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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1947)
* wV :t 1 » 1 g -»V ^ f v ^ r y r i l r j j ^ . V . x> a & ë ï -» g ' ^ — ÆS^c JOURNA The NYSSA VO LU M E XXXXtl- NO. 4 NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD AY, FE B R U AR Y 13, 1947 DON M. GRAHAM OF Hartley Agrees *LAN FOR STATE TAX TOPIC Recreation In SALES NYSSA APPOINTED PARK AT DAM TO Damage Claims OF DISCUSSION AT Annual Banquet OF PEACE To Keep Post As Nyssa Asked Of GRANGE GATHERING Of Boy Scouts BE INVESTIGATED Reach $275,000 Don JUSTICE Graham has been ap Superintendent S. M. Boardman, superintendent Claims for damages alleged to pointed M. justice on the proposed Held In Nyssa City Councilmen state A discussion of the peace in of state parks, has been instructed have resulted from the 1946 Owy sales tax featured the pro Nyssa. succeeding Frank D. Hall, Request Sponsored By P T A ; Business Peti tions Presented gram of the Oregon Trail Grange at the Oregon Trail schoolhouse Tuesday night. Leaders of the discussion were Frank Parr, Roy Holmes ¿id Lloyd Adams for the affirmative and Harland Diven, Bob Holmes and Ed Jamieson far the negative. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Holmes and Thurman Hill were obligated in the furth degree.. George Cleav er, master, announced that the first and second degrees will be con ferred at the next meeting. The Oregon Slope Grange will be host to the Pomona Grange February 22, according to Marie Holmes, lecturer. Richard Maw and Errett Hummel, representing the Parent-Teacher association, asked the city council at a meeting Tuesday night to take action to provide a recreation program over a period of 10 months during the summer. Council Chairman, R. G. Witaker appointed Harry Miner to work with the P.T.A. on the project. The group especially wants some type of playground supervision. J, L. Herriman asked the council to vacate a portion of the alley at the rear of the Herriman Motor company garage. J, M. Dority requested the council to extend the business zone as to include 120 feet on the west side The Nyssa Eagles defeated Ad of Ninth street between Park rian last Wednesday night, Febru avenue and Ehrgood avenue. The ary 5 by a score of 36 to 24 on toe present boundary runs along w.e Adrian court and the following ev center line of Ninth street. The drubbed the Parma cagers council passed a motion to start ening 62 to 49 in a hotly contested game proceedings to extend the line. gymnasium. Lavar Hawkins asked permission in In the a Nyssa slow first quarter against to construct a sheet steel and con the Adrian quintet, Nyssa held a crete building at Second street one-point margin, 7 to 6, and in and Good avenue for a garage creased the lead to 22 to 14 at the The matter was referred to City end of the first half. In the third Manager E. K. Burton, who Is period the Eagles played more or conferring with the state fire mar ganized ball, making five field goals shal relative to the request. to Adrian's two. In the final ca »- An ordinance vacating the alley to the teams played on even terms in block 16, Teutsch’s addition, was Holman, Nyssa guard, led the passed at final reading. Eagles in scoring with 11 points, City Attorney A. Yturri reported followed closely by Bellon with 10. to the city council that the assess Brewer led the losers with nine ed valuation of Nyssa has probably points. exceeded the $1,000,000 mark for In the preliminary, the Eagle the first time. seconds won over the Adrian ag The county has men working gregation 26 to 24. Running up a here on a re-valuation program. 10-2 lead in the first quarter and The present tax assessments are increasing the lead to 14 to 5, Lie based on a valuation of about Eagles led by nine points at the $660,000. Valuation in the year end of the first half. Retaining 1945-46 was $629,571.80. their margin throughout the second half, the Eagles were never threat ened until the last few minutes of CHRISTIAN CHOIR play, when Adrian came with'« two points of tying the count. Root TO GIVE PROGRAM took scoring honors for Nyssa. The Christian church choir will present a program of sacred music dumping in 10 points, with Woods Sunday night at 8 o'clock. The of Adrian leading the losers with seven points. choir consists of 17 voices. The program will be given as The Eagles forged ahead in the follows: "Bless the Lord, Oh My last quarter to defeat Parma Thurs Soul”, by Forrest D. Walker and day night. With both teams fight "He Leadeth Me", by H. Stillmn ing for the lead in the first half Martin, choir; selections by a vocal Nyssa managed to gain a one-point trio, quartet and duet and two lead, 13-12 at the end of the first solos to be sung by choir mem quarter. However, in the next per bers, "Jesus Is His Name” by iod, with the lead changing hands Henry Wilder and "Blessed Home several times, Parma gained a land” by Inez Westfall Holmes: three-point lead, 30-27, at the eol two numbers by the junior choir, of the half. "Trust In the Lord" by Isabel Nyssa took a two-point lead at Chester, and "Oh, Lift Your Heads" 42 at the end of the third- period In the final canto, the Eagles stag by Felix Mendlessohn. The pianist is Miss Olaudlnc ed a rally that Parma was unao e Tomlinson, who will present the to stop. instrumental prelude. The ch.ilr Sayre of Parma led all scorers, director is Rev. George Whipple making 25 points. Holman led the Eagles with 22 points, followed by L. Bailey with 17 points. Other Ex-Resident Shot— Fred Lopez city marshal of Par Nyssa players and their scores we.a ma who formerly lived in Nyssa, C. Wilson 4, G. Bellon 11, D. Will- D. Steinke 4, and R. Root. was shot in the left shoulder at son In 4, the preliminary Nyssa again his home Wednesday morning with a 32.20 calibre revolver, which ne defeated Adrian 36 to 20. The Eag led 23 to 7 at the end of the carries on police duty. His con les dition was reported by attendants first half and maintained their of victory until the final at Mercy hospital in Nampa to be margin “not serious”. Relatives said Mr. whistle was blown. Nyssa players Lopez did not reveal any details and their scores were D. Steinke of the accident. Deiputy Sheriff 20, R. Root 6, B. Eldredge 2, L. Clarence Imberg said "our investi Toombs 4, and G. Weeks 4. gation has not been completed, but it has already been definitely Returns From Coast— established that Mr. Lopez shot Ed Case of the Hi-Way Mdse. himself”. Mart has returned from a business trip to San Francisco. Return To Home— Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Walker of Clinic Is S et- Coos Bay, Oregon left for their Plans have been completed for home Tuesday after a 10-day visit the Snake river valley high school with Mr. Walker's daughter, Mrs. music clinic to be held in Payette Roy Barnes, and family. Friday night at 8 o’clock. A nomi nal charge will be made for ad Return From Nebraska— mission. Mrs. A. L. Heldt and family have returned from Stamford. Visit in Burns— Nebraska, where they attended Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McPartland funeral services for Mr. Heldt, and children spent the week-end who died in Nyssa January 29. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch in Burns Visit Near Baker— Mr and Mrs. Herachel Thomp Goes to Colorado— son, Mr and Mrs Herb Fisher and Mrs. Glea Billings left last Mrs. Dave Mitchell were week-end Thursday to visit relatives in Gree guests at the Bob Thompson home ley, Colorado. near Baker. P. T. A. Group to Meet— A meeting of the executive board Returns from Hospital— Mrs. Carl Hill returned home of the P. T A. will be held at the Saturday from the Holy Rosary home of Mrs. Ed Frost Thursday hospital in Ontario, where she un evening, February 20, at 8 p.m. derwent a major operation. Leave for Corvallis— Mr and Mrs. Ira Ure, Jr., left Attend Conference- Several Nyssa residents, Irvin Monday for Corvallis after spend Topllff, Merrildean Robbins. Oscar ing the week-end with Mr. and Bratton, Keth Moss and Winona Mrs. Ira Ure. Sr. Mr. Ure will Henderson attended a young adult resume his studies at Oregon State conference sponsored by the Meth college. odist church in Baker Saturday and Sunday, Sixty persons from Return from Trip— all sections of the district attended Mr and Mrs Neil Dlmmick re the conference, which Included a turned Friday from a three-weeks banquet held Sunday noon in the vacation spent visiting at Walla Hotel Baker Rev H J. Greenlee Walla. Spokane. Yakima. Portland of Cascadf former Nyssa pastor, and Corvallis. While at Corvallis led the main dlecusrton Irvin they visited their son. Larry, who Topllff is district vice president. is attending Oregon State college. Eagles Capture Two More Tilts to investigate the feasibility of hee ditch break amount to approxi resigned. School Board T o Raise establishing a state park at the mately $275,000, according to J. C. Mr. Hall, who plans to move to Teachers’ Salaries Owyhee dam. Medford, asked to be relieved of Sproul, secretary of the Owyhee his $600 A Year duties by March 1. After a visit to the dam, Mr. Water Users association. Graham, who was appointed Henry Hartley, who had announc Boardman will make a report to Practically all of the applications by Mr. Earl Snell, will main The program given at the an | the state park commission. The for damages have been turned in tain Governor the justice office in his in ed that he intended to resign as nual banquet of the Boy Scouts civic clubs of the county have and are nearing completion. Any surance office on Main street near superintendent of Nyssa schools, agreed at a meeting of the school of Nyssa in the home economics recommended the site as a park one who has asker for $1000 or less the post office. board Wednesday night to remain should call at P. J. Gallagher's room of the high school building area. The bureau of reclamation is office and sign the special form with the school system at least last Thursday night was featured reported have offered coopera onto which their claims have been by musical numbers and short tion in the to project. until the initial phase of the dis transferred. At the present time talks. trict’s prospective building program 157 claims have been filed, with The »'Boy Scouts and their par is completed. more still to be submitted. Persons ents sang several songs, led by The Nyssa chamber of commerce, intending to file claims must do so Mrs. O. P. Williams, and Mr. An meeting Wednesday noon, passed a by February 20. derson gave the invocation. The After trailing throughout the resolution extending to Mr. Hart Claims may be sent to Mr. Oalla- toastmaster, R. H. Hunter, then the Nyssa Bulldogs lost a ley a vote of confidence and asking gher, Ontario or J. C. Sproul, On contest presented Spencer Lane, who sang basketball game to the Weiser him to remain in the superinten tario route 1, box 180. "That’s America To Me” and “It’s high school on the Nyssa court dent's position. The chamber mem A Great Old Glag", accompanied Approximately 120 Cubs and par Tuesday night by a score of 53 to bers and school board felt that ents attended the annual covered BASEBALL UNIFORM 31. by Mrs. Lane. new man would find the position A skit was presented by the Fox dish dinner of the Nyssa Cub Scout DRAWING PLANNED The Wolverines gained an 8 to a very difficult in view of the in patrol of troop 19 under the dir pack Friday evening, February 7 0 margin early in the game and creased burdens that a building in the high school building, accord A drawing to determine the mer never relinquished the lead. The program will entail. ection of Paul Flanary. Other numbers on the program ing to Cubmaster Vern Farson. j chants passing attack was good, The board also decided to raise who will be privileged to Bulldogs’ but they could not hit the basket teachers included two tonette solos, Jerry The dinner was served by two , buy uniforms salaries approximately $600 for the Nyssa base Williams; two readings, Cleo Flin den mother, Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass ball team will be held in Harry consistently. a year, which will bring Nyssa sal ders; selections by a boys chorus, ahd Mrs. Art Servoss, assisted by Miner's barber shop Saturday Speroplus of Weiser was high aries to about the same general Valdee Child, Jerry Williams and the cub mothers. man with 21 paints. level as those In the remainder February 15 at 8 o’clock. point Nyssa were Koyano 9, of Richard Anderson, and two read Leon Myers of Payette, assistant night, the state. of sponsoring firms Sutherland players scout executive, showed three films, will The be names 4, Church 1, Herren 3, ings, Carol Flinders. on the back of the Holcomb 5, Bellon. Green 2, And Merit badges were presented by "The Cub in the Home”, "The Cub uniforms. placed Persons who have not FARM LOAN GROUP 6 and Ray 1. Ray C. Lewis, district Boy Scout in the Pack" and "The Cub in the to sponsor a player should erson The second string of Nyssa won WILL HOLD MEETING chairman as follows: Carl Bair, Den”. The films showed actu >1 asked do so at once and those lnterester safety and wood-work; Lynn Ray, scenes taken of Cub pack activities should be present at the drawing. over the Weiser outfit 34 to 17. Nyssa players were Toombs 8, Wil An officer of the Federal Land personal health and safety; Leon an New Jersey. der 12, Wilson 4. Chadwick 2, And bank Haney, book-binding, handicraft, j Awards were presented to the of Spokane will deliver thu erson 4, Hale, Sutherland, Cleaver, principal wood-carving and art, and Jimmy parents of the cubs and were in ALL TICKETS FOR address at the annual Mitchell, Garner 2, Itamuro 2, turn presented to their sons. The Skeen, art. meeting of the Payette National HOOP GAME SOLD Hunter and Low. In a short talk, School Superin- | following boys from Mrs. June Farm Loan association at Payette tendent Henry Hartley said “I am Beyeg den received their bobcat All tickets for the basketball Nyssa will play Frultland there Thursday, February 20. happy to see so many people in pins: Jerry Gyllcskog, Johnny New game to be played by the Nyssa Friday night and will play the More than 100 farmers and som, Dee Shuster, Gary Beyer, Eagles and the Harlem Legion last home game of the season ranchers from Payette, Washing terested in their boys.” against Payette on the Nyssa floor ton and Adams counties in Idaho Speaking on the shortage of Ronald Buchner, Bobby Trabert, naires the Nyssa gymnasium Tuesday night of next week. school housing facilities in Nyssa, Gary Straube, Eugene Cooper, Monday in night, and Mafheur county are expected February 17 have Mr. Hartley said “I want you to Charles Troast and Billy Lovejov. been sold. to attend the meeting, which will thing abut this, because the prob The boys of Mrs. Servoss den re Because of the limited seating Go On Vacation— be held In the Portia club hall lem is essentially yours. The teach ceived their bear pins. They are capacity, the local team sold only Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Pike le't following a dinner to be served at ers are merely working for you”. Johnny Lienkaemper, Farrell Jones, 300 adult tickets and 150 children's Saturday for Idaho Falls and Salt 12, noon. New directors of the Lake City, on their vacation. Mrs. association will be elected. Mrs. Frank Skeen said “Scouting Ronnie Thompson, Gene Servoss, Pike is employed at the reclama is doing the boys a lot of good. Byron Caldwell, Kenneth Cottle, tickets. tion office here. Mr. Pike recently Visits Parents— I think us mothers and fathers Jerry Scubal, Rodney Holcomb, Undergoes Operation— also should support the scoutmast Vernon Toombs, Gail Clowers and Mrs. Kernrit Lienkaemper of returned home after serving with Frank Calvert of San Francisco Stanley Bybee. The following boys ers tnore". a few days last week visiting underwent a major opera the occupation forces in German;'. spent Walter L. McPartland, scoutmas from dens 1 and 2, led by Mrs. Nyssa In Nyssa with his parents, Mr. and in the Holy «osary hospital Return From Visit— ter of troop !9, stated that "This Snodgrass, were awarded' their lion in tion Ontario Mrs. Ben Calvert. Mr. Calvert has Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Savage and is the best showing of parents of pins: Stephen Talbot, John Kin- recently discharged from the Mrs. Savage’s mother, Mrs. Reu been troop 19 we have ever had". He kade, Lawrence Patterson, Larry Return from Portland— navy. He will make his home in then praised Leo Child, scoutmaster Vaughn, Stanley Mefford, David John Palmer of the Western Cor ben Haroldson, have returned from San Francisco. of troop 58, for his work in scout Savage, Vernon Frost, Keith Gor- rugata company has returned from a visit of two weeks in Los Ange rell, Kenneth Snodgrass, Delvin a two-weeks business trip to Seat les. ing. Go To Utah— Others called on for remarks Mace and Bill Morrison. Mrs. Don Moss left Thursday tle, Portland and other points in Infant Sccumba— were Mrs. Harland Diven and Lee Keith Gorrell, Larry Vaughn. Oregon for her home in Salt Lake Washington. Mrs. Pal George, Infant son of Mr. and evening Vernon Frost and David Savage mer and and Miller. City spending a week here baby, who visited relatives Mrs. Louis Vanderell of Nyssa, with after A lunch of "hot dogs”, potato received their Webelos badges, pre in Portland, relatives. mother, Mrs. returned home with died last Thursday In the Nyssa Mary E. Bybee, Her chips, potato salad, punqh, ice paring them for entering a Hoy him. accompanied her. Nursing home. Interment was held They made the trip with Vert cream and cookies was served by Scout troop. Saturday afternoon in the Catho Oarner. the home economics girls of the Leaves on Trip— lic cemetery In Ontario with Father high school to a large crowd. Fred Bracken of Bracken's store Galre officiating. Returns From Hospital— left Wednesday on a trip to Utah Nursing Home News— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skeen re and California. He will visit his GIVE SUPPER Four 'births were announced at turned home from Salt Lake City father, who is ill in Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost en with their the Nursing home this week. Mr. Jimmy, who recently and will attend to business and tertained at a buffet supper and underwent son, and Mrs. E. A. Allred, of Nyssa a leg operation there. visit relatives in San Francisco and are bhe parents of a girl, born Nyssa’s second boxing match of Los Angeles. He is making the trip pinochle party Sunday evening for 14 guests. Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper February 5, weight 8 pounds and the season will be staged with On by car. , HAVE DINNER PARTY and J. L. Herriman won prizes for Members 12 ounces; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cris- tario in the Nyssa gymnasium of the Wednesday Mr. mon. Nyssa, girl, born February Thursday night, February 20 at holding high scores at cartte. Mr. and Mrs. club motored to the Pay SHOWER IS OIVEN 10, weight 6 pounds, 5'i ounces; 7:30. and Mrs. W. L. McPartland won ette club for dinner Wednesday of Mrs. Ira R. Ure, Jr., was the In Mr. and Mrs. Richard Laracy of About 12 bouts will be fought by spiration for a miscellaneous show traveling prizes. lust week and returned la tei to the Nyssa, girl, born February 10, boys ranging in weight from 95 er given Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Camp weight 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and to 165. The lower bracket may vary home of Mrs. Ira Ure with Mrs. BRIDGE HOSTESS bell to play bridge. Frank Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans of Paro a four pounds and the highest brack Dave Mitchell assisting. In the Mrs. Forest Bodmer was hostess and George Mitchell won prizes. boy, February 12, weight 7 pounds, et seven pounds. to her newly formed bridge club "Help Your Neighbor" game, Mrs. 14 ounces. Ontario has some good boxers, Bernard Frost won high and Mrs. Tuesday evening of this week. The PARTY IS HELD W. A. Jones and Clayton Gray- including a few Snake river valley Ira Ure Jr., low. Refreshments were high score in bridge was won by The special Interest class In the beal are receiving medical treat champions Bodmer and second high by M. I. A. held a party at the home of 1946. The Bulldogs to 28 guests. The bride re Mrs. ment at the nursing home. defeated Adrian in their only pre served Mrs. Edward Boydell. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis Fri ceived many lovely gifts. vious match. day evening, with 26 attending. Here from Burley— ENTERTAIN BOYS Oames were under the direction of CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pullman BANQUET PLANNED Ray and Mrs. Wilford Peterson. Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Sherman P. Bybee Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. H. Oordon of Burley, Idaho visted at the The annual Washington banquet were treat Paulson won high, Mrs. Vibert honored on their wedding an ed the members of M. the Herren home of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Clow of the Masonic lodge will be held niversary Nyssa high Rqssler, traveling prize and Mrs. Tuesday evening with a school basketball teams and ers and at the home of Mr. and February 20 at 7 p. m. in tire chicken dinner Vibert Kessler, low. Refreshments at the Payette es Howard Lovejoy and coach Mrs. J. E. Brower for several days high school building. The Eastern Kinsey were served by Mrs. S. P. Bybee last week. Mrs. Pullman is a sister Stars and their husbands and Country club, with Mr. and Mrs. Keveren to a home-cooked, fried and Mrs. Lewis, with various class of Mrs. Clowers and Mrs. Brower. Masons and their wives are invited Vibert Kessler as hosts. Out-of- dinner last Friday evening members furnishing cakes. A spe The visitors were en route to Pana to attend. The dinner will be serv town guests were Mr. and Mrs. chicken cial surprise feature of the evening Parker of Ogden. Mrs. Par at the Herren home. ma for an indefinite stay. ed by the home economics girls Wayne was several solos rendered by Char ker is Mrs. Bybee’s sister. of the high school. les Taylor, former opera singer. He WOMEN MEET Worker Resigns— Mrs. Garret Stam was hostess to was assisted by Mrs. Waynard Tal HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. J. R. Rasmussen, Malheur SPONSORING CARD PARTY the Oregon Trail Orange Home bot and Mrs. Lewie. Mr. and Mrs. county Red Cross chapter execu The Home Economics club of Miss Janeei Fife was honored Economics club February 8. her birthday with a party given Sixteen members answered roll D. O. Bybee are class instructors. tive secretary who has been closely . Kingman Orange will sponsor a on connected with Red Cross work benefit card party at the Kingman by her mother, Mrs. Dean Fife. call. Following the business meet PARTY HELD AFTER GAME for 20 years, has tendered her res schoolhouse Saturday, February The cake was pink and white. She ing. Mrs. Miriam Black of On Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis were ignation: Mrs. George C. Taylor 15. The public is invited to attend. received many lovely gifts. tario presented an interesting dem hosts to some of their friends and will succeed Mrs. Rasmussen as on "How To Remodel relatives after the game Saturday HONORED ON BIRTHDAY onstration executive secretary, with headquar SOCIETY MEETS a Kitchen". The “Help Your Neigh ters in Ontario. The Methodist Women's society Mrs. Kenneth Tucker was hon The members exchanged valen evening. game was played. Refresh met at the home of Mrs. C. W. ored guest at a birthday party giv tine pot holders. Refreshments of bor" ments were served. Has Role In Play— Buchner Thursday afternoon, Jan en Friday afternoon by the Nyssa salad, sandwiches, cookies and cof James Aston, formerly of Nyssa, uary 23. The theme for the coming Birthday club. The afternoon was fee were served by Elsie Diven, GIRLS ARE ILL IN will portray the dynamic role of year's study is "Of Such Is the spent in sewing and chrocheting assisted by Mrs. Stam “Boris Kolenkhov" in the annual kingdom”, pertaining to the con various articles Refrehments were The next meeting will be held BUENA VISTA AREA competitive play to be held in the dition of children all over the served by Mrs. George Paulson March 8 with Mrs. Qeorge Cleaver BUENA (Special)— Sylvia auditorium of Snow college at world and the work that the and Mrs. Arvella Swensen. The as hostess. Each member Is asked and Alva VISTA Ann Cleaver have been Ephraim, Utah February 19 and Methodist church is doing with honoree received a lovely gift. to furnish a tea towel for a tea ill. They are the small daughters 20. The title of the play is “You children. towel exchange. of Lester and Loyd Cleaver. Can't Take it With You ". Mrs. H. J. Oemhardt led the PINOCHLE PLAYERS MEET Those from this district who at devotions. Mrs. W. L. McPart The Saturday evening pinochle tended the Home Economics club at WISHES TO THANK land was In charge of the pro club met at the home of Mr. and The American Legion Auxiliary the Oarrett Stam home Thursday FINAL LUNCHEON gram, which was "Our Steward Mrs. Harry Kingrey this week. Mrs. expressed thanks to ail those who were Mrs. Olenn Mrs. PLANS OUTLINED of the Children of the World". John Barnett and Walter Fox won gave to the Oregon cheat fund. George Cleaver. Mrs. Hoffman, Willis Bert Final plans for the annual as ship O. O. Anderson assisted Mrs. high prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs H O. Hopkins, president of ram and Mrs. Alva Ooodell. sociated clubs potluck luncheon to Mrs. with the serving of re McConnell won men's and women's the local chapter, reports that $109 Mr. and Mrs Lester Claussen of be held February 15 In the Nyssa Buchner prizes for holding second high was collected and turned over to Nebraska Is visiting at the Howard high school building have been freshments. score. Traveling prizes were won by the regional collector, A. Anderson Day home. Mrs. Claussen Is a sis completed. Mrs. Walter Fox and John Bar of Ontario. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs Bess Foster Smith. Welser ter of Mrs. Day. poetess, will be the principal speak Mrs. Ward Wieneke entertained nett. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Hoffman were er Several musical and vocal se 12 guests at a bridge party last In Ontario Monday. SUNSHINE CLUB MEETS ENTERTAINS CLUB lections will complete the program. Wednesday evening, especially hon The Rebekah Sunshine club met Mrs. Howard Parson returned Table decorations will feature the oring Mrs. Warren Farmer. Many Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper entertain last Friday afternoon at the home from the Nyssa Nursing home 12 months of the year. They have lovely pink and blue shower gifts ed at bridge Wednesday evening. of Mrs. Harry Kingrey, with Mrs. Wednesday with her infant son. been designed by Mrs. Katherine arranged in an attractively decor- Her guests were the regular mem Pat Bennett and Mrs Warren Those who attended the pino McGee and Mrs. Helen Hoffman. | ated doll buggy w|pe presented to bers of one of the Wednesday ev- ! Oraves acting as assistant host chle party at Oregon Trail school- enftig clubs Mrs. John Bowen won esses After the business meeting house Thursday evening were Mr. A special invitation is extended Mrs. Farmer. to newly-formed clubs and women At bridge Mrs. Edward Boydell high prize, Mrs. Luray Trabert, bunco was enjoyed for an hour. and Mrs Willis Bertram, Mr and of the community who are interest won high prize and Mrs Grant second, and Mrs. Ed Frost, the The h os teases served a lunch to Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis won second high. I traveling prize. ed in club work. 118 members. 'Alva Ooodell and Oeorge Cleaver. Songs and Talks Featur ed; Merit Badges Presented Awards Given To Cub Scouts Nyssa, Ontario Teams To Fight Weiser Defeats Bulldogs 53-31