THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 194« PAGE FOUR Legal Advertisement NEWELL HEIGHTS Mrs Dicktreson was quite 111 the past week due to an Infected tooth She is much improved. M. L. Judd and daughter. Ellen were Ontario shoppers Saturday af ternoon. The Junior group of girl Scouts were entertained in the Arlene Pie- rcy home Saturday afternoon. Joyce Kurtz was a week-end guests. Mr and Mrs Carl Hill made a trip to Boise on business one day this week. Mr and Mrs Olsen of Nyssa spent Friday in the Piercy home. The M Li. Judd family were Sun day dinner guests in the Mrs Ollie Judd home in Parma. Mrs Anna S. D. Pratt is to arrive this week from Willamette valley for an extended visit with her son, Louis, ad family. Mr and Mrs Carl Hill entertained friends at a party at their home Saturday night. Mr and Mrs H. B. Williams were Nyssa shoppers Thursday. Mrs W il liams turned in the Red Cross sew ing that the Newell Heights ladies completed. The January meeting of the Par ent Teacher association has been postponed until Wednesday night January 27. Mr Parr of the Nyssa high school will discuss the econo mic situation. Special music will be featured. TEN DAVIS Mrs Leonard Goodson, Mrs Lizzie Hertig, Mrs Ellis Eckberg and Mrs Florence Hermo were hostess at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs Orv ille Abendorf <nee Majorie Welbom) Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs Rada Proctor. Games were the featured entertainment. The bride received many useful and lovely gi fts. Refreshments were served to a- bout 25 guests. Mr and Mrs Orville Hartman were hosts at a pinochle party Saturday night. Quests were Mr and Mrs Ray Franklin. Mr and Mrs Harvey Mc Laughlin, Mr and Mrs Jay Bowers, Mr and Mrs Walt Henderson, Mr and Mrs John Eckberg, Mr and Mrs Carl Gotch and Mrs and Mrs Z e lg - ler. Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs Sid Tucker enter tained at Sunday dinner Dr. and Mrs Mitchell of Parma. Several school children are ill wi th influenza. The teachers of Ten Davis are selling war stamps. Each child takes his book to schrol where the teach er keeps the book and puts in what war stamps the child is able to buy. Already several of dollars worth of stamps have been sold. Mrs John Pritchard and Mrs Wil lard Bartles attended the election of officers of the Rebecca lodge In Parma Tuesday. Mrs Fred Hertig, Jr. left Thurs day for Pendleton, where her moth er, Mrs Oladys Thomas, underwent an operation. Mrs Myrtle Henderson was ad mitted to Memorial Park hospital Sunday for medical attention. Sid Tucker made a business trip to Boise Saturday. Mrs Bob Oreenway spent the week-end visiting her parents, Mr ad Mrs Aston of Arena Valley. Mr and Mrs Fred Hertig were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Cal K r l e ' rnback of Parma. Mr and Mrs Harvey Mrl.aughlln and f'm ily were Sunday visitors at the II F. J home in River side. Adrian US-hUni* Clerk’s Semi-Annual Statement From J u ly 1, 1942 to December 91, 1942 FUNDS ON HAND vllnlsters or others interested in church puDUclty are invited to .he columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices o their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of •ach week. ______________ ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION Regular services at St. Paul’s church will be discontinued until the vacancy created by the resig nation of Rev. Stanley Moore has been filled. There will be two services each month Which will be conducted by the various min isters of the missionary district of Eastern Oregon, by Bishop Wm. P. Remington and Arch Deacon Rob- othan. Women’s Guild meets second Wednesday in each month. Sunday school classes will be held each Sunday morning at 10:30. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Vern Martin, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00 am. Classes for every age, bring your family. Morning worship at 11:00 a.m message by the pastor. Junior meeting Sunday evening at 7:15 p.m. Young people's service at 7:15. Evening Evangelistic service at 8:00 p.m. message by the pastor. Wednesday evening prayer and 1 praise service 8:00 p.m. Radio program every Sunday at NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor C. A. Slaughter Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Alan Ed THE COMMUNITY UNITE!» monds Superintendent. Every class PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH welcomes you. Kingman Memorial Morning service, 11: o’clock J. C. Nevln, Pastor. Evengellstic 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 10 A. M., Bible school. Try to magine the Bible and every ref- o’clock. A cordial welcome to all. ■rence to it lost to our world, then esolve. F U LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 11 A. M., morning worship. The Lloyd Pounds, pastor :acrament of the Lord’s supper. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Jermon: "A New Commandmet” . Morning worship, 11 a. m. leceptlon of new members. Sunday evening evangelistic ser 7:45 P. M., evening worship. De- 'otions led by the young people vlet at 7:30. Wednesday evening prayer ser Discussion groups for every mem- vice 7:30 in parsonage. ler of the family. Friday night young people’s service. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (CHRISTIAN) SUNSET V ALLE Y H. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school at 10, John Quigley, ASSEM BLY O F GOD CHURCH Mrs. C. Cochell, pastor superintendent. 11 A. M , worship and commun Sunday school 9:45. ion service. Sermon “The Christ Morning worship 11 o'clock. Of Bethlehem ad Nazareth.” Evangelistic service, 7:45 P.M. 6:45 P. M„ Children’s meeting Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 Leader, Mrs. Cays. P.M. 7 P. M„ Y.P.C.E. I f you do not attend services 7:30 P. M„ Evangelistic services. Message "The Three Thiumphal elsewhere you are invited. We wel come you. Entries of Christ.” The evengellstic meeting will close L. D. 8. CHURCH Sunday night. We started our Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood Christ-centered crusade last Sun meeting. day. Fifteen Sunday mornings, ser Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. mons on the life of Christ. Fifteen Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Sunday night, sermons on what meeting. Jesus teaches about every day Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society problems o life. meeting. Tuesday, Jan. 25, Bible study at Wednesday 8:00 pm. M. I. A. meet the home of Elmer Hill in the coun ing. try. Wednesday 4:15 pm. Primary Thursday, Jan. 28, Bible study and meeting. prayer service at the Waddell home. A friendly church extends to you a friendly welcome to all of the THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH services. M. H. Oreenlee. Pastor Church school opens prcmptly at ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 10 o’clock every Sunday morning. 10:00 A M Bible school Morning worship with sermon by 11:00 A. M., Morning worship. the pastor is at 11 a. m. The Meth Sermon, "The Grace of God ”, Our odist Youth Fellowship and the mid-winter fellowship basket din Young Adult Fellowship meetings ner will be held following the wor are at 7 p. m. The evening worship ship. All members are urged to be service begins at 8 p. m. with a half present and hear the midget com hour cf congregational singing. The mittee report after the dinner and pastor brings an evangelistic mess discuss Its proposals. age each Sunday evening. Prayer 7:30 P M , Evening worship. An service Wednesday evening at the hour : f informal devotions and dis parsonage at 8 o'clock. Beginning cussions. There is a place fo r every this Wednesday evening the group member of the family. The Juniors will study personal evangelism with lead the devotions. the pastor as the leader. Anyone in terested is cordially invited. An unusual sky formation was states that he Is now a first class noticed Sunday evening. A com bin- petty officer, and Is acting as gen- atlon of clouds and rays of the set eral advisor to platoon Instructors ting sun had combined to form wh- In the new naval area at Camp Pe- at was described as an Immense ary. Williamburg. Virginia. ’•V". Mrs Mildred Hite and children A few communicable diseases are were recent dinner guests cf Mrs reported. There are several cases of Threlma Elliott. mumps in the South Owyhee dlst- The February meeting of the Kin- rlct. Several people in this vicinity gm&n Kolony PTA has been post- of Adrian have had severe colds. A poned from today to January 27 few local children are recovering Principal Frank Parr of Nyssa will from chicken pox. speak on "Social and Economic Ch- A slight snow storm on Saturday «Ikies In the Past War W :rld ’’ evening, and a Sharp wtnd from the On Tuesday evening the Adrian north sent the thermometer down basketball squad defeated Roswell to the lowest point of the season; 38 to 26 on the local floor. putting a sudden end to the mild On Friday evening, the squad lost winter in this part of the country to Payette 35 to 34 in an overtime Beginning Monday evening, Jan- game at Payette. nary IS and continuing every Mon- John Johnson. local Agriculture day and Thursday evenings for four Instructor was called to his home weeks, Miss Dorothy Puree, local In Wallowa because of the serious home economics teacher, is offering Illness of his sister. a series of lessons on "The Process- Semester tests were given at the ing of Food For Farm Families" high school Tuesday and Wedne«- All homemakers are urged to attend day. these meetings at the high school On Tnrsday Mr Heter of the Heat- Don Holly was in Boise on bus- •r studios tn Ontario spent the day ineas Tuesday. *t the local high school photograph- Mr and Mrs Alvin McOlnnis re big members of the senior class turned Saturday from Her king. Cal- Glenn Osborn, who recently Jotn- lforoia, where Mr McOlnnis has ed the navy, visited friends over been employed Indefense work. the week-end. Mrs Fred Oltwi n went to Qowen Technical Aar gen nt Daniel Zam- field Tuesday to meet her husband ora and wife visited the high srhool who was there on conway duty. Mr. last week He Ls home on furloiarh Qtbaon returned to Adrian and sp- from Caifomta ent a day visiting friends and relat- A covered-dish dinner will be ser- Ivies before returning to Utah. ved Sunday. January 24 at the high TTie A. N. K. Oarden club met at school by the trutted Presbyterian Use home of Mrs Robert Owes street church Mrs Ckrl Kill and MYs M Tuesday for their regular meeting |L. Judd are heading the committee Mrs. M L Judd led the discussion In charge of the dinner. cn the leaser», "Winter Window Oa- Mrs Don Holly took Mr and Mrs rdens" Frank Miller to Parma Saturday The Mary and Martha society of evening Mr and Mrs Miller left for the United Presbyterian church held , Portland to be with their daughter. their monthly meeting at the Van Virginia, wtw recently underwent an Matre home. Mrs Frances Deffer emergency appendectomy led the devotion« and Mrs John Rev and Mrs Barden returned Auker conducted the lesson. last week from Spokane, where they Word from Oeorge Simio ex-Ad «pent three weeks visiting relatives rian high school athletic director. Mr and Mrs R Book were recent WHO DIED BOMBING- <JAP WA8SHIPS At MOST FAOM THEIR. Ai AST TOPS IN THE BATTLE OF <, MIDWAY, b e c a m e the f i r s t ' MARINE CORPS PILOT OF THIS WAR TO WIN THE CONGRESSIONAL. AIE PAL OF HONOR PR ESID EN T ROOSEVELT . IN AWARDING IT POSTHUMOUSLY TO CAP! FLEMIN6S MOTHER,CAL1ED IT* THE FINEST MEDAL IN A ll THE WORLD.“ SUPS6T WALTER A.MENSCI .WHO RE TURNED FROM A PACIFIC ISLAND OuTPOST, BR0U6HT BACK WITH HIM 60,000 UNUSUAL SEA SHELLS. BEFORE JOINING THE MARINE- CORPS HE WAS A \ STAMP AND COIN COLLECTOR. P ii? ;v ’ : m THE SOLOMON WSOWSEDI Cities Sc Towns ............................................. City and Town Road Districts ... ........ -.... — Dog License Fund ........— ....... —........ — .... Irrigation Sc Drainage Districts .............. -..... Elementary School Fund ... ....................... ..... Enforcement Fund ................... -....... ............ Estates ......................................................... - Fire Patrol ... .............................. — ........... County Fair Fund ........................................ Food Stamp Fund ... ................ ---------------- General County Fund ....... ...............- -— - General Road Fund ................ — .......... ....— Rodent Control Fund ................................-... Non-High School Fund .............................. Non-High School Sinking Fund ........... - .... Indigent Liquor Fund ........................... — Library Fund ....................- ......- ................... - Law Library Fund ........_ ......................... — Lost Sc Found Property Fund ........ —........... State Tax Fund ............................................. County School Fund ........................-.... -.... ~ State School Fund ....... ........ ....................... School Library Fund ................................ —■ School Districts ..................... -........ Taylor Grazing No. 3 Fund ............................ Taylor Grazing No. 4 Fund ............................. Taylor Orazing No. 6 Fund ...... -........ Unapportioned Special Tax Fund .................. Weed Control Fund ............— ................ - ...... Fund in Lieu of Undertaking on Attachment 19,782 91 356 37 696 A3 56.383.74 17.040.61 1.385 00 5.00 34.16 646 83 .00 22,258 38 22,174.39 2,737.67 32.586.62 706.90 3.063.70 3.999.33 S44.ll 128.55 1,522.01 66.834 03 492.94 85199 111.347.62 8211.70 5,75122 5 64 .00 4229 130.00 . J;S AH9 ix- , .'-L. - I dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Don Covey. At the lecal high school assembly meeting, a special program was pre sented by the F. F. A. boys. A par liamentary procedure contest was held between offiers of the student body and F F. A. boys. Following this, musical selections were given by Harold Miller, Joe Cram and Donald Hite. A reading "The Cha mpion" was given by Mario Ander son. James Shaw presided over the meeting. The Girls League program was turned over to the F. F. A. group at their meeting January 14. The Girl’s League has taken over the management of the “cake" machine, and are using the proceeds for pict ures for the high school Mrs Dan Holly, Mrs James Taylor and Mrs Barnett attended the PTA meeting at Owyhee Thursday even ing to hear Miss Marie Church sp eak of her recent work in Korea. Mr and Mrs George Lockwood of Weiser visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Don Covey Sunday. O w yhee The Owyhee P. T. A. met at the school house Thursday evening with a record crowd in attendance. The main feature of the evening was a talk on Korea by Miss Church, who spent many years In that coun try as a missionary teacher. Joan Crocker, A n n e tt e Hillier and Mrs Roy Ouerk modeled Korean cloth ing. Larry Gueck, Raymond Bergam. Dwatne Wolf, Joan Crocker and Billy Ward pupils of Miss Church told interesting stories of the Kor ean flag and holidays in that coun try. Miss Church stressed the pro gress of Korea even under oppress ion by stronger surrounding count ries. Mrs Blanch Hite served a lun ch of Jelly roll cookies and coffee. Mrs Jessie Skinner was assistant hostess. Rev Krlner of Payette will preach after Sunday school Sunday. Every one is Invited. .TILIWV FIRE MANY ENEMY TH-molLa THE M IL Charles Huffman is visiting rel atives and friends in the commun ity. Week-end guests in the Klingbaek home were Mrs Frank DeBord and two grandchildren, Eleanor and De an Walker, of Payette, Margaret Klingbaek and T-Sgt. Russell Wolf of Boise and Mr and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and daughter, Kay, of Caldwell. Mrs DeBord reported the marriage cf her youngest daughter, Verle, at Forest Grove, Oregon cn December 24 to L. LaMarr Bell. Mrs Bell was born and raised in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Bell are high school teachers in the Forest Grove vicinity. Mrs T. M. Lowe was taken Thur sday to the Ontario hcspital, where she is very ill. Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs Pat Bennett of the R i chland district. SHEAVILLE The valley is enjoying rather pleasant winter weather, not too cold but cold enough that stock clean up their feed. Instead of run ning over it. James Carter returned lost week from a trip to California, where he was called because of the ill ness of his mother at Newport beach. Mrs, Margaret Ramey, who spent the Christmas holidays with her fother, Mr. Carter, returned to her home at Kimberly. Idaho. Mrs. Erma Ladiges, who under went an operation at Caldwell, re turned home for Christmas, but suffered a relapse and had to be taken back to the hospital. She has been dismissed from the hos pital. but is net yet able to come home. Mrs. Ladigas’ mother, who is here from Washington, is caring for the children. Miss Irene Rhea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Strode, who was sev erely injured when coasting, is re ported by her doctor as very much improved. Total .......................-................................................ - 4 381.308.18 GENERAL FUND WARRANT ACCOUNT Warrants unredeemed July 1, 1942 ........................................... 31,89694 Warrants Issued last Six Months ............................................. 48263.15 » Warrants redeemed last Six Months ................-..................... Balance unredeemed warrants December 31, 1942 .................... 81,150.09 69,590.17 11,56992 $ 81,150.09 Cash In General Fund December 31, 1942 ..............................• 2295838 Warrants Outstanding ............................................................ 1196992 Resources December 31, 1942 ............................................... 4 10,796.46 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1942 Collection c f Taxes, Sheriff, Clerk, Assessor, Treasurer and Other Receipts:............................ ............$ 873,172.47 DISBURSEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31. 194* Circuit Court ..........................................................- ............... • 1,522.10 County Court ............................................................. -......... — 195890 Sheriff’s Office .............. ..................................................-..... 6,86992 Clerk's Office ............................................- ............... -....... — 3,92425 Assessor’s Office ............................................................... 4949.33 County School Superintendent’s Office ................................... 1.413.18 Treasurer’s Office ............................................................... 918.61 Sealer of Weights Sc Measurers ........................................... . 83.08 State Industrial Accident Commission ...................................... 114.94 Dependent Children ................................................................. 2,756.42 Old Age Assistance ...........„.......................................— ......... 4.980.60 Blind Assistance .................................... ...........— -------............ 120.00 Old People’s Heme ............................. -.............................. . 223624 Care of Poor ........................................................................ 6,126.66 148.49 Appropriation for Indigent Veterans ................................... 211.95 Official Advertising ...................................................... - ... 289.80 Justice Court ..................................................................... .. 129.40 Coroner ... .... ......... ........ .................. ................ ..... ... .... .... 150.00 County Physician ............................................................... 87.67 Tuberculosis Indemnity ........................................................ 370.00 Audit County Bocks ................................ .... ........... .......... . 10.00 Officers Indemnity Bonds ................................................. 1,735.19 Election ................. ............................................................. 76 00 Insane, Examination of ............ ......................................... 213.02 Vital Statistics ................................................ .... ............... 438.71 District Attorney’s Office ............................................. ..... Court House (Office furniture, insurance. 17.50 improvements, etc.) .................... .................................. Current Exp. (Fuel, water, telephone, janitor, etc.) .................. 1.85820 3264.16 Agriculture Advisor ........................ 663.00 Emergency Fund ............................. 417.52 Miscellaneous .............. :.................. 187.60 Destruction of Predatory Animals ... 1.671.68 County Health Nurse .................... 00 Weed Control ................................ 275.06 Insurance cn County Fair Buildings 3799 Cricket Control .............................. 23 30 Watermaster Sc Deputies ................ 100.00 School Institute Sc Examinations .... Total, General Fund ...............................................................9 49253.1# Statement Malheur County Library Fund ................................................. 2,32129 FINANCIAL REPORT OF OKA C HOPE. TREASURER OF MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON. Indigent Liquor Fund ................ ..................................... .... . 27.10 JUNE 3«. 1942. TO DECEMBER 31, 1942. 13.25 Bal 12-31-42 Law Library Fund ................................................................... Balance Credits Debits Fund Fair Fund ................................................. ............................. 1286.02 6-30-42 ................................................... 3,048.27 $381.30813 Taylor Grazing No. 3 Fund $156,709 20 $693.188 88 $917.787 81 Cash ...................... 1.522.01 Taylor Orazing No. 4 Fund ..................................................... 1,803.10 16.23 1,915.78 3,421 56 State Tax ........................... 22,358 38 Enforcement Fund ....._........................................... ............ .00 3,094.17 70.344.03 89,608 24 General County 68,834.03 Roads Sc Highways ............................................................. ... $ 17,979.01 1263.34 10.552.53 59.644 84 Countv School 20,032.27 22,174.39 Total, all Funds 1.467 04 40.740.62 ............. -.........................-...... • » . n u t General Road ............ 32.586.52 STATE OF OREGON 11,809 62 13.498 84 34.275 74 Non High School ) 706.90 ............... 706.90 00.00 00 00 Non High Reserve sa. 00.00 3,356.49 2.118 07 COUNTY OF MALHEURi 5.47456 Union High No. 1 .......... 460.00 450.20 225.20 225.00 U. H School No. 1 Sinking I, H. S. Sackett, County Clerk of Malheur County. State of Oreogn, d o 00.00 2,304.59 9.809.32 7.504.73 Union High School No. 2 hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full, true and oorrect statement of 1.480 00 1.260.00 1,780.00 1,560.00 U. H School No. 2 Sinking the financial condition of Malheur County. Oregon, as shown by the re 6.846.51 25,604 26 00.00 32,450.77 Union High School No 3 cords at* the close of business, December 31. 1948. 4,186.59 5,91688 4.186.25 5,916 54 U. H School No. 3 Sinking Dated this 1st day of January, 1943 20.400 85 4.969.90 15,430 95 00.00 Union High School No. 4 H. 8. SACKETT 4.065.41 4.021.00 2,747.96 2,792.37 U H School No. 4 Sinking County Clerk of Malheur 37.659 82 32.430 83 5.228 99 00.00 Union High School No. 5 County, State of Oregon 2.630 00 1.885 31 1.51693 U H School No. 5 Sinking 772.24 1.878 42 1.798 22 8020 Mallieur-Hiirney Union No l 00.00 Legal Advertisement 5.043.20 2.775 03 3.999 33 County Library 1,731.16 65199 16 604.71 47 44 School Library 23 25 344.11 11223 Law Library 255.13 C. W. GLENN. SHERIFF AND TA X COLLECTOR. 15.877 79 00 00 17.040.61 1.362 82 Elementary School . December 31. 194*. 7 850 03 7 953 18 492 94 State School 38979 ) 131,050 70 191.708 60 77.700.43 State of Oregon. School Districts 17.042.53 ) as 994 16 740 06 355 37 City Roads 101.27 ) 55.845 68 19.782 91 County cf Malheur. Cities 00 0O 75.628 59 44281 00 00 2.737 67 Balance uncollected taxes. Rodent Control 2.294 86 ....... .......... .... _ ......$ 7 4 7 9 0 6 .2 5 00 00 OOOO 2415 June 30, 1942 Fire Patrol 24 15 00 OO 00 00 696 53 Receipts from sale of County Dog License 696 53 9,101.76 $ 9.10178 00 00 Estates of Deceased 500 5 00 Land turned over to Treasurer ............. 00 00 Motor License 9.214 80 00 00 Interest collected since June 30. 12.678 20 OD 3.463 40 16.588 61 16998« 1.266 02 County Fair 1.197.22 64583 1942, turned over to Treasurer 71463 208.000 00 248.000.00 Unappertlaned Tax 00 00 Charged from rolls account cf Tax 40.000 00 854.70 Weed Control 00 00 800 00 42 29 Foreclosure. Court Orders, etc............ 842 29 612.04924 Taylor Orazing No. 3 821170 1942-1943 Tax Rolls .................. .......... 6.679 33 3.809 77 5.342.14 Tavlor Orazing No 4 2.267 85 5.751 22 Collections turned over to 3,396 07 4.623 00 073986« Tavlor Orazlnz No 6 00 00 00 00 564 Treasurer since June 30, 1942. 564 780909.99 Indigent Liquor 1.098 52 27 10 3.063 70 Balance unccllected taxes 1.992 28 Irrigation Districts 23.012 37 12201 68 40.555 43 51.366 12 11285.794 94 81286.79494 Drainage Districts 135 86 13.657 76 8.776.00 5.01762 State Game 225 00 225 00 00 00 State of Oregon. 00 00 ) Enforcement 385 00 OOOO ! «0,00 1 385 00 ) as. Lost S i Found Property 00 00 13955 00 00 128 55 County cf Malheur > Food Slatnp 00 00 3 000 00 3000 00 00 00 le w Glenn. Sheriff and Tax Collector of MaJheur County. Oregon, In Lien of Undertaking an Attachment 00 00 130 00 00 00 130 00 hereby certify that the foregoing statement la true and correct to the I. Ora C. Hope. Treasurer of Malheur County. Oregon, hereby certify the foregoing to be true and correct best of my knowledge and belief to the b«et c f my knowledge and belief O W O L W lt ORA C HOPE. Sheriff and IB s Collector i l l ) Jla la. i County Treasurer. Malheur county, Oregon. Semi-Annual Statement