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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL ______________C TH URSDAY, JAN U AR Y 9, 1941 Inexpensive ppiiances A d d to Com forts of E lectrified Farm ________ ___ _____ interested in church publicity are Invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of each week. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CHURCH OF CHRIST Sixth Near Main Meets in Legion Hall. Vem Martin, Pastor Minister J. S. Beam, Ontario. Sunday Bible School. 10 a. m. Sunday preaching and commun Sunday school at 10 a. m. ion, 11 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evangelistic meetings, 7:4ft p. m. Young peoples meeting at 7:15 The public is cordially Invited to p. m attend our services. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evening. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHUKl II Rev. 8tanley Moore, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Sun FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST days. SCIENTIST Sunday services at 7 p. m. 215 North 8th Street, Payette, Idaho Junior Y. P. F. first and third A branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Sclent- Mondays. Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth lest. In Boston, Massachusetts. Mondays. Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Guild second Wednesday. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. where the Bible and authorized L. D. S. CHURCH Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased, and Is Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School open every day from two to four meeting. p. m., except Sundays and holidays. Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood meeting. C.C.C. COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Sunday School 10 a. m. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society Church Services 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 8 p. m. METHODIST COMMUNITY Mid-week prayer service, Thurs CHURCH day, 8 p. m. Merle W. Burres, Minister. Everyone always welcome. Phone 131W Church school 10 a. m. FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Morning worship 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds pastors. Epworth League 7 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. KINGMAN COMMUNITY Evangelistic services on Sunday, CHURCH Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs E. G 10 a. m.—Divine services. Sermon: Osborn, superintendent. The Bread of Life. Morning worship 11 a. m. 11a. m.—Sunday school and Bible Christian Endeavor 7:4ft p m Evening worship 8:30 p m classes fo rail. 1:15 p. m. —The Lutheran Hour ASSEMBLY OF GOD over KFXD. 2:30 p. m.—Branch Sunday school The Church With a Welcome at the Alonze Huddleston home in South Second between Reece and Nyssa. King 8 p. m —The Walther League Pastor, Ivan West meets at the church. Sunday school, 10 a. m. If you have no church home, we invite you to come and worship with Morning worship, 11 a. m. us. Visitors are always welcome. “ A Evangelistic services, 8 p. m. Changeless Christ for a Changing Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. World." Prayer meeting, Tuesday. 8 p. m. ‘‘ Electric” waffle« are quickly mixed and automatically done to a turn. fric clock, mixer, ventilating fan, By IRA MILLER ■ree.’ doer, hot plate, cooker, roast Farm Electrification Hurra er, ice-cream freezer, small radio OME farmers apparent'y view the receiver, food chopper and juice coming of the high line with cer extractor. In the dining room, an electric tain misgivings. Although fully waffle iron, chafing dish, grill, per- vinced that the numerous beneflt electricity are worth many times colator, toaster and like equipment their cost, and while realizing that | make meals easy to prepare, proper wiring and lighting ot i. 1 the living room an electric home and buildings are essential to i clock, door chimes, corn popper and the complete and satisfactory use of | ^ the smaller pieces of equipment that the new servant, they nevertheless make life more pleasant. are concerned. Electric tie end pants pressers, Because wiring and the lighting burglar alarm, door latch, alarm fixtures are comparatively inexpen clock, small radio, electric blanket, sive, and also because they are basic “fever” machine, heating pad and to the service, there are few farm sun lamp, all are useful and con ers to whom electricity Is available venient accessories of the bedroom. who feel they cannot afford them. A portable heater, electric razor But when they consider the major or razor-blade sharpener, hair clip appliances that they want and which per, curling iron, immersion water contribute so much to the health, heater, hair dryer, massage machine ease and profit of farm life, they and vibrator add to the utility and start worrying about how they can comfort of the bathroom. At first glance, some of those pay for them. Just remember that all of those small electrical appliances may ap appliances can usually be financed pear to be unnecessary luxuries, by deferred payments. Of course, if useless “ gadgets” or suitable only he prefers to pay cash, the farmer for city or suburban dwellers. Actu can install them one at a time as ally, they are indispensable in bring money is available. In either event, ing the comforts and niceties of the he need not wait to enjoy, progres town to the country. They make sively, the comforts, conveniences welcome and low-cost gifts for every and pleasures of electrical living, occasion, which are useful and last for he can commence by buying the ing reminders of the donor. Whether numerous small helpful appliances purchased by himself, or received and thereby launch his plan for as a remembrance, the farmer will find they invaluably contribute to living electrically. For the kitchen, there is an elec- the joys of electrical living. The Adrian American Legion Aux iliary unit No. 109, will hold their regular meeting, January 14, at the Bill Ashcraft home in Adrian at 7:30 o'clock. Every member is asked to be present as there will be im portant business. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry left on Tuesday morning on a trip to Port land. If Mr. Perry passes the physi cal tests, he will be employed at national defense work for 6 months. Mrs. Perry will go to California to visit relatives before she returns home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points will look after their place while they are gone. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Otis and daughter were Sunday dinner guests at the Conrad Martin home in King- man Kolony. Monday Adrian’s basketball squad coached by principal Patch defeat ed Roswell on their home court. Friday night Greenleaf academy played basketball at Adrian. The second team was a loss in Green- leaf’s favor. The first team game was a victory for Adrian. S urday. Mr. Bogart is working for C. M. Tensen. John Kakebeeke who has been visiting from Seaside left Thurs day for his home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon and reductions, market quotas partly Mrs. Luther Fife visited Mrs. Chris- payments. A'so before the commis tene Jensen in Parma Sunday. sion markets were controlled by rac Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and keteers and gangsters. Marjorie, were shopping in Nampa And in a little ad was found "Cook and Caldwell Saturday. Brothers, general blacksmiths, horse Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Matthews and shoeing a specialty. Located on First- family of Payette were Sunlay visit street In Nyssa, Oregon.” ors at the O. Z. Matthews home. Jack Gannon, who had an ap Interesting bits of history pendicitis operation last week is up gleaned from the files of years SUNSET VALLEY and around again. ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Several watch night parties were held Tuesday evening. The Lester Neil, were shopping in Ontario Mon Kendall family and Mr. and Mrs. day. B F. Farmer Is laying out the L. E. Newgen were among those at Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife of Yaki W. Ward addition to Nyssa into tending a party at the Otto Wolfe ma, aWshington, ar evisiting at the lots which will soon be on the mar home. Fife homes this week. ket. This is certainly an attractive John Vanderpool butchered a hog Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher of Vale addition. Wednesday weighing about 500 lbs. and Mrs. Jessie Callahan arrived Several names will be noticed In Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Brotzman. home Wednesday from a trip to the honor roll for December exami Robert Ditty and Lilly Mae Schnei Harlem. Montana. nations (grades and classes omitted der were Sunday dinner guess in the Mrs. I. L. Cooper and Mrs. Gerald by present writer) Lilly Hunt, Fer Henry Hlntz home. The Brotzman's Cooper were in Ontario on business ny Adams, Alice Spear, Gertrude were Sunday evening supper guests Monday. Toombs, Don Davis, Rheuben Dan in the Jim Kirklan lhome. Endora Hallock attended a party ielson, George Ward, Luclen Hoxie Ira Poster and Geraldine Probst given for Frank Cook at the home Helen Hoxie, Harry Cosho. Ethel- shopped and atended the sale on of June Webster in Nyssa Heights Wednesday evening. wyn Boydell. Edna Blodgett. Eva Monday In Vale. About 26 young people attended A 6'6 pound daughter was born Boydell. Lotta Phillips. Walter Rut- a farewell party Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrse. Chester Thomp lid ge. Tom Coward was in Vale Monday at the Charles Ditty home in honor son Thursday. of Jack Reffett, who Is going to Wei- She has been named Jacqueline attending to business. Nyssa residents were aroused last ser to attend a vocational school. Edith. Mrs. Thompson is at the Brit- Friday morning at one o'clock and Several games were played and after tingham home in Ontario. Edna Hallock spent Sunday aft got up to find the Ward building lunch Jack was presented a gift by ernoon at the home of Rev. and on First street In a mass of flames. his friends. Mrs Ira Foster visited Friday with Mrs Herring in Parma. Origin unknown Mrs. Harry Krohm and son. Wil L. C. Pounds and daughter, Ger Mrs. Paul Ransome who has been lis, of Nyssa visited at the John Lac trude, wer« In town Wednesday. confined to her bed. Several men worked on the church key home. They say Stephens Is a dandy place, last week but the snow which fell Mr. and Mrs. K. M Newell and to live. over the week-end is hindering the family of Nyssa were dinner guests One step towards the bridge across work this week, although there is at the Ora Friel home Monday even the Snake River has been made and some work going on In spite of the ing. the result Is satisfying to all in cold weather. Mrs. Grant Hallock and Audrey terested. The county court has ap John Case. Charles Ditty, Walter have the flu. propriated 810.000 towards the con Cannon and Ira Poster were business Dick Smith chopped hay for John struction of a bridge providing that visitors in Vale Tuesday. Lackey Saturday and Monday. It be of a steel construction from Walter Cannon took his daughter. Mr and Mrs. Henry Gannon of shore to shore and that It will be Betty, to Portland last week for an Senneca spent the week-end at their In every respect an up to date bridge examination at the Shrlners hos home in this community. It Is also understood by the court pital. She returned home but has to Mr and Mrs. Floyd Thompson that the City of Nyssa Is to main return to the hospital in about three visited Mrs. Chester Thompson at tain it for the next ten years after months. the Brittingham home in Ontario It is completed. About 50 of Ed Mortenson's friends Sunday. And answering a questionnaire gathered at his home Wednesday Mr and Mrse Henry aGnnon of sent out by editor. Harold S. Vahl, evening fo ra farewell party Ed Senneca had new year dinner at Charles S. Slnsel, Boise fruit ship plans to leave in the near future. the Earl Farr home. per, quoted apples as having brought His renter Is moving on the farm Mr and Mrs La Rae Trabert had 8150 to 91.00 per box F O B. Parma this week. new years dinner at the George to the grower. Mr. Sinsel. further Jensen home stated, that he was disappointed Mr and Mrs Lorin oates of Nys that there were not sufficient or ALBERTA VALLEY sa and Mr and Mrs. George Paul chards In the area to supply the sen and George Jensen attended the demand. He had orders for 38 car Mrs Martin Osborn and daugh state board meeting at the True loads of wtnesapn alone and was not ters returned Thursday from Gard Garner home near Ontario. able to fill them. Prunes were quot en Valley where they spent the holi Mr and Mrs Martin Osborn and ed as bringing to the grower twen days with Mrs. Osborn's parents Betty Lou were in Vale on business ty to thirty-five dollars a ton. Mr. Pete Tensen was in Ontario on Friday Slnsel la further quoted as writing business Thursday Mr and Mrs Gerrlt Oroot. Mr “ I have found that In the districts New Years day at Payette Belva and Mrs Oerrit Siam. Mr and Mrs where they had shippers organisa Adams became the bride of Bert Z Davidson of Parma, and Mr. and tions and can advertise to the world Shelton. Mrs Dick Stam of Oregon Trail that they have hundreds of cars of Mr and Mrs Shotp of Colo., Were spent new years eve at the Joe Stam fruit for the market, they have no overnight guests at the Web Psnncn home In Oregon Trail trouble in having buyers on the home Friday. C M Tensen was a business visit ground, fighting for their products Lea Bogart and family moved Into or in Vale Friday All this, of course, was before crop | the community from Frultland Sat Mr and Mrs Dick Oroot were It Happened In Nyssa Years Ago ADRIAN shopping in Ontario Monday. Gerrit Groot left Friday with a carload cf cattle to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander Oort and daughters visited at the Dick Stam home in Oregon Trail Wednesday. VALLEYVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vest, Mr. and , and Mrs. Moran. Mrs. Graves Vest and Mr. and Mrs. , Walter Thompson enjoyed a watch | party at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olson’s New Year’s eve. Mr. and Mrs. Waud were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blackburn. The Riverview Christian Endeavor will meet at Mr. and Mrs. J. Waud. Mother Visits Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Singer of Rock Springs. Wyoming, with Mrs. Sing er’s mother, Mrs. Myrtle Moran ar rived on Wednesday afternoon last at the Jack Moran home. On Thurs day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Singer departed but Mrs. Moran remained for an extended visit with her son, FREE BOWLING INSTRUCTIONS January PERMANENT WAVES for Ladies n from 1 to 3 p. m. on Mondays and Fridays CORNELL BOW LING ALLEYS MARIE'S B EAU TY SHOP Main Street 321 WEST MAIN STREET Nyssa I Çp£& RIVERVIEW UHIOH PACIFIC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and daughter. Rose Marie had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blackburn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Hugh of Oregon Slope. Lucille Hill is ill with the chicken pox. Geneva Graham had Sunday din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborn. CALIFORNIA Please OR THE EAST ON THE If Anyone ROUTE —Elopes —Dies —Gets Married —Has Guests —Goes Away —Has a Party —Has a Baby —Has a Fire —Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in any Other Unusual Event . Yes, you'll enjoy every travel comfort, with freedom from highway and weather hazards—all at low cost when you go on fast, modernly - appointed Union Pacific trains. • • LOW FARES • • EVERYWHERE Examples: Round trip from Salt Lake City to In Coaches In Challenger Sleeping Cars* LOS ANGELES . . . . $38.10 C H I C A G O ................ $34.95 In Pullman Sleeping Cars* 846.20 $41.14 S53.50 S54.85 ♦Berth extra. Similar low fares to ot&er points. Liberal return limits. Also very low one-way fare». Betty Nelson was a new year's eve guest at the Bratton home. Walter Hahn and Oscar Bratton attended the watch party, new years eve, at the W. W. Foster home in Nyssa. Mr. anl Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff called at Brattons early New Years morn ing on their way home from taking their son, Dwight, to Ontario, where he left by auto for Corvallis, where he is attending college. Dad Armstrong is very ill with double pneumonia. Lesley Major is making brooms and fine ones at his home. Walter | Hahn and Oscar Bratton visited him Tuesday. Mr. H. E. Noah and Wil bur Atherton went to Emmett after a load of wood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McConnel ar rived at the Bratton home Friday afternoon and moved Saturday. Betty Hannon arrived from La Jan. 6. Grande Sunday evening to take up her school work. School opened on Miss Ruth Bratton and Curtis Foster motored to Unity Tuesday af ternoon to spend New Years eve with friends. Work on Church to Begin. If present plans are carried out. excavation work on the basement | of the new Methodist church will I begin on Monday. That’s News Ask about travol on crodit—no money down —pay latot W e W ant It The Gate City Journal PHONE 7 i i e ‘rtf i o < jn £ 4 4 M K - UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD R O A D OF The Streamliners A N D The Challengers For further details consult: E. C. CRANDALL Phone 27 Nyssa, Ore. 19 Fourteenth Annual FO R Dry Cleaning Special Jan. 13th to Feb. 1st1 Bring in Three Jobs Together and Get One Done - - the ENERGY FOOD for athletes, the T V Seal business person and ftfa/a-Gu an ti. I Your W eah h l especially for CHILDREN. ORDER YOUR MILK AND CREAM FROM SHELTON’ DAIRY MILK and CREAM Phone 05J2 FR EE Ontario Laundry & Cleaners PHONE 99 ONTARIO, ORE. Better Cleaning with Distilled Solvent