THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 194« PAGE FOUR Legal Advertisement NEWELL HEIGHTS Mrs Dicktreson was quite 111 the past week due to an Infected tooth She is much improved. M. L. Judd and daughter. Ellen were Ontario shoppers Saturday af­ ternoon. The Junior group of girl Scouts were entertained in the Arlene Pie- rcy home Saturday afternoon. Joyce Kurtz was a week-end guests. Mr and Mrs Carl Hill made a trip to Boise on business one day this week. Mr and Mrs Olsen of Nyssa spent Friday in the Piercy home. The M Li. Judd family were Sun­ day dinner guests in the Mrs Ollie Judd home in Parma. Mrs Anna S. D. Pratt is to arrive this week from Willamette valley for an extended visit with her son, Louis, ad family. Mr and Mrs Carl Hill entertained friends at a party at their home Saturday night. Mr and Mrs H. B. Williams were Nyssa shoppers Thursday. Mrs W il­ liams turned in the Red Cross sew­ ing that the Newell Heights ladies completed. The January meeting of the Par­ ent Teacher association has been postponed until Wednesday night January 27. Mr Parr of the Nyssa high school will discuss the econo­ mic situation. Special music will be featured. TEN DAVIS Mrs Leonard Goodson, Mrs Lizzie Hertig, Mrs Ellis Eckberg and Mrs Florence Hermo were hostess at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs Orv­ ille Abendorf Food Slatnp 00 00 3 000 00 3000 00 00 00 le w Glenn. Sheriff and Tax Collector of MaJheur County. Oregon, In Lien of Undertaking an Attachment 00 00 130 00 00 00 130 00 hereby certify that the foregoing statement la true and correct to the I. Ora C. Hope. Treasurer of Malheur County. Oregon, hereby certify the foregoing to be true and correct best of my knowledge and belief to the b«et c f my knowledge and belief O W O L W lt ORA C HOPE. Sheriff and IB s Collector i l l ) Jla la. i County Treasurer. Malheur county, Oregon. Semi-Annual Statement