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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1945)
Classified THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L ested In the estate of Cecil Sebum ,' mas entertainment and committees deceased, that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of Oie estate of Cecil Sebum, de- . eased, and has qualified as such All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same with the proper vouchers RATES: Two cents per word ior each Issue. A lter one month one duly verified within six months of cent per word. Minimum, casta in advance, is 30c. the date of the lirst publication ot this Notice to the undersigned, at the office of A. L. Fletcher in the trlfugal pump, 200 G. P. M.. speed City of Nyssa, Oregon, which place 'Vli.M_kLLAiNL.OUS 1150, complete with 15 hursepowei is hereby designated as the place Westlngln-use 3 phase motor, swit of business in all matters connected For Sale ch and starter. City of Nyssa. with said estate. FO R SALE—Two harrows, 1 mile Oregon. John Seburn . lOMtfc. west and Vi mile north of Owyhee Administrator of tire Estate of Cecil Seburn. Deceased. scnoolhouse. Phone Q3J3. 13D2xp LOS 1 Advertising FO R SALE—John Deere 2-way LOST—Anyone knowing of cattle single bottom trail plow. M. L. branded with pitchfork on right Kurtz. 13D2xp. hip or back notify Zack Walker. R e ward. 180tlc. FO R SALE—Set of boy's boxing gloves, like new. Call at High WANTED school. 6D2xp. W ANTED —Used Child's writing FO R SALE —Limited supply of desk. Phone 01J4. 6D2xp. Prime corn fed tuikey’s at Fred Kratzberg farm 2 14 miles S. W. of W ANTE D — Pasture for cattle, Nyssa. 46c per pound dressed. Get either beet tops, alfalfa or corn your order In early. 6D2xp. stalks. William Peutz, route 1, phone 010J2. 29N3xc FOR SALE—Quality baby chicks W ANTED —Carpenter work. Guy hatching every week after January 1. Buy In Nyssa and you buy the Devers, north Third street. 22N4xp. best. Lemon's hatchery. Phone 111J, WE P A Y H IG H E ST PRICES for Nyssa, Oregon. live fox feed horses. Phone 8, Pay 12Atfc. FO R SALE— New dinette set, table ette. 4 chairs, sideboard and lamp table MISCELLANEOUS Mary Query at Charles Ditty ranch, route 2, Sunset valley. 6Dtfc. MISCELLANEOUS — Information FOR SALE—Turkeys, dressed or wanted as to the whereabouts of live. E. A. Dewey, Nyssa, route 2. a 16 foot row boat, painted gray, 6D2xc. made of flooring, 2 inch stern piece split out, Shirley-Kay printed FO R SALE—Oliver horse drawn with orange paint on each side manure spreader. M. E. Jensen, 1 o f one end, Tadpole, In back paint mile north, 1 mile west of Nyssa. on other end, Reward. Carr Bar 6D2xp. ker, Parma, Rt. 2. 6D2xp. FOR SALE—Alfalfa hay and ear STO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- com. 6 miles south of Ontario, J. ways building, First street. See F. Codr, route 1. 6D2xp. Jake at the Fix-It shop. 24Mtfc FOR SALE— 1935 V-8 truck with Mercury engine and beet bed. Six miles southwest and 1 mile we3t on Ivanhoe Ave. Olsen's farm. 6D3xp. M ISCELLANEOUS—Sewing mach ine repairing. Reconditioned mach ine bargains. F. "L ete” Sackett, Ontario. 8Ntfc. HAVE T H A T STOVE OVERHAUL FO R SALE— 1 room partly modern ED—At Ed Case’s Highway Mdse. house. Vern Randall. 29N3xp. Mart. No. of Y, phone 74J. INtfc. FO R SALE—New grates and re MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate, car pairs for any make of stove. Also and cylinder lock keys made. Gam stove pipe, dampers, flue stops, ble store. 250afc. pokers. Nyssa F’urnlture Co. 29Ntfc. FO R SALE—Kimball upright piano, phone 013J3. 29N3xp. FOR SALE—Baby bed and mattress for child up to 6 years or age, $10. Mrs. Barbara Burningham, Box 561 or call at Doll House. 22Ntfc. FO R SALE -fiarrns ranging from 30 acres up to 200 acres. Prices range from $100 to $250 an acre. A. L. Atkeson. 20Stfc. FO R SALE— Used tr.\sh burner, Al most like new. Nordale Furniture store. 22Ntfc. FOR SALE—Allis Chalmers 15 H. P. 220 or 4 0-3 motor and Tentruugal pump, size 3X2H. speed 3600. complete with switch and starter. Also Byron-Jackson cen- IN THE COUNTY C O IR T OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE CO U NTY OF M ALHEUR C IT A T IO N IN THE M A TTE R OF TH E ES T A T E OF LOVENA GLASCOCK. A Minor T O : Emma Hite, Viola Fields, Thelma Anderson, Olona Glascock, LaVerne L. Thomas and O. R. Hite, and all other persons interested in said estate: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear before the Judge o f the County Court of the County of Malheur, In the City ot Vale, Oregon, within ten (10) days from the date of the service of this citation, If served within Malheur County, and within twenty (20) days, If served In any other county of the state, or within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the first publication of this citation, if served by publication, and show cause, if any you have, why a li cense should not be granted to the said O. R. Hite, as guardian of the person and estate of Loveni Glascock, a minor, for the sale of said minor’s one-sixth (l/6th) Interest in common and undivided of the following land and premises: The West one-half (WV4) of the northeast quarter (N E(4) and the southeast quarter (SE(4> o f the northeast quarter (NE*4), both In Section five (5), Township twenty- one (21), South Range forty-six (46), E. W. M. Dated this 20th day of November 1945. H. S. Sackett, County Clerk By Johanna Smit, Deputy, Clerk of the County Court. NOTICE OF SH ERIFF’S SALE On the 21st day of December, 1945, at the hour of 11 >00 O'clock For Rent A. M „ at the front door of the FOR RENT—A good 160 acre farm. Court House in Vale, Malheur See H. Terra at Franklin’s camp. County, Oregon, I will sell at pub Nyssa. 13Dlxp. lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described B UTCH ERIN O Custom butchering every Mon property, to-wit: An undivided one-half Interest In day and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchering guaran and to the northeast quarter of teed. Phone 05Rlr- All stock must the northwest quarter (N E ‘ iN W ‘4 ); come in Thursday or Sunday after and the southeast quarter o f the noon between 1 o’clock and 7. No | northwest quarter (S E '.N W '/ i), all stock accepted on butchering day. in Section Thirty-six (36), Town One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta ship Eighteen (18) South, Range 46 avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc E. W. M. in Malheur County, Ore gon. Said sale Is made under Order of sale on judgment foreclosing NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tax Liens issued out o f the Circuit N O TICE HEREBY IS G IVEN to Court of the State of Oregon for the creditors and all persons inter- the County of Malheur to me dir ected in Case No. 5031-E wherein Owyhee Irrigation District, a mun icipal corporation is plaintlff-vs- Malheur County, a municipal cor- loratlon. et al. are defendants. C. W. Glenn Sheriff of Malheur County, Ore- ton. First publication, December 6th, 1915. Last publication, December 20th, 1945. A. L. Fletcher, Attorney for the Plaintiff, Nyssa, Oregon. L epal A d v ertisin g Professional And Business Directory AUCTIONEERS OPTOM ETRISTS MAI ION OSBORN Livestock find General Auctioneer DR. J. A. ivicFALL “ See McFall and See netter” E YE S IQ H T O N TA R IO S P E C IA LIS T OREGON .tEWELKV STORES PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON Rt. 2, Ontario, Oregon GEORGE JACKSON Phone 354-J-4 MODERN W ATCH R E PA IR IN G PH YSIC IA N S State Licensed Watchmaker S A R A Z IN CLIN IC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. O N TA RIO , OREGON 3 >4 blocks N. of City Hall General practice o f medicine X -ray Physiotherapy L. A. MauHing, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday DENTISTS ■ J. R. CUNDALE Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin C inte N YSSA OREGON TH U RSD AY, DECEMBER 13, 1945 Dig Bend George Pack wood returned home | after an absence of more than I two and one-half years. Part ot his time was spent in England and the rest in France after the Nor mandy invasion. Miss Letty Bronson was taken I to Holy Rosary hospital Friday I and under went an appendectomy | early Saturday morning. She Is I quickly recovering. Several in this vicinity are quite ill with influenza. Elaine Jones, Glen Trussell and Albert Jackson are junior Bend students taking part In the play. ’ Mama's Baby Boy.” to be pre sented at Adrian high school. Dec ember 20. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and their house guests Mr. W iley and Mr. W olf of California spent Sun day at McCall. Darrell English spent several days during the past week trans acting business at Nampa and Boise. Mrs. John Packwood and little son are visiting relatives In Cal- I ifornia. Mrs. K. Claypool, county super- I intendent of schools, visited Bend ] schools during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brum bach j and Mr and Mrs. Joe Brumbach | were guests at a birthday dinner | served Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B>shop In N y ssa In honor of Mr. Bishop. A large number of P. T . A. | members attended the regular mon- | thly me"tlng heW FYlday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Bis hop. Plans were made for Chrlst- were appointed to take chaige ol [ the affair. An auclon saie of don- | ated articles was successfully con- ducted with Mrs. Boyce Van de Water as auctioneer. The ladies al- so repotted a generous sum was realized from the food sale held j | al Hopkins auction. The next meet- mg will be held at Mrs. Elfer’s home. ' PAC E THREE ing that this passible cause of con- j Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stephens wet* ni Parma. troversy should be removed in o ro e r, In Ontaro Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Garner ana to avert a distressing situation M r and Mrs. Loyd Adán », h id: ! fam ily moved to their new reui- she bill will be passed when it s 1 Odella Lopez and Mildred Adam- ueiae In Sunset valley this week. provisions have been made more have returned from an extensive definite. In B oise— Charges made by former Ambas- tour of the southwest and Mexico. Mrs. James Spofford and Mrs. sador Hurley as reasons tor his While in California, they visited Qlea Billings spent Monday in resignation from his post in China Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson, form Boise. were refuted In the house by Rep- er Nyssa residents, and Charlie te entative De Lacy of Washington, Davis, who Is lu the navy. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Grider were Going To California— who intimated his belief that Hur Miss Marge Kyburz left today for ley was tiie one who dislnterpre- in Ontario on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams and a two-weeks visit at Rocky Village. ted the foreign policy of the admin Cauuy, Mariposa county, Californ istration and that he had been a Mrs. Charley Qrlder were In Vale ia. meddler in China’s affairs rather and Ontario Thursday transacting than a harmonizer. He stated that business. Mrs. Stanley Hill and daughter Hurley had backed the demand for removal of Oeneral Stillwell of Newell Heights called on Mrs. and that his action ’’assured the Jim Stephens Saturday. Mrs. Charley Grider and Nan. break-down of negotiations be tween Generalissimo Chlang K ai- and Mrs. V. V. Orider were In hek and the communists and his ouise Saturday shopping. Delbert Stephens has been ill interference was the cause of Am bassador Ouass resigning the post this last week Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McDowell to which Hurley succeeded. I f the i lr I t M n l a l a e 1 f u l l HOME KIT United States had held to the and family left last week for ounces of Stion-typ« policies of Roosevelt, Guass and Madras, Oregon, where they will solution with Kmrhum, Stlllweil, Mr. De Lacy said, “ it Is live on their newly-purchased farm. ; 60 C urlers, 60 end ■ ■ ■ ■ Miss Margaret Ann Dlven was tissues, cotton appli- quite unikely that there would be cator. neutralizer and 7a*o«on/y2 fo 3 111 last week. any civil war in China today.” cornel**« iouruciioo». N ou n a l Homo Mr. and Mrs. Grover Willis and The so-called full employment Charles, and Mrs. K. E. Thompson bill which has finally emerged from conference and compromise bears and Connie Sue were Sunday vis little resemblance to the measure itors at the Harry Thompson home WHY PAY M O R E ? COLD WAVE W ASH ING TO N, D. C. Dec. 1 3 - Rapid increase in the amounts ap propriated for the several depart ments of the federal government during the past ten years is as alarming as it is startling, in the proposed by President Truman, opinion of Representative Cannon but it seems to be the best the of Missouri, who called attention administration can hope to get. In of the house to this unalatable its final form it Is no more than fact. As examples of these increases, a suggestion that employment Is he need of the hour and that It Mr. Cannon said that in 1933 the department of agriculture approp is up to someone to provide It. riation totaled $175,671,665; in 1940 the agricultural appropriation bill was $1,194,498,633, all increase ot 700 percent. In 1933 the interior de partment was given $48,533,672; at Irvin Callahan Is finishing hls the beginningg of the war it had new basement house. reached $188,325,923. For the state, Joseph Harold Callahan has been commerce, Justice and labor de- ■ honorably discharged from the partments the 1933 appropriation army and Is now employed by the was $112,291,970; In 1941 the com Chicago, Omaha, and Minnesota bined bills for the same depart railroad. He will work on the rall- ments totaled $1,130,131,091. loaa this winter and in the spring A discouraging feature in con will return to Nyssa with his wife nection with these increases, Mr. and baby. Cannon declared, is the fact that Mrs. Onlta Callahan has return there are members of congress who ed from the Brlltingham Nursing vote for the highest appropriations home with her baby son. Miss Fay Despaln will be at and also vote for tax reductions, playing with both the spenders and the Callahan home for several weeks. those who are economy-minded. Mrs. Ray Porter is confined to What especially alarmed the Missouri representative is the pros her bed by Illness. Mrs. Joe Stephens is sick with pect that interest rates will in crease in the post-war period and influenza. McKay Hunter left last week the government will be unable to borrow at the extremely favorable end to be with his family, who re rates which have been obtained cently moved to Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Debs Garner vis in the past decade. In the event interest rates return to the level ited Mexico and Arizona and are which prevailed after the first world on their way home after a month’s war, he said, instead of the five visit. S. B. Hoffman is visiting friends billion which Is now set aside for that purpose the interest charge will and relatives in Nebraska. The Owyhee Relief society will te twelve billion annually. This, he averred, would either mean contin hold a bazaar December 13. Mr. Baumgarner took 3 of hls ued deficit spending or an increase in taxes which might disrupt the sick children to the hospital last week. entire economic system. The L. D. S. church Is making The Missouri congressman ex pressed the problem before con a drive for clothing of all kinds gress tersely in these words: “ We for the suffering persons In Eur- are being importuned by all sorts °Pe President George Albert Smith of pressure groups, insisting upon of the church has made arrange increased expenditures and then, ments to ship several loads to all on the other side, we are being ur eviate the suffering In Germany ged by pressure groups, just as In and other parts of Europe. A Christmas play and program sistent, demanding reduction in taxes.” Mr. Cannon’s remarks were will be given by the members of made during a discussion of the the L. D. S. church at the Owy last deficiency bill of the session, hee church house. An L. D. S. primary meeting will but hls plea for economy was just as ineffective as on previous oc be held on Thursday of each week casions and the house proceeded to at 4 o'clock at the Oregon Trail vote for the budget estimate with schoolhouse. out batting an eye or being in the ’.east disturbed by the charge of in RICHLAND consistency. Because the date when it should Mrs. Wilbur Anderson and Mrs become effective was indefinite, a bill to authorize return of American W. E Maze shopped in Caldwel dead frotn all battlefronts was pass Saturday. While there they vtslte< ed over In the house for debate at Ralph Maze, who Is attending col- a later date. By the wording of the ege. Mrs. Chris W yckoff of Sumptei measure the government would be compelled to bring to the United called at the Charley Grider homi States, upon request by the nearest Saturday. Cow Hollow of kin. the bodies of all persons killed in the war If the request Is received “ within five years after termination of the war with Japan.” The war with Japan will not end until a proclamation to that ef fect has been issued by the presi dent or passage of a joint resolu tion by congress, neither, of which has been done. There was also question as to who Is "next of kin’’ some congressmen raising the point that request by a widow of a sold ier might not accord with the wishes of hls parents and lnsist- Don M. Graham Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile Insurance Rentals Bonds Owyhee Drug Co Benefit Dance Sponsored By The Owyhee Riding Club Saturday, December 22 Nyssa Gymnasium Six Turkeys Given Away Proceeds for benefit of rodeo grounds fund. Kenneth Pound’s orchestra will furnish music. A_dm. $1.00, including tax Farm Sale Thursday, December 2 0 Sale Starts at 1 :00 P. M. Located 13 miles Southwest of Nyssa or 5 miles West o f Langton’s comer in Sunset valley, or 4 miles North and 5 miles West of Adrian. 28— HEAD OF JERSEY CATTLE 1 Jersey cow, Friday, age 2, just fresh. 1 Jersey cow, Sunday, age 7, just fresh. 1 Jersey cow, Charm, age 5, fresh before January. 1 Jersey cow, Bonny, age 11, fresh before Jan. 1 Jersey cow, Betty, age 3, milking now. 1 Jersey cow, Reddy, age 3, milking now. 1 Jersey cow, Jeanne, age 3, milking now. 1 Jersey cow, Heart, age 2V£, just fresh. 1 Jersey cow, Patty, age 6, just fresh. 1 Brindle cow, Midget, age 5, fresh before January. 1 Jersey cow, Dimples, age 5, milking now. 1 Jersey cow, Peggy, age 3, milking now. 1 Jersey cow, Spot, age 3, milking now. 4 SPRINGERS 1 Jersey 1 Jersey 1 Jersey 1 Jersey Springer, Polly, age 2. Springer, Lena, age 2. Springer, Jill, age 2. Springer, Blossom, age 2. 8 YOUNG HEIFERS Lera, age 15 months, Blondie, age 14 months. Rose, age 11 months. Judy, age 7 months. Nina, age 1 yr., Cutie, age 11 months Ginger, age 3 months. Babe, age 1 month. 1 2 yr. old red steer. 1 Baby bull calf. A ll vaccinated for Bang’s. 1 Registered Jersey bull from Beaumont herd, Kingman Kolony, Cavalier No. 445742, age 3. A ll springers and young heifers sired by this bull. Breeding date, milk production and test given day o f sale. HORSES AND HARNESS BRING IT IN! Your Ford Tractor may need a tune up— It may need a general going over— Whatever it may need— BRING IT IN! W e do a better job— W e do it for less— W e have genuine Ford Tractor parts in stock— We know the Ford-Ferguson Hydraulic System— Putting it in tip top shape is our business— BRING IT IN! KROPP & SONS Phone 85 Ford Tractor Dealers Ontario 1 Set o f harness and collars. 1 W ell matched black team, wt. 3000, mare and gelding, both 10 years old. MISCELLANEOUS 1 Jackson fork, 6 foot. Some chicken equipment, brooder, feeders, and waterers. 1 Massie Harris grain binder, 7 foot. 1 W ell pump, rods and cylinders. Numerous other articles. TERMS: CASH Free Coffee— Lunch served on the grounds by Ladies o f Chalk Butte Grange. Grover C. Cooper, Owner Col. Bert Anderson Col. Joe Church— Auctioneers L. H. Fritts Clerk