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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUULY 10,1941 dependents io whose support they Peter Ewing, Deceased, and also all hereby are commanded to appear make "any substantial contribution." other persons or person unknown In the above entitled court and The only exception to this, he said, claiming any right, title, or interest cause, within lour weeks alter the m would be men who married In the in or to the real property described The Gate City Journal of first publication of this In the complaint, Defendants above date hope of evading service. Summons, which date Is June 19, ARMY RECREATION named: The War Department announced WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - • • Owner IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF 1941, then and there to answer or a program of stage shows it Army LOUIS P THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher OREGON: You and each of you otherwise plead to the Complaint camps throughout the country and hereby are commanded to appear in filed herein, and If you fall so to do, said civilian contributions to sold ____ or otkers interested in cnurch publicity are Invited .o use the above entitled court and cause, and for want thereof, plaintiff will INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC8 AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC iers' welfare will be coordinated by the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and' "Otmes within four weeks after the date of IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE the Citizens Committee for the Army to their congregations Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of first publication of this Summons, take Judgment and decree against and Navy, Inc. Outstanding theatre each week. _______ EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY which date is June 19, 1941, then you: (1) for the following Items and men have made arrangements for CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE and there to answer or otherwise sums: five road shows to visit camps, using plead to the Complaint (amended) 1938 Owyhee Irrigation ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sixth Near Main SUPPO RT equipment built on trucks, the De filed herein, and if you fail so to do, Open rate, per Inch............30c Vern Martin, Pastor $ 62.00 One Year .____ _______ 11.50 said. and for want thereof, plaintiff will District assessment National, Per Inch ..... 30c partment Six Months ...................¿1 00 Congress passed legislation de 1939 Owyhee Irrigation take Judgment and decree against YOUR Classifieds, Per word ---- Ole signed to prevent prostitution with Sunday school at 10 a. m. Single Copies _________ .06 Minimum 25c you: (1) for the following Items District assessment 18.60 worship at 11 a. m. (Strictly In Advance) a "reasonable” distance of military Morning and sums: Young peoples meeting at 7:15 CH U R C H 1940 Owyhee Irrigation and naval reservations. 1937 Owyhee Irrigation m. District assessment 68 20 DEFENSE AREA PUBLIC WORKS p. Evangelistic District assessment $112.00 Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon service at 8 p. m. Congress voted $150.000,000 for Prayer meeting on Tuesday and 1938 Owyhee Irrigation Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission State and County Taxes construction of schools, water works, Thursday evening. District assessment 112.00 through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under paid 355.15 PLAN TO sewers, hospitals and other necess 1939 Owyhee Irrigation the act of March 3. 1879. ary public works In localities over Interest on Taxes from District Assessment 33.60 crowded by defense workers. Works FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST 1940 Owyhee Irrigation Sept. 5, 1940 13.21 ATTEND "HI III III lililí Illuni lllilllililllllil 11 II II Illiil'IililH III MM 111:111 llllllilllilililll IIIIIII'IIMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII MMMMfflfMMMItji Administrator Carmody established Ditrict assessment 123.20 SCIENTIST Owyhee Irrigation Dist 11 regional offices to handle the State and County Taxes rict assessments extended SUNDAY program and select projects suggest 215 North 9th Street, Payette Idaho paid Sept. 5, 1940 256.16 on tax roll 112.00 ed by the communities and for which A branch ol The Mother Church, Interest thereon accrued 6 68 the communities will help pay. Interest to Sept. 5, Owyhee Irrigation District ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL MISSION The First Church ol Christ, Sclent- assessments extended on DEFENSE HOUSING . 1940 # 8% 48.78 The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar In Boston. Massachusetts. tax roll 80.00 OPM announced defense housing lest. Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 Interest from Sept. 5, Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Interest thereon accrued will be given priority to assure avil- Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. a. m. 1941 <® 6% 4.10 to Sept. 5, 1940 31.36 ability of necessary building mater North Open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. Holy Communion and sermon where the Bible and authorized Interest accrued from Sept ials. Defense housing Coordinator Fourth Sunday of the month. Science Literature may be each 5, 1940 to date 2.40 $682.04 Palmer Issued a pamphlet explain Christian Church school at 10:30 a. m. read, borrowed or purchased, and Is ing how defense housing needs are open * every day Irom two to lour L. D. S. CHURCH together with the costs and dis $757 40 p. m„ except Sundays and holidays. Sunday. 10 a. m —Sunday School met. bursements of this proceeding and together with the costs and dis- MATERIALS meeting. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE a reasonable sum as attorney fee; bursments of the proceedings and a Sunday. 11:30 a. m — Priesthood OPM recommended building eight Declaring and adjudging that the Lloyd N. Pounds meeting. reasonable sum as attorney fee: (2) (2) new aluminum plants, In Arkansas, Mr. and Mrs. pastors. so due to the plaintiff for declaring and adjudging that the amounts the Bonneville-Grand Coulee area Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament amounts taxes, Certificate of so due to plaintiff for as assessments, Upper New York State, Alabama, Morning Worship 11 a. m. meeting. Redemption-, attorney’s fee, costs sessments, taxes. Certificate of Re Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society California and North Carolina to and disbursements of this proceed Published through the co-operation of the demption, attorney's fee. costs and ing, 600.000.000 additional pounds Evangelistic services on Sunday, and interest accrued to be a s Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, r produce disbursments of this proceeding, and annually. METHODIST COMMUNITY first and prior lien upon the follow Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of interest accrued, to be a first and Price Administrator Henderson CHURCH ing property: PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Government Reports prior Hen upon the real property and Price Administrator Henderson East half of Northeast quarter A. A. Schmidt, Pastor fill, III 1:1 It |l| |,| |il 11 lil It II III III III III III III II III ,111 III III HI III III III II HI II HI.HI MlHIUllililllMMM III III mill II HI Will iir announced a series of conferences Milton Harlan Greenlee, Pastor premises as follows: (E'¿NE(4) Northwest quarter Southwest quarter (SWli) of begining the week of July 7 with rep Church school opens promptly at mg strategic materials to the U. S. of Northeast quarter (NW VI a. m. Divine service. Sermon: 10:00 o'clock every Sunday morning. Section 34. Township 19, South President Roosevels suspended resentatives of makers of automo The 10:00 NE‘4 ) and Northeast quarter President Roosevelt told his press duties Holy Name of God. This is the of Range 46 E. W. M. Malheur Burma vessels biles, refrigerators, washing mach second In a series of sermons on the Morning Worship is at 11 a. m. of Northwest quarter (NE' 4 - conference he still hopes the U. 8. reaching on the British The pastor will preach on the ques County, Oregon U. 8., to aid the flow ines, oil burners and steel furniture Ten Commandments. NW'i) of section 30, Township can stay out of the world conflict. of supplies to China over the Burma to get information on their needs 11:00 a. m. Sunday School and tion. “Evangelistic Passion." The and prior to all other liens and en 17 South of Range 47 E. W. M. His statement was made In answer Road. Treasury Secretary Epworth Leagues meet at 7:30 p. m. cumbrances and rights of the de Malheur County, Oregon Morgen- for materials. He said allocations of Bible classes for all. to a reporter's question If changing thau extended China’s $50,000,000 essential raw materials to take care evening Worship hour Is 8:30 fendants except claim of Malheur and prior to all other liens and en International situations had caused credit here for another year. Assist of public services essential to civilian We Invite you to worship with us. p. The m . for 1941 taxes; (3) Ordering and rights of the def the President to alter his belief, stat ant Commerce Secretary Hinckley welfare—such as transportation com “A Changeless Christ for a Chang There will be a half hour of con County sale of said property by the Sher cumbrances endants thereto: Ordering the ed in 1939, that the U. S. could and asked commercial airlines for 12 panies, telephone companies, farm ing World.” gregational singing followed by a iff of said County as provided by ale of said real (3) property by the would stay out of the war. message by the pastor on the gues- law and rules of this Court, and that Sheriff transport planes to meet "emer equipment manufactures, fire and of said County as provided Navy Secretary Knox told his press gency defense requirements of the police services, hospitals and schools tion: “Is He Able? These services are the proceeds of sale be applied to law and rules of this Court, and ASSEMBLY OF GOD conference reports that Navy vessels democracies." —will be made as soon as amount of for the whole family, and everyone plaintiff's claims, and that the right, by that the proceeds of sale be applied Sunset Valley Avenue were engaged in convoy duty were ARMY scarce materials needed are ascer Is welcome. title, interest and equity of the de to plaintiff’s claims, and that the "absolutely untrue,” and said re In his bi-annual repjrt to the tained. fendants and each of them, forever right, title, interest and equity of the ports that the Navy had lost lives, Secretary of War. Army Chief of LABOR SUPPLY Clarence Brotzman, Pastor KINGMAN KOLONY shall be foreclosed and barred of defendants and each of them, forever material and equipment or had been Staff Marshall urged that Congress The U. S. Employment Service re Sunday Scool 10:00 A. M. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E G all right, equity, tide or interest in shall be foreclosed, barred of Involved in any encounter with be- pass legislation permitting use of ported serious shortages of workers Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. and to the described premises, with all right, equity, title and Os born, superintendent. or Interest In ligerent craft, were “most decidedly" armed forces outside the Western In 13 shipbuilding, 16 aircraft and 26 Evangilistlc Service 8:00 P M out right of redemption after issu and to the described premises, Morning Worship 11 a. m not true. shop occupations such as Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. ance of deed; (4) for such other and out right of redemption after with Hemisphere and permitting holding machine Iss ship fitter, template maker, boat- P. M. Evening Worship 8:30 p, m. OPM Director Knudsen issued a selectees, further relief as to the Court shall uance of deed; (4) For such other National Guardsmen and builder, aeronautical engineer, air seem equitable. statement urging greater defense ef Reserve Officers in the service lor craft riveter, tool and die maker, and further relief as to the Court forts and said "nothing could be far more than one year. You will tak^ notice that this shall ances thereunto belonging or in Gen. Marshall equitable. and lathe operator. ther from the truth" than that said that conditions have changed anywise appretaining. Said sale is summons is served on you under and You seem Legal Advertising will take notice that this made under execution issued out of Russia's entry Into the war had to such an extent that a “grave ns LABOR TRAINING pursuant to an order of the Hon. the Circuit Court of County the State of Robt. M. Duncan, Circuit Judge of summons Is served on you under and The National Youth Administra NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Oregon averted danger to this country. Mr. for Malheur to Irr me emergency" exists of a more tion to an order of the Hon. announce allocation of $4.040.- Knudsen said “we are In somewhat tlonal directed In the case of Owyhee County and State.made on the pursuant severe character than the public 000 to finance July operations of a On July 19, 1941 at 10:00 o'clock District vs. Donald M. Graham et al said Robt. M. Duncan, Circuit Judge of better shape than we were last sum realizes.^ 14th day of June, 1941, directing said County and State, M. at the in North door County, of the C. W. Glenn, publication made on the mer but we need the spark of en- The War Department announced new program to train 368,000 out-of A. Courthouse Vale, front Malheur of this summons for Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon 14th day of June, 1941, directing I will Sell to the highest and thuslasn — yes, of patriotism - to it will promote its officers on the school youths for defense Jobs in Oregon 1st publ. July 3, 1941. four successive weeks, including five bidder for 4 cash, the following publication of this summons for four carry the program forward faster." basis of merit Instead of seniority the next year. The program Is oper best publications In the Nyssa Gate City successive property: weeks, Including five pub NOTICE TO CREDITORS AID TO RUSSIA. FRANCE, CHINA and permit re-enlistment for Reg ated in cooperation with U. S. Em ors tracts Lots 1 and 2, and Sec. 5 6, less Tp. assess 21 S. IN THE Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE lications in the Nyssa Gate City 46 E. W. M Malheur County, Acting Secretary of State Wells ular Army men only If they are ployment Service and the U. S. Of Rng. Carl H. Coad STATE OF OREGON FOR Oregon, hereditaments together with and the appurten- tenem Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. announced Russian requests to buy qualified for promotion In order to fice of Education and local public ents, Attorney for Plaintiff MALHEUR COUNTY Carl H. Coad strategic materials had been receiv weed out those not able to take ad educational officials. Residence and address: Department of the Probate The Office of Education reported Attorney for Plaintiff ed and brought to the attention of vantage In the Matter ol Estate of Nyssa, Oregon host and hostess. of further training. Nevada Linder Deceased. that 1,500,000 persons were trained Mrs. D. L. Anderson returned Clara Residence and Address: the proper Government officials Mr. Dated and first publ. June 19, 1941. The undersigned having been ap Last publ. July 17, 1941. for defense work by existing edu Thursday after a ten day visit in pointed Nyssa, Oregon Wells also said the U. 8. has under AIR by the above entitled Court Dated and 1st publ. June 19, 1941. consideration a plan to relax ex The War Department awarded cational facilities 1 the past year. Utah with her family and other rel of the State of Oregon, for the County aforesaid, executor of the SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Last publication July 17, 1941. port restrictions on Russian com contracts totaling more than $478,- PAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS atives. A brother from California Estate of Clara Nevada Linder de merce to permit the flow of war ma 000.000 for planes, engines and parts The Assistant Coordinator of Com was also there. ceased. and having qualified, notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE f terials to that country. He also an The OPM announced Its aircraft mercial Cultural Relations between is hereby creditors of, STATE OF OREGON FOR Rodgers Is home again after and all given persons to the having claims nounced U. S. and North African specialists, Merrill Meigs, will go to the American Republics, speaking In an Ted MALHEUR COUNTY absence of over a month. He was said deceased, to present A FLUE French officials have arranged a England to confer on production Pennsylvania, said that in April out from Pocatello working as night against them, verified as required by law, OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS Latin America sold $101,000.000 telegraph operator. plan calling for contlnoua movement methods. TRICT, A Municipal Corporation, within six months after the first Plaintiff of two ships carrying tea, sugar and Gen. Arnold, Chief of the Army worth of goods to the U. 8 —a rate Mrs. Ed Prouty and Idamary publication in poor of this notice in to the said Guss ex other food to Africa, and two carry- Air Forces, lowered requirements for of trade sufficient to absorb the war Prouty at his office vs. of LaGrande also Mr. Ed ecutor loss to the other Americas of Prouty and pilots of heavy bombers so that fliers time Building at Ontario, Oregon. Marjorie Prouty of CARLYLE SCARBROUGH, Ex continental European markets. Weiser were Miss E Otis of Smith repair with 750 hours military air exper the callers In the M. L. ecutor of the Estate of L. D. Scar- j Executor of the Estate Clara FOOD CONSERVATION ience could man the ships to be Agriculture Secretary Wlckard, As Kurtz home Sunday afternoon. Ida Nevada Linder deceased. brough. Deceased; ESTATE OP L { built at a rate of 500 a month. The sociate Price Administrator Elliot mary is attending summer school at First Pub. June 26. 1941. caused D. S C A R B R O U G H , Deceased1 Last Pub. July 24, 1941, Air Forces also announced experi and Paul McNutt, Coordinator of Eastern Oregon. M. SCARBROUGH: EM-| mentation with gilder training for Health Activities, outlined a plan for Leroy Parker writes that he is SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION MARVIN ERSON M SCARBROUGH; CAR Its personel. this - Equity 5428 settled in Chicago and working. He LYLE SCARBROUGH; ESTHER I community action to save for Im SELECTIVE SERVICE is a telegraph boy In the largest IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SCARBROUGH; EB A L O U I S or future use. quantities of In the world. More than 750,000 men who reach mediate STATE OF OREGON FOR SCARBROUGH: CRYSTAL LANE; ordinarily wasted. The officials building Vacation Bible school started Mon MALHEUR COUNTY ed 21 since Selective Service regis food DOROTHEE WOLFE; Malheur j urged community leaders to check tration last October, registered for local fruit and vegetable surpluses, day with Ellen Judd, Carolyn and OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS- 1 County, A Municipal Corporation; George Schiner. LaVerl Anderson, service this week throughout the A Municipal Corporation. The unknown heirs or devisees, if I for distribution through school Joyce Kurtz, Selma and Buddy TRICT, Plaintiff nation. President Roosevelt ordered plan any, of L. D. Scarbrough, Deceased; I lunch and playground programs to L. A. Maulding, M.D. 900.000 men Inducted Into the Army meet nutritional needs of small-in Stara, Lester and Merlin Parker en vs. and also all other persons’or person Physician and Surgeon as selectees now In service finish come families, and make arrange rolled from Newell Heights. unknown, claiming any right, title or M. A. BIGGS, Executor of the Es The R. R. Overstreet Jr., family of tate of James W. Ewing, Deceased; interest in or to the real property their ye»r of training. Phone 37 ments for preserving products not Boise. Gordon Judd family of Parma Estate of JAMES W EWING. De described in the complaint herein Pending final action by Congress fresh form. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 and Mr. and Mrs. R. R Overstreet ceased: on legislation deferring men who used in _______ <9 _______ CARLETON DAVID Defendants Dally -Except Sunday Sr, were Fourth of July guests at SON and LOIS were 28 on July 1 or before, Selec JOHN DOE DAVIDSON To Marvin M. Scarbrough, Emer Fry Building before winter comes check the M. L. Judd home. tive Service Director Hershey order husband; WAYNE CARLETON son M. Scarbrough, Esther Scar Upper Sunset your heating p l a n t and The Cecil Smith family spent Fri her ed temporary deferment of this age and JANE DOE CARLETON. hts Eba Louis Scarbrough, Dor- flues for needed repairs— He also advised local boards Tommy Harbou visited at the day in Vale but most folks went to wife, and PROVIDENCE CHURCH, brough. TOWNSEND CLUB to group thee Wolfe, the unknown heirs or Big Bend Park for an “Old Fashion defen registrants with one or more Chuck Share home Saturday. a non-profit corporation, said Lois devisees. If any, of L. D. Scarbrough, MEETINGS BE SURE YOU Those attending the 4th of July ed Fourth. Carleton Davidson. Wayne Carleton Deceased, and also all other persons Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday celebration from this community The Mary Martha circle will en and Providence Church being the or person unknown claiming any ARE INSURED at 8 p. m. at City Hall were: Adolph Schneider and family. joy hearing a report given by Mrs heirs of the Estate of James W right, title or interest In or to the Archie Eastman and family, and the R. A. Esdon of Weiser, a delegate to Ewing, Deceased: BENTON AR- j real property described In the com NYSSA REALTY A. L. McClellan ....... President the Women's Missionary Conven NOLD and GLADYS ARNOLD I plaint herein, of the above named Russell Howell family. Don Graham _____Secretary Barber Parker and Donnie Share tion in Washington, D C. Thursday Trustees, and DOLLIE SWEARING defendants: The Public Is Invited aftemaoon at the I. K Peterson EN, Mrs GEORGE RODGERS, j IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF and Insurance Co. spent the Fourth at Boise. Dude Parker and family attended home Mrs Pinkston will give the LEONARD ARNOLD, and Mrs. OREGON: Phone 53 You and each of you NYSSA AERIE the wedding of their son Jack at devotional. Guests are especially JOHN YOUNG, Officers of Provi welcome Hood River, July 5th. dence C h u r c h : M A L H E U R F. O. E. NO. 2134 Mr and Mrs Huston Lynch of Mrs R. R. Overstreet Is spending COUNTY. A Municipal Corporation: I Msets Wednesday Night Bakersfield. California visited with this week In Boise with her son and JOHN EWING: PETER VALEN- I AT EAGLES HALL old friends. Mr and Mrs Sam Cates family. EWING; WILLIAM EWING: CUSTOM BUTCHERING Visiting Eagles Welcome Mr. Wallace Jamison was a Sun TINE Sunday. There are certain necessary, EMMA WITWORTH; Mrs. HATTIE HARRY MINER, Sec. day dinner guest In the M L. Kurtz Wayne Lembaugh visited with his CAMERON; MRS MABEL BLAIR albeit unpleasant, steps to be brother. home later driving over the new CHARLES EWING; GEORGE FRE- BERNARD FROST. Free Dale Saturday and CUTTING taken w h e n bereavement project. Mrs. Ruth McConnell visited her Homedale UBURO; HERBERT FREUBURO: | strikes What a comfort It Is _______ » . ... GATE CITY LODGE son. Chuck Share Sunday. FLORENCE LAWSON: PAUL EV- | Beef for the Hide to leave those cares In the Chuck Share plans to move the Son V isit»— ANS: the unknown heirs or devisees. No. 214 Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 hands of someone who under BUI Parker family to Pendleton Don Sherwood was down from If any, of PET ER EWING, Deceased; Cutting 1 cent per lb. Wednesday. Henris ton, for the Fourth and week and also all other persons or person stand! them and who can » _______ Grinding 1 cent per lb. unknown claiming any right, title or end. execute them. We can help Interest in or to the real property ( Meets Tuesdays Dinner— Grinding and Seasoning 2 cen* per lb. NEWELL HEIGHTS Picnic you. Let us relieve you of described In the complaint. Defen Mr. and Mrs L. E Fry and Billy 8 p. m . whatever burdens we oan Mrs Stanley Goulet entertained [ entertained with a picnic dinner the dants Let us do Hour work! I.O.O.r. Temple at an aluminum dinner Tuesday Fourth for Mr and Mrs H R. Sher To John Ewing. Peter Valentine j First Street. South Ewing, William Ewing, Emma Wit- The guests who enjoyed the dinner wood. Prank and Don. VlrgU K. Johnson. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME worth. Mrs. Hattie Cameron. Mrs prepared by the salesman and his Visits Over The Fourth— Noble Grand Mabel Blair. Charles Ewing. George The Harry Howell family and Ted wife were: Mr and Mrs. Sid Flan-1 M. F. Solomon Freuburg. Herbert Freuburg. Flor Howell were down from Burns for Igan. Newell Heights. Mr and Mrs | Secretary Nysea Phone 73W PHONE 6 ence Lawson, Paul Evans, the un Neldson Mr and Mrs Jess Sugg j the Fourth. known heirs or devisees. If any, of Mr and Mrs M. L. Kurts and the1 --------- ♦--------- •> c •) # m # m <* m t THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE NYSSA PACKING CO.