Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1,1940. mim of the building. Doors leading to Mrs. C. Burd visited Mrs. George the fire escape on the upper floor Moeller of Arcadia Thursday. are also being repaired. George Sibyl Lenn visited Mrs Knox Bailey Is doing this job which is Alexander July 25 to help Mrs. the greatest safety improvement Alexander celebrate her birthday made In the school In many years anniversary. Formerly, fire starting In the main Irene Amidon spent the week hall could easily have caused a visiting Marie Glasgow in Ontario. death trap for the two rooms. Roger Christenson of Ontario vis John Iiams spent the week end ited! Sunday with Arthur Brown. GUEST HERE High scores were made by Mrs. here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb Complimentolng her house guest Sallee and Mrs Stafford. Walter Iiams returning to his work and sons of Nyssa called at the Marcia Olson of Haines, Oregon, THURSDAY BRIDGE In the mine at Mountain City, Nev. Bratton ranch Tuesday. Phyllis Shireman entertained at Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell was hos three tables of Bunco on Thursday tess to the members of the Thurs Monday evening. Marshall Penn went to Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown of evening at the home of her parents day afternoon bridge club at her Thursday where he has a job. Prineville, Oregon and his sister Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schlre- home the past week, at dessert and Mrs. L. J. Rogers and son from and brother, Miss Ilia and Master St. Louis Missouri are visiting her man. contract. Donald of Salem visited at the home Prizes at the games were won by sister Mrs. Henry Derry. Guest players for the afternoon Lola Lee Gaston, visiting In Nyssa were Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. of their uncle, Mr. J. I. Boston on Misses Sulah Bratton and Goldie Wednesday. from Redmond and Emil Stunz. Burnall Brown. Mrs. Brown also Dorthy and Dewey Henshaw re Miller returned Sunday evening —5— made high score for the afternoon turned home Sunday from a ten from Portland where both girls have TUESDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE days visit with relatives at Austin, been attending summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Bolles visited Members of the Tuesday after Oregon. noon Bridge Club were entertained VALLEY SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marsh of at the Bergh Becker home in Home- by Mrs. George Sallee this week. REMODELED Nyssa spent Friday at the parental dale Sunday. Arthur Brown attended a cabinet Guests Invited to play with the Warren Smalley, home. members for the aftemon were Mrs. APPLE VALLEY—Work has begun Mrs. Conley and children, Mrs. meeting of the B. Y. P. U. at the Keith Bailey and Mrs. Clarence on remodelling of the Apple Valley Lloyd Caldwell and Kenneth Cald home of Marcus Fraley in Ontario school building. The low bid on well went to Nampa, Wednesday. Friday evening. Brewster. Mrs. Evelyn Kemble and children Roger Norland and Melvin Wall High scores were made by Mrs. taking out the old furnace and In Burnell Brown and Mrs. Oelrge stalling a new furnace and addition ace returned Thursday from Half of Parma are staying at the home al radiators was made by Mr. Thom way, Ore. where they have been of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Mitchell. May for a month. as of Parma who has begun the working in the hay fields. —5— The entertainment committee of work. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier and WEDNESDAY EVENNIG BRIDGE Two new exits are being made Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher were ec- the Valley View woman’s club met Inviting Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. on the north wall of the building, ent callers at the Van Cuyen home at the home of Mrs. Paul Stevens Bernard Frost and Mrs. Ed Frost doors opening from the first and in New Plymouth. Thursday afternoon. The commit as guests for the evening Mrs. Jesse second grade room and from the Mrs. Ray Miller and daughters of tee is Mrs. C. E. Rees, Mrs. Bill Stafford entertained the members third and fourth grade room out Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downs and Mrs. Paul Stevens. of the Wednesday Evening Brigde side which will be an additional Caldwell and daughter of Lewis- The Nyssa Young Peoples league club at ther country home in Nyssa way out In case of fire. These doors town, Pa. called at the home of Mr. had a party at Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heights on Wednesday evening. are near the east and west comers and Mrs. John Rupert, Tuesday Spitze Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer went evening. Mrs. Miller is a sister and Mrs. Frank Caldwell is an aunt of to Buhl Idaho Friday to attend the Mr. Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert funeral of Mrs. Brewers frother-in- BOTTLED and daughters spent the weekend law, Steve O. Donell. OR with relatives in Nampa and Huston TAP! at gatherings for Mr. and Mrs. Cald TENSEN TO SHIP well. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Sample left SHEEP TO DENVER Friday for Medford and points in AT.BERT A VALLEY—C. M. Ten California. Mr. William Sample is living in their house at the Roy sen is going to ship 650 lanbs to Denver on August 4th. Wilkerson place. G. H. Hallock and family left for Eloise Smalley visited in Caldwell while her mother was at Wallowa Portland to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fendling spent Lake and Sunday her folks went to Caldwell and brought her home and Sunday at the John Koopman Jr. home in Ontario. visited at the Al. Grimes home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Meltvedt of Boise called at the Ralph Stephens daughters motored to Nampa Mon day to see Mr. Osborn’s sister who home Friday evening. Miss Norma Stout of Boise spent is in the Nampa hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. Blodget and the week end at the parental, J. S. Chicken and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stout home. Steak Dinners Sandwiches Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boston and Fields and Bob camped last week family of Ontario, Miss Mary Bos with C. M. Tensen at Summit ton of Boise and Miss Jamison and Prarie. Mrs. Gerrit Stam attended Po Roy Boston were at the J. I. Bos North of the“ Y ” Nyssa mona Grange at Big Bend Thurs ton home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller called day. A. L. Atkeson lost a horse Sun at the Warren Smalley home Sun day of brain fever. day vening. Mrs. Frank Wlnkel is on the Mrs. John Poagc, son Colby and daughter Phyliss visited at Kuna, sick list and under the care of Dr. Nampa and Meradian Sunday. Miss Maulding. featuring the new G. W. Tennie is digging a base Irene Poage who visited her sister, Mrs. Scott in Nampa, visited at the ment for his new home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Lutd home Sunday and returned son and Ronald and Donald Jensen home with her folks. The sympathy of friends and came home from Summit Prarie DELICIOUS COOKIES, USING BAKERS DOT neighbors is extended to Mrs. Carey Friday evening and returned on CHOCOLATE and W H ITE PEAK FLOUR Fox whose brother died at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Gerrit Stam called on the Sunday evening. Douglas McDonld and Dick Tensen BAKED ON THE SPOT AT THE FOOD homes in Nyssa Monday. LOWER BEND Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen were MART Mrs. Chas. Mayberry left Mon business visitors in Ontario Mon day for Portland where she will day. G. W. Pennie is plastering the meet a brother and together will go on to San Francisco to see the new house which Luther Fife is building on Alberta Ave. World’s Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot. Mr. Mary Ann Stradley is recovering splendidly from a recent tonsil and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gerit Stan and Mr. and Mrs. Dick operation. COME IN AND W A TC H THESE COOKIES IN Florence Russell has returned Groot attended the funeral of Mrs. home from an outing in the moun Betty LaFrenze Tuesday at Nyssa. THE AU TO M EAL ROASTER — YO U EAT tains above Council, Idaho with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duin of Arcadia spent Sunday afternoon at the Ger relatives. THEM WARM, SERVED WITH FOLGER’S Mrs. Dwight Fleshman and sons rit Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vanderoord and Eloise Russell were Nyssa visi COFFEE tors Thursday as were Iris Loring and family called on the John Stam home at Oregon Trail Thurs and Edna and Wilma Wilson. • MISS DONNA HUNT, Home Service Miss Lorina Witty and Dale Teter day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were are expected back today from a Nyssa Tavern FREE DEMONSTRATION AUTOMEAL ROASTER SATURADAY EVENING AUGUST 3 Advisor for the Idaho Power Company Will Demonstrate the Automeal and Serve the Cookies the FOOD MART Phone 45 NYSSA Folger's Coffee f q l g e r s I lb. 25c 2 lb.49c weeks stay at the Union Sunday School camp at the Payette Lakes. Mary Quick is staying with Grandma Morgan this week. Dwight Fleshman and Bill Holly of Adrian drove to La Grande and Wallowa Sunday bringing Paul Fleshman back after a months visit with his grand parents. Guests at the Cecil Case home the past week were Mrs. John Ack- erly and children of Nampa. Mr and Mrs. Marshall Hyatt had dinner guests from Notus Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W Russell and Wm. Teter attended a V. F. W meeting Friday night at the CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Witty have been enjoying a visit from Mr. Witty’s mother and sister and fam ily from Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Burch and daugh ter. Miss Jean Burch and friend Miss Williams of La Grande were here Sunday making arrangements for the coming school year. J. W. Scott is on the sick list the past week Mr and Mrs O. Buether of King- man Kolony are living in the May-' berry tenant house. VALLEY VIEW SERVED ALL DAY SATURDAY Ask About Our FOLGER’S Guessing Contest the FOOD MART Nyssa Joe White and Louise Orris were married hr Payette July 24 They left on their wedding trip that afternoon. T. H Brewer had his clover hull ed Saturday bq Blayne May David Stewart plowed for Fred and August Moeller Saturday. Mrs H Brooks Is recovering from bums received on her arms and body when her pressure cooker ex ploded recently business visitors in Ontario Tues day. Gerrit Groot was a business visitor in Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Andy Boersman attended Pomona Grange at Big Bend Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen from Payette spent several days at the John Lacky home. BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott of Vale spent Sunday at the Cecil Florea home. Miss Jessie Frakes of Ontario, Geraldine Jennings and Orion Hen dry of Weiser spent Sunday at J. W. Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings and Romaine spent Friday evening at Fruitland where they attended a picnic of the Happy Circle Club. Roy Holmes seeded 10 acres to head lettuce for J. W. Jennings and E. L. Jamieson on Monday. Mrs. Alva Goodell and Donna Belle are enjoying a well earned vacation, the first in four years. They are guests of Mrs. GoodeU's sister in Meridian. Alva Goodell and Alva Jr. were visitors in the Boise valley on Satur day. Mrs. E. L. Jamieson is improving rapidly from her recent operation. Edward and Ervin Topliff are hoeing beans for Ed Henderson. Edwin Topliff received a severe shock when he went into Nyssa to attend church Sunday and found it was burned to the ground. The Buena Vistans have gone wild about the lettuce deal. They are all putting a patch in some place on their ranches. The Cleaver-Sebum combine has finished combining the Buena Vista grain crops whoich were very light. H. L. Day and Si Hoffman have their second cutting of hay in the shock. Mr. and Mrs. Alva. Goodell and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wycoff attended the V. F. W. meeting at the CCC camp on Friday night. Miss Madeline Maw was a wel come guest at the Alva Goodell home on Friday evening. While there she made a cake which fell and broke. Lee Hoffman and the Jennings boys. Alva Koodell Jr. and Marion Smith were among those who at- Legal Advertising NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, duly made and entered on tile 31st day of August, 1940. was appointed Administrator of the estate of Mary Louise Loveland, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Ad ministrator. All persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same, duly verified as required by law, to him at the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 1st day of August, 1940. MAX S. TAGGART. Administr ator of the Estate of Mary Louise Loveland. Deceased. August 1. 1940—First Publication. August 29, 1940—Last Publication. WAS IT INSURED? That’s Always The Question NEW H ON EY! F O S T E R ’S New Honey Let us answer for you, by INSURING YOUR PROPERTY TODAY— — AT ALL— BERNARD EASTMAN Nyssa Grocers Complete Line of Insurance NYSSA PHONE G4 tended the Nyssa theatre on Satur Nebraska Picnic day night. The Annual Nebraska picnic will E. L. Jamieson is spending a few be held on Sunday, August II at days at Payette Lakes. the Lakevlew park in Nampa. The Buena Vista farmers receiv ed their badly needed checks from the Payette Co-op. creamery on Saturday. The Savage brothers have gone to work at Walla Walla where they have contracted for the shingling of the labor camp. Sunday at Jordan Mr. and Mrs. R. A Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Beutler motored to Jor dan Valley for Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long. NO CROWDS IN THE AFTERNOON Notice To Hog Raisers You women bowlers have a real break! You can bowl afternoons, when there are no crowds and alleys are always available. Rates are only 10c a line then, too. Get up a party for afternoon bowling! —FREE INSTRUCTIONS— With the installation of a new scale at THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in every possible way. NYSSA BOWLING ALLEY FRANK KULLANDER (Western Hotel) GAMBLES BARGAINS Household Fly Spray pt> 20c.,, 35c 20 QUART CANNER PICNIC JUGS Holds 7 qt. jars Holds 1 gallon Heavy Galvanized Wire Rack Enameled Sturdily Made) Two-Purpose Jug HOT or COLD 98c 98c ICE CREAM FREEZERS l/n | C* /2 w a i. O iz e Made of heavy galvanized metal. High speed gears make this a c , real bargain at ........... ’ I I G a l.Wmbn $3.69|2G al. w<Sb" *5-89 — 1 A U T H O R IZ E D A G E N C Y 1 ------ GAMBLE STORES I N D I V I D U A L L Y O W M ( D A N D O I I Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Phone 106 Nyssa THANK YOU, NYSSA MERCHANTS The employees of the Amalgamated Sugar Company of Nyssa, wish to extend their thanks to the merchants who have made the awarding of prizes at their annual picnic possible. Food Mart Nordale Furniture Store Golden Rule Store W’ray's Dime Store Rainbow Service Station Miner’s Barber Shop Nyssa Packing Company Nyssa Electric Shop McClure Bros. Bakery Rose Bud Rose Bud Barber Shop Wilson Grocery Dr. E. D. Norcott Shell Service Station Owyhee Drug Co. Towne Garage Thompson Oil Company Bob’s Tavern Texaco Service Station Inland Oil Co. Sloat's Ice Cream The Amalgamated Sugar Co. Raldridgc Imp. Co. Smithys Grocery Bill Sehireman Ed. Pruyn Main's Cleaners Nyssa Gate City Journal Ruth's Beauty Nook Abbott Shoe Shop Nyssa Cafe Nyssa Cleaners Smitty’s Clower’s Produce Bowling Alley Edcr Hardware Eder Grocery Owyhee Barber Shop Owyhee Beauty Shop Nyssa Pharmacy Smoke Shop Powell Service Nyssa Theatre Brownie's Cafe Chadwick Grocery Fox Service Station (Old Management) Fox Service Station (New Management) Farmers’ Supply Co-op Atkeson Store Men's Department Atkeson Store Ladies' Department Al Thompson & Son Feed Store Idaho Power Company Gamble Store Paulus Jewelry Store TRADE AT HOME AND WATCH NYSSA GROW! Lepal Advertisement ATTEND OUR OPEN HOUSE DAY at our new Grower Owned Seed Cleaning Plant Ontario, Saturday, I P. M. SEE US FOR PURE SEED FOR PLANTING TO PRODUCE PURE SEED CROPS White Dutch, Ladino, Strawberry Clover, Red Clover and Alsike. Orestan, Ladak, Grimm and hardy common Alfalfa. MANY DIFFERENT GRASSES. Ready For Sale Blue Mountain Seed Growers Association NOTICE TO TA XP A YE R S Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Section 69-301, Oregon Code Annotated, 1930, as amended by Chapter 446, Oregon Laws of 1933, MALHEUR COUNTY BOARD of EQUALIZATION will meet on the Second Monday of August, 1940, the said day being the 12th day of August, 1940, and shall remain open until the Fourth Monday of August, 1940, at the County Court House, Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, to pub licly examine the 1940 Assessment Rolls, and to correct errors in valuation, descriptions or quali ties of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor of Malheur County, all persons interested shall appear at the time and place appointed. Dated at Yale this 22nd day of July, 1940. MURRAY MORTON Assessor of Malheur County, State of Oregon First Published July 25, 1940. Last Published August 8, 1940.