Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1940)
TH E N YS S A G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, TH U R SD A Y, A P R IL 18, 1940 PA G E T W O T i! mitin C IV IC CLUB The regular meeting of the Civic Club held at the Parish hall at tracted a large number of members and visitors. On the entertainment program Mrs Earl W ycoff of Ontario talked on the art and history of silver engraving and etching, Mrs. C. L. McCoy and Mrs. Ernest McClure rendered several vocal numbers and were accompanied by Mrs. Willard Jackson. Tea service was under the direc tion of Mrs. A. V. Cook. At the business meeting it was voted to hold a silver tea In the near future to raise funds for the maintenance of the city band. The date for the spring flower show was also set for May 15th. This will be a non-competitive show and will be co-sponsored by the Morgan Park Garden club. Everyone is invited to enter flowers in the show. - 8 - T O S K ATE A group of sugar factory em ployees will enjoy a skating party at the rink in Weiser tonight and on their return will have a supper at the Lewis home Just west of Nyssa. - Plans were announced for the May day celebration. Delegates were ap- Wednesday Mrs E O Os- PoiHted to the county council and On born. Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mrs. ! several other business matters were Mary Nichols. Mrs. Elmer Dutton.' settled. Mrs. Chas. Culbertson and Mrs J G Lane Mrs Don Clark, Mrs Prat111 Crocker served refresh- Mrs Clarence Elliott and M rs Wm ments at the close of the meeting. Eight members of the O. K. K. I Toomb went to Caldwell and at- ! tended an all day convention of attended the meeting of the clubs the American Sunday School Union held at the CCC camp Tuesday. ! per and social hour at the hall on Miss Gladys Holton of Payette Doris Klingback sang "Forgotten ' Wednesday evening. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Paul Strickland accom panied her on the piano as the en - 8 - i and Mrs Ray Holton. W EDNESDAY EVENING I The play cast of ' Sunbonnet Jane tertainment number frfom the club. Mrs Annie Gregg and sons Geo. BRIDGE I of Sycamore Lane” have set Tues- ! Mrs. Nick Rudlick entertained the j day and Thursday evening to prac and Jess and daughter Lillian and Mrs. Martha Klingback and daugh Wednesday evening bridge club at tice. ters Doris and Louise and Mrs Earl her home this week and all mem Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holton were bers were present. High scores were j dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. El- Strickland were delegates to the Sunday school convention in Cald made by Mrs. Klaas Tensen and j mer Dutton last Sunday. well last Wednesday from the Owy Mrs. Rudlick. Milo Lamberson, brother of Mrs hee Sunday school. - 8 - ' Robert Clark, who has been visiting Rev. and Mrs. Chandler of Cald TU E SD AY EVENING BRIDGE | her for the past several weeks, left well held services at the school Miss Eva Boydell was hostess to for Salem on Thursday. After a house Thursday eevning and will be the Tuesday evening club at des short stay with his parents he will back for services next Thursday sert and contract this week and in be employed for the summer by evening as well. vited Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs. Mrs. R. E. Clark of Brownsville. Mesdames Martha Klingback. Burnall Brown to play with the Mrs. Clark is the mother of Don Blanch Hite, Oral Strickland and members. High scores were made by and Robert Clark. Mr. and Mrs Lowell McMillan were Mrs E D. Norcott and Mrs. J. J. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Robbins of delegates to the county council in Sarazin. Arena Valley spent Friday in the Ontario from the Owyhee P. T. A. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holton. and Mesdames Fivecoat. Packer and - 8 - B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Mrs. Holton and Mr. Robbins are Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Lowe In honor of his eleventh birth cousins. from the pre-school section of M it day anniversary, David Sarazin en Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton and chell Butte. tertained ten of his friends at a Elsie spent Thursday evening with Francis Huffman, who has work supper and theatre party on Tues Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark. in the eastern part of the United day evening. Harvey Holton was a Saturday States, made a surprise visit to rel dinner guest in the O. D. Dearborn atives here Tuesday and went on - 8 - A U X IL IA R Y SEWS home in Ontario to Mountain City, Nevada to visit Nine ladies, all members of the J. Edwin Johnson of Vale. Pomona j his mother and his brother Charles. auxiliary of the V. P. W „ met at Grange master, visited Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Neil Dimmick will be hostess the home of Mrs. Charles Paradis Dale Ashcraft on Saturday. to the Owyhee community club on on Wednesday afternoon and sewed Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Wayne he regular date, Thursday, April for the Red Cross. Ten womens were in Caldwell on Saturday. 18th. dresses were cut and started. When Mrs. Charles Newbill attended Mesdames Kenneth McDonald completed they will be sent to the P. T. A. county council in Ontario and Si Atkins of Homedale were Finnish Red Cross for distribution on Saturday. guests Monday at the K ling back Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and home. in that country. Mrs. Paradis served tea at the fam ily called on Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eloise Crocker returned home Olsen in Nyssa Saturday evening. close of the afternoon. from the ohspital Wednesday and is Mary and Martha Circle met at feeling much better. the home of Mrs. K. I. Peterson in LADIES A ID Betty Jean Skinner had the mis- Ladies Aid of the Methodist Com Adrian this week. for une to cut a cash in her hand Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Backman Friday evening while she was cut munity church was entertained on Thursday last by Mrs. E. C. Cran and family of Star were guests of ting kindling, necessitating several dall and Mrs. H. H. Kingrey in the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer on F ri stitches to close the wound. church basement. Devotionals were day. Mrs. Bachman and Mrs. Scha Owyhee grade boys and girls fer are sisters. led by Mrs. Cl y eft Teters. teams were victorious in a baseball Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane and fam ame with the Oregon Trail teams During the business the advisabil ity of dividing the Aid into two ily adn Mrs. Lily Bach were Sun Thursday. groups was discussed, but it was de day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. cided to leave It as it is until Sep K. I. Peterson in Adrian. V A LLE Y VIEW Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and tember when other plans may be Arlene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. arranged. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Noah enter Following the business meeting William Toomb Sunday evening. tained Sunday with a birthday din Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Tetwiler ner honoring Mrs. Noah's father, refreshments were served by the were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mr. Smith, C. C. Wyckoff, Mrs. Les hostesses. The next meeting will be at the Mary Nichols. ley Jajor. Ruth Bratton, Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Bechtle and M ira Noah. A ll had home of Mrs. C. Klinkenberg on family were Sunday dinner guests Thursday, April 25th and Mrs. Ruth birthdays recently. Guests present Brooks and Mrs. Florence Mayer of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton. In were Mr. and Mrs, C. C. W yckoff the afternoon the young folks hiked and fam ily of Buena Vista, Mr. and will assist. to the hills. - 8 - Mrs. A. A. Bratton and fam ily and The 7th and 8th grade students Stanley Bechtle. A dinner served C H ATTERB O X CLUB with their teacher. Walter M cPart- Members of the Chatterbox club cafeteria style was enjoyed by all. met with Emma Orcutt April 10. land, hiked to Rimrock Sunday a ft Paul Stevens is doing some re ernoon. The program was in charge of Ev pair work on his house. Paul Thiel, Ronald Lane, Dorothy elyn Mitchell and featured spring The pupils of the Valley View flowers. The next meeting will be Toomb, Nadine Nichols and Glen school have organized a bird club. Osborn were Kingman members of April 24 with Mrs. Maw on Enter David Rees harrowed some ground the Adrian high school band to go for Hans O ft and drilled grain for prise Avenue. to the music festival in Caldwell Clifford Anderson Friday. Arthur - 8 - Saturday. Brown. H. E Noah and Norman Mrs Frank Fredericks returned Hipp are drilling grain. Ora Bonser home Tuesday morning from Phoe is drillling beets and the farmers nix. Arizona, where she has been wives are all busy making garden. visiting her daughter for the past Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb of several weeks. Nyssa were Sunday evening callers Mrs. Conrad Martin. Mrs. C. C. at Bratton’s. Cotton, Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Miss Ruby Bolles and Joe Stewart were May Beaumont attended a flower honored with a party Friday at the garden club meeting at the home of home of George Stewart celebrating Mrs. Robert Overstreet on Friday their birthday anniversaries. Games afternoon. Mrs. Conrad Martin was were played after which refresh elected president and Mrs. Dan ments were served by Mrs. Stewart. Holly of Adrian as secretary-treas Mrs. N. A. Peacock of Fruitland urer. visited Mrs. C. E Rees Friday. Protect your household H. E. Noah plowed for A. A. OWYHEE Bratton this week. goods and personal Shef fW hite and sons are chop The Owyhee P T. A. held its ping hay for H. E Noah. property with regular meeting Friday evening. Bethel Brown and Oscar Bratton 8 - P A R IS H DINNER Celebrating the debt being clear ed o nthe basement and furnace im provements at the Parish hall, members of St. Paul's Episcopal parish enjoyed a covered dish sup- P r o fe s s io n a l C ards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATU RDAY 2:30 to 7:30 A L L PATR O NS WELCOME Librarian ..... Mrs. S. B. Davis O P TO M E TR IS T “ See McFall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL E YE S IG H T SP E C IA LIS T O N T A R IO OREGON W YCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE AT T O R N E Y And C O UNSELO R-AT-LAW First National Bunk Building Phone 60 i BURGLARY Insurance OREGON $500.00 For Only $7.50 DR. C. A. ABBOTT • BERNARD EASTMAN VALE Chiropraetlc Physician O ffice: 331 West Main S t Phone 25 KINGMAN KOLONY ______ Complete Line of Insurance NYSSA PHONE 64 i Nyssa between two 4-H clubs Sun- day. Mrs. Landreth visited in the | Roy Jones home and with other friends. M r and Mrs. Chas. Ditty and Mr. and Mres. John Case and Phyllis attended the Townsend meeting in Nyssa Monday night. CLEANING and SCOTT FOR STATE TKEASUKEK TRIPLEX CLEANING is not just a catch-word — it is a system design ed to R E A L L Y do a bet ter cleaning job. You pay no more for TR I PLEX CLEANING than for ordinary cleaning. .. SUNSET V A LLE Y Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth vis ited in the Roy Warren home Sun day. LESLIE M . SC O TT Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ditty and A r thur Jones made a business trip to La Grande Wednesday returning on D E LIV E R Y SERVICE Republican Primaries May 17, 1940 PHONE 74 Thursday. Ad paid for by Scott for Treasurer Committee. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and fam ily were Sunday visitors in the Homer Cates home in Cow Hollow. Alma and Hilmer Hintz were din ner guests in the Adolph Schneider home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mayes of Owyhee called in the a ft ernoon. Henry Hintz and family, Henry Beyle were Sunday dinner guests in the Chas. Ditty home. Good garden tools make gardening and care of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider and lawns a pleasure. Our garden tools are tops in children and Mr. Bratzman of Ap quality— A T M A IL ORDER PRICES. ple Valley visitde in the Henry Hintz home Saturday evening. Cash Turner accompanied his brother Burt of Vale on a fishing trip Sunday to be gone a week. Here is a good, serviceable An 8-pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto W olfe Friday at the mower—will do a clean job Wilson hospital in Nyssa. Mrs. E. C. Leach returned from Boise to he rhome here after spend DeLuxe Model Our Special ing ten days caring for her daugh Vulcanized Tires. 5 Blades, Rubber ter who had her tonsils removed. Self adjusting, 5 tires, Ball Bearing Mr. and Mrs. Verle Landreth of blades, Ball bearings Ontario spent Saturday night in the L. B. Landreth home. W hile L. B. Landreth and son Charles attended the ball game in “An All Oregon Man” NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Mail Order Prices On GARDEN TOOLS LAWN MOWERS »4.89 * 6.98 GRASS CATCHERS 79c NOTICE To Hog Raisers Associated in shipping with B. W. GROVER of Fruitland, Idaho 5 0 ft. Garden Hose HAND TOOLS With the changing of their sale day by the Nyssa Sales Yard from Saturday to Fridays, we find the facilities there inade quate to properly serve our friends and patrons, and will un til further notice weigh all hogs at the Nyssa Mills scales. Please bring your hogs there and we will assure you top prices and courteous treatment. W e buy hogs EVERY FRIDAY FRANK KULLANDER »8.75 Weeders Trowels Hand Spades 10c Heavy ribbed reinforced Complete with Couplings Spading Forks f »1.49 »3.19 — 1 AU TH O R IZE D AGENCY ' GAMBLE STORES I N D I V I D U A L L Y O W N E D A N D O P E R A T E Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Phone 106 Nyssa SPECIALS 70<>miRRO * At COMBINATION 4M I M I t 4M Of EITHER O f THESE DRESS SPECIALS • attended the music contest at Cald- ! well Saturday. Bethel spent Satur- | day night with her cousin coming home Sunday. Valley View school played base- j ball with Lincoln school Wednesday. Lincoln won. Valley View went to Cairo and both boys and girls play ed. Girls won 15 to 10, Cairo boys won 6 to 8. W. W. Foster, Raymond Seiger and Gilbert Klinkenberg called at the Bratton ranch Friday. Alva Amidon accompanied by Russell McKennon of Ontario, mo tored to La Grande on business on Thursday. Mrs. Edna Arnold and son Wesley of Portland and Mrs. Alice Hueston of Ukiah. Oregon left Saturday a ft er spending the week with their brother, A. S. King. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer were Sunday dinne rguests of Howard Evans. TWO RAfl úES Here is another Atkeson Special! Smart, serviceable House Dresses that have sold at $1.98, On Sale for Only New Shipment of FIRE AUTOMOBILES TRUCK O W NERS ATTENTION FOR LONG AND SHORT H AU L INSURANCE SEE DON M. GRAHAM BONDS Phone 53 FARM RENTALS Street Dresses • Here again we offer the woman who wishes to be dressed in style and at the same time keep her eye on the family budget. • L A T E S T FASH IO N. COLORS and FABRICS $ 2.98 HOSE SPECIAL CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 MENS Sport Coats Here’s the ideal thing for Spring and Sum mer. Latest design and colors. S9 “ .AmerWan Beauty* R rf 59c Value 49c 5 BROTHERS PLE E TW AY SHIRTS 98c PANTS »1.49 SLACKS $ 2 .9 5 to $ 5 .9 5 ATKESON’S STORE Î Ü THE 1940 N OM E ^ EDER HARDWARE MEN’S AND LADIES’ W EARING APPARE L Third and Main Streets Nyssa YOU BUY Phone 4 6 N Y SSA