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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1950)
77 »? NYSSA VOLUME XXXXV NO. 26 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 6. 1950 Continues State Is Asking Search For Ira N. Garner, Drowned In River Bids On Ontario Search for the body of Ira N. And Nyssa Road darner of Parma, who was drowned Four Adults, Two Children Hurt In Automobile Crash Chamber Favors Change In Laws An automobile owned by Clifford On 6 Per Cent Fox of Nyssa was destroyed and oc in the north fork of the Payette cupants of the machine were bruised river Tuesday while rescuing his son "Mien it was struck by an automo Special Vole on $87,500 from the swirling waters, was con bile driven by John Kotamenin of Discusseti; Beer Lic tinuing Wednesday evening. Astoria Saturday morning about 35 Sheriff Joe Mossman of Valley miles west of Burns. county used a diving suit Wednes ense Is Favored in an unsuccessful search of Mr. and Mrs. Pox and their Three proposed Malhfur county day Che bottom of the “big eddy" north daughter. Phyllis, and Mr. and Mrs. At the regular weekly luncheon projects will be included In 32 pro of Banks. Murle Marcum and small daughter. of the Nyssa chamber of commerce Oarner, reported to have form»rlv jects on which the Oregon state lived Joan, of Nyssa were riding in the Wednesday noon, the members vot in the Ny&sa-Adrian section, highway commission will ask for disappeared into the water after Fox car. They were bruised, but ed In favor of a study designed to bids July 10 and 11. were otherwise unhurt. The two develop a revision In the state hw, pulling his son to the bank of the women were taken to the hospital which prohibits members of tax- The most important project to this river. for observation, but Mrs. Marcum levying bodies from Increasing their community will be the Ontario- Oarner was employed in Caldwell was released soon afterwards and annual budgets by more than six Nyssa highway program. Ih e high by the B and M Equipment comp Mrs. Fox was released late In the af per cent. way commission announced July 3 any, which also operates a plant ternoon. Because of the greatly Increased that the section between Ontario in Nyssa. The two couples were traveling be costs during the last few years, tax and Nyssa, a distance of 11.46 miles, The accident was reported to have hind the Marcum automobile, oc levying bodies have generally been is to be widened and strengthened occurred when Oarner and his wife cupied by the Marcum and Fox boys, required to call upon taxpayers for to provide a 22-foot wide asphaltic and five children were picnicking when the accident occurred. The permission to exceed the six per concrete pavement and four-foot along the river. While the child Nyssa residents quoted Kotamenin cent limitation. These requests, com shoulders. ren were swimming, one of the boys as saying he went to sleep while ing in the form of elections, fur On the Tudor ranch-McDermitt suddently,went under the water and traveling toward Burns. As he ap ther increase the costs of political section of the ION highway, 22.87 Garner went to the rescue. The proached, his machine struck the sub-divisions, speakers said. miles of re-oiling work is planned to father passed the boy to a man on shoulder of the highway, swerved Passage of the recommendation strengthen sections which have the shore and then disappeared in against the Fox car and stopped. grew out of a general discussion shown signs of surface failure due the water. Mrs. Fox said Kotamenln’s car bare prompted by a request for represent to the combination of severe weath Besides his wife and children, ly missed the Marcum auto. The atives of the chamber of commerce er and heavy hauling. Oarner is survived by his parents, These people all chose June 21 as officiating clergyman, they had all were married June 21, 1922 at Cor Fox automobile rolled over twice, to attend a meeting with the county A 24 by 26 foot frame dwelling and Mrs. True Garner of Em their wedding day. When Doris the more reason to set June 21 as vallis, and Rev. and Mrs. Gernhardt throwing Joan and Mrs. Fox to the court and representatives of the is also planned for construction at Mr mett. “the" day. The young couple were June Beers of Nyssa and Merrll were married June 21, 1909 at Bed ground, before it came to a stop on Vale and Ontario chambers of com the Blue Mountain patrol station Firestone of Corvallis decided to set ford, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Gern married by Mr. Gernhardt In Nyssa its wheels. None of the four oc merce Wednesday afternoon. on the ION highway to provide their wedding day, they chose June last month, the bride's parents, Mr. hardt are standing on thr extreme cupants of the Kotamenin car were Bernard Frost and J. L. Herriman, shelter for highway commission and Mrs. David Beers of Nyssa were 21, 1950 because both of their parents left, Mr. and Mrs. Beers to the right injured. the Nyssa men who attended the maintenance employes stationed married June 21, 1924 at Worthing had been married on June 21. When of the bride and Mr. and Mrs. Fire Marcum family continued on Vale meeting, said the concensus of there. they talked to Rev. H. J. Oernhardt ton, Minnesota; the groom’s par stone to the left of their son. (Evans to The the coast on the vacation trip. the gathering was that an effort of La Grande, who was to be the ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Firestone, studio) should be made to secure a large Helmer Ostrom of Nyssa was bad Club To Complete vote on the ballot proposals that ly bruised when he narrowly escap wilt be presented to electors in a Nyssa Rodeo Plans ed drowning in the swift waters of Yeggs Take Money Canadian Honker special election to be held Friday, the swollen Payette river near the July 14. Of Implement Co. Causes Fireworks Members of the Owyhee Riding outlet of Payette lake Monday af In the special election, voters will club will meet at the home of Grant ternoon. caned upon to pass on two pro Assessor John Koopman be Rinehart Friday night to complete He was rescued by an unidentified Burglars, who pried open the door Upon the recbmmendatlon of the A Canadian honker created a lot told County bearing upon the six per cent members of the Nyssa Lions posals plans for the Nyssa rodeo, to be con swimmer and Bud Wolfe and Don of a safe in the Owyhee Truck and of fireworks on the Fourth of Julv club at limitation. The first shall be: a Lions luncheon in Carl's "Shall ducted by the organization July 20. Ooodman of McCall after he had Implement company building at Idaho and eastern Oregon potato near Nyssa, but he did not live to Doll House the county court of Malheur last week that his 21 and 22. sucked under the surface of Fourth and Main streets Saturday committee, the secretary of agri see them. county, Oregon, levy a tax for the organization is now in the process Harley Tucker of Wallowa will been water twice by the undertow. night, escaped from the building culture has issued an order that The goose flew against an 11,000 of conducting a re-assessment of fiscal year 1950-51 sufficient to pro furnish stock for the rodeo, the only the he was reached bjr the swim with $55, according to a report is places in effect minimum require volt power line over the Wileott property in the county. duce the sum of $67,500" in excess of RCA-approved show in the county. After Ostrom was pulled to shore sued by city and state police. the six per cent limitation, and the island northeast of Nyssa Tuesday Mr Koopman said “We have quite ments for the shipment of potatoes. Lila Mae Holmes will reign as mer, with the aid of a rope. (Continued on Page 8) at 5 a. m. When the weight of the a problem in the county because It The recommendations of the com The money was taken from u Hid queen of the rodeo. Ostrom had started across the ing place in the building and papers mittee. accepted by the secretary of bird forced the wires together, they is so big. We have about 14,000 lake to Shore lodge Just before the from the safe were scattered about sericulture as of July I, Include the created an arc and burned down, assessments”. accident occurred. The compara putting farmers living in thr vicinity The assessor had been using forms following suggestions: place. In prying open the safe "(a). tively new outboard motor stopped the of service for two and one-half that were 50 years old, but the is recommended that dur out the burglars used tools that ing the It period and while Ostrom was attempting door, county spent between $7000 and July 1, 1950 hours. they picked up in the implement and ending May beginning to start it, the boat, owned by his company $3000 for new machines that have 31, 1951, no handler repair shop. father, John Ostrom, drifted into The thieves so reduced the time involved that Thomas Jayo of Nyssa. retired permitted to ship from this area Experts To Attend gained entrance to be the rapid current. The boat was the building through Nyssa American Legion juniors carried one of the men employed In the sheepman, died in P*e Holy Rasar.- potatoes of the russet Burbank and a rear window. Into the river and over the defeated Adrian Friday night on the dam, located a short distance from office ia now doing assessment work hospital In Ontario Friday morning long white varieties which are of Field Day Program local field by a score of 3 to 2 to the lake outlet. in the field. sizes smaller than two inches In the result of a heart attack. take second place in the district. Deciding to start the re-assess as Mr. Regatta Program diameter or four ounces in weight, who had lived in Nyssa Ritchie Cowan, agronomist, and After tumbling Into the boiling Duncan pitched five Innings of water at the foot of the falls. Ost ment in the rural areas, the assessor for the Jayo, and that no handler ship potatoes past years, was born Rex Warren, extension crops spec IS Arranged For shut-out ball for Nyssa and Marcum rom was buffeted about for some the work in the Welser area March 7,1068 in six Arbaoegui, Viscaya, of any variety that do not meet the ialist of Oregon State college, will started allowed only one hit in the other two time before he gained footing near is working south by school dis Spain and came to this country of a U. 8. No. 2 grade attend the crops field day program and Sunday, July 16 requirements innings. The visitors scored one a large boulder. Although the cur The assessors have covered 1902, when he settled near Boise. In better as such grades and sizes at the Malheur experimental area tricts. run off that hit and scored another rent swept around both sides of the The program for the Nyssa re or six or seven school districts and are Survivors are a son, Frank Jayo are defined in the U. 8. Standards July 13. in the second frame. working in the Nyssa district. of the Desert Sheen company; a for Potatoes. Cowan will be prepared to explain now the rescue was effected by the gatta to be held Sunday, July 16 “(b). Nyssa scored two runs in the first rock, "In addition we have to keep up daughter, Remedlos Jayo of Reus, It Is recommended further and discuss all work dealing with was arranged by the program com three men who went to Ostrom's and one in the fourth Inning. on new buildings". Koopman said. Spain, and three grandchildren. that for the period beginning July grasses and legumes. He will be mittee of the Nyssa Boat club at a The Nyssa lineup was as follows: rescue. "We get a list of building permits The rosary was recited in Boise 1, 1950 and ending November 1, 1950 stationed at those plots all day. Wednesday night meeting. Wolfe and Junior Zimmerman of Lovejoy, c; Duncan and Marcum, p; McCall, from each town. In addition, once 8 p. m. Wednesday and the t£at no handler shall ship potatoes Warren will be available to ans The program will include surf grappling hooks, re- Mitchell, lb; Savage, 2b; Wilson, trived the using each year we make a survey block at funeral was held in St. John's cath of the russet Burbank or round red wer questions on a statewide basis board riding and water ski riding. motor from the river from ss; N. Snider, 3b; Skeen, If; Keveren, a rubber raft tied to the dam by Part of the races, to be run in varieties which are more than "mod as well as give general information by block. We make appraisals on edral this morning at 10 o'clock. In the 1940 level, which represents a- terment cf, and Talbot, rf. was in St. John’s cemetery. erately skinned", as such term 13 on local conditions. ropes. The badly battered boat was two heats, will be staged as follows: defined Vale won the title and will rep found bout 40 per cent of present day the U. 8. standards for Hours will be from 9 a. m. until prices and only 60 per cent of the B, runabout, 30 cubic inch; C. ser potatoes, in which later far downstream. resent the district in competition in that not more dark. Visitors may call at the 40 per cent goes on the tax roll. So, Activity Program vice, 22 horsepower; E, runabout, 33 than 10'!« of the means the higher levels. However, the potatoes in any lot station any time during the day or on H. P.; 50 H P. runabout and F. have more than one-naif a $10.000 house, only about $2,400 team will also include players from Material Arrives of the skin evening to view the crops. At ('«amp Includes runabout 4-60 goes on the rolls. We are apprais other towns In the district. La missing or feathered, provided that Two other races will be one for ing new dwellings by grafts, or fact Orande is leading the league in its For Phone Project Services, Softhall 200 cwt. of Russet Burbank or round inboard boats with over 100 H. P red potatoes of each producer there Golden Rule Team ory books." territory, so will probably be Vale's motors and one for boats with under opponent in a two-out-of-three Fifteen tons of outside plant ma 100 H. P. motors. Mr. Koopman also explained the. •A colored softball team organized may be handled without regard Leads In League reason for using the 1940 level In at the Nyssa labor camp under the play-off. The winner of the Vale- terial for the extension project to The sweepstakes race will be for of to the aforesaid requirement if the ^ _____ La Orande series will play the win be undertaken by the Malheur Home outboards with less than 50 H. P. handler of such potatoes reports The Oolden Rule team of the city the aasessment work. of M. P. Chestnut will ner of the Hood River-The Dalles Telephone company between Nyssa “The way to assess personal prop management prior to shipment the name and play Tobler's Feed and Fuel Friday Knothole league defeated Sid Flan erty Is to go Inventory it. but we area for the right to enter the state and Adrian arrived here Wednesday. address of each producer of the ex- night at 7 o'clock on the school field. agan's Panthers of Sunset valley 4 can't get all of the personal prop tournament. As a result, work is expected to be $70 Received On (Continurd on Page 7) The camp organization Is also to 3 last week and nosed out Herri- erty in time for the roll. It would started on the project soon. Some forming a Mexican men's softball man’s team 5 to 4 to lead the league. cost $7000 or $8000 a year to get the Grange Dinners preliminary work has alreeady been and a Mexican girls team and Ny ssa Wins Vale In local play, Herriman's team personal property, but I can't get team Father Of Lynn done. possibly will form a colored girls is leading with three wins and two the money in my budget. The Home Economics club of the H. P. Stommel of Boise, president Fourth Of July Lawrence Passes losses. "We have picked up from $500,000 team. the concern, said in Nyssa in May Oregon Trail Orange reported at The colored men's team Is avail Thumper league is composed to $600,000 in our re-assessment of able Baseball Tourney of that the project, costing approxi the regular meeting of the Orange Mark Lawrence of Nampa, for of The for games. teams representing the Eagles farm land so far”. mately 870,000, will Involve extend last week that the women netted mer Nyssa resident died Saturday lodge, Oordon Capps of KSRV will take firemen and Bracken's store. The Nyssa town team defeated ing service to an additional estimat more than $70 on meals served at evening, July 1 at the veteran’s hos The firemen recordings at the camp in the near are leading with three Visit In South Dakota— Vale 17 to 9 on the Vale diamond ed 407 families, making a total of the Oregon State Orange convention pital in Boise, after a lingering ill wins and no losses. future for a radio program. Oper The Eagles have Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Herrman, and ators Tuesday to win the Fourth of July 535 telephones in the Nyssa-Adrlan held in Ontario last month. of the camp said "We have a Mr Lawrence, who was 73 one win and two losses and Brack Ellen Ann and Ruth, left last week fine colored Insurance Agent Etner Bush gave ness. baseball tournament sponsored by section. quartet available for of age, moved to Nampa from en’s have no wins and two losses, for a visit at Phillip, South Dakota. public engagements". Vale. The Vale sluggers defeated The material, Mr. Stommel said, a report on attending the state years Persons inter Nyssa In 1946 Funeral services were according to Miss Clarice Nothels, Frultland Monday in the first game will include 1100 poles, and 230 miles Orange meeting and the financial held ested may phone the labor camp. Nampa 4th ward L. D. 8. who Is In charge of the boys. Here From Riggins— of open wire in addition to the main statement of the state organization. church in Wednesday of the tourney. The colored folks hold church afternoon with Coach Howard Lovejoy. who Is in Miss Betty Altkins of Riggins, services Floyd Hale of Nyssa, batting over cabla feeder plant, which will ex Frank Sherwood gave a report on Interment in Logan, where Sunday evening at 8 Mr. Law charge of the playground program, Idaho is a visitor at the home of o’clock. each 600 for the season, registered four tend from Nyssa to Adrian, a dis the important resolutions that were rence The public Is Invited to had resided prior to moving took 92 children swimming at On Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson. passed at the state convention. hits in six times at bat. to greatly tance of 12 1/4 miles. attend. to Nyssa Mr. Lawrence Is survived tario last Friday and took 87 the Mr. and Mrs Ralph Chenault be by augment the Nyssa hitttlng. which his widow. Sylvia, and one son, week before. On Business Trip— came new members of the Orange. Lynn was largely responsible for the Nyssa Sewtag Dates Announced— Lawrence of Nyssa. Wilton Jackson and Gilbert Raff City Police G«ar Mrs. Elwood Flinders, sewing sup victory. Returns From California— of the Ideal Oas and Appliance went Vale used two pitchers, Hicky of ervisor for the Malheur Memorial Attends Convention— Damaged In Granii Warm Lake— Mrs Oeorge N. Bear returned to 8alt Lake City on business last Ontario and Barnes, with Sheffield hospital auxiliary has announced Dr. R. A. Kellogg returned home To The D. S Beehive and Junior home Friday night from a visit at Thursday. ' doing the catching. O. Steinke was the following women's groups that last Thursday evening from Jackson, Oirls of L. the Nyssa stake left Sun San Diego with her sister. Mrs. Cora The city police car, which was to the arinning pitcher. He was re will sew next week in the home Wyoming, where he attended an In day for a week's outing at Warm E Peck. have soon been replaced with a new Weiner Roast Held— lieved in the seventh inning by economics room at the high school: ternational natureopathic convent Springs. About 30 girls of the Nyssa Approximately 300 members of the machine, was badly damaged in an Cleaver. Henry Moore of Adrian Monday. July 10, the adventist and ion. The Idaho 8tate Natureo 1st and 2nd wards attended. They Return From Nebraska— Nyssa L. D. 8 second ward attended accident last Friday night. Dorcas society; Tuesday. July 11, St. pathic association held Its annual were accompanied by Mrs. Parley caught for Nyssa. and Mrs. E D. Michaelson a weiner roast sponsored by the The accident occurred when the Nyssa's next game will be played Anne's Altar society: Wednesday, business meeting at the convention. Feik, Mrs. Dean Fife and Mrs. Earn and Mr. Patty returned Sunday from a Mutual associations in the city park police car driven by Oeorge Elchner July 12, Eastern Star; Thursday, Dr. Kellogg was re-elected president est Bunn. at New Plymouth Sunday. and a truck operated by Sid Walker two-weeks trip to Nebraska. They Wednesday evening. July 13. Legion auxiliary and Fri of the Idaho association. Mrs. Kel collided on north Third street No visited relatives at O'Neill, Nebraska. I day. July 14, the women’s council of logg and Mrs. Albert Joseph and Returns From School— To McCall— one was r^iorted to nave been hurt Here From American Fork— and Miss Minerva League of Mrs. Ken Renstrom returned Among those spending the Fourth the Christian church. The groups Emory Club Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Howe and in the mishap. Damage to the police of July holidays at Payette lakes will begin sewing at 8:30 and will Woodward. Oklahoma toured the home Saturday night from Spring- Garden The annual picnic for the mem five children spent the week visit car was estimated at $225. Yellowstone and Orand Teton field, Missouri after finishing a bers and McCall were Mr and Mrs Oene j sew until noon. and their families of the A. N. Ing relatives here They were guests The city council last month or National parks while Dr Kellogg month of studies at Springfield Stunx. Mr. and Mrs Emil Stunt, Picnic In Boise— K. garden club will be held at the in the home of Mrs. Mary E Bybee, dered purchase of a new Ford police Mr and Mrs Orant Jones and Cal- Mr and Mrs. Harry Miner. Mr attended the convention. car. The new machine, one of a Nyssa park Sunday, July 9 at 6 p. mother of Mrs. Howe college. ene, Betty Fife. Mr and Mrs Dave and Mrs Lyle Miner. Mrs. Mamie May Mare To Colorado— type made especially for police work, m. Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Joe Olsen, Baker and daughters. Mr and Mrs. Ed Frost left Wednesday night Visit In Boise— is expected to arrive here by the end Go To Utah— of Eugene. Mr and Mrs. A. H. Boy- Joe Counail, Mr and Mrs. Chester for Sallda. Colorado to Investigate Mr and Mrs. Jesse Rigney and Here From Utah— Sherman P Bybee and family left of this month. dell and Mrs Brttelmary Beckham Doris visited in Boise over the Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Berrett of Saturday for Utah to spend the and children^ Mr. and Mrs Orant Counail of New Plymouth, and Mrs the possibility of buying an office Fourth at the J. D. Rigney home Utah are visiting at the Earl Bing Fourth of July holidays Nannette Hon Born— Counail. spent the Fourth in 1 and school supply business. Mr Lewis, Mr and Mrs Herb Fisher. Elton Bybee was a guest of Colleen Bybee Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Brady have re ham home. Boise, where they picnicked at the Frost, who came here In 1938. has Mr and Mr« Warren Fanner. Mr park, ceived word of the birth of a son on the trip. and visited Elton Counail at been assistant superintendent in the Attend Convention— and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb and fam the veterans to Mr and Mrs. E. J. Brady of Em Nyssa factory of the Amalgamated Rev. Don Maxfield has returned On Mr Vacation— hospital. ily. Mr and Mrs Dale Oarrieon and mett. The baby has been named and Mrs Arvel Child and Here From Utah— Sugar company for the last five, from Turner. Oregon, where he at family are Joanne. M im Loretta Russell. Mrs VMt la Nyaaa— spending the week vaca Mrs Boyd Cole and children are Charles Irwin. tended the state convention of the Oordan Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Vlsitihg at the Walter Fox home years. tioning at Warm lakes. visiting Mrs Cole's parents, Mr. and ¡Church of Christ. Here From San Francisco— Mrs. J. L. Church. Monday were Mrs N. E Harold and Returns To Texas— Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ryan Here From Vancouver— sons of Eugene. Oregon. Mrs Dee H B Barnes, who has been visit Former Residents VM t— VMta Relative«— and sons. Michael and Robert of From Idaho— Martin of Gooding. Idaho and Mr. ing for several months at the home Mi and Mrs. Dwayne Anderson, Mrs. Fred Plory of Vancouver, Here Mr and Mrs A. W Tanner of and arrived last week for Mrs Edith Campbell of Buhl. San Franclnco, are vialtlng Mrs. R 8. Wilks of Eugene Mr of his brother. Roy Barnes, left formerly of Nyssa, visited friends Washington Beattie arrived here Sunday after and Mrs a visit with her parents. Mr and Idaho has been visiting at the Bob Ryans parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron will remain for a Monday for his home in Dallas, and relatives last week Anderson Mrs. noon and are gueqts at the home of visit at Mrs. the Willis Campbell. Burns home. LeRoy Herman. operates a theatre in Portland. Texas Fox home. 1rs T M. Corey. his mother, Mrs Traveled Section Will Be Widened To 22 Feet Helmer Ostrom Almost Drowns Potato Shipping Rules Adopted Nyssa Ends Play In Second Place Assessor Tells Of Tax Problem Thomas Jayo Of Nyssa Succumbs