Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JULY 25, Altho he had watered it good be I potatoes too but the canal break fore the break and watered It as | plus the hot weather about wrecked By Thr Happy Farmer soon as the water came bock on. his potatoe crop. They say he would have a fair yield but the new While the Stephens boy's combine that long space between waterings potatoes have sprouted In the ground was In the Hollow last week it Just was too much for It. There was lots due to the early teriffic hot weath about harvested all the grain that of grains but they just didn't get er we had. filled out. was worth harvesting. Jim Trammel has the largest Doc Rafflngton's wheat and bar One small piece of Chet Sages' wheat made pretty fair but the rest ley was on the hill side too and was field of spuds In the Hollow. They of his grain had burned past re pretty much of a dlsapolntment will make pretty good. Jim says, SHERMAN-STEVENS Word was received this week at demption. Chet has ten or twelve Doc. had put that same piece Into "I can't get anything else watered. acres of com that are going to be wheat last year but was unable to Every time I get started on some the Journal office of the wedding get it watered properly. This year other field with the water I have to of Miss Helen Esther Stevens, dau fine. ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jim Trammel's wheat was down he had spent a lot of time on It take It off and water the spuds.” Cow Hollow will be in the midst Stevens of Buhl Idaho to Wesley A. on the bottom and it made pretty getting it leveled and had a perfect stand of alfalfa on It. Now he will of haying again soon. Frank Park Sherman son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry good. er has his down now. Sherman Sr. of Forrest Grove. Ore. Dale Limbaw was disappointed in have to re-seed it again. The wedding ceremony according The second cutting of hay will his wheat. It was on the hillside. Doc put out about seven acres of not be so good. The hay that was to the Forest Grove News-Times, started after the first cutting has was one of the lovliest of summer bloomed very short and the new weddings held at Forest Grove this crop that started after we got season. The service was performed at the water for it is only half grown. The best method is to get it off the Methodist Church on Sunday June ground now and we have a good 30 at four in the afternoon with chance to get two more good cutt Dr. Jesse W. Bunch reading the ings from the ground yet this sum marriage lines to the strains of a muted organ. mer. Gowned in white marquisette with Most of us are getting sort of caught up with our water now al lace Inserts in bodice and long train though most every farmer has a the bride wore a finger tip veil In field or two that he is letting go place. Her bouquet was of rose because it is too late to do much buds. gardenias and bouvardia. Mr. Stevens gave his daughter in mar good to water it now. Some of the neighbors around riage. Attendents for the bridal couple appreciate Mr. Clarence Niccum's early cabbage. (Thanks to the were Mrs. Joe Vine of Dallas who bottom land for a garden spot that was matron of honor. Miss Emma will hold moisture). Mrs. Niccum Frasier of Weiser. Idaho, and Mrs. thinks that she is the first one in Harry Sherman Jr. Harry A. Sher Cow Hollow to can corn out of her man Jr. was his brother's best man. Among the ushers was James W. garden this year. Bushong. former principle of Nyssa Appricots are plentiful and cheap High School. Mrs. Bushong also this year and many a bushel are assisted the tea tables during the finding their way into Cow Hollow reception held in the garden of the to be canned. So with a sellar full Harry Sherman home immediatedly of fruit and vegetables, a barn full following the ceremony. of cows and hogs and plenty of feed The bride selected as her going we may not have any money but away costume an ensemble of green At any tim e, and particularly we wouldn't trade places with any and white sheer with redingote and Hitler-ite we know of. during u n se ttle d periods, one white accessories. of th e safest places to invest "Saturday evening A1 Thompson Following the reception Mr. Sher greeted us with a smile and says, man and his bride left on a wedding your money is in a hom e of “Say you got me in bad with your trip and following that will return your own. Because of liberal cat story. There have been two to Forest Grove to remain until the FHA m onthly term s, it is p ar more farmers come in with a load opening of the Autumn term of ticularly advantageous to build of cats already. Now I will have Nyssa schools when he will resume your home NOW. You m ust to have your six tited cow to feed his duties on the teaching staff of live SOMEWHERE, hence in them.” the Nyssa High School. vesting your " r e n t m oney" in Homer Cates has traded his a new hom e is d o u b ly -th rifty ! model “A” Ford car In on a new WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Learn th e details of " B u d g e t (new to him) “V 8" and before this DINNER Building," your safest invest is in print, will be gone back to Complimenting the seventh wed m e n t! Oklahoma for a visit. ding anniversary of their son and Cow Hollow is going to have its his wife Mr. and Mrs. Herchel first experience in raising commer Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. T h i s Plan O ffe r s M a x i m u m H o u s i n g cial lettuce this fall. There will be Thompson entertained with a dinn- at M i n i m u m C o s t and T e rm s! quite an acreage If it as Dale Lim- ner party on Friday evening. Other baugh. Chuck Share and Doc Rob- guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long This cheerful cottage provides all bington are all putting out good and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler of the practical comforts and util sized patches. ity of five rooms, yet the cost of I,et th e Jonnie Hamilton and Lieutenant DINNER PARTY construction is equal to only three ItuililliiK Clonlnger, both just over the hill, Miss Lottie Phillips entertained at are putting out lettuce too. rooms. Planned for Insertion of IhiK dinner on Wednesday evening for bite you! The Wahlne Club held Its last Miss Georgia Dennis. Mr. Frank partition between kitchen and llv meeting at the home of Mrs. Chuck Campbell of Denver. Frank Phillips ing room at later date Share Thursday. They dediced to and Zack Walker. discontinue their meetings until the $1 8 .8 5 M onthly Builds It! last Thursday in August. Then they KINGMAN BOOK CLUB will meet at the home of Mrs. Elza . . and an equity of about one "FAMILY The Kingman Book Club was en Niccum. hundred dollars In the property tertained by Mrs. Maurice Judd at PROTECTION" The two heifers that Bill Parker will swing the deal. With concrete got from the Wlllamet * Valley is an exclusive Boise basement, the monthly terms will Payette optional fea- through the co-op. purchasing last amount to about $21 Iure that guarantees to spring have came fresh recently and eancel f u rt h e r pa.v Bill is more than pleased with them This Is one of many plans that ments ln case of death Clarence Niccum has one cow that or permanent disabll can be built on terms of $20 or was brounght from Wlllamet Val Uv less per month Ask to see others ley at that time although when she at . . . freshened site lost one quarter of her bag. as a three tited cow she is still the best cow he has. Frank Parker and Sam Bates both have their second cutting of hay in the stack and most of the rest of Cow Hollows second cutting will be within the coming week. Chet Sage started cutting Monday and Elza Niccum has most of his In the shock. “There’s a yard near you" On Buying Trip. ........ ..... D w ight Sm ith, M anager Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Wray left Nyssa Phone 15 on Sunday for a combined buying Every detail of our service is aimed F I R S T ! and pleasure trip to Portland and toward lightening the burden of Y O U R H O M E B U I L D costal points. They planned to re those left to grieve. main away for the next two weeks Consult us at any time without cost J and in their absence Mrs. Earl Boor will help at the Dime Store. Visits Aunt. AMBULANCE SERVICE Erma Jean McLellen, of Nampa, j Is visiting her aunt Miss Georgia j Phone 73W Nyssa Dennis. In Fruitland. THE C O PPER . ASKS Mr. and Mrs Earl Boor a n d ' daughter were Sunday visitors at It’s a grand and glorious fool Fruitland. ing when you aro *uro your Visit Parents. brakes aro in perfect order—when you Mr and Mrs John Ernest visited know the lining Is CoMoX. If your with his parents. Mr and Mrs Les b rak es o rtn 't worldn»eight, com • in Ernest on Friday 1940. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH COW H O LLO W A HOME IS G0CÜ INVESTMENT NOW I m her home on Overstreet Drive on Friday alternoon. The book review for the afternoon was given by Mrs. Patch of Adrian. Out of the community guests for the afternoon were Mrs. J. Wall of Cresent Oregon. Mrs. Dessa Hoff- stetter and Mrs. Mae Robert of Ontario. Tea was served by the hostess in the late afternoon. FORMER NYSSA GIRL MARRIES Word was received the past week by Mrs. Perle Richard of Arcadia that her sister Nadine Mayhard had been married to Lyle V. Smith on July 14th at Yuma Arizona. The marriage service was performed by the Rev. Gellenwaters of the Bap tiste church. Mrs. Smith was well known in Nyssa and was employed at the telephone office here for several months. V a c a tio n I n B oise. Ruth Elaine Boor is spending her summer vacation at the home of her parents in Boise. V isits G r a n d p a r e n ts . Miss Haroldine Arney, Ontario, spent from Saturday through Wed nesday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boor. Professional NYSSA FUNERAL HOM E -M c i iv aste DR. J. C. BO W M AN it q u a lity an d Legal Advertisement NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given th a t by virtue of Section 69-301, O regon C ode A nnotated, 1930, as am ended by C h ap ter 446, O regon Laws of 1933, P ru y n 's G a r a g e Phone 56W an d M ain Sts MALHEUR COUNTY BOARD of EQUALIZATION (Legal Advertisement> Semi-Annual Statement C. W O le n n . S rertff a n d T ax Collector. Ju n e 30. 1940 Balance uncollected taxes. December 31 , 1939 Receipts front sale of County Land turned over to Treasurer Interest collected since Dec 31. 1939, turned over to Treasurer. Charged from rolls account of Tax Foreclosure, Court Orders, etc Collections turned over to Treasurer since Dec. 31. 1939 ..... 1940 Tax Rolls ......... Balance uncollected taxes State of Oregon ) $ 835.681 50 8 633 01 11.550 78 $ 8 633.01 11.550.78 6.776.63 60734791 »1 46-( 113 29 489817.41 946338 46 $1 463 113 39 las. County of Malheur) _ | I. C. W. Olenn. Sheriff and Tax Collector of Malheur County, Oregon. | hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief C. W OLENN Sheriff and Tax Collector. Malheur County, Oregon I will m eet on the Second M onday of A ugust, 1940, th e said day being the 12th day of A ugust, 1940, an d shall rem ain open until the F ourth M onday of A ugust, 1940, a t th e C ounty C ourt House, V ale, M alheur County, O regon, to p u b licly exam ine th e 1940 A ssessm ent Rolls, and to correct erro rs in valuation, descriptions or q u ali ties of lands, lots or o th er property assessed by th e A ssessor of M alheur County, all persons interested shall ap p ea r a t the tim e and place appointed. D ated at V ale this 22nd day of July, 1940. M URRAY M ORTON A ssessor of M alheur County, S tate of O regon First Published July 25, 1940. Last Published August 8, 1940. Clerks’ Semi-Annual Statement From January 1, 1940 to June 30, 1940 FUNDS ON HAND Bee Fund .................................................... - ...... Cities and Towns .................................................. City & Town Road Districts Dog License F’und Fund Irrigation & Drainage Districts Elementary School F’und Enforcement F’und ... Estates ......................................... Fire Patrol ............................. County Fair Fund ...................... General County Fund General Road Fund .................. Rodent Control Non-High School Fund Non-High School Sinking Fund Indigent Liguor F’und Library Fund ............................... Law Library Fund Motor License Fund .................. State Tax Fund ......................... . J ....- County School Fund State School Fund ....................................................... School Library Fund .................................................... School Districts ............................................................ Taylor Grazing Fund No. 3 .......................... ............. Taylor Grazing Fund No. 4. .................... Taylor Grazing F’und No. 6 Union High School District No. 1 Malheur Harney Union High School District No. 1 Union High School District No. 2 ........................... Union High School Districk No. 2 Sinking Union High School District No. 3 Union High School Sistrict No. 3 Sinking Union High School District No. 4 ............................... Union High School District No. 4 Sinking Union High School District No. 5 ..................... Union High School District No. 5 Sinking 0.00 4.246.48 162.82 592.43 32,456.40 1,355.09 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,374.54 2,040.27 2,166.86 5,423.91 706.90 1,090.71 2,212.16 38.30 0.00 13,786.43 3,688.13 415.91 240.18 22,878.34 5,384.88 575.17 2.60 955.93 324.80 108.16 1,600.00 408.66 2,170.11 389.41 2,507.50 820.67 1,244.75 $120,882.43 Warrants outstanding: .................................... ................... $ 45,829.30 Cash in General F’und June 30, 1940: ................................ 6,374.54 Veterinarian Resources June 30, 1940: .................................................... $ 39.454.76 O.D. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING JUNE 30. 1940. Collection of taxes, Sheriff, Clerk, Assessor. Treasurer, and other receipts: $576,912.48 DISBURSEMENTS FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING JUNE 30, 1940. Circuit Court .............................................................................. $ 1,530.77 County Court ............................................................................... 1,655.96 Sheriff's Office 6,618.84 County Clerk’s Office ............................................................... 3,723.19 Assessor’s Office ............................................................................. 5,113.68 County Treasurer’s Office ........................... 836.31 County School Superintendent's Office ................................... 1,200.17 Sealer of Weights & Measures .............................. 85.08 State Industrial Accident Commission 66.97 Dependent Mothers .......................... 1,402.28 Official Advertising ........................................... 479.45 Watermaster and Deputies ...................... ’ 1,100.96 Insane, Examination of 0.00 School Institute & Examinations 13.37 Justice Court ................................... 310.70 Coroner .......................................... 155.20 Juvenile Court ................... _.......... 13.65 Tuberculosis Indemnity . 231.74 Tax Rebates 142.38 Audit County Books 275.00 Officer's Indemnity Bonds 315.00 Election ................... 9 Vital Statistics ................................................................... 54.75 District Attorney's Office ........................ 287.46 Court House (office furniture, improvements, etc.) 690.00 Current Expenses (fuel, water, telephone, janitor etc ) 1,904.35 Care of Poor ................ 9,263.47 Agricultural Advisor 2,300.00 Emergency F’und 371.39 Miscellaneous ................. .......................................... 407.64 Destruction of Predatory Animals............................................. 500.00 Advertising County Lands .......................... 250.00 Appropriation for Indigent Veterans .... . 20249 Weed Control .................................... , g iS Old Age Pensions ............................ x x ia m County Health Nurse 860 00 Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRA RY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian...... Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST “See MrFall and See Better” DR. J. A. M cFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JE W E L R Y STO R E Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Total: ......................................................................... $ 50,213.96 Malheur County Library $ 2,513.90 Indigent Liquor F u n d ........................... 1,213.79 Law Library ..................................... 134.75 Dog License ................ ....................................... .... 49.40 Fair Fu-nd 561.41 Taylor Grazing Fund No. 3 ....... ... ............... 3 428 18 Taylor Grazing F’und No. 4 ”.................. 6 995 05 Roads and Highways 7 7 7 7 .1................ 35 478 58 Total ....................... $100.589.02 STATE OF OREGON) .........................................*....... )ss, County of Malheur ) doI i1” rebv^pififvK'tlv,1lfCth'inftL Clerk °f Ma'h?ur County. State of Oregon, of (lie f i n a f rr*«0ìuK k 2; full, true and correct statement RO BT. D. LY TLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. C. A. A BBO TT Chiropractic Physician Office: 331 West Main St. Phone 25 Ä Dated f this t M t a T Ä 17'oreRon- « sh°wn b>- 23rd day of July. 1940 „ „ H. S SACKETT County Clerk of Malheur County, State of Oregon. (Legal Advertisement) /OUR BRAKES and je o w s . J O u r **pert mechanics then» fe t t o f chsrgu Rlverview Sunday school will Church School 10 a. m. A. B. meet this Sunday a t the Ernest Hann. Superintendent. Johnson home. All young people are Morning Worship 11 a. m. Invited to the fellowship luncheon. League 7:30 p. m. The morning worship will be given over to the young people. The leaguers returned Tuesday morning NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE from a weeks trip to Wallowa Lake H. B. Talbot, Minister Institute. The certificates and di Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. plomas earned there will be given Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. out and something of the institute E vangelistic Service, 8:00 p. m. will be told. It will be an inspira tional meeting. Everyone welcome. (Legal Advertisement) Total ..........................................................................$116,56844 GENERAL FUND WARRANT ACCOUNT Warrants unredeemed January 1. 1940: ................................... $ 70,608.47 Warrants issued last six months: ..................................$ 50,213.96 $120,822.43 Warrants redeemed last six months: ...................................$ 74,993.13 Balance unredeemed warrants June 30. 1940: ............................ 45,829.30 Cards COMPANY LUMBER RIVERVIEW SUNDAY SCHOOL STATEMENT FINANCIAL REPORT OF ORA C. HOPE. TREASURER OF MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON DECEMBER 31. 1939 to JUNE 30. 9140 Fund Cash ................................................ State Tax County School .................................... General Countv General Road Non-High School Non-High School Reserve Union High Schools Malheur-Hamev Union High No 1 County Library School Library Law Library Sinking Fund Elementary School State School School Districts Cl tv Roads Cities ................ Rodent Control Fire Patrol Dog License Estates of Deceased ........._....... Motor License Morton Island Bridge County F’air Sheriff Weed Control Taylor Grazing No. 3 Taylor Grazing No 4 Taylor Grazing No 6 Indigent Liquoi luor Irrigation Dlst: itrlcts Drainage Districts State Game Enforcement Balance Credits 12-31-39 $103941.87 $1090805.84 5327.11 23463.24 6354.38 52350.13 13193 73 69732.02 2663.21 18547.86 4839.38 33956.06 706.90 00 4058.72 95435.98 85.80 1254.37 350.36 3927.16 340.90 506.80 76.50 96 55 2226.91 245937 211892 11228.18 503.38 00 21983.64 197444 27 210.91 970.53 41 8.34 62644 27 1015.72 1151.14 680 676.61 179 20 462 63 00 1058.79 28 50 4060 15 59 69 00 00 561.41 00 459465 23 00 842 29 8521.15 291.91 13.72 7556.50 00 2.60 393 82 1944.18 22060 52 27824.07 11106 03 2076 77 12.50 — 00 .... 00 200 00 Debits $1077319.98 15003.92 55016.38 76551.21 19170.80 33371 53 00 89920 70 384 24 2065.3« 607 52 134.75 4686 18 11992.01 8747 196549 57 1018.62 62516.13 00 683 41 49 40 1058.79 4088.65 59 69 561.41 459465 23 00 342818 6995 05 00 1247 29 18205 05 1238894 1250 00 Balance 6-30-40 $117427.73 13786.43 3688.13 6374.54 2040.27 5423.91 $ 706.90 9574.00 r 955.93 1 2212.16 240.18 38.30 I 00 1 1355 09 415.91 22878.34 162.82 4246.48 2166 86 00 592.43 00 00 00 00 00 842/29 5384.88 575.17 2 60 1090.71 31679.54 793 86 00 200 00 I. Ora C. Hope. Treasurer of Malheur County. Oregon hereby certify the foregoing to be true end correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ORA C. HOPE _ County Treasurer ,