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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1946)
r/ieNYSSA VuiaLME XXXXÍ ' Furnace Dealers Erecting Nyssa Business House NO. 10 ACCIDENT MEETINGS vV ILL BE CONDUCTED Under the sponsorship of local smployers, the accident prevention division of the state industrial ac cident commission will conduct a community safety entertainment at Nyssa Friday, April 5. The enter tainment, which will be held at the high school auditorium will con sist of sound motion pictures and a short talk on the prevention ot accidents. It will be open to the general public with no admission charge. These entertainments, which have been held throughout the state have drawn large crowds. Similar entertainments, arranged by George Carlson, field man of the division in this territory are scheduled as follows: Monday, Jun- tura, Tuesday, Harper: Wednes day, Ontario; Thursday, Vaie and Saturday, Adrian. NYs'SA~,~(5ÏÏEUÜft, THURSDAY, MXRCH 21, Malheur To Seek Mexican, German Farm Laborers AEDICAL SERVICE BAILABLE TO VETS 1946 Vale Wins Title In Maiheur Co. Boxing Tourney JOURNAL — — ■ " 1 ■' - v '. a . * i V. J i ----------------- BOY FALLING FROM TRACTOR INJURED ~ — ---------- t — . George Kaylor Taken By Death While Working Post Commander Don M. Gra Wavne Green, Nyssa high school ham has Just received word from student, was Injured Wednesday Neil Morfitt, department comman- afternoon when he fell from a I cer of the American Legion, that an Annco Company Starts Laborers Would Be Hous | agreement has been consummated Vikings Nose Out Ontario tractor on the school grounds. The Bureau Of Reclamation youth tell from the hood of the Operation Of Tile Here By Only Two ed At Four Points In between the veterans administra- Employe Falls From tractor operated by Jerry Crandall Ition and Oregon physicians service Plant County Points Ditcher for the furnishing of localized med- and was dragged for a few feet. ital service to veterans throughout Green, who lives with his aunt One firm has started construction The Vale high school won the The aid of I.texican nationals and George Kaylor, resident of the Oregon. of a large business building and German prisoners of war to supple- Under this program, male veterans Malheur boxing tournament held and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nyssa-Owyhee section lor many another concern has started oper ment the farm labor shortage will w.ll oe entitled to localized medi in the Nyssa gymnasium last week Kingrey, was sent to the Holy years, died Wednesday afternoon be requested for the 1946 crop sea cal services for service-connected end with 24 points and Ontario Rosary hospital in Ontario as a about 2:40 while operating a ditch ation of a tile plant in a new son by the Malheur County Farm Conditions, whereas female veterans gained second place with 22 points. precaution. His condition is not con er for the bureau of reclamation building along highway No. 20 nort.i Labor Sponsoring association, re will receive these local.zed medical Nyssa won 11 points and Adrian 5. sidered serious. on the Lou Pratt ranch in Newell of the “Y." services for service-connected ail Crandall was driving the tract- heights. The only weight championship ported Glen Hutchinson, Ontario, ments. as well as most non-service W. L. and C. V. Anderson, who who presided at a meeting of the connected conditions. The rendering taken by the Nyssa team was won tor to the athletic field, where it Kaylor's fellow workers saw him will conduct their business under was to have been used. 10-man board of directors in On of these services requires individ by Howard Flanary on a forfeit. fall from the ditcher, but did not the name of Anderson Brothers Oil tario FTiday, March 15. ual authorization in advance from Baca of Ontario won the 104 determine the cause of the fall. Heating company, have started The tentative schedule for pns- the veterans administration. It is X-rays were taken Wednesday building a cinder block structure iners of war calls for a total of understood that the new medical pound title by taking a decision night, but doctors had not deter bOO to be divided between camps service arrangement for veterans in over Bartholoma of Nyssa. The that will be 50 by 70 feet in size. mined this morning whether death at Vale and Nyssa. It is the ten Oregon will be effective on and af boys were evenly matched and did The front wall of the building will was caused by a heart attack or tative arrangement to house 250 ter April 1. some nice fighting in all three ol be of brick. by some other condition. A bump on at Vale and 560 of the prisoners at their one-minute rounds. Under this program the veteran Lunch was served to 85 women The brothers, who expect to have Nyssa. Brown of Vale decisioned Hiatt who represented 25 clubs from var the head could have been caused will be enab'ed to obtain authorized their building completed In 90 days, There has been no announcement medical services from his family of Nyssa in the 112 pound group. ious parts of the county at the by the fall. Officials had not de will be distributors for oil burners of an international agreement for home town doctor, in most instances. Science was not much in evidence, sixth annual meeting of the As cided this morning whether to hold manufactured by the H. C. Little the importation of Mexican labor Oregon physicians’ service, the med lu t the boys did a lot of slugging. sociated Women's Clubs of Mal- an inquest. Oil Burner company of San Rafael, Mr. Kaylor was bom in New for the 1946 season but the spon ical service plan sponsored by the Schlagel of Ontario, probably the hejir County in Adrian last week. California, and Spark heaters made soring association went on record Oregon State Medical society, main hardest fighter in the circuit, won The Modern Pioneer club was the Salsbury, Indiana February 9, 1880 by the Hammer-Bray company. and after coming to this section en The annual dinner meeting of as desiring a total of 750 Mexican a hacd-earned decision oyer Ter- hostess club. The Armco Drainage and Metal the Malheur County Public Health nationals for use in the county. It tains a current staff of approxi gaged in farming for about 30 rada, 125, of Vale. In the first round mately 800 physicians and surgeons Albion Aspinwall of the College of Products company is making con association will be sponsored by was agreed to house 200 Mexicans Schlagel was warned by Referee Idaho, guest speaker, gave an in years on the Owyhee river. He located throughout the state and crete tile in a cinder block build the Ontario chapter of the Sorop- I at Ontario, 250 at Adrian, and farm started working for the bureau ot Sugai of Ontario against using his ing that was erected last fall. Bill timist club Tuesday, March 26 at house the remaining 300. The as with affiliated physicians and sur epen hand. Both fighters were teresting talk on functional decora reclamation January 3, 1944. geons is being augmented steadily, ting for the western home. Cooper, manager of the local plant, 7:30 p. m. in the Moore hotel in sociation will request that 250 ot Survivors are the widow: two due to the return of many physi knocked down in the second round Miss Ruth Larson of Nyssa sang said the firm will run about 500 Ontario. the Mexicans be shipped out ot cians from the armed forces. and Terrada went down three more “The End of a Perfect Day," and daughters, Mrs. Arthur Norcott ot leet of tile daily. Two men In add Seattle and Mrs. Robert Van Horn Every person in the county who is county labor shortage areas about It is believed that veterans in times before the end of the bout. "When Irish Eyes are Smiling." ac of Caldwell; a son, Robert Kaylor ition to Cooper are now employed interested in public health is auto June 15 with the understanding Wilder of Nyssa lost the 140- at the plant and another man Is matically a member of the assoc that they be returned by October 1 Oregon will appreciate the opport pound decision to Plaza of Ontario companied by Mrs. Charley Grider. of Prlneville, and two grandchild expected to 'be added to the force iation and is invited to attend the to participate in the beet harvest. unity of obtaining these medical in the last round after breaking Mrs. Charles Swelzer read a group ren. Steven and Peter Van Horn. Monday. Funeral services have not been dinner. Reservations may be made The county-wide association re services in their home towns under even of better in the first two of poems. The Armco company, a Denver by contacting Mrs. Jessie M. Fras quested a total of 800 Mexicans the provisions of this program, said cantos. With Wilder pouring out. Citations to Adrian women were arranged. The body is In the Nyssa E. L. Jamieson, newly appointed made by Mrs. F. L. Olmstead ot concern, operates plants all over the er of Ontario, Box 297. Funeral home. for the season, but Captain Ernest rights and lefts In the first round. ■west. Verl Dowers of Vale, association E. Gasch, representing Colonel D public relations chairman of post Plaza dropped to his knees but Ontario, who was chairman of the women's division of the war bond president, has appointed a nom E. Smith, commander of the base No. 79, Nyssa. can e back quickly. committee in Malheur county. inating committee consisting of camp for prisoners of war at Ru Barnes of Vale, 148, defeated Do- Mrs. Olmstead said that Adrian Earl Blackaby of Ontario, Mrs. M. pert, Idaho, stated at the meeting men of Ontario in a bout that was led the county in the bond drives H. G alt of Vale and Mrs. Hilda that tentative arrangeents are pos l.ot particularly exciting. conducted during the war. Tensen of Nyssa. sible for the provision of the en Hunter of Ontario, 154, decision At a business meeting the group Dr. Harold M. Erickson, state tire 800 from May 1 to May 15 ed Stevens of Vale in the last bout. expressed hope that Miss Miriam Robert Davis and son of Ontario health officer and secretary of the only. Commitments for other labor Wallis of Vale and Jordan of Black would be retained as county will open the Davis cafe in the Mrs. Garret Stam has been ex Oregon state board of health, will shortage areas, required that 300 Vale won titles in the 160 and 168 demonstration agent. pressions of gratitude from Dutch Morgan building across Main street deliver the principal address. of this total be shifted from the peund classes on forfeits. people who have received clotmng The members were urged to vote from the post office next week. The The Malheur County Public Hea county on that date as there are In the Thursday^ night prelimin The e n tle Reaching staff of the sent to the 'Netherlands from Nys by April 18 in order to be able definite day Of opening will be an lth association was organized in not enough priosners to go around Nyssa sch 1; was re-elected at a aries Terrada defeated Bybee of to vote in the primary election in nounced later. sa. 1935 through the efforts of the Gascii scaled, and the available Nyssa. Schlagel defeated Umento of meeting of the school board last May. A letter from Mrs. P. Dielman of Malheur «jounty Parent-Teaehers The building has been remodeled Adrian, Umento beat Fugawara ot Mrs. Garret Stam ol Nyssa read inside and practically all new fix Axel, Zeeland, Netherlands stated, association. It was formed under prisoners will be pro-rated through Thursday night. out labor shortage areas. However, resignations were sub Vale, Marostica of Nyssa defeated a letter from a young mother in tures have been installed. The “We want to thank you so very much for the fine overcoats we the direction of Mrs. Saidie Orr Under exisiting directives prison mitted by 10 persons, six in the Simpson of Ontario, and Plaza beat Holland, who thanked local resi color scheme is white and tan, Dunbar, executive secretary of the dents lor clothing sent to Holland with red, black and yellow trim received from the relief. My hus Oregon tuberculosis association, the ers of war will not be available in grade school and four in the high Gibbs of Vale. the country after June 15. How school. For school score each champion through the efforts of Mrs. Stam ming. band was so happy the coot fits parent organization. ever, pressure is being sought to j was given five points and the loser Most of the teachers who have and others. A 24-stool horseshoe counter has him, like it was made for him. We C. P. Yiuidt of Oregon Slope was bear in Washington to postpone resigned are women who have been of the ohampionship was given two need clothing so badly. New is not been placed in the center of the elected first president of the county the repatriation of the German ! points. teaching because of war-time con to be had and all our clothes are building and four booths have public health association on July prisoners in order that they may ditions. In tlje preliminaries staged Fri HEALTH COURSE made over for the children as we been placed on each side. 10, 1935 in the auditorium of the stay to aid in the crop harvest Mrs. Nelda Schenk and Mrs. Ada day night by grade school boys TO BE CONDUCTED cannot buy anything for them A new heating system will ser Ontario high school with over 100 here as in other labor shortage Haworth resigned to give their full Larry Crosby decisioned James Doo- ve the restaurant as well as the either. A course consisting of six lectur offices of Attorney A. L. Fletcher time to their homes. Miss Adams lin, Billy Kelch drew with Ronald “We have a tentile card with .persons present. Mrs. E. H. Brum- areas. Out-of-county officials present at and Miss Herold, grade school Jensen, Kenneth Rookstool drew es on public health and social hy and Frank Morgan. points; 15 points for three months bach of Big Bend was elected vice- president, Mrs. Charles P. Flegel, and as it takes 9 points to buy a secretary and Joe Dyer, treasurer. the meeting were Roy C. Lane teachers, plan to marry. Mrs. Greel- with Delwin Holcomb and Dick giene will be started in Ontario | The firm will serve regular meals, pair of overalls, boy's pants, there The succeeding presidents have area representative for the laboi ing’s husband and Mrs. McCon- Pounds won a decision from Lyle Friday night for the Ontario area ! and chicken dinners by appoint by the general extension division ment. The men will serve both branch, production and marketing nel’s husbands have returned from Jensen. is not much we can buy. One can In an exhibition match Howard of the Oregon state system of high soft and hard ice cream and pro not buy any socks or stockings at been J. L. Turnbull, Ontario; Ar administration, USDA; J. Ralph the service and they do not care thur II. Bone, Vale; Dennis Patch, Beck, state farm supervisor, and j to teach longer. Flanary won a decision over Glen er education in co-operation with vide all kinds of fountain service. all So we were so happy to re Adrian; Frank Parr, Nyssa, and Captain Gasch. Twenty-seven farm- the University of Oregon Medical Schtreman. E. K. Burton, Jr., desires to se ceive one piece for each of us; my Verl Dowers, Vale. Under the lead (Continued on page 4) In lieu of championship medals, school. cure a position as coach and phy husband the coat, I had a dress, Parents and the general public GRIGG BROTHERS TO sical education director. Spencer Frank Parr, Nyssa high school prln- my oldest boy of 10 had also a ership of the P.T.A. county coun cil tile Oregon Tuberculosis assoc are invited to enroll In the pro SHIP SWEET CORN ipal, introduced each of the champ" Lane will continue his studies in coat and was so overjoyed he took posed class in order that they may college. Melvin Spitze will give his ions after the bouts. the coat with him to his bed. The iation has since 1922 sent public health nurses into Malheur county Orlgg Brothers Produce company A school championship trophy gain a more complete and better full lime to his farm. C. C. Harvey boys of four and two years old re did not announce his plans to will be presented to the Vale high understanding of the vital problems of Vale and Ontario expect to ship ceived a piece of underwear. We for a short time each year as de monstration nurses, paid for by the school when it arrives here on be dealing with sex education and from 300 to 400 cars of fresh hy school officials. have enough food now, but fuel is Oregon Tuberculosis association half of the Nyssa chamber of com proper social adjustment. Matters brid sweet com this year. so very scarce yet and we had our A meeting will be held in the The company, owned and oper merce, which voted to purchase pertaining to child psychology and windows covered with paper, al through money derived from the Nyssa gymnasium Thursday even HIGH SCHOOL BOYS sale of Christmas seals. On April 1, marriage relationships would be ated by F. N. and G. T. Grigg, has the award. ready from September '44. Now this 1937, two years after the county ing, April 4 at 8 o’clock for the OUT FOR BASEBALL fully discussed in the series. leased the large cement onion stor week we were so lucky to get some public health association was or purpose of discussing the proposed The following list of topics is age plant owned by the J. R. Slm- window glass." formation of a Nyssa Parent-Teach , Thirty Nyssa high school base Included in the series of addresses plot company at Ontario and will Mrs. Stam also received a letter ganized the first full time public er association. ball players turned out this week health nurse took office in Malheur by authorities in their respective Install immediately modem corn from a Rotterdam family who had Henry Hartley, superintendent of for the initial test of the season. county. Since that time the county fields; Infectious diseases, Dr. Ad packing facilities, Griggs will also received a dress from relief. has had continuous public health schools, said interest seems great | The candidates include five let- olph Weinzlrl, Oregon school of pack com at The Tomlcello shed enough to insure a successful or termen—Toombs, catcher; Hartley, nursing service. medicine; heredity and environ In Ontario. Along with their own ganization. GRADE PUPILS TO Funeral services were held Tues ment, Dr. Ralph Huestls, University com, they are also contract growers. 3b; Moore, lb: Billings, lb; Herren. Mrs. Maurice Judd, county pre- j ss and outfield, and Iserl, pitcher day afternoon in the Peterson cha of Oregon; personal health, Mr. The Grigg brothers ship under Come From California— , AVE VACATION pel in Ontario for Miss Marthalee Howard Hoyman, University of the trade name of “Ore-Gold.” They Gene Bellon, seaman, second class, sident of the P T.A., will atten d ' from Hart Mountain, Wyoming. Taylor of Arcadia, who died Satur Oregon; marriage and family, Mrs. have established temporary offices The Nyssa elementary school will | and Harry Counsil, seaman, second | the meeting to help with the or day night as a result of skull frac Buenea M. Marls, Oregon State in the Simplot building in Ontario. be closed during the week of March class, have arrived in Nyssa on ganization. By organizatlng this Visiting Parents— 25 for a spring vacation, but the leave. Bellon is on convalescent spring, the association should be Mrs. R. W. Larsen and daugh ture suffered when she fell from a College, social hygiene education for parents and child, Mrs. Oeorge Meeting Place Announced— high school will continue operation 1 leave from San Pedro for 30 days ready to function effectively when ters, Lorraine and Janet, of Han horse. Beginning this week, the Friday in order to make up time lost dur He had been in the hospital for sev school is opened in the fall, Mr. sen, Idaho were week-end guests Miss Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Moorhead, field representative of of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, par Mrs. Lee Taylor of Arcadia, was a the Oregon medical school; and ad evening Lenten services of the Ep ing the “harvest vacation" last eral weeks. The boys were accom Hartley said. ents of Mrs. Larsen. Another dau freshman in the Nyssa high school. olescent psychology, Dr. O. Robert iscopal church will be held at the panied to Nyssa. by Mrs. L. M. fall. ghter, Mrs. C. G. Peterson, and Besides her parents, she is sur Chambers, Oregon State college. home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen on Next week and the time made up Steele of Laguna Beach, California Leaves Hospital— Mrs. J. J. Sarazin has returned twin daughters, Mae and Sue, of vived by a brother, Martin, and a Any adult may register for the Third street. during the Christmas holidays will and her friend, Mrs. Mary Lester course for college credit or without. give the pupils of the high school of Los Angeles, who are visiting at home from the Holy Rosary hos Portland arrived last Wednesday sister, Alta. The Arcadia school was dismissed Registration will be held at the lance Cancelled— pital in Ontario, where she re from Portland for a 10-day visit at and grade school the same number the home of Mrs. Steele's niece. ceived treatment for a month. early Tuesday to permit the pupils first meeting, which will probably the Sarazin home. The Masonic dance scheduled of days in class. Both the elemen Mrs. Joe Bellon. to attend the funeral. be held in room 12 of the Junior for March 22 has been cancelled tary and high schools will be closed Here F ram Baker— Injured By Bull— Attend District Meeting— high school building in Ontario at in favor of the Cinderella ball. The for the summer May 17. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Coolr, j Roger Jenkins, who lives on the Attend M eeting- A delegation of 10 men represent 7:15 p. m. The fee for the course Masonic dance will be held later. AI Thompson and Ike Elchner of is $10. ing the Laymen's league of the former Nyssa residents, were here Idaho side ol Snake river, was Guests In Nyssa— Mr. and Mrs. George Wild of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chaney had Christian church attended a dis last week-end from Baker. They gored by a bull Sunday, He was the firm of A1 Thompson and Son Woonsocket. South Dakota and as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. trict quarterly meeting in Wetser recently sold their grocery store treated in the Nyssa Nursing home attended a meeting of Purina deal HrreFromCallfornim— for two days and was then taken ers and employes in Pocatello last Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alvord and their daughter and her husband, Roscoe Hedges and daughter, An Monday night of this week. James in Baker. Thursday and Friday. The meet three sons of California arrived Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn S tarr of home. gle, Mrs. Blanche Chaney and two Earl Ladd, pastor of the Central [ ing was in the form of a school here Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Woonsocket, have arrived in Nyssa daughters, Virginia and Charlotte Christain church in Portland was Riding Club To Meet— The Owyhee Riding club will Nursing Home Notes— ch the use of insecticides. Alvord's sister, Mrs. Sherman P. to locate. and Leonard Cortes of Parma and the speaker. Dinner was served to Bybee. Mr. and Mrs. Vllbert Kess Mr S tair is working on the Bernice their soft, Horace Chaney and his the group by the women of the hold its monthly meeting March 29 Many unclaimed fruit Jars have Welser church. Plans were outlined at 8 p. m. at the home of Neil been left at the Nursing home. Discharged From Navy— ler entertained at dinner 8undsy Olbson farm in Apple valley. Geo family of Big Bend. Robert Leuck of Nyssa, who has evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. rge Wild is a brother of Ed Wild of for the establishment of a new Dimmick. The meeting day has These may be called for at any time church In Homedale. Roy Bibbey is been changed from the last Thurs and those unclaimed by May 1 will served in the navy for eight years, Alvord. Places were laid for 12 Nyssa. Visit Here— persons. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyle had as president of the local Laymen's day to the last Friday of each be property of the Nursing home. has received his discharge. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Anderson month. Schoolmasters To Meet— a guest over the week-end Mr. Ly league. are parents of a girl born March Returns From Trip— In Boise— The Snake river valley school le's son, Ronnie of Boise. Buy Cabins, Grocery— Ernest Bunn of the Nyssa Furn 18. The baby weighed 9 pounds, legionnaires To Meet— Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mrs Wll- masters will meet at New Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. Emery O. Rath- 12 *4 ounces. iture company has returned from ford Bybee were In Boise Wednes Maroh 25. Baseball and track sched A meeting of the American Leg ittend Community Concert— Jim Stephens left the Nursing a business trip to the coast. day on business. They took Mrs. ules will be drafted. Mrs. Herbert Fischer, Mrs. Grant ion and auxiliary will be held in bun of Lake Grove. Oregon have Mary K Bybee to Nampa to visit Visiting Here— ewis, Mrs. A1 Kuehn, Mrs. Glea the Legion hall on Fourth street purchased the Riverside cabins and home Monday. Twin boys were bom Wednesday Returns From Buying Tour— her daughter, Mrs. Russell Jordon. Mr. and Mrs. G rant Lewis are lilUn®, Miss Virginia Van Slyke tonight at 8 o’clock. The G. I. bill grocery store on east Main street Ernest Bunn returned Saturday visiting at the Glea Billings home nd Miss Veima Fox attended the of rights and other matters of in from John Thomas. Mr. Thomson, afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. Bill this week Mr. Lewis received his rogram of General Platoff Don terest to veterans will be discuss who has operated the business for Rios of Nyssa, The babies weighed Irom a week's buying tour for the In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison discharge from the navy March 14 iossark chorus, Monday evening in ed. All ex-servicemen are invited to several years, expects to leave soon 5 pounds. 14 ounces, and 6 pounds, Nyssa Furniture company. He went for a vacation in Canada. 10 ounces. to Seattle and Portland. shopped In Boise Tuesday. at Bremerton, Washington. attend. lolse. Dinner Attended By 85 At Adrian Health Group To Hold Gathering Dutch Happy To Receive Clothes Davis Cafe Will Be Opened Soon Teaching Staff Of Schools In Nyssa Re-Hired Nyssa PTA May Be ___ Organized • Girl Dies Of Skull Fracture