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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1950)
PAGE SEVFN THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 6. 1950 Potato Shipping ^ Rules Adopted committee to do so, shall have each of such shipments inspected and pay assessments in connection therewith, and for each shipment made pursuant to subdivisions (3), (4), and (5) of this subparagraph, shall furnish a copy of the b\ll of lading applicable thereto to the committee. Provided Turther. that each handler making shipments of potatoes pursuant to subdivision (2) of this subparagraph shall in clude in his application applicable thereto, the export certificate num ber and enter such certificate num ber on the federal-state inspection certificate and bill of lading ap plicable to such shipment, and that each application to ship potatoes pursuant to subdivisions (4) and (5) of this subparagraph shall be ac companied by the applicant hand ler's certification and the buyer's certification that the potatoes to be shipped are to be used for the pur pose stated in the application." The grower member of the com mittee is N. E. George of Homedale and the alternate is Virgil E. Parmer of Caldwell. S. E. Hartley of Nyssa is the handler member and Tom Iseri of Ontario is the alternate. (Continued from Pace 1) cessively skinned potatoes involved therein and each lot of such po tatoes so reported is handled as an individual entity. “ (c). It is recommended further that for the period beginning July 1 , 1950 and ending May 31, 1951 no handler shall ship potatoes of the Russet Burbank, long white, or round red varieties unless such po tatoes are "generally fairly clean” , as defined in the U. S. standards for potatoes, which means that 90% or more o f the potatoes in any lot must be fairly clean. " It is recommended further that the aforesaid limitations shall not be applicable to (1) shipments of seed potatoes for use as seed, (2) shipments of potatoes for export, (3 1 shipments of potatoes for sale to the federal government under pro grams authorized by the Secretary, (4) shipments of potatoes for can ning, dehydration, or manufacture or conversion into starch, flour, meal, and alcohol, and (5) shipment Colorado Visitor Here— of potatoes for livestock feed. Miss Hazel Corlett of Salida, Colo "Provided further, that each handler, prior to making special rado was a visitor last week at the purpose shipments pursuant hereto, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost. shall file an application with the Here From Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holman of Portland visited his sisters, Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and his mother, Mrs. Webb Pennie over the week-end. Help yourself to more hours able, often. fresh bakery goods I t ’s the fast way to flavorful menus! “ Home of Home Made Bread” MORRIS BAKERY PHONE 374 ser ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Reece Frank C. Coley, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes i for all with object and flannel- graph lessons for the children. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Friday evening, Christ's Ambas sadors young people's'service. Everyone welcome.. CHURCH OF C H RIST Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 10 a. m„ Bible school hour. 11 a. m , Morning worship. L. D. S. 1st W ARD Dean Fife. Bishop Sunday, 9 a. m., Sunday school. 10:30 a m.. priesthood meeting. 6:30 p. m., sacrament meeting. Thursday. 2 p. m.. relief society. 4 p. m.. primary. 7:30 p. m., M. I. A. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Shervin Schmidt. Pastor TTiere will be no service Sunday, July 2. THE 6Jytfc L O S T —Two fine bamboo fishing Morris. Morris bakery. poles in cases on the Owyhee back FO R SALE—Another used electric water, phone 268-R, C liff Main. Hotpoint range, tip-top condition. Nyssa. 6Jy2xp See Ez Carr at G and B Store. 6Jqtfc F O R S A L E— Damaged Hotpoint FO R SALE—Special, adjustable all- automatic washer, paint damaged metal ironing board and Sunbeam only, will sell at a real discount. See Ez Carr at G and B Store. 6Jytfc Morning worship, 11 a. m. Bible study at 7 p. m. Evening service. 8 p. m. M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m„ morning worship. 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. SUNSET V A LLE Y ASSEM BLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting. 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study. 8 p. m. FO R SALE— 25 tons baled hay, first cutting, not rained on, $20 ton. C A TH O LIC CHURCH Phone Gene Honey, Parma 21F21. Park Avenue and Third Street 6Jylxp Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor Mass on Sundays at 8:30. Cate FO R SALE— Modern two-bedroom home, one year old. $3100. $1850 chism at 10 a. m. Saturdays. down. $54 monthly payments. Phone 329-HR. 6Jy2xc C ARD O F T H A N K S Your kindness at the time of the death of our dear husband and FO R R E NT—Four-room air-oendit- father, Joseph Berrell Ewer, is more ioned apartment o(|t Park avenue. 6jytfc deeply appreciated than any word Phone 308-W. of thanks can express. FO R SALE— Black and red rasp Nellie Y. Ewer berries. Apple Valley. Mrs. Ura Eunice Wallace Robinson. 6jy2xp Marian Applegate Nellie Berrell Smith FO R R E N T —Furnished apartment with bath, utilities furnished. Phone C ARD O F TH AN K S 63-J. 6Jy2xc W e wish to express our grateful thanks to the many friends who by W A N TE D —To care for children, day 6jy4xp their thoughtfulness and under or evening. Phone 63-J. standing helped us In our sorrow. FO R SALE— Used dining room set, Dr. J. J. Sarazin and family only $75. Ez at the O and B Store. Miss Eva Boydell 6jytfc The A. H. Boydell family The E. B. Nedry family. FO R SALE—Used washer, $15. Ez Carr, G and B Store. 6jytfc TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR R E N T —Four-room house, four miles west on Alberta, one mile BIBLE B A P T IS T CHURCH I south, partly furnished, electric wat- 213 Second St. South Relatives V is it - Sunday school. John Benedict, I er heater and range. See O. J. Kurtz. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Superintendent, 10 a. m. | Rt. 2. 6Jy 2xp Mrs. L. E. Robbins are Mrs. Robbin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stock- fleth of Newport, Oregon, and Mr and Mrs. Earnest Gardner of Newell, South Dakota. Mrs. Garner and Mrs. Robbins are sisters. per day, more deliciousness per meal! Serve our delect Morning service, 11 a. m. Song service, 7:30 p. m Evening service. 8 p. m. Wednesday evening grayer vice, 8 p. m. Church Notes THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNE Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. N. Y. P. S service, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting, W ed nesday evening, 8 p. m. Visitation Friday evening from 7 to 9. There is special music and sing ing at each of our regular services. W e extend a hearty welcome to all to worship with us. 8T. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Church school, 10 a. m. Church services, 7:30 p. m.. every Sunday evening. M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH W. M. Turner. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. C jm w M y It f 50 + fá tp o tftT 8 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Iron, regular $26. special $19.45. See old Ez at G and B Store for those real buys. 6jytrc FO R SALE— Here they are: Tw o used refrigerators for only $35 and $49, if you hurry and see Ez at the O and B Store. 6jytfc VKIlie WHITT BUDGE T BUI L DI NG t with mud The children play, Call on us We'll save the day. Residential Commercial Wiring FO R SALE—Used twin tubs on the stand, ideal for rinse tubs, Ez Carr, G and B Store. 6Jytfc COMPANY SERVICE CAILS PHONE 111M H I-W A Y 20 No. NYSSA “ W ANTE D — Room and board for eld erly gentleman. Phone 374. Mrs C. F. Mink, Mgr. Nyssa, S A IE *6 0 M agnificent N ew Doubly Automatic NORGE .... •*”'.... - ... _ ^ _ j í ELECTRIC RANGE M O D E L PE 25B Amazing, Amazing Value trols—this N O R G E w ill turn itself on, cook a whole meal deliciously N o t t ill you actu ally see the features w ill you realize w h a r a fantastic, unheard-of, tremendous va lu e this is! . . . turn itself off, righ t on sched ule. Both oven and appliance out T w o W a y s A u t o m a t ic . Set the con •« « S r let work on automatic control. H e r e ’s a ll the m agical ease, superb p erform an ce and econom y o f electric . . . automatic electric . . . cook in g, at • H n f p a i n f Quality and Advantages at the Price of Ordinary Refrigerators a price that’s m a gica lly lo w . SMALL DOWN PAYMENT G 6 * ARCADIA BLVD. which hold 80 cubes . . . complete stain-resistant in terior . . . one-piece, all-steel cabinet... butter conditioner in the d o o r . . . plus other "extras” which mean more convenience and value for you. See it and see the big gest refrigerator buy in towo! UBERAI TRADE INS 24 MONTHS TO PAY B STORE NYSSA, ORE. LOOK TO HOTPOINT F O * THI FINEST—FIRST miracle oven that bakes 4 perfect cake layers at a time . . . gives you "picture” roasts, too. N O R G E cuts the price, but not a single corner. T h is glo rio u s range is N O R G E q u a lity every inch. A n d yours fo r $60 less than yo u ’d ev e r hoped! Q u an tity’s lim ited, so d on ’t w a it. C om e in today. Y o w l fin d e x t r a fe a tu re s when you look inside this new 1950 big-family size Hotpoint R efrigerator, yet the p ric e is no m ore than for ordinary makes! Built by the makers o f the world’s finest refrigerators, it offers such a d v a n ta g e s as H o t- point's vacuum-sealed Thrift- master Unit with 5-year pro tection plan . . . pop-ice trays Blended-Heat Oven— the N O R G E w " T a ilo r o d - H o a t " su rface and D eep-W ell units g iv e you choice of six cooking speeds. Tele-Switches always visible right W ntermountain § urtature com pany lA’jlLVÀàiilïl'W X FOR TOUR H O M I, Phone 176-W on front —telling you which units are "o n " and at just which speed. D e e p -W e ll C o o k e r cooks a whole meal over economical low heat. C h a r - C o il B r o ile r works wonders with steaks, chops, barbecues, fish. ALSO full-width porcelain lamp with tw o fluorescent lights . . . super-efficient glass-fiber insula tion . . . stain and chip-resistant Titanium porcelain enamel exte rior . . . beautiful, big dimensions (3 8 " wide, 27" d eep ) . . . three handy utensil drawers . . . large work space. A ll for only $199.9V Oregon