Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1940 PAGE SIX by Bishop Arvel Child. Miss Jensen’s on the program The reclt*l is open ¡ GOLD AND GR EEN B A IL decorated with red and white paper with red hearts ruffled in white. H ELD B Y M. I. A. M I. A Gold and Green ! The P‘ oeesrion of the king and oueen and her dancers was led by • Sweetheart” ball was held Satur- | Kpllh ch lld and Nancy jm Skeen. The day evening with a large crowd at- | m e coronation of the queen, was tending. The hall was beautifully M L s Verla Jensen, was conducted Stop in and Get Acquainted W ith Us Try Our Steaks Gate City Cafe R A Y AND A L HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW REYNOLDS PEN ? IT — Writes under water Writes on cloth Writes clearly through 6 carbons W ill not leak, smear, smudge. $ 12.50 Including desk stand. W e Have A Few Thermos Bottles Now! OWYHEE DRUG CO Nyssa, Oregon F o r Sale Hotpoint electric range. Old style, good con dition. Two-burner electric plate. Large size electric incubator, suitable for brooder. attendents were Mis* Vivian Fife to the public. and Miss Norma Jensen. After the •* -» - .oron&tioh a floor show was pre G IR L S E N T E R T A IN E D sented to the queen/ Six couples Eleven girls of the 4-H Victory uanced the sweetheart waltz, after Sewing circle were entertained Tue «h ic h the queen and her attendents sday evening at the home of Mrs. joined In the dance. Elmer Hill. A certificate of achieve C IV IC C L C B ELECTS Mrs. Jake Simmons was elected president of the Nyssa Civic club at a meeting held in the parish hall Wednesday afternoon. Other officers are Mrs. Gerrit Stam, vice president, Mrs. Run Campbell, secretary, and Mrs. Ed Frost, treasurer. The program included a violin solo by Mrs. Herbert Fisher, ac companied by Mrs. Carlas Buchner, and a talk on gardening by Mrs. W. L. McPartland. The tea committee consisted of Mrs. J. L. Church and Mrs. Glea Billings. Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, the retiring president, expressed thanks to the officers for their assistance, espec ially Mrs. Bernard Eastman, pro gram chairman, and others for their co-operation and help during the year. ment was presented to the group. The club received this certificate for havigig 100 per cent of its en- i oiled members complete their club project work for the year 1944-45. All 12 members completed the re- aired work, made a final report to the Oregon State college and pre pared an exhibit of their work. Names of the members winning a jertlficate were: Betty Hill. Patty -h aw , Doris Ransom, Treva Garren, Grace Shaw, Awana Shaw, Louise ■Stokes, Frances Feik, Lucille Hill, Betty Blackburn, Betty Shaw and Viola Ransom The evening was spent playing games, after which refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. . -s- F L O W E R SHOW P L A N N E D At a meeting of the A N K Garden club Tuesday afternoon, February 12 at the home of Mrs, Dale A sh craft, the members decided to hold -5 - W. S. C. S. To Meet— a spring flower show at Adrian late The Methodist W.S.C.S. will meet in May. at the home of Mrs. C. W. Buchner The proceeds of the show will be at 2 p. m. February 28. Mrs. Hugh turned into the Malheur Memorial Tobler will be asisstant hostess. A hospital building fund. program on “Africa,” will be in Mrs. Carl Hill, who was in charge charge of Darlene Sayles, Grace of the program, spoke on composes Foster and Melvin Melow. and fertilizers. -5 - — §— R E C IT A L P L A N N E D The Boise chapter of the Nation al Guild of Piano Teachers will hold its annual all-boys recital next Sunday afternoon in the Columbian club hall in Boise, beginning at 4 o ’clock. Miss Wilhelmina Hoffman will present Ted Holly of Adrian Dishes, cooking utensils, glassware, etc. Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 22-23 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Donald Barry, Otto Kruger, Lynne Roberts, Tom Powers In “THE CHICAGO KID” Also Roy Rogers In “MAN FROM O LA H O M A ” 1 can Ida-Del peas, 1 can Standby corn, 1 can Millrace green beans, 1 can Prem or Spam, 1 cake of Lux or Camay soap, 1 cake medium Ivory soap and 1 package o f washing powder. Specials Saturday, February 23 Crisco, Spry and Snowdrift, .......... Limited Cheese, Swift’s B rookfield,................Limited Washing p o w d e r...................... Limited Candy ....................................... Limited Nyssa Food Center Just Arrived New ranges and kitchen heaters. Full White Ecamel FULL V A LU E Ed Case’s HI-WAY MDSE. MART No. o f Y, Nyssa Phone 74J SUND AY AND M ONDAY, FEB. 24-25 A grand story o f a woman’s life in these Un ited States from 1902 until Pearl Harbor. Rosalind Russell— Donald Woods In “ROUGHLY SPEAKING” Latest issue “ M ARCH OF TIM ES” Tuesday 6 8 and 10 P. M. Adm. 86c-9r. Inc. Tax W ED NESD AY AND THURSDAY, FEB. 27-28 Joan Crawford, Jack Carson, Zachery Scott, And Eve Arden In “MILDRED PIERCE’ A powerful and compelling drama, rich with warm, human appeal and stark tragedy. The touching courage o f a woman who sacrifices all for a selfish, faithless daughter. News and Cartoon Adm. Evening«. adc-Vc. Including Tux Mrs. William Bothanley. who is visiting there from San Fer j Mr. and Mrs. C. K at and Rikus Van Twisk of Valley View called Sunday afternoon at the Jake Van Twisk home. After 36 months of service, 18 months of which were spent in combat duty in the European thea ter, Pfc. Clifford Bunch of Top- plnlsh, Washington, formerly of this community, has been given his honarable discharge, according to word received from the army seperation center. He served as a non-commissioned officer with the 15th air force. Upon returning from Europe Bunch reported to Baxter General hospital. Pfc. Bunch wears the distinguished unit citation with Oak leaf cluster, the E.T.O. ribbon with five battle stars, the victory, American theatre and good conduct ribbons. Before entering the army he was employed as a telephone company lineman, to which Job he plans to return. Bunch attended school here for several years. Those attending the funeral ser vices of Grandm a Stam of this community Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk, Mr. and Mrs.. John Broad. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest, Mrs. John Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot Jr., and Mrs. Gwyn. Klaas and Dick Tensen returned Saturday from Seattle, where they purchased a new truck. B U 1 LD IN G P E R M IT S Paul W . Heldt to construct one- story house, 26 by 30, in Stunz addition, frame construction, «5000. C A R D OF T H A N K S W e wish to express our thanks to our friends for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the Illness and death of our be loved mother, sister and grand mother. The Stam family D. Selman. I suffered for years and am so thankful that X found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for Information. Mrs. Anna Peutz, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. 1 oo Late to Classify M IS C E L L A N E O U S — I need some one In Adrian who likes to make good money selling my Ruby’s A ll- Purpose washing compound and water softener. Makes clothes pur er, brighter, softer, sweeter, kind to the skin in dish water, Dad's shav ing water and in your hair wash too. Box 893 Nyssa, Oregon. Free samples sent. 21Flxp. 2LTlxp free water, drill with phosphat* 21F2xp. I electricity mile from school, available. Seven north Weiser. Alfred Evans. miles -edan. good rubber and In good tunning condition. See E. L. Lunger 2lFlxp. at Factory court cabin No. 7. 21Flxp FO R S A L E —One acre with strictly W A N T E D — To buy 40 to 80 acre modern three-room house and dou farm in the vicinity of Nyssa or ble garage. O r will sell equity. Lo Ontario. W rite J. Jendrzejewskl, cated nine blocks north on First Hermlston. Oregon. 21Flxp. street. See Alfred Evans. 21Flxp. w a n ieu->— Work on farm with liv FOR S A L E — Whitney baby carriage, ing quarters for family of four. Ex «12. Parkway baby stroller «4. Oood perienced in irrigating and general condition. Box 163, Nyssa. 21F2xp. farming. W. E. Findllng. Inquire at FOR S ALE — John Deere 6-row beet Atkeson real estate office. 21F2xp. When Washington Crossed The Dele-, ware He caught the British unaware. Don’t be caught unaware. Bring your insurance up- to-date. Frank T. Morgan We’re Gonna Move next week to our new office next to Ronald’s shoe shop. More convenient for you and us when you pay your sanitation service bill. Nyssa Sanitation Service Finley Shuster, Mgr. Fertilizers Simplot Diamond Brand Super-phosphate— straight for pastures and legumes, with special mixes, including nitrogen and potash for every crop need. W e also carry a supply of sulphur, gypsum, and boron. Seed potatoes Onion Seed Certified and first year out, all varieties. White Sweet Spanish and Yellow' Sweet Spanish SIMPLOT DEHYDRATING CO. FO R R E N T — 50 or 95 acres, river bottom row crop farm ; basement house, other bldgs. 1 mile N, 1 mile W . of Ontario. H. J. Sloan Real Estate, Ontario. 21Flxc. Phone 3, Nyssa, Oregon A U C T IO N S A L E — Thursday, Feb ruary 28, 8 miles north of Weiser on north-south highway, *4 mile south of old C C C camp. Lunch at 12 noon. 8 milch cows, 16 cattle, 10 horses, 10 hogs and a boar, wire, pipe and much farm equipment and household goods. Jerry W a t- sob , owner. Col Clayton Tschirge and Bill Welty, auctioneers. Nyssa livestock Commission Co. M E R IT S Y S T E M E X A M IN A T IO N S for permanent positions with the State. Apply by Feb. 28 to Merit System Council, 616 Mead Bldg., Portland 4. 21F2xc. W A N T E D — Experienced farm hand, year-around work. Married man only. Jake Fischer, phone 05R1. 21Ftfc. will hold its regular livestock auction Friday, February 22 and will sell all kinds o f livestock. You will find this as good a market as you can go to. Let us have your livestock. And then on Friday, March I beginning at 1 o’clock we will hold another A t The Top of The " H it Parade” In the poultry world- ristie’s New Hampshire Hampshire Red Christie’s Hanson’s White Leghorns Austra-Whites. White Cornish Cross Order Now At Lemon’s Hatchery Phone 111J_________________ Nyssa, Oegop FO R S A L E — Order your sweet Spanish onion seed, flower seeds and garden seeds from Watts Seed company, Parma, Idaho. 17J8xc. F O R S A L E — W hite enameled range wood and coal, In very good con dition. Mrs. Lew McCoy, one mile west of Ole's comer. 21Flxp. F O R S A L E — Two-foot 1941 Alma Sliver Moon trailer. Most livable trailer made. New tires, electric brakes, hot and cold running water. *1500. Spencer Lane. Nyssa. Oregon, Phone 157J. 21Plxp 6 attachments Phone 04R5. fair buildings, one mile from mail Futt o a L«:— W38 Chevrolet 4-door nando, California. FO R S A L E — 1939 Ford truck. New motor, good tires. Merlin Fagan, north eight street. 21F2xp. Features Sunday 6. 8 and 10 P. M. Mat.. Sun.. 2:36 Adm.. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c 9c, Including Tax Features sen and S A L E — 40 acres, route, oil road, j Nyssa Sunday with Mrs. Dick T en - RHEUM ATISM and ARTHURITIS Features Saturday 6, 8 anti 10 P. M MaL, Sat., 2:40 Adm. 25c 5o Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Kay Francis In “ ALLOTM ENT W IV E S” Gene Autiy In “M AN FROM MUSIC M O U N TAIN ” Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. B a rg a in B a g s Shop at the store that gives you NYSSA FO R Marjorie Fields of Boise visited in T ry O u r $2 • JAKE’S FIX-IT SHOP ' «130. Hank McNee Nyssa T H U R S D A Y E V E N IN G C L U B Mrs. Bernard Eastman was host ess to the Thursday evening club. Special guests were Mrs. Artie Rob ertson, Miss Eva Boydell, Mrs Ethyl Crawford, and Mrs. Glea Billings. Prizes were won by Mrs. Enlist In Army— Crawford and Mrs. Sylvester Helner. S taff Sergeant George E. Hill, in charge of the u. S. army re- ruiting office, located in room 7, First Securities bank building, P ay ette, announces that John A. C all ahan, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph I. Callahan, route 1, Nyssa and Irvin W . Durfee, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee, route 2, Nyssa, have enlisted in the army. Mr. Callahan was last employed by Joe Bellon and previously had ! attended Nyssa high school. Each Bag Contains: Mr. Durfee attended W ayne high 1 school at Bicknell, Utah. He was Four pounds o f oranges, 3 cans of Carnation :ecently employed by his father. or Morning milk, 1 can Libbey’s tomato juice, Mantle clock, a beauty, excellent condition. Electric heater. C O L U M B IA A V E N U E Horse Sale and will have buyers for all kinds o f horses. This sale will be in connection with our regular auction. So have your stock at these two sales. Bill Lane, Auctioneer-Manager Phone 116J or 25R FOR S A L E - W a r d Sea King 9 S H. i P. outboard motor. Oood condition. X «