Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1950)
e TME NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 2«. ISSO Classified FOR SALE GKIGG BROS. AND Bl'TLER Real Estate Insurance Loans Ontario Nyssa Vale 150 head cattle ranch. 160 acres with 105 acres cultivated, four-room semi-modern home with full base ment, bam, granary, hog house, RATE: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum, cash In chicken house. 3 sets of corrals, 3- advance. Is 30c. room tenant home, 880 acres of fenced range right, $17,000. 125 acres on the Nyssa-Ontario highway, top row crop land, can be FOR SALE—Three lots. 50 X 117. bought in any size unit. FOR SALE One two-wheel trailer; one portable 80 acres with five-room modern -----------------------------------------------washing machine, good as new. C all,..„„re, home, machine ____ shed, ___ barn ___ and f o r S A L E — Potatoes, Summy j c Krul 10 blocks north, close to garage, very productive soil, $25.000, orchard, Apple valley, phone Parma railroad. Chestnut and Idaho street. 1 terms. 22M2. 26jtfc I • 12tfc | 80 acres good row crop land, 3- -----------------------------------------------' ' ¿ t z — — —~ , I bedroom semi-modem tome, $14,- FOR SALE—160 acres of third unit FORui SALE—Used Singer sewing , qqq $7 700 down with t500 p ,r year Black canyon land, adjoining high- machine, heavy duty; make offer on tbe balance. way 30, will sell all or part. Beshey A*^° General Electric washing m a -, gQ acres, all top row crop land _____ _«_____ i o « « p h 26j2xp np O chine. s t r n m R Ostrom r n r h p r « Brothers A n n llB n o B Appllanoe 1 . . ^ . . . * Pros., ^ Parma phone o c 27M12. on .. the old Owyhee water right, no _____________________ . ______ I Co. Phone 276-W. SJtfc noxious weeds, three-bedroom mod FOR SALE—Oirl's roller skates on ern home, machine shed, garage, white shoes, size 6 . cost $29 new, FOR SALE—Good business oppor barn, close to Nyssa, Vi down. Good blacksmith shop worn only twice, phone 110R. Mrs. tunities. 36 acres, row crop land, with a Emil A. Stunz. 26jtfc completely equipped, also house goes new modern two-bedroom home with deal, excellent location, $5000. worth $ 8 . 000 , $ 12 , 000 , terms can be FOR SALE—Clover hay and chaff, Good paying auto repair shop build arranged. phone 010-J4. 26J3xp ing. stock and equipment, busy 30 acres good row crop land. 4- junction location, for only $7,500. home. $7,900, $4,500 down and FOR SALE—150 tons of alfalfa hay, Completely modern four rental room 75 baled, 75 loose. Neil Dimmick, units, excellent location, close to $500 per year on the balance. 50 acres close to Nyssa. all level 11 miles southwest of Nyssa. 26J2xp school. Priced for quick sale. Three acres good land on Snake land, 4-room home, semi-modern, FOR SALE—Or lease, 40 acres, river, edge of town, new 24 x 34 $9500, $3,000 down. 62 acres with 57 acres cultivated, eight miles below Owyhee dam, 40 house, good pressure water system, sandy loam soil, 5-room new mod mches free water. Emil John. % $ 6 , 000 , terms. home with full basement and Box 462, Ontario. 26J2xp Several good dwelling lota, well ern double garage, 8 -cow barn, granary FOR SALE—1950 English Ford tu- located. and chicken house. 48 x 52 spud 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high cellar, dor sedan, reasonable, Ed Lytle on on milk and mail route, $16,- the Leo Child farm, Alberta avenue. way, next to Polar Cold storage 000, $7,000 down. About 3 acres, unimproved, edge 26jlxp 40 acres with 31 acres irrigated, of town on Adrian highway, good suitable for row cropping and dairy soil. All or any part. FOR SALE—Damascus grand sew ranch, cow barn for 11 head, three- ing machine, excellent condition. BERNARD EASTMAN room home, deep well, close to Mrs. Oarret Stam, Clark boulevard. Insurance Seal Estate Nyssa, $7,000. 19J2xp Phone 64 40 acres under the old Owyhee FOR SALE—Gray Toulouse breed FOR S A L E - Crete, the guaran- & £ £ ing geese, $10 per pair. George teed waterproof paint, Creto water- coopX-be<iroom semi-modern home, Gabriel, V4 mile southwest of Nyssa, proofs concrete, brick, cement, stuc- ** mile 0„ the oU $7 00 o. , 3,500 Rt. 1. 19J3xp co, plaster, mortar and terrazzo. . Waterproofs by application and 20 acres close to Nyssa, cheap FOR SALE—White Rose seed po permanently waterproofs walls and tatoes. Joe Hobson, 12 miles south floors. Inside or outside, wet or water right, three-bodroom modern west of Nyssa. 19j2xp dry, new or old, painted or un- home, sandy loam soil, $ 12 , 000 , easy terms on the balance or would FOR SALE—Two registered Jersey pa In ted. Nyssa Lumber Co. 17Ntfc trade for a 40 or 80 acre ranch. bulls, sired from world record sire 160 acres for sale with low, down FOR SALK from Canada, holds record in Ore Small home, very attractive, liv payment. gon for two consecutive years. Papers ing room carpeted, modern, good We have sold so many ranches furnished. Phone 288-W. 29dtfc neighborhood, nice garage. the past month we are greatly In 80 acres on pavement, 4-room need of new listings on farms. List F O R S A L E—Used Westinghouse with Mel Beck at Grigg Bros, and range, priced to sell, $32.50, Ostrom house, $ 12000 , terms. 40 acres, good soil, barn, house. Butler now. Brothers Appliance Co., 50 north HOMES 3rd. 12jtfc $7,000, terms. Attractive three-bedroom modern 40 acres on pavement, 35 irrigable, home, spacious throughout, top lo FOR SALE—Hay in stack. D. Atagi, now 20 acres hay, 11 acres pasture, cation In Nyssa, terms. phone 014J11, Nyssa. 12J7xp small house, deep well, barn, $4500, 4-room modern home, spacious $ 1,200 down. all fenced, $4800, Vi down. FOR SALE—1936 Ford pick-up. 1 3/4 acres, modern nearly-new yard, One acre with two-bedroom mod priced to sell, In good condition, two-bedroom house, on oiled road, sofa, $5; L. & H. electric „stove, garage, nice shrubs and yard, fruit em home, $4,000. Two complete business lots for $10; playpen, $2.50. Ph. 36-NJ. 12dtf* trees, new large chicken house with brooder room and all equipment, ■ale GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER FOR SALE—New two-bedroom household furniture, all for only Nyssa, Oregon home, full basement, garage, $8,500. $6,700. Phone 179-J Bernard Eastman. 22dtfc 80 acre dairy farm, 5 miles 8 W of Nyssa, 5-room basement house, $11,- FOR SALE FOR SALE—Outside white pamt. 000 ; $ 6,000 down, terms on balance. Modem home, two bedrooms, National Titanium, 5 gallon lots, 80 acres, 11 miles SW of Nyssa, 38 $3.50 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber acres under cultivation, nearly new hardwood floors, basement with stoker, two-car garage, very good company. 12 mtfc 4-room house, tractor and all equlp- location. FOR SALE—Two-bedroom house, i ment goes, $8,900. Two-bedroom modern home, $3,500 new, F. H. A. financed, 10 per cent 160 acres. 83 acres cultivated, 70 with easy terms. down. C. K. Olson, phone 251-W. acres hay, 40 acres good row crop, Two-bedroom home with base 8 stfc i 133-head range permit, large base- ment. like new, modern. Insulated, _______________________________ ment home, nice yard, $17500. extra large lot. set up with state FOR SALE—Have farms and houses j Phone 97 loan, easy paqments, 441 Ennis. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Robert F. Thompson Apartment house with two large Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY apartments on ground floor, extra large room upstairs, three-room a- partment In basement, $6500 House with five cabins, very good Income, priced to sell. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ralph G. Lawrence Nyssa, Oregon Advertising professional and Business Directory LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 SAKAZIN CLINIC American Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Ke.rby Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. Dr. L. W. Scott All Veterans Welcome Physician and Surgeons Gate City Lodge L. A. Maulding, M. D. No. 214 Physician and Surgeon I.O.O.F. Phone Y7 Meets every Monday Hour»: 10 to 1' and 2 to 6 Dally except Saturday and night, 8:30. Sunday, Saturday 10 to 12 South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. DENTISTS Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER Fry Building Wilson Building Office hours PHYSICIANS 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JEWELRY STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHE 8 Main Street at 8 econd Phene 185-J, Nyeee Office hour* from 9 to 8 exca _____Saturday», 9 to 12. j T r . CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Herman Clinic NYSSA OPTOMETRISTS DR. C. L. HERMANN Visual Specialist WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Room 4 . Fry Building Nyssa, Oregon Phone IT1-J Office hours • to 13; 2 to S Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON DR. j r A . MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY VETERINARIANS = DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 27S Phone 21, Ontario, Ore FOR SALE—Registered chinchillas, guaranteed tc. produce within a year, for as little as $1000 per pair. «14 Ennis Ave. Phone 154-W. 12j3xc FOR SALE—New and used pianos. We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. Grigg Bros, and Butler. 6 cntfc FOR SALE—Two city lots, 76 foot front, four-room house, $2600. terms. Phone 166. Teresa Byrd. ldtfc FOR SALE—Block wood and green slab wood, phone collect Emmett 387-J4. 8 d 8 xp FOR SALE— 1935 Chevrolet 1 ton truck .flat rack, good rubber and motor. $200 Call for Les at Roberts- Nyssa garage. 19j2xp FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, phone 63-J. 26j2xp D ead anim als picked up free. ; 8 unday for T. H. Brewer. Other For prompt service call collect. ¡guests were Mrs. Brewer and Mr. Ontario—Ontario Ora in Co. 65 : and Mrs. Howard Evans and Ann Panna—Parma Seed Co. JB of Parma Nyssa—Main plant 106 I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and Idaho-Oregon Hindering Co. sons returned home Saturday from ! Parma where they spent a week MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. money to remodel your home or to Ray Franklin. build outbuildings or garage? We Mr and Mrs. Clayton Patton and can arrange a loan far you and give children returned home Friday you up to three years to pay It. evening from Moses Lake. Washing Nyssa Lumber Co. 29stfc ton. where they had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. HELP WANTED Mr. and Mrs. George Neln left Tuesday morning for their home In FEMALE HELP WANTED—Extra Port Morgan. Colorado after spend Earnings! Show Everyday Greeting ing several weeks here with their Cards. 15-Card $1 Assortment sells son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and on sight, pays you up to 50c! Metal - Mrs. Werner Peutz. Ucs. Plastics, many more. FREE Im print Samples, Assortments on ap proval STYLART. 1310 Santee, Health Officials Dept. 64, Los Angeles 55, Calif. Meet With Board 36Jlxp fo u n d ” FOR RENT—Unfurnished apart ment, Bennett apartments, one FOUND—Two heifer calves. 1 Jer block north of Main, phone 123-J. sey, 1 Whlteface, strayed to my C. H. Bennett, 601 No. First. 26Jtfc place two weeks ago. owner can FOR RENT—Four-room apartment, have same by paying feed bill and partly furnished, phone S28-W. ad, Albert Pecka. Enterprise avenue. 26jlxp Luther Fife. 26j2xc FOR RENT—Basement sleeping room for man. phone 89-J. 19jtfc FOR RENT—Two-bedroom house, very good location. Nyssa Insur ance agency. 19Jtfc. FOR RENT—Bedroom to a young couple, nurse or waitress, 158 Eml- son avenue. 12 jtfc FOR RENT— Polish your own floors. Rent our high-speed pol ishing equipment. Easily handled by women. Nyssa Lumber company. SAtfc. F O R R E N T — Two-room cabin. 20 otfc Chadwick’s camp. FOR RENT—Furnished two-room cabin. Oil heat. Laundry faculties. Phone 122-J after 5; 30. lOntfc WANTED WANTED—To rent beet ground. M. A. Rataezyk, route 2, Nyssa. 26j3xp WANTED—Baby sitting, call in person at rear apartment, Caldwell apartments, north of Ideal Gas and Appliance. 28J2xp WANTED—Children to care for, day or evening, phone 63-J. 19j2xp PAGE THREE LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES R. CHANEY, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the undersigned. Horace F. Chaney, has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of James R. Chaney, deceased, by the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and has qualified as suoh. NOW. THEREFORE, all persons having claims against the estate of James R. Chaney, deceased, are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six ( 6 ) months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned, Horace F. Chaney, at the law office of Harold Hanlgson at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the undersigned selects as his place at business In all matters connected with said estate. Dated and first published, Dec. 29. 1949 Last publication, Jan. 20, 1950. HORACE F. CHANEY Administrator of the Estate of James R. Chaney, deceased. WANTED—Japanese salesman, car Owyhee Women necessary, free training. White P. O. Hold Gathering Box 397, Payette. Idaho or phone 640-R for appointment. I9j2xp OWYHEE, Jan. 26—The O. K. K. WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey members met at the William Peutz springer cows. C. Clyde Smith and home Thursday, January 19 with Werner Peutz assisting. Noel Gwartney. Phone 306. Ontario. Mrs. Across from the Ontario sales yard. Eighteen members and one guest, 12JtfC Mrs. Oeorge Neln were present. After the business meeting the WANTED—To rent row crop land group was shown movies taken of suitable for potatoes and beets. Slg their Christmas and 25th annivers Murakami. Rt. 1, Ontario, Ore. ldtfc ary party. Mrs. Bob Morfltt joined the club and will entertain at the WANTED—Work of any kind. February meeting with Mrs. Byrd Trucking preferred. Have own Walters helping her. truck or drive yours. Experienced Rev. Robert Krlner held services with heavy rigs. Phone 154-W.22dtfc at the Owyhee Community church Sunday. During the afternoon the WANTED TO RENT—Potato and Krlner's family were dinner guests beet ground. Phone 018-J3, On In the Andrew Tttland home. tario, Oregon 24ntfc The Busy Cooks 4-H club met WANTED—Hemstitching, work done Friday afternoon with Shirley Skin In my home. Leave with Mrs. ner. The girls prepared cup-cakes Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa and cocoa. The meeting will be Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Duffln. held with Joan and Jeanie Crocker 24ntfc February 3. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Elfers and WANTED— To ouj anything in son Oeorge, and Ronnie and Bob beef or veal. Also custom killed by Krlner were Sunday dinner and delivered to Polar Cold Stor guests In the Martha KUngback age. Phone Sl-M or 0U-J1. UPtfc. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar aand MISCELL ANEOuS Maxine motored to Star Sunday FARMS AND HOMES FOR SALE and were dinner guests of Mr. and By MISCELLANEOUS — Outdoor toil Mrs. Delos Foster. Ed Jamison and Ken Pond Claude Skinner was taken to the 84 acres near oiled road. 51 acres ets. cesspools, septic tanks cleaned, irrigable, real good home, large deodorized with amazing new pro hospital In Ontario Monday night barn, water piped to all buildings duct. Just mix dry powder with suffering from pneumonia. water; pour into toilet. Safe, no Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vandewall and and corrals, $16,000. easy terms. 80 acres, level and perfect for row poislns. Save digging and pump Merle of Nyssa spent Sunday even ing costs. Postcard or letter brings ing in the William Peutz hom* crop, on Wilder bench, good extra A large number of 4-H members large house. $26,000, terms to suit free details. H Sr H Distributing company, P. O. Box 22. Nampa. went skating Saturday afternoon In buyer. Idaho. 26Jtfc Ontario. They were transported by 80 acres. This Is one of the best farms In the Wilder district, MISCELLANEOUS—Alcoholic’s An bus by Howard and Donald Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar were $36,000, very easy terms. onymous, Nyssa group meeting. Sun 84 acres on Adrian bench, this is day evenings, 8 p. m , 407 Main business visitors in Vale Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder a dandy, only $25,000. street, telephone 2-M. Box 11S. 5j4xp were Sunday guests in the Vic 80 acres with good 3-bedroom home. This Is a steal for only $10.- MISCELLANEOUS—For your fire Marshall home. Other guests were 000 , good terms. and automobile insurance see Mel Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Schwelzer, Mr. 80 acres, a good dairy set-up, Beck. Orlgg Bros, and Butler. 22dtfc and Mrs. Kenneth Parker and Oeuff, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mar $7.500. 80 acres 5-room house, pressure MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices shall of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and system cost of water only $53 per paid far slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, phone 306, Ontario. Across Wanda and Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge year, for quick cash sale, $7,350. 6 otfc Neln were dinner guests Sunday In 60 acres, 40 of this is tops, rest from Ontario Sales yard. the Leo Huber home In Meridian. orchard, garden and pasture, $16.- MISCELLANEOUS — We can ar Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters had 800, some terms. range loans for you to rebuild or Friday evening dinner at the Jack 60 acres, 6 -room good house and remodel your home, bam, garage, Walters home In Nyssa. many other good buildings, cheap or other outbuildings. Nyssa Lumb Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taliman a rt water. $10,000, V* cash. 29atfc the parents of a boy born Monday 40 acres, good 4-room home, five er Co. miles from town of Adrian. $9.500 MISCELLANEOUS—Available now. morning at the Nyssa nursing home. 40 acres, very level, piped for Ir Electrolux cleaners and air puri Terry and Marilyn, the other Tail- rigation, abundance of water and fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. man children, are staying with their should raise fine spuds, good build Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell Williams. ings. $9.000. easy terms phone 0267J4. 14Jtfe Mr and Mrs. Ellis Walters and 100 acres, 50 irrigable, very nice 2- bedroom home, other good build MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and Mrs. Archie Moses were Sunday ings. $16.800 free pick-up of your dead, crippled dinner guests of Mr. and Mr*. 90 acres on main highway close or sick livestock. Calls received be Byrd Walters. Mrs. Mildred Hite of La Orande fore 9 o'clock are picked up by to Nyssa. $12.000. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col spent the week-end here. HOMES A meeting was held Monday af Two-bedroom l a r g e attractive lect Payette 0180-JJ or 156, or Nya- home, all modem. $6.800, small pay sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products ternoon at the Martha KUngback home at which the ladles of the Company. 6Jtfc. ment down. O. K. K. club worked on decorations A very well located business lot m is c e l l a n e o u s — Need mooey? to be used when they entertain the on main street. 62500 Three nice lots on Park avenue. Loans oo farms Tor refinancing, associated clubs Refreshments were One-bedroom home, nice shade, building. Improvements, b u y i n g . served by the hostess The P. T. A. meeting was cancel lawn, choice location. 64535. low Long term, low Inver««, see Ber- , nard Eastman, phone *4. Nyaaa. led last week owing to the condition down-payment, easy terms. lAtfc. of the roads and the bad weather. One-bedroom house on sewer and paved street, pay for this by the MISCELLANEOUS—No muas, do Charlie Culbertson. Venal Ses month. No down payment. 63.400 fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation sions, and Pete Wilson were In Vale Tuesday on business. full price We have our own Insulation bkrw- Dinner guests in the Kenneth A choice building lot and very 1 lng machina. Stunz Lumbar ctxnp- McDonald home Sunday were Mr. small amount of money, and we can ' any. • 38mtfc and Mn. Ray Fletcher of Homed ale. make you a Prudential P H A. loan to build a home. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car Mr and Mrs Clyde Miller of Help PRUDENTIAL FARM LOANS ON and cylinder lock key* mede Hen er, Utah and Mr. and Mn. Anthony APPROVED FARM ri « n an 's. 260tfe Clofalo of Adrian. Mn. Nellie Newblll of Nyssa ED JAMISON AND KEN POND MISCELLANEOUS — W e m a k e spent from Tuesday until Friday Real Estate and Intaranre 16 North Third Phone 2T-W loans on the new Owyhee project ¡last week with Mrs Ellis Walters. Mr and Mn. Keith Tallman en- land, business, homes and farms For Evening Appointment*. Orlgg Bros and Butler. 16dtfc ' tertalned with a birthday dinner 296-J or S4-M Roberts and Dick and Dwayne Ben nett attended a 4-H skating party aat Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mn. Don Cates and Oorden Winchester of Madras vis ited several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, old- time residents of the Bend, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley. Mr. and Mn. Ezra Wooley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wooley of Parma. Sunday visitón with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reno were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hilderman. Mr. and Mrs. CUn- ton Reno, Mr and M n. Kenneth Reno and Mr. ami M n. Charles Morrison. Here From Twin Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Browu and daughter of Twin Falls visited over the week-end at the Burnall Brown BIO BEND. Jan. 28—Dr. Oraeber and Waynard Talbot homes. and Mrs. Edna Farris, county health officers, met Monday after school NEWS OF RECORD with the Wade school board. Jake Borge was a visitor Monday COM PLAINTS, C IR C U IT C O U R T Harold R. Loe vs. Leona L. Loe. at Wade school In the Interest of divorce. Cub Scouting. Charles C. Murphy, et. ux., vs. Arthur Hatch has been ill at his Oregon Military Land O rant comp home. The Ooody Cooks met at Mrs. any. et al.. to quiet title. Harry M. Featherston vs. John Delno Brock's home Monday. Mary Houtman and Phyllis Kandler dem IR. Rumsey, replevin. United Credit Men’s association onstrated how to make deviled eggs. Sunday visitors at the J. E. Cam vs. E. H. Barker, recovery on ac eron home were Mr. and Mrs. Vern count. $265.75. Bullen. Ooodman Oil Company vs. W. Mary Ricks. Mary Houtman. El E. Bull. et. a)., recovery on account, aine Ricks, Karen and Sharon $656 13. DR. G.W. GRAVES E. W. PRUYN Optometrist Eyes Examined Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind Phone 720 718 Arthur St. CaldweH, Idaho ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W Ostrom Cabinet Shop CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES SCREEN DOORS Phone 118J Free Estimates THIS MAN IS OUR CHOICE DALLAS MESERVE "HERALD OF CHRIST" WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER Meuller Furnaces- Link Belt Stokers E stim ates G ladly G iven GEORGE J. KINZER HEATING Phone 134L2 P arm a, Idaho KAISER-FRAZER Sales & Service If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car we are equipped with the latest testing equipment and factory trained mechan ics to put your car in the beat of condition. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa MUTCH OIL CO. Highway 30—East of Town Ontario, Oregon Phone 287