Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1947)
/ TH E NVSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL. NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FOUR was read by R. E. Dtlle, secretary. Program for the evening included many topics for discussion. Includ AD RIAN (Special)— The regular ed on the program were Dale G ar monthly meeting o f the Adrian rison, dire tor of the special road chamber of commerce was heid district, and Sid F anagan. A com- Thursday evening, February 6 at | mittee of the Big Bend park board 8 o'clock In the Legion hall. Presi ! was also present. At the clo e of the meeting rd- dent Howard Hatch had charge of the meeting. The treasury report fie-shments were served at the Cafe CHAMBER DISCUSSES SEVERAL SUBJECTS Close Out On Vases GONDER G LAZED POTTERY Reduced From $2.98 To 97c Nyssa Furniture Co. Across From Reclamation O ffice Dealers For Lennox Furnaces O IL -— C O AL Stokers— Blowers— Air Conditioning General Sheet Metal Fabrication OWYHEE SHEET METAL SHOP Homedale, Idaho—^Phone 2802 ! STARTING M ONDAY Ju st Call I 0 2 J For Pick-Up And Delivery Service IN NYSSA Daily pick-up at Riddle cafe in Adrian and Bobbie’s place at Langton’s corner. Nyssa Cleaners First street, south o f Main Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. William AShcraft entertained at five tables of pino chle Saturday evening. A potluck supper was also enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drown of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton of Wilder, M r and Mrs. Glen Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dille, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ash craft, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dlerking, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Glen C. Brown. High prizes were won by Mrs. Ray Drown and Dale Ashcraft and low prizes by "M ag gie'’ Brown and Glen Hanson. T ra veling prizes was won by Herbert Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dlerking and Norma Jean, Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and Donna Lee vere visitors Sunday afternoon In he Frank Steelman home near Jiddleton. Threlma Elliot left Wednesday to ittend the eastern Oregon 4-H eaders' conference held In Pendle- on. Mrs. W. B. Bunch and Judy and llchard left Sunday to visit r e v ives In Florida for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson en- ertalned Tuesday evening at a ilnner for Mr. and Mrs. Wesley °lercy and Arlene, Mrs. Thurman, Mrs. Piercy’s mother who Is vis iting here from Buhl and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck and son, Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ausman ind June were In Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Deffer and ■hildren were dinner guests In the K. I. Peterson home Friday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck and Donald were dinner guests in the Wesley Plercy home 'aturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck and Donald left Monday for their home in Duchess, Alberta, Canada after pending two weeks visiting the K. I. Peterson family and friends in Nyssa. Mrs. A. C. Henderson, Mrs. Elmer * arks and Wayne, and Mrs. W il bur Looney and children went to Emmett Saturday to visit a sis ter, Mrs. J. A. Coon, who recently underwent a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parks and Mrs. Ethel Parks of Boise visited the W. W. Looney fam ily Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney and child ren and Clifford Looney were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks. Mrs. A. C. Henderson has gone to Emmett to be with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. A. Coon, while she re cuperates from a operation Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown were overnight guests Saturday in the home of friends, M r and Mrs. Ora Durham near Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eastman of Caldwell were week-end guests of the E. E. Eastman fam ily and other relatives. Mrs. Bethel Martin and Mrs. Katheryn Riddle were hostesses at a pinochle party held at the Cafe Riddle Tuesday afternoon. Three tables of pinochle was enjoyed. Those present were Gloria Holly, Rose Willis, Virginia Hatch, Sue Ashcraft, Myrtle Parker, Ruth Looney, Helen Webb, Georgia Par ker, Frances Freel, Vi Dille, M yr tle Steelman and Eulahala Webs ter. Virginia Hatch won high prize, Sue Ashcraft low prize and Rose Willi? traveling prize. Refreshments of tee cream, cake and coffee were served. Shorty Hall of Parma Is helping In the Adrian locker plant. Mrs. W. H. Bunch and Richard, Mrs. Threlma Elliot and C. Glenn Brown were shoppers In Caldwell and Nampa Tuesday afteroon. They also visited Mrs. Bob Eastman In Caldwell. Mrs. C. Glenn Brown left Thurs day afternoon for Port Townsend to spend two weeks visiting rela tives and helping to celebrate the soth wedding anniversary of her nnrents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cam- field. Mrs. Herbert Thomas entertained Thursday evening with two tables of pinochle. Ladies present were Mrs. Della Hemmlngway, Mrs. L. W. Dierking. Mrs. Sue Ashcraft, Mrs. Agnes Ashcraft, Mis. VI Dille. Mrs. Edna De Haven, Mrs. Helen For Healthv Feet We check compression, timing, fuel-air ratio and a dozen other things. Then we check and adjust ignition, carburetor idling speed, mixture and all else that needs attention. Then your engine delivers top performance on minimum fuel. . . . We're truck service specialists—specialists in high-standard Inter national Truck Service. We use precision-engineered International Parts. We're at your service for a single engine tune up—any make of truck—or a complete preventive maintenance program. Phone us now, and let us help you get the lowest possible cost per ton- mile for your trucks. OW YHEE TRUCK UNO IM P. CO. OREGON ______________________ INTERNATIONAL Trucks Webb, and Mrs. Myrtle Steelman. Mrs. Della Hemingway won nigh prize and Mrs. Agnes Ashcraft low prize. Mrs. VI Dille won the traveling prize. The hostess ser ved fruit salad with whipped cream, cake and coffee. Several ladles from Adrian at tended the Home Economics club meeting held Tuesday afternoon In Kingman Kolony. Judy Bunch, Betty Jarvis, Don na Peterson. Jenefor Thompson and Norma Jean Dlerking were among the girls from Adrian who attend ed the Fldelae Amicae meeting held at the home of Myrna Lau In Kingman Kolony Thursday. Twenty Brownies were present at the meeting held Saturday, Feb ruary 8. Roll call was answered by naming a bird. Certificates of membership *were handed to eight members and Mrs. Bob Webster assistant leader, who Joined the troop at a later date. Several chap ters of "Bambi's Children" were read. Valentines were exchanged and treats o f a box of cracker jack was given each girl. Betty Lou Newblll and Ada Pearl West took charge of the Meadowlark patrol. The Recfbirds and Blueoird patrols adjourned to the gym and played games. i Twelve G irl Scouts were preseat at their meeting. Mrs. Charles Newblll checked a great deal of badgework for different girls. The second class girls told the story of the flag and sang the “Star Spang led Banner". The G irl Scouts made plans to celebrate the birthday of G irl scout ing in March. Mrs. Threlma Elliot was at Rid- geview Friday afternoon to organ ize 4-H work there with Mrs. Har ry Jergens as leader. week from IT’S TIME TO THINK ABO U T two-weeks business. com pan led Los Angeles A T TH E NYSSA LIVESTOCK COM. CO. YARDS NYSSA, OREGON This sale will be held for the benefit of those who have an extra piece o f machinery that they do not need. So bring it in any day between now and sale date, February 24. Fishing! Regular Livestock Auction Biggest Stock of Fishing Tackle Our sales are getting better every week. Let us have more o f your stock and keep the good buyers coming. W E W IL L HOLD A SPECIAL EVERY SATU R D AY AFTERNOON Since the War. Speedliner Boats And Milk Cow Sale Evanrude Motors soon at the Big Little Auction, Nyssa, Oregon NO W A V A ILA B LE Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager Hollingsworth’s Inc. Phone 116J or 25R O l d k in g C o l e j W a s a m e r k t o l d A so u l n d a m e r k t o ld s o u l w a s h H e c a l l e d f o r h is f if e W hat a happy old gent King Cole would have been if he could have dashed down to his dealer to buy a super new 1947 radio on the Thrifty Pay Plan. But, alasl The merry old rascal didn't live in this modem age and had to be content with three off-tune fiddlers. Which all goes to prove that you've got it all over Old King Colei You can get the best in modem radios . . . or any other needed home appliance . . . and pay for it conveniently with a Thrifty P ay Loan from the First National Bank of Portland. Arrange your purchase through your dealer. Then tell him you want to bu y it on First National's Thrifty P ay Plan. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what Thrifty P ay can do for you. cause foot trouble later in life. Check often on BANKREDIT your children’s shoes. ABBOTT'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP from Surplus Farm Machinery Sale Mon., Feb. 2 4 Visit in Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor and children of New Plymouth spent S a t u r d a y visiting Nyssa friends. Returns Home Ira Ure, Sr., returned home last a The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland * 7Kvic¿<x«t¿ M «Bihar Federal Deposit to and pleasure trip. While away he I L a ^ , Utah by another sister, visited his sister. Miss Doris Ure. j Mn. Haal Wolfers. at Tucson, Arizona and was ac-1 Run-down heels can Phone 83-J NYSSA TH U R S D A Y , FE B R U A R Y 13, 1947 ßted Inioreece Cerperatlan ...