Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1940 Just a big old fashioned range family slop to Mama Grunt and Winthrode of Nampa. Mrs. Martha Klingback and fam Mr. and Mrs. A. Lundy of Twin been ill with chicken pox. with the best years of its usefulness her little grunters, but she must be Claude and M ary DeLashmult of ily were dinner guests of Mr. and Falls were Sunday dinner guests at Mr, and Mrs. Alva Goodell a n l already past, the water must be fed on the fa t of the land if one is Marsing, Idaho, visited with their Mrs. Kenneth McDonald in Home- the Elmer Sweaney home. Donna Belle and Marvin Smith carried winter and summer up a to thrive comes winter on her fat parents Sunday. dale Tuesday evening. Ilene Blodgett of Nyssa spent called at the L. E. Goodell plac? Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, Leon and steep bank a hundred feet or more hams and sweet bacons. And we Tuesday evening with Jean Johnson near Vale Sunday afternoon. Lawrence visited at the Roger from the door way. The coyotes were forced to believe him. The R. B V. Y. A. met at thJ Erls Jamison, Edward and Irvin K IN G M A N K O L O N Y howl from surrounding hill tops and Tis a fine thing to feed the stock Gwyn home at Vale Sunday. home of Russell Orcutt Friday ev Topi iff and Burl W yckoff attendee Mr. and Mrs. S. Morostica visited in summer days one is apt to hear on the ranch in the m 06 t approved enlng. a party at the Orcutt home Friday Pollyanna club met with Mrs. the warning whir of the rattler, and modern manner but forget not at the Tom Osborn home last week. Mrs. C. H. Bennett assisted Mrs evening. Claude Bowers on Wednesday. Miss Anne Johnson left Sunday to But there is peace and joy and love the fam ily at thine own board in Erls Jamison, Donna Belle Good May Beaumont had charge of the John Ridder Saturday in cooking in the home. The old floors are this well doing. For if man and teach at the Vacation Bible school for the men ell, Dorothy, Thelma and Donna entertainment for the afternoon. scrubbed spotless, fresh white cur his offspring weakens and passes at Lower Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeGross were Florea attended g weiner roast on A t the close of a pleasant afternoon tains frame windows from which from this mortal scene then the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Tuesday evening. the hostess served refreshments one sees far down the valley to the animals wouldst be forced to shift DeGross Sunday. Most every one in the district is Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols were tall mountains blue in the distance. for themselves and after genera N E W E L L HEIGH TS Mrs. Jennie Courtney from Hol through haying. The crop is heavy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grazing sheep with their watchful tions of grain stall feeding might lister is visiting at the M. W. Davis this year. The H. O. A. club met at the home Clark on Monday evening. tender feed quietly on the green find the pickin's poor. Things About Nyssa’s Shops home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. W yckoff and The Mary and Martha Circle of of Mrs. Jim Osborn Wednesday hills, a herd of horses amble down So a jaunt when the need falls Mrs. E. C. Terhune was ill this fam ily attended a picnic at Gala the Kingman Community church with Mrs. Wayne Woods, hostess, the canyon to the spring. Together for home larder replenishment to week. Garden Sunday. W ith June now past the half-way the man and wife and their wee the Wilson Grocery mart wilt serve The afternoon was spent embroider met at the home of Mrs. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeGross were Dwight and Burl W yckoff attend Piercy on Thursday with Mrs. Jess mark old timers are coming to the son and daughter, mend the fence, thee well for there all manner of ing tea towels for the hostess. Ice Sunday evening dinner guests of ed an Epworth League box supper conclusion that if the weather has drive to the store for the mail, cut fine foods for man from the cradle cream and cake were served at the Sugg as co-hostess. At this meet Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Lincoln at the Carl Seburn home Friday not been “ rare” it has at least been poles in the nearby timber, picnic to the grave canst be purchased and close of the afternoon and the next ing the following officers were elec Heights. evening. unusual, what with the thermom and fishs in the mountain stream. at prices that wilt leave a bit for meeting will be held at the home ted for the coming year: Mrs. Ray Beverly Ann Ure of Arcadia spent Alva Goodell Jr. left last week for Holton, president; Mrs. Ernest T et- the week end with Bess Mitchell. eter flitting above the hundred They are not ignorant nor unedu a hi-ho to the theatre for the whole of Mrs. Lucile Harris July 10. 4-H summer school at Corvallis wiler, vice-president; Mrs. Loren mark as if it were already mid- cated nor, been here the whole of clan. And 'tis sweet showings they Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sipes and Miss Dorothy Ridder of Boise Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and their lives and no where else. But do be having there these hot days nephew of Owyhee Heights, Mr. Miller, secretary; and Mrs. Wesley visited a few days at home then left Oarnet Belle of Wilder were Sun July. Piercy, treasurer. and Mrs. Carl Hill and Mr. and on Saturday for an extended visit day dinner guests at the S. B. H o ff The seering winds and merciless somehow or other they have found and in air cooled chamber*. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad Mrs. Stanley H ill went to Succor Mrs. C. C. Cotton has been con in Nebraska. sun have crucified the crops on the peace and contentment and happi man home. Mr. and Mrs. John fined to her bed for the past few Ed Nielson, Clifton and Elver are Bartholoma, Dorothy June a n d new land under the north canal, ness and a lasting love, one for the vertisers and ye will not waste thy creek Father's Day for a picnic. time and thy gas going farther. without water for over 30 days. other. Modern Pioneer club will meet on days because of Injuries resulting helping Clifford Nielson stack his Johnny called in the afternoon. from a fall. hay. But that life-giving fluid was turn And then we do think of the June 25 with Mrs. Lester Goulet. ed in again on Monday in the ditch weary man in government employ Harold, George and Lloyd Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols, Mr. Miss Gracy Hill a n d Edith BIG BEND Former Resident Dies and we do hope that things will not who spent a long afternoon in our W right and Mrs. Virginia Goodwin and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston. Dick Ash attended the League box social at James F. Timmerman, a former turn out as bad as they seem now. office and who did in the beginning Mrs. Arch Parker and daughter o f Nampa spent Saturday with craft and Mr. and Mrs. Charles the Seburn home in Alberta V al resident of Nyssa, passed away on "W ater in the ditch” how like it fill us with anger and distrust, but returned home from Brittingham Grace and Edith’s parents, Mr. and Wilson and fam ily were guests in ley Friday evening. M ay 12th at Chelan, Wash., accord is to many other daily blessings we when he left we were friends and nursing home in Ontario. Her mo Mrs. Carl Hill. the Lee Thrasher home Friday ing to word received at the Journal accept without conscious gratitude. we did in our heart feel sorry for ther, Mrs. Bert La Rue of Vale is evening Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Lance SOM E CROPS office this week. him. He didst speak of the wife staying with her, helping care for and son and daughter arrived from T is not 'till the ditch is dried’ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark were ARE D A M AG ED As a good friend told us who has and the fam ily whom he scarcely the baby. Albany, Oregon, for a visit with Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc- knew and worse yet who knew him waited dally for that sight for sore Mrs. R. L. Haworth and daugh and Mrs. Maurice Judd They left Partland on Wednesday evening. BUENA V IS T A —Most every one eyes to return again, "Why, with so little because his work kept him ters and her house guests, the M et Tuesday for a trip to Yellowstone Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill and is waiting anxiously for water to ir out the water here, John and I so far apart from them much of calfs, spent Thursday in Boise. Park. Mrs. Lance and Mrs. Judd family and Mr. and Mrs. William rigate. Most o f the crop* are dam would never have dreamed of com the time. Thin, he was, close to Toomb and fam ily spent Sunday Mrs. Pyre Roberts and Wayne were old school pals. A re your aged but the ones damaged the ing here. And with the water gone emaciation and thin lipped and went to Nampa Wednesday and re Mrs. Maurice Judd entertained fishing at the Owyhee dam. shoes in good most are potatoes and small grain. there would be nothing left for pale and in his blue eyes a great turned Friday. Tuesday at a luncheon for Mrs. Mrs. Miller, mother o f Loren M il Barbara and Jean W yckoff have condition? weariness. But in that home must which to stay.” Mrs. Rex Brumbach and little Herbert Stewart o f Ontario, Mrs. ler, who is visiting here from N e be all that the Jones had and more. Do they need daughters spent Wednesday in R. S. Overstreet of Boise and Mr. braska has been ill the past week. And if June be a month of rare days, ’tis also the marriage month T ill the effort it took in getting Boise visiting in the W in Cline and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet. NEW SOLES Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft re Mrs. Borge and Mrs. Harris, mo turned home Saturday evening a f in this land. The month of happy them there left no time for happy home AND HEELS, Flora Prosser is helping in the ther and father, Mr. and Mrs. ter attending State Grange at brides and bridegrooms. Everyone play to leave happy memories, nor or other small ferge loving ties that neither time Orcutt home during the summer. Leach of Weiser, visited there W ed of them feeling that all of their Salem. nor adversity would ever sever. It repairs? Mrs. Grover Lee o f Estes Park, nesday. dreams have come true and from Mrs. Norman Webb of Kimberly, seems that the perfection of inven Colorado, arrived Wednesday for a Bring them Mrs. Stanley H ills brother, M ar Mrs. Emily K ing of Jerome and that day forward life wilt be but tion for the things to give bodily two weeks' visit with her parents, ion Westerman, who has been visit one sweet song. to Mrs. Susie Baxter of California ing her the last two weeks, left on spent from Thursday until Sunday Perhaps it is Just as well so. Just comfort has robbed Eve and her Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan. Adam of their heritage to happi A L L W O R K G U A RANTEED Mrs. Plin Case, Mrs. Chat Purdy Tuesday for his home in Colorado. visiting with their mother, Mrs. C. as well that they learn gradually ness. Like Hansel and Gretel in and Paula left Friday for Grand The A. N. K. Garden club met C. Cotton. the lesson that marriage is a case the woods of modern times they Coulee dam. Friday with Mrs. Dennie Patch in of bitter sweet, oft seeming more The Girl Scouts met with Doro John Nelson o f Caldwell was call Adrian. The next meeting will be thy Toomb Wednesday afternoon. bitter than sweet. But if love pre wander helplessly in a maze of ma SHOE SHOP terial comfort and find no coverlet ing on Bend friends Wednesday. with Mrs. Carl Hill. vails they wilt in time come to Several new members joined at this of spiritual blessings. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Most all the farmers are through Next to Nyssa Cafe realize that nothing else really mat meeting. Mrs. Betts, County Health But each must work out his own Mrs. Grover Lee were Caldwell haying and thinning beets Most Nurse, spoke to the girls on first ters, neither wealth, nor fame nor salvation and happiness in mar visitors Thursday. of the beets are in fine shape and aid. Mrs. Mildred Hite and Mrs. even health itself so long as the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill, New growing fast since they have been Walter McPartland were guests. mate they didst choose on a golden riage as well as in all else and no amount of preachment nor advice ell Heights, were Friday guests in thinned. June day is still by their side. The next meeting will be at the Mrs. B. Ramsey of Arid, Nevada, home of Mrs. Maurice Judd. W ed And we were minded o f all this wilt do much good nor be overly the Parker home. Betty Eachus spent the past week and Mrs. O. R. Johnston of Carson nesday, June 26th. when we heard our dear friend welcome. For of course every June Mrs. Tom Lowe announce the date bride’s case is different from other visiting her grandparents, Mr. and City, Nevada, spent Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane, Mrs. Friday at the R. R. Overstreet Lily Bach and Mrs. Mary Nichols of her Golden Wedding day this people's, and her John more per Mrs. E. Eskew, near Homedale. fect than other men. home. They were on a return trip Mrs. Lester French and Mrs. Hop Sunday last. A sweet lady from were in Frultland and Payette on But a happy wedding day wilt oft kins of Roswell and Mrs. Fay Flei- from the coast. whose fine brown eyes there still Wednesday. be remembered in times to come be ger of Moscow were guests of Mrs. G irl Scouts met with Dorothy shines that light of love for the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newbill at they bright or cloudy. And a well Arch Parker Friday. Toombs Wednesday and Mrs. Betts, tended the boat races at Lake Low man she chose in her youth. One filled trouseau wilt add a lot to that Guests in the Brumbach home on the county nurse, gave them first ell on Sunday afternoon. sensed that both of them had first year's happy memories. Par Thursday evening for a farewell aid instruction. The next meeting learned all this years ago. May the blessing of Dan Cupid ticularly of the undies are those visit with Mrs. Rex Brumbach were will be with Ellen Judd Wednesday, dainty satin affairs that Mrs. At- Mrs. Grover Lee of Estes Park, Mr. June 26th, at which time they will N E W MEM BERS be with them that day. T o our way of thinking perhaps Tceson doest carry at her store at and Mrs. N. S. Phelan, Mrs. Case work on a layette for the Red IN 4-H C L U B i g the one thing that leads to so many Third and Main. Rose, pink satin, Muntjewerff and Mr. and Mrs. John Cross. R IC H LA N D — Mrs. McGee's 4-H broken marriages in these times is lace trimmed or in tailored modes Bishop of Nyssa. Mrs. Rex Brumbach and children H A Y IN G O V E R club initiated new members at a the lack of responsibility toward the and with good strong seams that wilt not cause one to worry over returned to their home at Pendle weiner roast Tuesday evening. New whole social and economic scheme IN O W Y H E E members are Dorlen McGee, T h el of things, by the new generation. that stitch in time the first time ton Friday after a visit in the E. they go through the washing ma H Brumbach home. ma and Dorothy Florea, Madalene And this constantly increasing de OW YH EE—First haying 1s about Maw and Jean Johnson. N. S. Phelan attended a soil con Guests mand for material things in the chine. And as thou doest cast thine a thing of the past in Owyhee. were Donna Goodell, Leona Willis, home. This ever striving to in eye over these silkies take a squint servation meeting in Ontario F ri Mrs. J. P. Dunaway and daugh Barbara Henderson. Lois McGee crease the material comfort and no also at the slacks. Smart they are day. Bert La Rue and children, M y- ter. Mrs. Marden Abbott, of Hood and Ilene Blodgett. thought to the building up o f an this season for every manner of River, were afternoon callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bailey were inner and spiritual stamina for that occasion and Mrs. Atkeson doest rene and Buddy, of Vale, were Sun A T TH E RKCORDS: T. M Lowe home at Mitchell Butte callers at the Henry Orcutt home time of need that wilt so surely carry these for every occasion and day guests in the Arch Parker L W In A L L TIM ES — dur Thursday. ♦ at prices that if bought there wilt home. Friday evening. come upon them. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hines and son, ing boom or depression, in prosper Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meier and baby One of the happiest people we save thee almost enough for an Frank Lenk is visiting at the T. Don, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ras other suit. of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. George ous years or lean— ownership of his have met of late are a young cou C. Johnson home. 'Tis a bit of bright color along Swigert were guests in the Elmer mussen and son, Delno, of Lewis ple living far back in the hinter Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brandt and own home has been man’s finest ton, Idaho, were week-end guests land, miles from railroad, telephone our highway north again since W al Prosser home Thursday. Mrs. Dave Mitchell were Nampa investment. In monetary value, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley. or telegraph. No moving pictures ter Fox hast started his vegetable visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Klingback, alone, home ownership assures and without radio and the nearest and fruit counters out of doors children of Roswell were Sunday The Morgan Garden Park club daughter, Anna, and sons, John and neighbor to them two miles away. again and tis a fine place to pur guests in the LeRoy Bennett home. will meet at the C. H. Bennett home minimum fluctuation and maxi Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Eldon, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Friday evening. Where winter roads are impassable chase a dime sack of the freshest mum S T A B IL IT Y !! Martha Klingback, from Emmett. and to reach even the tiny village of seasonal fruits or a half a truck daughters attended a fam ily picnic Mr. and Mrs. R ex Walters and store is a hard snowshoe journey. load for canning. And speaking of held at the Caldwell park Sunday They live in an old mountain house, canning now ist the time to freeze at which a large number of rela Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nein were Sun Your home, built today with the aid of F H A terms Notice To Hog Raisers the floors in spots have worn them down for winter at the Polar tives were present and Mrs. J. B. day evening callers at the William and Budget Building, will actually P A Y FOR ITSE LF Peutz home through, there is no linoleum to cold storage. I f it be that time is M etcalf and daughters. Margaret W ith the installation of a new by enabling you to “pay rent to yourself”. A t the very Mrs. Anna Gregg and daughter, make scrubbing any more a joy, no a minus quantity about thy house and Barbara of Portland, were the scale at Evelyn, Mrs. Martha Klingback and same time, it will create for you a sound, sensible electric nor motor driven ice box. then this new and modem method honor guests. THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YARD S o f fruit and vegetable preserving Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and daughter, Louise and son Fred and nor washing machine. investment for A L L TIMES. for the coming winter’s use wilt be Mrs. Grover Lee were guests at a Mrs. Chas. Schweizer were evening we are now receiving your hogs guests Friday at the T. M. Lowes. a boon indeed. reunion of the Lee fam ily Sunday, there every Friday, paying the Mrs. Ida Crawley of Ontario is a Let the bite of the Building Jgug produce But if it is that the old fashioned held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. highest price the market permits house guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. A C T IO N and SE C U R IT Y . 5% down builds I way has been tried and proven true Robert Lee in Nyssa. Bradley. and seeking to serve you in every Clyde Steelman was elected di and satisfactory then a trip to the a home up to |2500 in coat— monthly pay Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin and possible way. rector of Wade school for the next | Nyssa Trader for jars and all the ments $26 and less: Homes over $2500 only fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles three years and Harvey Bennett, j what nots it takes to turn out de- Bradley attended the boat races at 10% down and long as 20 years to pay- F R A N K K U L L A N D E R j lectable preserves and jellies wilt clerk, at the school election M on Lake Lowell Sunday. pay thee right prettily. And twas day evening. Miss Betty Baldridge is the guest 'a 111111 1111111 mi 111 ni ti 1111 ti h ri 11 it M U M 11 m i i h i m i ri iHin m i iwnnwiwiintiti'in l l l l g a wise old sage who said a penny saved is a penny earned, in tliis o f her brother, Dwight and fam ily at Emmett. modem age or any other. July 4th will be celebrated at Big But not all preserving is done for C A R L H. C O A D winter, but right in summer ist the Bend park and a cordial invitation Hw Mcnrity ttixttoy oí necessity of keeping food fresh and is extended to all to attend. There a^vwu vEsUTIIllliy Only at l « H Payette Lumbar A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W with Hill taintless an urgent one and then a will be sports of all kinds and a Company can yon arrange to PHONE 31 dependable refrigerator becomes a good program. build with "Family Protection". Mrs. James McGinnis and child Nyssa. Oregon friend indeed. Many are the fine Tbit aacloaive, optional feature, ren and Mr. and Mrs. Howard ones merchandised here. The new provide«: I — payment« will bo Philco at Wilson’s Department store Hatch and children were Sunday L. A. Maulding, M.D. made for you in cate of accident and the General Electric at the guests in the H. R. Hatch home. Ye Snooper’s Column LOOK BEFORE YOU STEP ABBOTT’S Your Soundest Investment . ^our OW N H om e! LOOK Professional Cards Budd NOW with “Family Protection" Drink SAFE MILK Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 D ally- Except Sunday Fry Building TO W NSEND CLUB M EETINGS Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. M cC lellan President Don G ra h a m ______Secretary The Puhlir Is Invited N Y S S A A ER IE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H ALL Vlsttlng Eagles Welcome H A R R Y M INER, Sec. C L IF F GREER, Pres. Golden Rule, the Leonard at Pow ells service station. Gambles own special, the Norge at Eder's, and at the Idaho Power they all do have them, the finest there are. One has but to please themselves and buy on that easy payment way. And didst chat the past week with our old friend A1 Thompson at his Feed and Seed M art at Second and Goode and from him didst get a lecture on the proper feeding of farm animals, particularly pigs. All o f it was far above our poor head what with scientific mixing this with that and vice versa. But we did gather that if one will but pur chase those scientifically mixed Purina chows for all manner of ani mal and fowl they will be follow ing the Golden Rule o f animal hus bandry. And equally as good are the scientifically compounded feeds that they do blend there from one's own grain according to tried and approved formulas. No longer Is it considered good form to throw the for R IV E R V IE W The Community Sunday school will meet at the Ernest Johnson home next Sunday. Christian En deavor meets at 7:30. Everyone Is welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moore and the fam ily were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonnason have as their guest Mrs. Gonnason'a sister-in-law, Mrs. Johnson, from Seattle Mr. and Mrs. W iley Clowers visit ed at the parental George Clowers home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elston of Oregon Slope called at the Earl Blackburn home Sunday. M r and Mrs Charles DeLash- mutt of Win ton. Cal., visited at the George DeLashmutt home this week Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Henm an and fam ily visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Penzien, also Mr. and Mrs. ENERGY g Milk a n d Cream from State Licensed Dairie« a re the SA FE E N E R G Y FOODS • SAFE because they are produced under strict sanitary and inspection regulations of the State o f Oregon. • E N E R G IZIN G because they contain more of the n ecessary vitamins than most any other food in your daily diet. | milk is t h e cheapest food you buy i g = * 43.00 ■ : 2— your family will Piorno to ftt YOUR pmomi Sfciltod pi— iw| io ill yooc 4o$lco$« avant of death or permanant disebibty. Includo this protec tion in YOUR building plana. When th* Budding Beg bitta YOU, atar? your building piota* with a visit to— LUM BER 0MPANY Nyssa Milk Prices (Delivered) g Qts. 10c 1 Shelton Dairy* Gate City Dairy g Phone 05-J2 j * * * . ’ 4 Qts. (at one delivery) 35c Phone 104W .4 111111 II 1111111 11 1 11H III I II 1 1111 1 1 1 111 1 11 Il M 11U M M M M M I M I M M ftWHIRMMMMMMM Dwight Smith, Manager Nyi Phone 15 B U I L D Y O U R H 0 M Ç F I R S T