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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1940)
' THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, BTNIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - • LOIT9 P THOMAS - - - . Editor and INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC8 AND RELIOION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVI EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES On« Y ttf UM SU Montila *100 Single Copie» 06 'Strictly ln Advance) ADV E R T I S I N O R A I Open rate, per neh .— National. Per Inch ..... CtaaslfteSa. Per word . Minimum Me Publlsted every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County. Oregon Entered st the postofflee at Nysaa. Oregon lor tranamlatioo through the United State» Malle, aa second claaa matter under the act of March 3. 1ST* NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan THE FOOD STAMP PLAN, under which certain basic surplus commodities held by the Federal government are distributed to persons on relief, has apparently passed the experimen tal period. It has rapidly extended, and is now- in effect in most areas of the country. Accord ing to authorities, it has proven to be one of the cheapest possible ways of affording government assistance to the indigent. On top of that, the plan is an excellent ex ample of the kind of cooperation private indus try offers the government when a worthwhile and necessary project is involved. The surplus foods have been entirely distri buted by private retailers. The taxpayers have not been forced to spend large sums of money to establish government owned and operated distribution centers. Both the chains and the in dependents have used their established proven facilities to the utmost. They have worked with government in formulating and enforcing strin gent rules designed to prevent the reliefers from exchanging their stamps for cash or alcoholic beverages, or otherwise abusing the plan. Only an insignificant handful of cases where stores have violated regulations have come to light. There is a vast difference between govern ment competition with business— and govern ment cooperation with business. The food stamp >lan illustrates that difference. It unquestionab- y has proven itself to be the most efficient and cast costly way of distributing surpluses, with out disturbing normal trade and production processes. It represents relief administration at it- best and government-business relationship of the soundest kind. Industrial News Review. PRIVATE BUSINESS, that has been so scur- lilously attacked by the administration, is turn ing out to be not such a national orge after all, witness the way it has gone in to help the govern ment in national defense. But even with this whole hearted support, a lid has been clamped down (in profits, on all of which the nations busi ness has put their stamp of approval. Even in the matter of letting men off from work in order to attend the annual training encampments of the National Guard, business, big business has assured those men a job on their return. So we find patriots in the business world too. WENDELL WILLKIE, Republican candidate for the (Presidency stands as a shining example of the opportunities that are still to be had in this country. Here is a man who was bom of the average parents (his parents were school teachers— later lawyers in his home town of Elwood, Ind.), when a boy he herded cows to earn his spend ing monev, he has worked in the hay and grain fields to heln him pay his way through college, and it is said, he added to his earnings by wash ing dishes in a hash-house. Through his own efforts, not those of parental riches, he obtained his education, the education that later was to put him at the head of a large power company, and because he has risen, by his own boot straps, so to speak, we are going to hear a lot from tne Third Termites about the terrible thing of hav ing a former head of a large power company as President. In other words a stigma will be placed on personal enterprise and initiative, on any who seeks public office. To us there is no threat, if he is elected president, to public ownership of power or any other industry, if there is a proven need for it— but you will see justice dealt out to businessman, farmer and professional man— for Willkie has been one himself, in other words he is “AMERICANA” personified. f c &À £ _____________ _________________ the State of Oregon for the County Thursday and Friday s f t Legal A d .e r , « “S T S / ? M « - Mrs I A. Clyde of Seattle has ---------------------------------------------- nlclpal Corporation. Plaintiff, vs been visiting her sister Mrs R Lef- M n Dor* Mats and soc Dayie v NOTICE n n r r f FOR o r PUBLICATION Pet« Dear Church and the whose members of are tiie P u b l ic A i io n Nazarene names of Boa Lak« City ytato arrived by i fler I ruled States Department of the to the plaintiff tmluioTO, A A Bratton Eulah and Oscar tram Wednesday morning and vlatt- Inferior G eneralL and Office at E Mellman and Jane Doe Mellman. ed at the S P Bybee home until Chas S Wyckoff and Mr and Mrs The Dalle». Oregon, Jkly 15. 1940 ^ ^ v e r NtUoa andg M Saturday night Mrs Moas it a Melvin Spttzie and Mr and Mrs . NOTICE is hereby given that street, and Jane Doe Overstreet his i O C Spitzie and family spent Maurice L Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, wife; S. T Calhoun and Jane *l*t*r of Mr Bybee i who, on July 6, 1936, made Original Doe Calhoun, his wife; C. L. Mr and Mrs Charlie Simmons Thursday at Owyhee Dam Desert Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. and Jane Doe Lindsey, his Pete Vic and Warren Peterson and family departed for their home 1 025813 for Parm Unit "B” or the Lindsey wife; John Ray and Jane Doe Ray, N ',8 W '. and SE 'iN W '., Section his In California on Tuesday after visit from Bertrand Nebraska visited at Don M Graham and Jes It, Township 21 S , Range 45 E.. sie C wife: his wife; J Blayney ing a lew days at the home of Mrs. the Ora Bronson home Tuesday Willamette Medidian. has filed Boydell Graham, a man; Sam Y West night and Wednesday Simmon's parents Ree» Byram notice of intention to make final and Jane single West, his wife; Proof, to establish claim to the land Charles C Doe Wanda and James Letter have Muu, Ploy Byram returned with Bright Jane Doe above described, before Carl H Coad, Bright his wife: and and been visiting relatives in Caldwell. all other per them Notary Public at Nyssa, Oregon, sons claiming some right, title, lien Mrs 8 J Rees left Friday for on the 30th day of August, 1940 S P Bybee E Lunger and Glen or Interest in or to any of the lots, Claimant names as witnesses: blocks parcel or parcels of real pro Suiter dug spuds during the past Logan Iowa to attend the funeral of i Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith. perty involved in and described in her sister-in-law Mr. Wess Kanau- week , Harold Fivecoat, and Ira Mars, all this complaint, and also all other .«■ of Nyssa. Oregon, R F D Mr and Mrs Roy Kurtz and son persons or parties unknown claim Mrs Naomi Wright of Nampa visit- W F JACKSON, ing any right title estate, lien, or of Kendall Kansas left for their i ed her sister. Mrs. Chas Amidon interest in the real property herein Register home Monday alter a visit with Mr described or any part thereof De Pnday evening. ! First Published 25 July, 1940 K urtks brother and family O J fendants Last Published 22 August, 1940. Mr and Mrs O. C Spitzie and Kurtz, taking with them their moth C W. GLENN, lanuly and Mr and Mrs Melvin Sheriff. Malheur County. Oregon er, Mrs Rosa Kurtz who has spent NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i spitzie and Chas S. Wyckoff were A L FLETCHER, the past two months visiting here United State» Department of the Nyssa. Oregon. Visiting at the 8 P Bybee home supper guests of Mr and Mrs C. Interior, General Land Office at Attorney lor Plaintiff. C. Wyckoff in the Beuna Vista The Dalles. Oregon, July 15, 1940 First publication July 25th, 1940 from Wednesday until Saturday- neighborhood Thursday evening NOTICE Is hereby given that Har Last publication. August 22nd. evening were Mr and Mrs Wllford old Fivecoat. assignee of Robert S. 1940. Mr and Mrs W. B Douglas of Bybee and Mrs B L Bybee ol Roy Overstreet, of Nyssa. Oregon, who, Mt Shasta California arrived on Now you know what It looks like! on July 6. 1936. made Original Des Utah Mrs B L Bybee is Mr By NOTIC E FOR PUBLICATION Thanks to Major, fro m th e string of Land Entry, Act 3-3-77, No. bee's mother and Wllford a brother Tuesday to visit their granddaugh horses that Mayor N arva; H M a rtin ert 031225, for Farm Unit '‘D’’ or the United States Department of the ter and family. Mr and Mrs David of The Dalles will bring to t h e O re- Interior, General Land Office at Mr and Mrs Roger Tucker and S - j S E \ and NWUSEti, Section fair, a t S alem fo r seven j-r. state The Dalle», Oregon, July 15, 1940 Mrs. Tucker's mother and sister. Rees. S ta rtin g September 2. L abor 11. Township 21 S., Range 45 E.. NOTICE is hereby given that George Turner left Wednesday ; jjy f’ Willamette Meridian, has filed Mrs F E Bouter and Ela drove to notice of intention to make final Robert S. Overstreet, of Boise. Nampa Sunday and attended the for Walla Walla. Washington where , Proof, to establish claim to the land Idaho, who, on July 6, 1936, made services of the Nazarene camp meet he will visit. above described, before Carl H. Original Dfesert Land Entry, Act % M t t $ Coad. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Harmon of Notary Public, at Nyssa. Ore 3-3-77, No. 025814. for Farm Unit ing at the Kurtz park gon. on the 30th day of August, B ' or the N14NEK and NE'iNW-* Mrs. Dorothy Chapman of Rupert Boise came Thursday taking Mr Section 14, Township 21 S., Range . 45 E , Willamette Meridian, has Idaho arrived Wednesday at the and Mrs W G. Armstrong home | home ¡ jj Beverly Hills on Tuesday filed notice of intention to make with them for a visit. after visiting for the past week with | « ¡ T S Ü l t h . Pete Wakewood home and visited Proof, to establish claim to Virgil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all final until Sunday Mrs Chapman is Mrs —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— Mr and Mrs. Donald Clark. the land above described, before Carl H. Coad. Notary Public, at Mr and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and al Nyssa> O***0®- IAnVc o v Wakewoods mother. Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day Mr and Mrs Earl R Anderson family spent Friday and Saturday w F JACp S2 N' of August, 1940. and children spent Sunday with the PARTY GIVEN of last week visiting in La Grande, pubUghed 25 July, 1940 * ^ Claimant names as witnesses: Robert Clark and Lou Com were Last Published 22 August, 1940. Russell Talbot, Ernest Smith, Vir J. Bjugans family on Upper Oregon FOR GUEST gil O. Packer, and Ira Mars, all of in Ontario on a business trip Wed Slope at Ontario. Nyssa, Oregon, R. F. D. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mrs Roger Tucker and sister Miss RIVER VIEW — Honoring Miss nesday. W. F. JACKSON, State» Department of the Ilia Botner attended a bridal show Ver-Dean Goodfellow of Salt Lake Register On Thursday the Malheur County United Interior. General Land Office at First Published 25 July, 1940. er In honor of Miss Ester Bweaney City a weiner roast was enjoyed on Dairy Testing Association held their The Dalle». Oregon, July 15, 1940 Last Published 22 August, 1940. Prlday afternoon at the home of Friday evening at the home ofMr first picnic. It was voted to hold» NOTICE is hereby given that NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs Earl Oray In Nyssa and Mrs. V L. Kessler Guests in one every year about this same \ lrgl* F*®cker. Asslgnee of Maur- , , „ ice L. Judd, of Nyssa, Oregon, who Notice is hereby given that the Mr. Henry Baker. Mr Charles cluded Mr and Mrs. Pete Wake time. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark. 0n July 6. 1936, made Original Des- undersigned, by an order of the Gamer and Mr. Wallace Baker of wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keyser, Mr. Mr and ‘ " Mrs. - Loren Miller and ‘ fam- ert Land _ Entry, Act 3 - ,§.77, No. County Court of the State of Oregon Rupart. Idaho vlaited Prlday even and Mrs. John Stafford, Mr and ily, Mr. Elmer Dutton and daugh- 031308. for Farm Unit “E’ or the for the County of Malheur, duly Section 11, Township 21 made and entered on the 31st day ing at the S. P By bee home Mrs. Paul Baker. Mr. and Mrs. . ters. Mr. C M Beaumont and Mr S%SW14. s Range 45 E.. Willamette Merid- of August. 1940, was appointed Donald and Francis Ford returned Harry Gahan of Nyssa Hts.. Mr and Mrs. William Toomb and Dor- ian. has filed notice of intention Administrator of the estate of Man home Sunday evening after spend and Mrs Jack Hauns. Mr and Mrs. othy were in attendance from the make final Proof, to establish Louise Loveland, deceased, and that claim to the land above described, he has duly qualified as such Ad ing their summer vacation with Loy Be Isle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob and itoiony. before Carl H. Coad. Notary Pub- ministrator. All persons having their grandparents at Melford. Ore sonny Hickley of Ontario. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Conrad Martin, He. at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th claims against said estate are here Mrs Oerald Ooodfellow and Mr and Miss Jeanette Martin and Betty ; gon. by notified to present the same, . _ _ Claimant names as witnesses: duly verified as required by law, to Mr and Mrs J B Quigley visited Mrs. Ed Oonnason and family. Jean Toomb returned Saturday Russel Talbot. Ernest Smith, Har- at the City of Ontario, Malheur Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker, Mr and Community S S. meets in Ernest evening from Genesee Idaho where old Fivecoat. and Ira Mars, all of him County. Oregon, within six months Mr». J. E. Keyser, Mr and Mrs Johnson home next Sunday after they had been visiting. of the date of this notice. Nyssa. Oregon, R. F. D. John Stafford and Mr and Mrs noon. Dated this 1st day of August, 1940. , W. F. JACKSON, Jean and Gary Clark spent Thurs- Register. MAX S. TAGGART. Administr Pete Wakewood were among those Christian Endeavor meets in the ator of the Estate of Mary Louise day with their Aunt Mrs. Donald First Published 25 July, 1940. who attended a welner roast at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe Wood Loveland, Deceased. V. L. Kessler home In River View ward in Nyssa Hts to organize Clark while their parents attended Last Published 22 August, 1940 August 1. 1940—First Publication. the picnic at Vale. August 29, 1940—Last Publication. vlstnity Friday evening Young People's chorus. All young NOTCE OF SHERIFF’S SALE H. E. Club met with Mrs. Oscar Mrs. C. F Baker and children re people united and bring a water- NOTICE TO CREDITORS On the 24th day of August, 1940, Schafer on Tuesday of this week. turned home Tuesday from a weeks mellon. In the Matter of the Estate of at the hour of 10:30 A. M. at the Bettie Lafrenz, Deceased. Jewell Wilson and Glenn Osborn Miss Vera Dean Goodfellow of visit with relatives at Twin Falls, front door of the Court House In The undersigned, having been ap Salt Lake City, Utah, has been visit spent Sunday at the Kurtz home in Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, I pointed executrix of the Estate of Idaho. Just-a-Mere Club met at the home ing her sister Mrs Kesler the past Newell Heights. The boys enjoyed a will sell at pubic auction to the Bettie Lafrenz. deceased, and hav highest bidder for cash, the fol ing qualified as such, hereby gives watermellon feed. ol Mrs. S. P. Bybee Friday with 14 two weeks lowing described property, to-wit: notice to the creditors and all per members and guests were Mrs. Norman and Jackie Wand had Mrs. Charles Newbill attended a Lots Eight (8) Block Twenty- sons having claims against said es Dorothy Chapman of Rupert. Idaho their tonsils removed Thursday by P. T. A meeting in Jamison on Seven (27i. South Fifty feet (50 ft.) tate to present same verified as re of Lots One to Five inclusive (1 quired by law. with the proper and Miss Verdene Goodfellow of Dr. Kerby Thursday evening. to 5), Block Thirty (30), Lots Six vouchers, within six months after Bema Dean and Raymond Bailey Salt Lake City . Mr and Mrs. J. G. Lane and fam to Seven Inclusive (6 to 7) Block the publication of this notice, to the Mrs V. L Kesler entertained with of Vale are spending two weeks ily left Wednesday for Prarle City Thirty (30), Lots Eleven and Twelve undersigned executrix at her resi (11 and 12), Block Thirty-one (31), dence in Nyssa, Oregon, or at the a very amusing program after vacation with their grandparents, to visit with Mrs Lane's brother Lots One to Five inclusive (1 to 5), office of A. L. Fletcher, her attor which the hostess Mrs. Bybee serv Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. and family. Rev and Mrs. Walter Block Thirty-two (32), Lots Six to ney. at Nyssa, Oregon, the latter Twelve inclusive (6 to 12), Block being the place designated for the ed a delectous luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman and family, Bach. Thirty-two (32), all in Teutsch’s of all business pertain Judge Downing of Pocatello. Ida Mr and Mrs Wilbur McGinnis and Mr and Mrs. Robert Clark were Addition to the City of Nyssa, to transaction to said estate. ho was over Sunday looking over family and Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Sunday evening supper guests of gether with the tenements, heredita ing August 14. 1940 ments and appurtenances thereunto his ranch occupied by Paul and C. Ginnis attended the So. Dak. pic Mr and Mrs. William Toomb. Hilda Louise Tensen, belonging or in any wise apper Executrix of the Estate of L. Baker nic In Nampa Sunday. Mr and Mrs. William Toomb were taining. Bettie Lafrenz, deceased. Mr and Mrs Wesley B Baldwin Mrs. Clara Thompson attended in Parma Monday afternoon. Said sale is made under execution First Publication Aug. 15, 1940. and daughters Arllene and May of the Home Makers camp at Payette Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers mov Issued out of the Circuit Court of Last Publication Sept. 12. 1940. Syracuse. Kansas visited the Dan Lakes last week. ed Sunday to a house about six Mr and Mrs. Dean Forsea of miles on the other side of Nyssa Corbett family from Thursday un til Sunday. On Friday a picnic Home. Ore. were visitors of Mr and Mr. Bowers will be nearer his work. dinner was held at the Owyhee dam Mrs Ray Keller Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sampson Mr and Mrs. Elmer Hill, Mr and and family visited with Mrs. Samp Saturday Mr Baldwin, Mr Corbett and son Mont drove to Walla Walla Mrs Wilbur McGinnis were Sun son’s parents in Harper on Sun Washington and home by way of day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. day. Union where the Corbetts called on Ed Oonnason. Mr. Frank Fredericks had the Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Clowers have misfortune to lose one of his best the Rev Floyd White family The Baldwins are looking for a new lo repainted their home. milk cows Wednesday night. Mr and Mrs. R H. Johnson were cation and were much taken with Mr and Mrs. C. C Cotton and Sunday dinner hosts of C M. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill drove this project. Mr and Mrs John Stafford and and James Burrell of Rogue River. to Camp creek Sunday to attend a The Jr. Girls met In Ernest John Orange picnic. daughter drove to Payette Sunday The hay choppers are buzzing In son's home Saturday to organize On Thursday Mrs. C. C. Cotton tha vicinity at the Joe Woodard. O. a 4-H Club The following officers had as guests Mrs. Basil Trueblood, E Webster. O J. Kurtz and Jim were elected: pres. Betty Blackburn; Mrs. George Trueblood and daugh v Ice-pres, Ruth Johnson; sec-treas., ter Mrs. Byran Wheeler, and Mrs. Moss ranches. Ellen Ann Herman; song leader. B. Harris and daughter from Bur -Nyssa Fall F aIR sI Sept. 6-7— Lois De Lashmutt; games commit bank. California. tee. La one Osburn, Jan Scott, Joan Mr. and Mrs. Dean Plttinger have VALLEY VIEW Hlbbert; refreshment committee, moved in to the tenant home on W ^ H A T they promise in their advertisements, Marie Graham. Luana Oonnason, the C. C. Cotton ranch. SCHOOL TO OPEN Estelle Osburn; leader. Mrs. Clara and what they deliver in their merchandise, are VALLEY VIEW—School opens at Thompson; assistant leader. Mrs. —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— Valley View the Wth of Septomber Bertha Johnson. right there for all to see. Mr and Mrs O S Spitzie and Noon lunch was prepared and family from Kinsley. Kansas visit served by the members. If they deliver what they promise, they make ed their son. Melvin and wife last Ouests In the Ernest Johnson h week, arrived here Monday even home Sunday were Mary. Ruth and friends and steady customers. If not they make ing and left Saturday morning for Charles Scott and C. M. Willis and Portland. Oregon and points In James Burrell of Rogue River. enemies, lose patronage and finally go out of California on their return trip to —Nyaaa Fall Festival Sept. 8-7— | | ^ g their Kansas home business. | Mrs H E. Noah's father. Mr. Smith from Washington arrived on SCHOOL DISTRICT Those are the cold,- hard reasons why honesty 7 No. 61 VOTES Friday evening Oerald Ooodfellow has started to is the best policy—especially in advertising. KINGMAN KOLONY — School thin his lettuce Clarence Merrick , and family and Mr. Council and District Number 61 held a meeting But the real fact is that advertisers as a class family of Nyaaa are doing the work at the school house Tuesday even Mrs. George Stewsrt and Mrs A. ing. Some of the people hkd expres are humanly jealous of their good names. The A Bratton left Wednesday morning sed the desire to move the 7th and for Payette Lakes to spend five days 8th grades to the Kolony and put trade-marks of manufacturers and the published with the Home Makers They ar the 1st and 2nd grades In the grade rived home Sunday e yen In*, all re building In Adrian. This was voted recommendations of merchants are only ac upon at th at time. 48 votes were Every detail of oar service U aimed port a tine time Walter Hahn Is working at the cast to make the change and 66 were toward lightening the harden of corded to products which they can offer you cast to leave the grades where they those left to grieve. Andrew Seed Co. In Ontario. with confidence and pride. Mrs Wagner and son Truman re are now. turned from the coast last Wednes Mrs Donald Clark with her house Consalt as at any time without cost NYSSA HEIGHTS The Gate City Journal THURSDAY. AUGUST 22,1940. A H o r s e s L a f i! Advertisers Live w y] DIGNIFIED SERVICE day. Mr and Mrs D. 8. Lundahl of Rostyn. Washington visited Mr and Mrs Chas Johnson and Mrs Coy Brown hey were on their way heme from Yellow Stone Park Mrs Lun dahl. nee Lots Halcfcteod. taught school here a few yearn ago. Clarence Davis and Bethel Brown are both working at the cannery in Payette Arthur Brown and Chas Johnson picked sweet com for the cannery guest Miss Elma Schellen spent Monday In Nyssa and Ontario Miss Agnes Nichols and James AMBULANCE SERVICE Nichols spent Saturday shopping In Phone 73W • Nys Boise and Nampa Mrs. Harvey Otts of Adrian en tertained on Wednesday afternoon for her house guest Miss Pauline Young. Mrs M M. Oreellng. Miss May Beaumont. Mrs. Earl Osborn and Mr». William Toomb were in vited from the Kolony. Miss Elma Schellen left for her NYSSA FUNERAL HOME You can trust the ads to'tMM-you to sound values, j*-*1"-*—- Oossrlsipriyetion’s Business V The Nyssa Gate City Journal Phone 19