Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1940)
1940. Millionth 1940 Chevrolet to be Contest Award Jim McGinnis has been improving his store by painting It and has brightened it with a green stripe all around it. S’ 3 | Itor Monday, | Mr. and Mrs C. T. Ferrell, of Irrigation, Oregon, spent a couple of days visiting in the Purdy home last week. Emory Parson and Will Pollard OV R GIVEN FOR of Roswell were Bend callers Sun 1 Ù.HERTS day. r" N D - M-\ an ! Mr». Homer j E. H Brubach was reminded that ■, -■ T7 t. rt arrived Saturday j Dinner Guests Monday Evening Dinner Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. George Webster of Lincoln Heights. In N am pj Mrs. Stella Butler and E. S. Prost spent Sunday In Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob De Gross ol Richland had as their Sunday dlnn- er gu; st Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith of Nyssa Heights. —J - f..... | B' vVn to »iiend Ue had nno th “r b irthday when a BETROTHAL ANMfH I .TO T*'p coming wedding of Wanda I HE DAY LRIL I . Hrl • ■ h ’his l'“.te n ' Mr. ! num ber of his neighbors called S un- Mrn lleruard I n . t n . .'i lined I day w ith v e il filled lunch boxes and l,re Atki'Kon daughter of Mr and | ct. W! I a bountiful dinner was mjoyed. The Mr» Arthur I. Atkeuon to iJakr the numbers of the 'li. rJ.-y : fler- • --.'up friends from Parma, quests included Mr. and Mrs. W J. 11 tili co n tro l .n her o v I .ini till» Oroot, aon of Mr. and Mm. (1 rrlt Rosvfl!. Adri :n end Bend attend'd Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Plin Case, Dr. Abbots Office Closed Tuesday und Invited Mbs Eva tlroot. wun uiilinimrcd l>V Ml. At- I he shower for Mrs. Dvre Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir. Mr. and Hoydell. Mrs Keith Bailey and Mr» The offices of Dr. C. A. Abott will ki'Kon till» week and al»o Informally twin daughters a; ttie Hatch home Mrs. George Swigert of Roswell, Ida Arthur II liovdell High scor for be closed until August 17th. at tlir* partle» held on Baturday and (he afternoon were made by Mrs. C. Thursday afternoon. ho, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller, Mr. Hunday at the Oerrlt Oroot home L McCoy und Mrs Oeorge J Mit Dr. Abbott and Mrs. Abbott with Mr. and Mrs Arch Parker and and Mrs. Lora Pillsbury. Mr. and III Alberta Volley baby and Mr. and Mrs. Virl Bishop Mrs. N. S. Phelan, B. G. Roberts and Mrs. Fauchter will enjoy an outing chell were Ontario visitors Wednesday Jack Albizer. This group consists in the Wallowa mountains until No date ha» been aet for the wedd - I - ing but It will probably take place THOMPHON - MERRICK evening. of the early pioneers of this com then, having left Nyssa on Wednes Mrs. R. L. Haworth left Tuesday In the early fall day. At u quiet ceremony performed on munity. for Cascade for a vacation. July eleventh at Payette. Ml»s Helen - I - Rev.Buohe of Payette wasa guest PRIDAY AFTERNOON PAHTY M Merrick, daughter of Mr and in the Brunbach home Friday. On Friday afternoon Mr» It Cl Mr». C. II Merrlek, Nys»a, became MLts Virginia Miller returned»cn and Ml» Oaorge J Mitchell the bride of Kenneth K Thompson home Monday from a weeks outing The bride» mother aceoinpanled | entertained with a dewairt lirtdge at McCall In company with Miss party at the home of Mrs Mitchell. them to Payette. Ketchum of Vale and Miss Hofsheb- The bride won a street frock of Cluent» were Invited to make five er of Ontario. table* of contract, at which prize» blue lace und crepe with white uc- Miss Mary Weir left Wednesday were won by Mr», J. J. Haraaln, cenaorlM. for a visit with relatives andfriends Mr and Mrs. TIiompKon are mak Nome eoneeplion of Ibe demand for the 1940 Chevrolet may be gained from Mr». Herbert II Fbiher and Mr». ing their home ut the Oulc Ourrlson the fact that the one-mllllonlh modal of this years production left Ih. in Chicago and other places in the Carlo» Ilia liner middle west. ranch »oulhwest of Nys»u where Mr. assembly line ml Flint. Mich., on July 12. In celebration of the - I - Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brewer and elation reflected by thin tremendous production record, M. fc. < oyle, «tnt rui Thomimon 1» employed HUNDAY PICNIC DINNER m a linger of Chevrolet, »hown (left) abovo with W. E. Holler, li'-ri.-ral sales children with relatives from Wilder —I — matiHg.t. announced that the one-mllllonlh 1910 car. together willi a InP 1« spent last week end fishing on Bear Mr und Mr» John I.lehard en the New York World’s Fair, would be awarded in a contest » is o | m n now Creek. Idaho. tertained Hunday at a picnic dinn IIIRTIIDAY PARTY In honor of the nlnetli birthday and will close Aug. 31. Details arc obtainable at any of the company s dealers. er 111 honor of Mr utul Mrs John Mr. and Mrs. John Mogus are Htoneman and family of Star. Ida unnlveraary of her daughter, Helen driving a new Chevrolet coupe. thirty-five guentn were pre»ent The Juiilre, Mrs. lleruard Frost Invited er honoring her sister, Wilmn Hit-k Thursday evening with Jim Mc Ezra Brumbach was a Boise vis- Store the goodness from your garden in a Ginnis. Stoncman'R are former rMldenta of twenty of Janice's friend» fur a lawn ey who Is to be married soon. party on Monday afternoon Lawn — PO LA R COLD ST O R A G E L O C K E R - mnniii iniimiiTiiiiimimnpiiiiimmiinniminnniiiiiiiiiinnn.iiTiiiiir'tiii Mrs. E. E. Parker of Big Bend is the lloulevard games and refreshments were enjoy The Womens Club wu-s well attend staying in Adrian with her son. Ver FRESH VEGETABLES and FRUITS can be ed Thursday. Twenty five women - I - ed II E C. OE OKECION TRAII. met nt the Vulley View school house. non Parker while recovering from r ii* . preserved with all their field freshness— ready Next meeting date Is September 8 her Injurie» received In the accident A large number of member» of for your table this winter last Wednesday. at the school house. the Oregon Trail II E C. were en LO W ER BEND Mr. Patch was in Pendleton on tertained by Mrs lloersma at her Mrs Cory Brown accompanied home on Friday Following a rou Mr nhd Mrs. Cecil Case were Mrs Amos K. Johnson ol Ontario business trom Tuesday to Diursday tine buflliM'»» meeting a »oclul hour pleasuntly surprised lust week when to Caldwell Friday to a college alum While he was there Mrs. Patch and their sons visited at the home of and refreshiiienl« were enjoyed old neighbors from Wyoming, wluan ni reunion. they had not »wn for 18 years ar - I - David Rees threshed barley for Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood of Storage containers from pint rived for a visit MltH. CIEIUUT Cl ROOT CELE Fred and August Moeller Saturday. La Grande. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade ofOro- BRATES BIRTHDAY Ml»» Kinmn Young, of Ontario Elna Brown Is on the sick list size up, on hand at all times flno, Idaho and .James DeCoursey In celebration of the birthday an »pent a few days In the Joe King this week. G et Y our’s T oday niversary of Mr» ctront a aerie» of home the past week. A. A. Bratton plnuted late potat of Lewiston. Idaho were visitors nt Hite H R. Otis home from Wednes Mrs Marshall H.vatl and family, oes this week. parties were given by Mr and Mrs. day evening to Friday morning .The Oerrlt tlroot at their home 111 Al anil ML»» Florence Russel were Cald Mr and Mrs. Roy Hanchett of Otis family and their guests were berta Valley on Saturday evening well shoppers Saturday. Oregon Slope attended a birthday Diursday evening guests at the Les Miss Kathaleen Eat tier of Culd- dinner nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Sunday afternoon Tho»e attending the Saturday wcll was a supis'r guest In the Mar Ora Bmnaer honoring Mr. Hanchett ter French home near Roswell. Wednesday morning a baby girl party were Orandma Siam and shall Hyat home Saturday even and Mr. Bronser's birthday anni . as an energy weighing six pounds nnd 12 ounces . . . Klaa» Siam Junior, Mr and Mr» ing 24 H O U R SERV ICE versaries. builder during the hot was born to Mr and Mrs. Walter Mrs Win I aiwc and family of Dirk Slam, Mr. and Mr». Joe Slam, Mr and Mrs Alvin Leffler, Bud McPartlnnd In the Brittingham spent Sunday with her sister of Oregon Trail. Mr and Mr» Z sum m er m onths Conner and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pen- IMvtilson of Parma. Mr und Mr» and family, Mrs Harry’ Russell Lat ton of Denver Colorado visited from nursing home In Ontario. SH ELTO N DAIRY Jake Oroot and son of Arcadia. Fred er they attended the ball game at Saturday till Diursday nt the Leffl- D ie garden club met at the home f :i ”:i il Koopnian, Mr and Mr» llerrltt Rig ltend Park. of Mrs. Howard Hatch Friday aft er home. M ILK and CREAM Mrs Wm Stradley visited her stain and Mr and Mr». Dick drool Mrs Martini Amtdon. Tom Anit- ernoon. D ie greater part of the On Sunday tho»e enjoying the sister-in-law, Mrs M. A Bradley of don and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Alvn meeting was spent enjoying a talk will help solve the Summer SAVE hospitality of Mi and Mrs Oroot Adrian Thursday Amtdon and family visited Mr. and on dahlias by Mrs. Hatch. problem of what to serve Delicaciea Through Mrs Joe King and house guest. Mrs. John Lelnhardt and family of were Mr amt Mrs John Koopnian Mrs. Lancaster and her son. Dean, on Your Table O RDER IT TODAY of Ontario, Mr and Mrs W F Fliul- Miss Emma Young attend«! the Nyssa Sunday. Scientific of Roswell were Sunday callers at All Winter Itng. Mr and Mrs I .tilt Stain, Mr si lower for the Roberts twins at the Phone 05-J2 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spltze nnd the D W Patch home. R e frig e ra tio n and Mrs Andrew lloersma. Mr and home of Mrs Harvey Hatch Inst Oscar Bratton were among the group D ie members ot the Jolly Janes Mrs IVte Vender Oort Thursday that left by buss for the Wallowa Refreshments and visiting were Mr and Mrs. Zeb Wilson and Lake Institute early Sunday morn gave a shawer for Mrs. Dire Roberts their régulât» meeting Diursday. family were Sunday visitors tn Nys- ing. They will return on Monday at Wednesday enjoyed on the lawn Mrs. Howard Hatch 3 Block» N orth of “ Y” PH O N E 124 the 22 visited her father. E. D. Wymer of THURSDAY CONTRACT CLUB A A. Bratton did some plowing Parma. He is in the Ontario hos for Gerald Ooodfellow this week. The Thursday Contract Club was W O R T H W H IL E pital. entertained last week by Mrs Oeorge CLUB M EETS J Mitchell who Invited Mrs Leo A DRIAN LEGIO N HALL Hollenberg. Mrs llurnall Brown and SUNSET VALLEY Bernice Robb Mrs May Chandler to play as guests entertain«! the Worthwhile Club D ED ICA TED for the afternoon High scon's at July It with seventeen members Legion hall in Adrian built cants were made by Mrs llotlcn- present The afternoon was spent by The the Legionairrcs of Past No. 109 herg visiting laicllle Kendall and Le was dedicated Tuesday evening. Vina Howard was appointed as July 9. after a banquet prepared flower committee by the Auxilary D ie hall was dedl- D ie 4-H Sunset Sewers Club will o»t«l by the Dept. Commander of have a style revue at the nexl meet Idaho. Homer Hudleson. ing which will be held at Ada Sch- Mrs Will Horsfall Dept of Ore uriser's August II gon President of Marshfield, pre Vbe Sunset Valley Sunday School sented Mis Roy Perry with her] held every Sunday at C A Ditty's Post President pin Is being well attend«! last Sunday Mrs Otis Palmer. 7th District ttic attendance was 38 Preesldent of La Grande installed / ■-■ f- * I ■ * \ Mrs Cash D im er had an attack the new Auxilary off leers, / , / k W of appendicitis last week and 1» eon- Earl Graham. 7th District Com DR J. C. BOWMAN ttn«t to her b«l mander of Vale, installed the Leg- Mrs Roy Rookatool has been on kinalrres to their new offices As little as Veterimmsn the sick list but t* reported as much Ollier visiting dignitaries wen- 1 ' - : ^ ” better now ÎÊ ik a ^ Mrs Palmer Sr Past Dept P itm - j Mr and Mrs Jim Horning of Par dent of La Grande, and Mrs Homer ma were Sunday dinner guests of Huddleson of Boise Mr and Mrs Jay Howard Phone 39W Legion and Auxilary members o f ' Dinner guests of Mr and Mrs L. Nyssa. Vale and Ontario were also R lauHtreth on Sunday mete Mr and present NYSSA LIBRARY Mrs J A Scott iif Vale. I A Glen- Ellen McConnell visited her par . . . lay» a new red cedar Open each week day ftvm dy and family of Caldwell Mr and ents Mr and Mrs Charles McCon shingle roof; Insuiatt-S your 3 p m to 4 p nr Mrs Grover Cooper and Lloyd nell near Nampa Sunday present home with Balsam- Saturday 2 p m to 8 p m Wool; transforms waste attic landetli and family In the after Mr and Mrs Ray Dirashcr a t oe basement space into extra AU. TAIRONS WKUVM* noon Mr and Mrs Verle Landrclh tended the funeral Friday of six- rooms; paints; re floors: or and Mi»s Betty Johansen of On tar, year-old Charles Kietli Elsberry Librarian Mrs S B Oavta rna of other im makes doxen cal)«t m the same home who died of spotted fever The boy provements to your home. Leslie Ditty and family and John No down payment required was the son of Mr and Mrs George op T o u n m n sT when you use Budget Build Case »ml family and Elmer Cul Klsberrv of Caldwell who were “See M.E»II *».t See Retter“ ing Terms at berson were dinner guests of Chas friends of the Thrashers CARy Sunday In the afternoon Mr and Mrs Kenneth Greer and John Case* grot her Elmer Case children of Jordan Valley Mr and and laietlle Fleming of La Grande Mrs Johnny Ashley of Yuma. Anx- I and Mrs Brandcw and daughter ona. and Mr and Mrs. Oeorge Els- Dorothy of FVwidosa and Mrs \V hrrry of Caldwell rutted at the O il to get th e most out of every penny it m ighty Fleming of Ontario visited tn the Ray D irasher home Saturday same home Mias Time Poage of Apple Valley 1 im portant to folk* who are ju»t starting out. An erro r in Mrs Paul Rarisome Is sick spent the week-end with Ellen Mc DR J. A. Mc F ALL “There’» a yard near yon” buying judgm ent th a t would be considered trival by an y Severwl fanners thnahed wheat Connell Dwight Smith. Manager FYKHIOHT STFVIAUST one else, m ight be trag ic for them. They can ’t a ffo rd to last week and tt made an average Howard Hatch and his sons at- Phene 15 Sj ONTARIO OREGON of » bushels to the acre If the tmdedd the ball game at IVuse ( m ake m istakes — they can ’t run the risk of “ gold bricks” . ditch had not broken the same CORN ON THE-COB for your JANUARY MEALS & I DRINK IT Polar Cold Storage Cr Locker Plant Shelton Dairy Of ] Ml of I Tfc lia of he 1 un E. in In tri ih mi bo ih Ol fltl ca wl sh In Bj Ol L» Ul T1 wl iM 5- W a« E. in Pi at N. 01 % $ / k À 9 5 M O M III V B U IL D S GAHAGL w hen PENNIES count— the Nyssa Journal is The Ideal ‘Shopping Guide’ LUMBER ©COMPANY have averaged bushels A New Music Store OpeningSaturday.JuIy20 ll Even, penny counts. Every penny has to do D O U BLE DUTY. It’s interesting to know (and we can’t deny th a t w e’re a bit p ro u d !) th a t the Nyssa Jo u rn al is m aking it possible for people like these to get m ore for th e ir penni- ies. For the pages of theNyssa Jo u rn al are a “ S hopping G uide to values. Every w eek advertisers o ffer d efin ite savings on the things all of us need. O f course, if you are already a Nyssa Jo u rn al reader, you are well aw are of this f a c t THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Read the Nyssa Journal every week