burley. Harry Wood, who recently return ed from the veterans hospital in Boise, where he underwent surgery, is reported to be doing well and gaining strength. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney had din ner Monday with Mrs. Eleanor Wherry in Payette. The Payette County Farm Bureau sent M. C. Seuell as a delegate to the Farm Bureau convention In Chi cago. He left Wednesday evening. Mrs. Seuell is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Hoff, in Nyssa while Mr. Seuell is away. A NEW HOME AT YOUR OLD ADDRESS W ITH ... B IO S U R F A C S C O O K IN G C A P A C IT Y ! PAGE 13 1951 Stunz Lumber Co. A More Powerful Windsor “ 4 ” The Dietinguiehed New Yorker Tho famouo Spitfire enfino is In creased in d ie and power. Hydro guide Power Steering, Electric Window Lifts, available at extra coot. (Windsor Body Styles: 8 and I-Passenger Sedane, Club Coupe, -.roam A Country Wagon. Windsor Ih L u xe: 8-Pass. Sedan, Convertible Coupe, Newport Coupe.) 131W wheelbase, 180 horsepower. All-new I nterior Tailoring, Power brakes, Fluid-Matic Drive. Power Steering, Flu id-Torqu e D rive, Electric Window Lifts, so extra equipment. 18-Pass. Sedan, Con vertible Coupe, Newport Coupe.) The B rillia n t JM H P. Saratoga V-8 T h e spectacular Chryaier Firo- Fowsr engine on 12SH' wheel base. Power brakea, Fluid-Malic Drive, H yd ragu id e .Steering, E lectric W indow L ifts , Fluid -Torque Drivo, aa extra equipment. (6 and 8-P a n Sodane. Club Coupe, Town A Country Wagon.) The Magnificent Imperial P reri me new leader o f the world's fine cars. 180 H .P . — end more. Electric Window Lifts standard. Ilyd ra gu id a Steering. Fluid- Torque Drive standard on Crown Imperial, avallabia on other mod ela. New airplane-type Disc Brakes on Crown Imperial. ( Imperial in 6-Paseenger Sedan or New port Coupe, Crown Imperial in B- Passenger Sedan and Limousine * » « « i r 4 * ri tu r row tu s t remiso N ew le ea frly, n a . m i l l o ) . . . krdroultr puww automatically dem 4 6 o f the work1 Waggoner Motor Co. Ny.h.°a? ofegor.