Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1942)
7 />e NYSSAG M I f T JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSlftY, AUGUST Ì 3 TT 942 UNIT TO BE MUSTERED IN Purchase Of Property For New Nyssa Pavement NYSSA Farm Labor Camp Is Completed ' *= $1.50 PgR YEAR OF DENVER Potato Shipping BACK Nyssa Man Will LAY IS INJURED Muster wl’l be held for Co. D, To Be Completed Denver Lay, 24 years old, was Give Away Bull state highway department crew Oregon state guard at its regular In Next Few Days seriously Injured Sunday while In U.S. Progran working for Otis Bullard on the is patching Main street in Nyssa drill Monday night. ♦oto R h n o ifin q r OF BUCKS F:fe Expected To Get SCORE SELL FOR $2000 “Go Ahead” Sign This Week Burton B. Burroughs, who lives south of Adrian, sold 20 bucks fo. $100 each at the Filer, Idaho ram sale a faw days ago, according o information received here. Mr. Burroughs is a prominent breeder of Suffox sheep. _na before it has completed the work here will repair First street for two blocks south of Main street and two blocks east of the rail road tracks. Under the original plans, the state was to have resurfaced Main street, but the project, including the laying of mains by the city, has been “frozen-' by the govern ment. However, Mayor J. C. Olsen said the state will start work soon oiling First street from Main street to Good avenue, Good avenue be tween First and Second streets and Second street from Good avenue to Main street. The curbs on those streets will be laid later. Major Turnbull of Ontario, com mander of the 2nd battalion, will .„u-a^er in the company. Every member of the guard Is 172 Freight Cars Are Shipped From Here Up To August 10 Charles Splawn place. While Lay was taking down a combine the header bar fell on him. utn is beilved to have sus tained a fracture of the back. He was taken to the Holy Rosar., hospital in Ontario. If Lay's back is brcken, he is the third brother to have suffered a fracture of the back. Beaumont Raises Anirrnl To Be Given To Joseph man _.. a i m iviouutt> Shipping of potatoes from Nyssa A jersey bull owned by C. M Purchase of the Emma Quinby __„n one Is asxed to provide « is expected to be completed In Beaumont of Nyssa route 1 will property between the Union Pacific rifle or a shotgun. another week or 10 days. Four be presented to Paul Evans of railroad tracks and Snake river In .ompames are now buying ana Joseph as a part of a nation i^aamg wnite rose, ana russet', Nyssa by the government for a wide program sponsored by the potatoes. farm security administration la American Jersey Cattle club. Kanroad company officials saru Tentative plans call for the pre bor camp has been completed. that 100 frelgnt cars of potatoes sentation to be made August 29 Luther Fife, local contractor, who were snipped irom Nyssa in July at the 4-H and FF.A. livestock holds the contract for construc and 72 more were snipped tnis show to be held In Ontario. The Wesley O. Holford of Jordan month to jvionuay or mis week. tion of the camp buildings, Is ex animal will not be taken to Sa'em Valley died in the Holy Rosary Alter up me potato run is completen, is 49 other will be for pre Hospital in Ontario last wees as ouyers will pected to receive the “go ahead" start snipping onions, William Fent:n. elderly resident sentation to bulls Oregon farmers be a result of Injuries sustained when wnich will keep sign from the government this shippers busy lor ne fell from a window on the about a month. The onions raised of Juntura. was burned to death cause of the distance to the Will Ontario, Aug. 13 (Special)—Her week. third floor of the Colonial hotel In this vicinity are mostly white last week when the Gilbert Mas- amette valley and the time and man Sites, field manager of the The government plans to start cfflce of defense transportation terson ranch house was destroyed expense of returning it to eastern in Ontario. Immediately moving the F.SA. camp for Oregon, has scheduled meetings and yellow Spanish onions. Oregon. by fire. What caused Mr. Holford to fall south f Nyssa to the new loca- to be held In the Moore hotel The four-month-old bull Is one is not known. In falling he first Mr. Fenton was alone at the ‘ion. The moving will probably be here August 14. ranch as the members of the Mas- of 1000 that will be given away in struck the roof of a porch at the CROP INSURANCE 2 mpleted by the end of August. terson family were putting up hay the United States. It will be the hotel and than fell to the ground. for-hlre carriers and dairy NOW AVAILABLE The camp will be placed at one All are at Otis valley. The cause of the only one from Malheur county Mr. Holford. who was bom at invited to attend the side of the property so as not men blaze Is not known, although It The jersey club Is sponsoring the first session, which will be opened Malheur county farmers who In McPherson, Kansas October2, 1876, to Interfere with construction of ,at had been a resident of Jordan Val was ascertained that it was not national program to Improve small 2 p.m. The evening meeting, the buildings. The Japanese now J1 at 8 o'clock, will be open to the sure their wheat crops through ley for some time, but had re- started by grass fires raging In Jersey herds In the United States Ontario, Aug. 13 (Special)—Lack at the camp south of Nyssa wilt general public, but motor truck 1945 under the new three-year fe vcnuy oeeu living in Ontario. Mr Beaumont has been raising the vicinity. be under the same restrictions In operators especially are Invited to deral crop insurance contract win Funeral services were held in the of active organization m tne pro , 1 .. Fiu-onl body was found bulls for the last 20 years. tective division of the Malheur In his bed, ldicatlng that he was Plans for presentation of the the new camp. Shippers are also Invited have until August 18, 1943, to pay Peterson funeral chapel. Interment county A big improvement in the ori ..ttend. civilian defense council was' . . _ at Ontario have not been attend the evening program. the first installment on the pre was In the Ontario cemetery. criticized by Don Mastemon ofj overcome by smoke before he a- bull ginal plans will be the erection to Existing completed. mium. Pieter Tensen, chairman of orders, as well as other of 75 small frame houses for general facts pertlilent to the the county AAA committee, an Vale, chairman of the executive T ° ke the burning house was com workers- families. The houses, to continued operation of motor trucks nounced yesterday. board of the council at a regular from ing from the grass fires, did not be brought here from Dayton, Ore will be explained. meeting of the board last week. discover The premium Installment can be residence and gon, will be used In place of Unt Participating in the evening pro paid Masterson credited the lack of ac the death loss of of Mr. the Fenton before that date In for. some frames, which were to have been gram will be Mr. Sites, represent wheat anytime tivity In that dlvison to the time cash equivalent, or It time. used under the original plans. The ing the ODT; A. W. Metzger, state can be or taken by home guard activities. deducted from the grower's By John W. Kelly government is still expected to department of agriculture; Russell wheat loan, A. Davenport suggested that conservation pay Washington, D. C., August 13 Farm all J. future Robert F. Vaughan, Ontario ab build about 25 tent frames. The Pratt, public utilities commission ment or any AAA indemmity drives for funds for NYSSA YOUTH TO payment iitrat security administration Is providing stractor and lawyer, has developed purpose of the Improvement is representative; E. J. Berry and received under his crop insurance nine camps In dregi the various war activités In the TRAIN IN NAVY Oregon for migratory a business out of conditions created to make the camp suitable for Thomas E. Shea, representing the P-Ucy, the chairman explained This workers, FSA advises Rep. Homer county be conducted under the occupancy by farm worker fam for-hlre industry, and Paul Car payment plan—the commodity note Angell. One camp is stationary and supervision of the civilian de Enlistment of Robert M. Apple- by the war. ilies during the fall and winter. penter. marketing specialist of —was Introduced last year and eight are mobile. The mobile camps fense council. He pointed out this gate, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Recently Mr. Vaughan secured for micro-filming a por Mr. Fife is expected to start keep re;*ilar and qualified Mrs. Bert Applegate of Nyssa, has a tion contract State college. proved very popular with county are moved to three locations dur would of records Clatsop county. work on the little one-room houses Oregon solicitors active and would pre Joined the growing ranks of the The contract was of arranged The Ontario meetings will be the growers, as it gives the insured ing the season, being shifted to vent indiscriminate soliciting by United for a before he starts construction of only States naval aviation ca where the migrants are needed to ones of their kind held in Brower an opportunity to pay his day or two before the Japs hurled the larger buildings to be erected this section of Oregon. undeserving or unqualified groups. dets, information received from the premium at the lowest market price attend to the crops. In the perma Dr. W. J. Weese explained the office of Commander Bert H. shells from a submarine ln the at the camp. quoted during the year. nent camp tllere are 267 family program of Fort atevens. Then for the disas Creighton, senior member of the direction The deferred premium payment, dwelling units with an individual ter relief planned the county commissioners of C'at- Children Born Here— trailer recently put In naval aviation cadet selection board three-year contract provision, uni capacity at any one time of 1148. to service and now being equip for the thirteenth naval district, aop, at the mouth of the Columbia, Several youngsters have been form premium rates and a re The eight mob'#“ camps have family ped with medical supplies, first disclosed. decided to enlarge the contract to bom In the Nyssa nursing home duced premium plan are all new dwelling units for 1428 with an In all the valuable records of during the last two weeks. Donna and stretcher equipment. Weese The prospective naval pilot was cover features that have been combined dividual capacity at any one time aid that county. Louise, 5 pounds, was born to stated the county should make graduated from Crook county high of 6140 Grand total of family dweip to make all-risk crop Insurance Now Mr. Vaughan Is negotiating Mr. and Mrs. Don Boren August 4. Vale, Aug. 13 (Special)—Rumors irore to oounty wheat ing units 1695; total Individual cap efforts to secure another similar school In Prlnevllle with the class with several other Western Ore Mrs. Boren left the hospital Fri that the Bank of Malheur at Vale . growers, attractive trailer because of the large area of 1941 He attended Oregon State the chairman believes. acity 7288. Despite this number of gon counties to take a picture day and will stay with her mother, Malheur county's only independ -1 No Malheur College for one year. ^ necessary to serve, county producers migrants there is a large shortage; record of the other Mrs. O. J. English, for a time. A ent bank—had been sold to the have Insured their | The ne*t meeting of the exe- HU training as a naval aviation documents which deeds If and destroyed crops for 1943, of labor for the farms. son, Robert Laurence, 6 pounds, United States National Bank of 1944 , and 1945, by signing cadet will start vfith an assignment Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, chief, cutlve committee was set for Vale, the new was born August 7 to Mr. and Portland were categorically denied three-year contracts, as yet, Tensen of the army air force, plans to | Tuesday evening, September 1. to St. Mary's college in Moraga, would entail untold loss to thous Mrs. L. J. Luldach of Parma. A this week by J. N. Jones, president | reports. However, the new three- settle In Oregon, somewhere In the Present at the meeting were California. He will spend three ands of citizens. The counties who are thus pro daughter, Charlene Kay, 16 pounds, and principal stockholder. insurance will be available In Willamette valley. The general used Masterson, J. A. Davenport, H. W. months there studying subjects of tecting the property rights of their 14 ounces, was bom August 7 to “There has been no deal", said | year Importance to aviation and taking Kermlt Myers. Irwin TroxeU, near future. With dollar wheat to fly at Eugene and Is still enom- citizens following the lead Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Linvlll, Nyssa Mr. Jones. “Furthmore, you can the part In the physical development assured by the loan program, more ered of that section. As the war Is Dr. W. J. Weese, Amy Larkin and program. From there he will go to set by the are banks of the western route 1. Charolette Elizabeth, 7 quote me as saying that there will growers occupying all of his attention he F'ranlt Ryan Ryan acted as sec are deciding that they can- ________ __ __ r pounds, 12 ounces, Is the daughter be no deal which involves closing not afford to run the risk of crop [ has sent Mrs, Arnold to Oregon to : rrta,7 In the absence of H. F. ho- naval aviation bases for nearly nine portion of the state and many of of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Slvers of the bank. The people of Vale have' failure, the chairman believes. gue, who Is vactionlng on the months of flight and ground train the The state tiny departments. survey for a home. are taken and Nyssa. She was born August 8. treated me fine since I moved the! ing with all types of navy fighting from them films eoast. _______________ The tenant-purchase loans In two or more prints A nine-pound son was bom to bank here from Juntura. and I will Food Sale Planned— ----------------------- planes. Upon completion of the are eligible in Clackamas, Return From Trip— are made. These prints are then Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Flndllng of not let them down. It Is true that 11 The Nyssa Civix club is sponsor- Oregon course, which U open to all quall- Coos, Deschutes, Jackson, Lane, sent out of the war zone for Nyssa route 1 August 12. want to sell, and I am negotiating ing a cook food sale at the Eder Linn, Malheur, Marlon and Wallowa Mrs. Harry Klngery of Nyssa fled high school graduates between storage ln vaults beyond the reach with several parties. But one of Hardware store August 22. The counties. There were 66 loans made and Mrs. Fae Dickson of Payette the ages of 18 and 26 years, he of bombers. Positions Available— returned home August 4 from a will receive the golden wings of the t the conditions will be that the j Civic club has sponsored a series as of June 1, with a total of $594.- Mechanics and technicians 1 , are 0 . bank muat continue to operate at of cook food sales and each one 909, and there were on hand appl 3300 mile trip to Scotts Bluff, naval flyer and a commission as Gives Examination— Nebraska. Mrs. Klngery went loan ensign In the navy or a second Ralph Lawrence, secretary of the ications for loans from 489 For Nebraska training . . In the army ,, ak c’S , 1 i 1 ^ holder 1 and "l“* director contlnue “ a to stock- has been very successful. The pro- each to vUlt her father, E. C. lieutenant in the marine corps. in order help loan made for the 1941-42 fls- ceeds from these sales go to buy local civil service board of exam ground forces, according to In- the deal along.. Green, who U 111. The vUltors re- ----------------------- cal year there were 23 applications defense bonds. iners, conducted a Junior steno formation received from Lieuten In addition to his banking Inter for each of 21 loans made Thera turned by the way of the BlackHere From Colon* grapher examination Tuesday. The ant Colonel B. H. Hensley, district ests. Mr. Jones has large cattle in Returns T® Home— 3858 famUles known to the gov- | hills ln 8outh Dakota. Mrs. H. F Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Myers and examination, taken by one person, recruiting officer for Oregon. Col terests and he wants to retire to Patricia Thompeon, daughter of are emment agency who are eligible1 Simatner went with them to Ne-son, Billy Ray, of Colorado visited onel Hensley urges all able bodied devote more time to these. He is Lt. and Mrs. D. F. Thompson of but are not receiving rehabilitation braska, but remained ln Mlnetare Monday at the home of Mr. and was the second for that position here recently. Stenographers men between the ages of 18 and also state senator representing Mal Palo Alto, California, returned assistance. to be near her sUter, who Is toMrs. Jce Ballon. The visitors were given and typists are badly needed ln 44 years who can qualify as hand heur, Orant and Harney counties. this week to her home by way After a year, filled with obstruc undergo an operation soon. en route to Portland. Mr. Myers Washington, D. C. Suitable living toolmen to apply at their nearest -------------------------- is superintendent of the Great of Portland. She has been visiting tions, the plant site board has fin Babies Examined— will be provided for them, army recruiting office for a trade Return To Idaho— Western Sugar factory, located at quarters ally approved the Oregon electric her Uncle, Herbert W. Thompeon. Mr. Lawrence said. test. The United States maritime and Mrs. Leonard Stevens She accompanied her grand mother, steel rolling mill plant at Portland. From 1:30 to 4 o’clock) AugustFort Morgan. Colorado. service again Is enrolling appren of Mr Blackfoot, 7, 16 babies were examined at the Idaho have returned Herbert Thompson of Cali The plant will have a capacity of tice seamen for training to be heme after visiting at the home Mrs. clinic. They were weighed,Visit In Elgin— fornia, who is looking after her 30,000 tons a year. To date only Sarazin come able bodied seamen In ships of measured and given medical ex- Mr. and Mrs. Dorlln Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Jese Thompson. private money has been Invested property here. of the American merchant mar Mrs. Stevens is a niece of Mr. not a red cent of taxpayer funds-- amlnatlon. The youngest baby wastwo-month-old baby left Tueaday POETS’ ine. Information may be secured amounting to several hundred thou- six v'ceka old and the oldest one for Elgin, where they Will visit Return From Seattle— from the coast guard recruiting Thompson. was one year old. Assisting Dr. Mr. Orlfflth'i sister. Mr. Orlfflth Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mitchell dollars. Plant site board raised Sarazin station in the post office building Move Te C orvallis— CORNER were Mrs. Edna Farris, Is the son of Mrs. Mse Orlfflth, many reasons against authorising have returned home from a visit In Pcrtland. Hie civil service com Charles Paradis and family have ln Seattle and other coast points. the plant; said there was no elec county health nurse; Eva Leuck, supervisor of the Nyssa nursing mission announces examinations moved to Corvallis, where Mr. Par Their daughter, Miss Kathryn tric power, no labor and, finally, O. N., and Eva Johnson, Who kepthoma. Edited by for the position of painter for adis will be manager of the feder Mitchell, who spent part of the that the scrap the plant would the individual records. Returns To East— work an naval sir stations. T. CAROL BYBEE ----------------------- Mrs. John Beckham, daughter al employment office, a position summer here, boarded a boat for require was needed at the steel In Welser— cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell. HELLO THERE. . . OLD WORLD which he has held at Ontario for Alaska. mills ln California and lt should Visit Betsms From Visit— Mr and Mrs. Ward Wleneke left last Wednesday for her home Hello there . . . Old World , . . all be shipped to San Francisco. spent Mrs Jessie Callahan of Nyssa the last few years. the week-end at Welser. ln North Carolina. Your men don’t scare me The plant will use about 130 work Enginemen Needed— has returned home from s three- Re leased From Quarantine— With their schemes, wars and men and Is s permanent Industry Englnemen (steam-electric) are week visit In California, where The R. O. Whitaker family has needed immediately to be ln charge Henry J. Kaiser pulled the lid crimes her two sons were Inducted Into been released from diphtheria quar of power plants and auxiliaries ln off a military secret when he pro- Ragln here and or’e sea. the armed services. Harold Callahan antine. The two girls, Sharon and federal buildings, „ the „ „ civil . u . service. posed that 5000 70-ton cargo carr- left San Pedro for Camp Crowder Carol, have recovered satisfactor- commission announced. The sal- [ lers be built. Already under con- These men who down freedom where he Is stationed with the aries range from $1680 to $2040 tract for cargo and transport pur- f ycu have been sweltering and the house. And slavery uphold. army signal corps. Harvey Calla lly from the disease. a year. Applicants for all grades! poses are 20 present of the army's Their hours are numbered. han Is In the naval reserve. Mrs. Attend Meeting— must show experience with electrl- j multiple engine aircraft production wondering what you should da W. A. Fox of Fox’s drlve-ln con Their honor, they sold. Callahan visited her sister whom Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler cal machinery. Information may be and a confidential report of a about lt, the Gate City Journal has tends that a cold lunch Is the thing she had not seen for 30 years attended secured at the Nyssa postcfflce special committee of WPB was made n interesting story on page 4, which and so does Cliff Lange ln his They've dampened your soil a Purina dealers meeting The sister was In California to ln Boise Thursday, Friday and a month ago recommending an 1 will give you many of the answers story. with Innocent blocd. see her ton, who Is stationed at Saturday. elaborate cargo plane program. It If the heat gets you down so much Emil Stuns of the Stuns Lumber They Visit At Payette Lakes— ycur heart ache Mare Island with the navy. Several Nyssa residents spent also came Into the glare of pub that you haven't the energy to read company reminds husbands that With made both fire and blood, 4-H Program Planned— the week-end at Payette laloes licity that tons of cargo hars been the story, call ln one of the child now Is a good time to repair the • h Fish On River— Four-H club boys and girls of this They Included Norbert Sarazin. Bob taken to England ln the planes ren and have lt read to you—and roofs of their houses while the wea The day soon Is coming ther Is good. Mr. and Mrs Herschel Thomp vicinity will oonduct a judging pro McCfiy, Reed Cottle, Std Brown, operated by the ferry command; then do something about lt. When you'll give up your dead, son and Robert Thompeon of Nysaa gram at the C. M. Beaumont ranch Bob Applegate, Ted Morgan and Important freight, such as medicine, In addition to the story by Cliff Roscoe Kellogg of the Oate City Man stands then. In Judgement spare parts. Another military se Lange, Nyssa merchants havechlm- Dairy says It la easy to keep cool and Jerry Vaughn of Portland on route 1 August 30. The program Dick Osborn. cret was that troops hars been ed ln to give ycu some good advice with s glass of Iced milk, and For the horror he spread. fished on the Little Malheur river will be directed by E. M. Hauser, sent by transport planes to var For example read what Omar Ad- last but by no means least. Robert county club leader. Exam iner Coming— Saturday and Sunday A traveling examiner of operators ious parts of this country and klnaon of the Nyssa Pharmacy says Thompaun of the Thompson Oil So look out. . . I'm coming j company warns you about those j Move out of my way. . . and chaffeurs Is scheduled to be Its possessions When Kaiser made about Ice cream sodas Applies F ar Enlistm ent— Buying Shoes— { I bring news of the future Dick Osborne has applied for Atkeson's store Is paying $1 for In the city hall In Nysaa August his proposal army offlcsrs ex- Mildred Morgan of the Nyssa hot tires. plained that htey were already Cleaners says you can keep cooler Keep comfortable. Keep cool It's When love will hold sway, enlistment in the naval air corpa ladles shoes when turned in on 19 from 9 a . m to 5 p m. using and having made large planes if you'll have your clothe* cleaned all In knowing how and after you leaerre. He is awaiting orders from the purchase of new shoes. The for freight and transport, but not more often. i have read the article and ads on Hello there Old World. . . old shoes will be donated to re Here From Jordan Valley— Seattle \ Mrs Brown of Brownie’s cafe page 4 you will have a good Idea Your men don’t scare me— lief. The offer will be good only Robert (Pud) Long of Jordan the size of a 70-tonner. At Mrs. Robert Thompsrn and child- from Ai*ust 14 to Atwust 24, In- Valley visited here Saturday. He A postal star route running from reminds you that it Is unnecessary how It can be done and la being For I am the spirit rsat spent last week at Payette lakes. c W n ,1s a former Nyssa resident. J (Continued on page rttt I to go late to* kitobea aitf beat b 7 your neighbors, ' Of Sweat Liberty, Transportation’' To Be Discussec injury is r atai _ AO n .u . noiioiu duss Elderly Man Is Lost In Flames Defense Council Situation Is Hit At The National Capital Vaughan Taking Co. Record Films Bank Closing At Vale Is Denied Answer Is Given To Question Of Combatting Nyssa’s Heat I