Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, MRS. WAKEWOOD HONORED Society D INN E R P A R T Y In honor of the birthday anni versary of Mrs. Ralph Beutler, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson enter- I talned at dinner on Wednesday Ministers or others Interested In church publicity are Invited to use evening. Guests were M i. and Mrs the columns of the Journal to carry important me i«a »M and notice» R. A. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs to their congregations Please try to get your copy In by Xuesday of Beutler and Sherry. each week CHRISTIAN CHURCH CHURCH OP THE N A Z A R ÏN Ï - 8 - Nyssa Legion Hall Sixth Near Main D INN ER GUESTS Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Vrm Martin, Pastor Mrs. Hershel Thompson had as Services at 3 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. E. her The public is cordially Invited to luncheon guests on Tu: ‘ day J. Hobson, superintendent. mother Mrs. H. B Earp and Mrs. W. Morning worship, message by attend our services. F. MsLlng with Patty of near Emm Mattie Smith. ett. The occasion was in honor of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Juniors at 7:15. Mrs. Martin Sup Mrs. Earp's birthday anniversary. ______ SCIENTIST ervisor. - 8 - Young people 7 15. Mrs. Arlene 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Seward president. A branch of The Mother Church, D INN E R P A R T Y Complimenting their house guests Evening service message by Mat- The First Church of Christ, Sclent- Mr. and Mrs. R. Sterner and Mr. tie Smith. Also an afternoon ser test, In Boston, Massachusetts. and Mrs. Helmer Ostrom of K lam Sunday School -10:00 a. m. vice by Mrs. Smith at 2:30 p. m. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mrs. Smith Is a colored evengelist from Boise She Is a member of the North. Open dally from 2 to 4 p. m Ostrom entertained at dinner and where the Bible and authorized Methodist Church. We Invite all Christian Science Literature may be cards on Tuesday evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. our friends to attend the three ser read, borrowed or purchased, and is open every day from two to four Charles Ostrom and Mr. and Mrs. vices next Sunday. p. m , except Sundays and holidays. E. H. Flkkan of Emmett. We also want to invite you to at tend the presentation of Northwest ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH - 8 - Nazarene College on August 13 D INN E R GUESTS Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor when they present the Ambassador Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer and Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Sun Quartette Admission Is free. son were Sunday dinner guests at days. the Tom Ooodier home In Kingman Sunday services at 7 p. m. PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Junior Y. P. F. first and third Kolony. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Mondays. Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth B R ID A L SHOWER 10:00 a. m.—Divine services with Mondays. On Wednesday evening in honor the celebration of Holy Communion. Guild second Wednesday. of the wedding of their daughter Sermon; Rejected Love. Venice to Don Buell which took 11:00 a. m — Sunday School and L. I). S. CHURCH place in Payette three weeks ago. Bible class. Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. Ricks entertained at We Invite you to attend our Sun meeting. a shower and lawn party at the day School and services. The ser Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood country home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H mon Sunday morning will bring a meeting. Fullmer In Apple Valley. message specially suited to our age. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Guests attending from Nyssa in For Isrel, the nation which spurned meeting. cluded Mr. and Mrs. Buell, parents Qod’s offer of grace, the Lord had Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society. of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mr: a warning and a plea. He has that Harry Miner. Mr. and Mrs. Romell same plea and a similar warning KINGMAN COMMUNITY Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Auccl Wright. for our nation In such a time as CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager. W il this. “Righteousness exalteth a nat Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor ion." What are you doing to make bur and June Abershaw. Harold and Sunday school 10 u. m. Mrs. E O our nation more righteous In the Anne Breazcale. Lorraln Ridder, sight of Ood? Come to church Sun Osborn, superintendent. Wanda Montague. Laurence Find- Morning worship 1 1 a. m. day. llng, Dorothy Paul, Patricia Lamb. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. "A Changeless Christ for a Loretta Buel, John Seaman, Melva, Evening worship 8:30 p. m. Changing World.” Harrison and Mr. afid Mrs. Forrest Carpenter. C.C.C. COMMUNITY CHURCH METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Merle W. Burres, Minister. Sunday School 10 a. m. Phone 131W Church Services 11 a. m. Church School, 10:00 a. m. A II Christian Endeavor, 8 p. m. Mid-week prayer service, Thurs Hann. Superintendent. Morning Worship. 11 a. m. day, 8 p. m. The subject of the meeting ser Everyone always welcome. mon will be. "How Old Are You?” NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE There will be special music. Epworth League, 7:30 p. m. II. B. Talbot. Minister Hollis De O rafft will lead the de Sunday School. 10:00 a. m. votional service. All young people Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Evange't llstlc Service. 8:00 p. m. are Invited to be present. Dr. Chas. M Donaldson will meet the official board Tuesday evening FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE at the home of the minister to help pastors. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m up In planning the building pro gram of the church. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd N Pounds All services Sunday will be held in Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic services on Sunday, the Parish Hall. We Invite you to worship with us. Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 p in C ^U S T A ^ l 1 i! a c t TO CrET Y O U R A T T E M T IO W We W H IL E P U T IN A PuuGT TOR/ OUR' 5UPER- SUPBRr< TERRIFIC JOS M P f ò l I N TIKIC ''¿W t / TH URSD AY. AU G U ST 8, 1940. ] N YS SA H E IG H TS—Mr. and Mrs S. P. Byhee gave a surprise party at their home in honor oi Mrs. Pete Wakewood's birthday anniversary Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gahan. Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford. Mr. and Mrs Keyser and Mr. ahd Mrs. V. L. Kesler of River View Community. A g ilt was presented to Mrs. W'akewood. Mr. and M r J. R Keyser drove over from Star, Idaho Thursday and visited their son. J. E. Keyser and lamily. The Just-a-Mere club held its regular meeting Friday afternoon with 18 members answering the roll call also five guests were present including Mrs. Florence Bybee, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Peckham. Mrs. J. L. Quigley of Creswell, Ore. and Mrs, John Sparless of Rupert, Ida. with Mrs. John Stafford hostess. Com- mlttie were appointed to carry on the work for the fall festival at Nyssa on September 0 and 7. The members of the 4-H clubs that attended the 4-H picnic In Vale Wednesday enjoyed the day. Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mrs. Pete Wakewood, Mr. and Mrs. Glen ouiter accompanied the youngsters from this vicinity. Sunday dinner guests at the R og er Tucker home were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lura of Kuna and Nampa, Idaho. Mrs. Rose Hurtz of Kendall Kan., visited from Sunday until Wednes day with old friends, the Dan Cor bett family. Mrs. Glen Smith has just received word of the marriage of her brother Hal Eva as to Miss Francis Fox of Nauipa at Butte Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clingman of Wickerburg, Arizona visited at the Floyd Mearse home during the past week. S. P. Bybee is digging spuds, em ploying a large crew. Art Nealy planted lettuce for Rees Byram, G. E. Webster and 18 acres for F. J. Cahill Wednesday and Thursday. The Am algam ated Sugar Co. purchased E. L. Ltihger’s second cutting of alfalfa. - Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and Mr. Kurtz’s mother attended the Co-op. picnic inthe Butler grove Wednes day and then drove on to Ontario to transact business. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Osterkamp, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and sons visited at the O. E. Webster home Wednesday evening. M r .and Mrs. Alfred Evans were dinner guests at the home of their sister Mrs. Glen Suiter Thursday evening. Norman Mosher of Ogden, Utah irrived T ti'“ day Slight and Is spend ing his vacation at the S. P. Bybee home. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ford were din- nt r ucsts Saturday evening with tli’' E'. R. Anderson family. Mr. and. Mrs. John Stafford and dauglile attended the rodeo in House Guests Attends Wedding E S. Frost, attended the wedding Mr and Mrs. Helmer Ostrom of his grand daughter. Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs R Sterner of Brown, at Welser on Sunday. Klamath Falls arrived on Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John E Ostrom. hay and Elza exchanged with the he had to help a neighbor hay for Nampa Sunday vening. the next two days. O. F. Trueblood from Chippewa neighbors and put up part of it. Fred asked. "Are you going to Falls. Wisconsin visited a few days Earl Heaton and Chuck Share with her sister Mrs John Quigley made a business trip to Boise Mon- work tomorrow?" Clarence nodded his head. • and 1 hi •' hi re .-i ■> ed for the and family. "Don't they know when Sunday M r and Mrs. < j. J. Kurtz attend- night ball game. They were rather comes?” asked Fred. te Moi mtain Seed Grow- :leepy-eyed hay-makers Tuesday. it ion's “open house" ln I M ‘ rt Sessions is working at the Clarence shook his head. o Saturday afternoon, “Get 'em a calendar," said Fred ugar factory now and while the and Mrs. Floyd Mearse and sugar factory workers went on a and walked o ff in disgust. > from Roswell Idaho went to picnic Saturday and ate ice cream t. Payette Lakes for an outing over and had a time Mert went home —Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— and helped Bill Parker stack hay. the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Spark., and Mart sure didn't like the idea of son of Rupert arrived We.dnesday missing the plcpic but he has some at the S P. Bybee home departing hay of his own and must have some for their home on Saturday. F ri help to stack it too. Dude Parker and son Dick helped day being Mr. Spark's and Jay's, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bybee. George Gabriel hay and took hay i birthdays a birthday dinner was for their pay. While hauling it away Jack spilled a part of a truck j served by Mrs. Bybee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard had as load. T is lots of fun to reload a dinner %uests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. lead of hay after it has been load Dan Corbett and sons. All attend ed once and then turned over. Jim Tntmmel and Chuck Share ed the River View Sunday school at the Ernest Johnson home in the hav both had their ground ready | for lettuce for some time. They are afternoon. beginning to wonder If the planter Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Quigley from Creswell. Ore. left Sunday for their is going to pass them up. Frank Parker and Paul Ranson home after spending two weeks at the home of his twin brother J. B. both have lnrger acreages to plant j to lettuce and they are not quite Quigley. ready yet so expect the planter Is Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kurtz and son waiting to get it all at once. from Kendall, Kansas arrived at Gecrge Gabriel's had company the home of his brother, O. J. from Sumter Valley over the week Kurtz Sunday. nd. Sumter Valley is about 30 — Nyssa Fall Festival Sept. 6-7— miles from Baker. Their company were the people that live on their | place up in Sumpter valley. He Is COW H OLLOW a blacksmith In a near by logging ] By The Happy Farmer camp and the family run the ranch. A well drill pulled in Monday and He didn't know If he would have a I is now drilling a well for Frank job when he got back or not as the Parker. Frank has always had to union workers voted Saturday night I be one of the first ones to have to to see if they should go out on a | start hauling water after the canal strike. Saturday morning Clarence Nic- j J goes dry in the fall. cum was trying to explain through i Us fellows in upper Cow Hollow the sign language to FVed La Shouse are all eagerly watching to see what who is deaf but far from dumb, that | kind of water he will get. The water at the CCC camp at the mouth of the Hollow is as fine a water as any could be. Then Arch Eastman’s and Dale Limbau- gh's wells are just a little hal'd. Chuck Share’s and Chet Sage’s wells the next ones up the Hollow, are a little harder. Next and the last well up the Hollow is George Gabriel's well and it Is very hard Indeed. Now Frank Is drilling Just a Each week we shall feature our very best value quarter mile up. from George’s well in a r ' n a l i y recommended used car — and us fellows, especially Doc Raffington, Clarence Niecutn and Russel Hawell, the closest neighbors are watching the outcome of his i well. Each of us fellows here is j going to have a well drilled himself just as soon as we can finance it. I These stock ponds are mighty fine : but with a bunch of stock and the j pond gone dry. that will never do. Elza Niccum stacked part of Chet I Sages' second cutting of hay on the shares. Elza has quite a bunch of i stock and very little hay and Chet j has quite an acreage of hay and ! not so much stock. Chet exchanged work with the neighbors and put up part of his DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Open each week day from 2 p. m to 6 p. ni Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALI. PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST “See Mi l.ill and See Better" EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCK.OFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And CO UN SEl.O R - AT - LA W First National Bank Building Phone M VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chlrnprarlle Physlrlan Off Ire: M l Weal Main SL Phone 25 $125 D O W N PAYMENT Veltex Service Station at For he Is the one behind it all The man behind the wheel He Is the cause of the cannon's roar And the clash of steel on steel Stand up, you peace loving nations. And take this man In hand FY»r not until Herr H itlers dead Shall Democracy eternally stand GEORGE HALE Chicken and Steak Dinners Nvssa Tavern North o f the“ Y” " O r e Su Nvssa «5 » 1. . I learn vith specie tere.»« that many of O i. v tor *et aûüe August * to Aup N O TH IN G 5 1 Down A visit to Bois« Pay- otto will show you how you can ro-root, ¿me 1" oa "Oregon Sugar In As G o v m o r o f the State, 1 thouid like to aJJ my word fit to this worth J now floors of » forato without pay- inf a penny down. Budfot Buildinf sup plias materials and pays labor Inqutro I by dozens o f Oregon i . ■■. mv.l endorsed wholeheart e d ly b y G o v e r n o r S p ra g u e , “ Oregon Sugar Time” presents .::: ,-j v r i unity for all consumers a id distributors o f sugar to sup port a basic industry that will re turn approximately ¿>'’ ,000,000 to the state this £oar and will bring benefits to many thousands o f Oregonians. Moreover, it is the peer of ail sugars. t genuine b u s ty ■¿.s. Tpuckt'RES t o r o n iy *7 .9 .9 5 IS 1. ( G r e a t e r P r o t e c t i o n i g ains t B lo i r o u t s ! E very co rd “ s a fe ty -b o n d e d ,” every ply u safety ply! 2, G r e a te r P r o t e c t i o n ig a in st Skids! Fam ous **B r a k e -A c t io n ” tread with 2500 extra ¿tripping edges controls skills, stops ' o n «1 n i c k e r , s a f e r « straighter! II* G r e a t e r P r o t e c t i o n igainst If ear! Tempered Rubber tread, deeper non- - k i d design give you up to more non-skid miles! D o u b l e G u a r a n i cm Backed by written IKulm* •I Jtt troiWi r of rA4m O regon’s Own and O nly Sugar p V 32 X 6 GUARANTEED 1 FOR CANNING W H I T E S A T IN S U G A R N United States Tires are good tires With Old Tire \0 TSrreS • yard arar yaa' Dwtfht Smith. Mana«rr AND HERE’S WHAT WE ANSWERED. '¿juœe 99 M onth LUMBER (^COMPANY /• • ES.R0YAL ; You can now gei Re Roof PiymtNh Low As OREGON ‘•Dollar for dollar” and “ mile for mile” tlie l r. S. Royal I)e Luxe is the kind of lire value that really deserves the phrase “ astound- i mr.” Remember, price alone never made any tire a value sensation, It's only priee in rela- ion to performance that counts. And that's » here the l . S. Royal De Luxe really stands out. t ome in anti ‘’sec for vourself!” Sandwiches Yes . . . You Can DR. J. A. McFALL A Snap For Only $ 3 0 0 dead aggression He is behind the rumbling tanks Behind the strafing planes He Is the one that plants the mines I That blow up stripping lanes Excellent con TAP! freedom and He Is to blame for this present war j And the scores of Innocent dead He is the one that gives the word That fills the air with lead U ' - ?,000 miles. BOTTLED OR the war and Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY Oi yi! 1 ; 1 1 i dition in every feature. C U S T O M E R S A ID HITLER Who hasn't heard of wrath O f the struggles for peace? But not until Hitler's Shall this strife and ceaso 1935 Pontiac-Deluxe 4 Door Sedan Thompson Oil Company Phone 11 Nyssa, O rego n