Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY», FEBRUA RY 8,1940 PACE THREE The Kingman Grange practiced much water out of place, no doubt. Butch doest carve up the choice O W Y H E E P. T. A. TO Leo Chard, At noon a pot luck din MITCHELL BUTTE And such it proved to be, for just meats nicely and sell them to the HONOR 4-H CLUBBERS for their degree work Monday night. ner was served. home town folks at a pleasing price. as we were wishing for a pair of At the next regular meeting the The pre-school club met with Mrs. Wall .if Rijgeview visited seven-league boots to perform a bit And if tis something different one Grange plan on initiating a group Mrs. Tom Lowe Jan. 30. Mrs. Sal with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom OWYHEE—The Owyhee P. T. A. of expert puddle jumping on foot, wouldst have perhaps for a com vage was a guest. Mrs. Anna Mayes Lowe, over the week-end. along came a pickup with a most pany feast or family celebration will hold its regular meeting at the of new members. was admitted as a member. school house Friday evening, Feb. The following ladies attended the accommodating driver, who gave us then a word to them in advance and Mrs. Frank Holman entertained a shove and away we sailed with if possible thy wish wilt be filled. 9, at 8 o’clock. Everybody is invit Girl Scout tea given at the Adrian Thursday afternoon at a stork But what is a meal without the ed. E. M. Hauser county 4-H lead High school on Saturady afternoon: as innocent a purr as if it had not shower in honor of Mrs. E. B, refused to budge in the midst of a staff of life and here in this coun er will be present to give a talk on Mesdames Dave Mitchell, Elmer Smith. muddy sea. Sure and 'tis the bet try it is fine white bread fresh his work and present pins to the ter part of valor to keep the old irom the ovens and it is just this 4-H members who have completed Dutton, Charles Wilson, C. C. Cot Mrs. Donald McGinnis who has ton, Ray Holton, Loren Miller, Con been sick is reported by Mrs. heap perking on all cylinders and kind th at Les and Ernie do ever their projects. The O. K. K. will meet with Mes- rad Martin, William Toomb and Glenn McGinnis, who is caring for able to make full speed ahead in bake at their Nyssa patisserie and her, to be some better. She is able this stormy season and no better cakes and cookies too and every dames Martha Klingback and La Miss Jeanette Martin. to be up part of the time. Vonne Culbertson Thursday, Feb. way ist there to do it than to take other manner of baked doughs. Mrs. Frank Newbill and Mrs. C. C. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad 15. J. A. Thomsen, the state coyote it into Ed Pruyn for a frequent Dr. Francis S. Weir Things About Nyssa's Shops Mr. and Mrs. Van Maltsburger Cotton attended Sunshine club in trapper, who has spent the last vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy check and tuning-up. Nyssa on Friday at the home of and family, who have been living on month here, was a business visitor What with the weather in a black time and thy gas going farther. Dentist the McConnell ranch near the Mrs. Andrew McGinnis. 1 in Ontario Thursday. mood as it was on Saturday night The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Office: Sarazin Clinic Bldg. Hast the world seemed a dreary and hast been the week through 'tis school house, have moved to a ranch Mrs. Marion Chard and Russell waste of late? What with the young a fine time to catch up on the cin in the Cairo district. Messrs. Hugh Bruce Pinkston has been quite ill, Talbot entertained at a birthday Phone 5W BIG BEND sters down with flu and those that ema entertainment for there ist Glenn and Bob Rice have leased the but is much better now. dinner Sunday in honor of their Mrs. Charles Newbill and children sons Billy Kressly and Buster Tal are not, deep In the sniffles, the never a black mood at this Nyssa Mrs. LeRoy Bennett and Mrs. land which they vacated. Mr. and CARL H. COAD mud tracked through the house till Theatre but a warm cheerful greet Harvey Bennett attended a meeting Mrs. C. L. Vander Wall, who have were in Nyssa Saturday afternoon. bot's ninth birthdays. Those pres Mrs. Dave Mitchell attended ent were Mr. and Mrs. Marion it scarce seems worth time to mop ing always, solid comfort in the of T. K. Club in Roswell Thursday been farming the Reese place, have a t t o r n e y - a t - la w and thy John as touchy as a mule seats provided, soft lights and a afternoon at which Mrs. Wendell moved to the Jim Duncan place in Chatterbox club on Wednesday. Chard and family, Kenneth and PHONE 31 cow, spring sewing in the offing fine show always. No dull moments Cottier was hostess. the Oregon Trail district. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols were Jackie Chard, Donna Kressly of and none of the wherewithall to at that playhouse. And what a fine Nyssa, Oregon N. S. Phelan attended a soil con Word from Mrs. Ellis Walters, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pink Oregon Trail and Eldo Thompson of purchase what it takes. All in all place to join friends and enjoy a servation meeting held in Ontario who is in the Ontario hospital, is ston on Friday evening. Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol that she is recuperating nicely. there’s not a smile left in thine few hours with them when the aft Wednesday. Mrs, T. T. E lliott is confined to man and sons, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. L. A. Maulding, M.D. anatomy and no rift in thy cloud ernoon shopping ist ended and the Mrs. Mildred Hite and children her bed this week because of illness. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Eskew was a guest in of depression. Fie, fie, look around boss of the household not yet ready the Clay Mills home at Meridian were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Physician and Surgeon Mrs. J. G. Lane and Mrs, Charles Virgil Parker and family, Mr. and Clarence Elliott in Kingman Kolony. Wilson attended a county W. C. T. Mrs. Clyde Mitchell and Loretta. and count thy blessings. to return to the homestead. Phone 37 the past week. Mrs. Lem Wilson Jr. is visiting at We were reminded to do so this Then when the show ist done a Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Mrs. E. E. Parker was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and U. meeting in Ontario last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mettlen and past Saturday when we attended the bit of added joy ist there for thee the Drown home in Adrian Thurs Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane and fam Daily—Except Sunday Mrs. Fred Hite of near Vale. very delightful tea given by the and the tots if the Owyhee Drug day. ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols O ff and On Heat is O ut • • Fry Building The Earl Crocker family have a were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Girl Scouts at Adrian. For that aft store next door where they serve Steady, U niform Heat is In Mrs. Irene Nightingale and John new car. ernoon the sweet-voiced singer was 1 delicious soft drinks and tops in Mary Nichols. blind. An all seeing eye dog her tasty sandwiches, a hot bowl of Bishop of Ontario were Sunday call Margaret Klingback who is at Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb TOW NSEND CLUB ers in the Brumbach home. tending Link’s at Boise spent Sun guide and constant companion lay chill or a favorite soup. There, their had as guests for Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker spent day at home. WHFNYflU MEETINGS at her feet as the sweet tones from prescription service is par excellent Friday fisiting in the LaRue home Mr. and Mrs. Ole Solomon and Leona and Elsie Dutton, Nadeen her throat filled the stilled sunlit as well. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at and Forestine Wilson and Nadine in Vale. two sons and Mr. Solomon’s mother, auditorium. Happily she sang, hap Eagles Hall And we didst talk with our good Mrs. N. S. Phelan entertained at Mrs. Sara Solomon and sister, Miss Nichols. py melodies, a smile on her face A. L. McClellan...... President friend Herb Fisher, head boss at Mrs. Clarence Elliott attended a three tables of card Saturday eve Hazel Solomon of Boise and Mr. then and later as she talked and the Gate City Dairy this week ning in honor of her husband’s and Mrs. Wm. Gordon of Vale were county club leaders meeting at vyil- Don Graham .......... Secretary gaily laughed at some remark. about milk and creams and he didst The Public Is Invited But we could not help but think give us many pointers on how to birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guests in the Chas. Bradley lowcreek on Wednesday. E. M. Hauser, county club leader, had of the hours of mental adjustment keep them, cream especially, from B. G. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Will home. BF.STIN Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and charge of the meeting for the day. she must have gone through when losing its sweet flavor. And chief Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller, NYSSA AERIE /m w i m t WEST Jewell Wilson is suffering from first she knew that her material among his admonitions was the one Mr. and Mrs. Haworth and Mr. and three children of Oregon Trail and an infection in his heel caused by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toll of Nyssa Mrs. E .H. Brumbach. A lunch was F. O. E. NO. 2134 sight was to be lost. Gone the career to ever keep the bottle tightly cov ABERDEEN were Sunday dinner guests of the a blister. Meets Wednesday Night for which she had trained. No place ered for even in the refrigerator served. The Jolly Janes will hold an all Ray Franklin family. Conrad Martin, Dave Mitchell, C. AT EAGLES HALL for a sightless one in the field of milk and cream do quickly absorb Hjlmer scott and Shorty Carroll, C. Cotton and William Toomb at : I S ® C O A L music, no activity for a healthy the flavor of other foods. And we day meeting Thursday with Mrs Visiting Eagles Welcome young body, no sweetheart, none of do know from personal investiga L. Eachus and tie quilts. Mrs. Ray who spent two months visiting their tended a banquet given for farmers HARRY MINER, Sec. WILLIAMS COAL CO. the things to look forward to that tion that Herb’s dairy is tops in Cartwright will be hostess to the folks in Nebraska and Kansas, have and their invited guests at the CLIFF GREER, Pres. returned and are working at the club. Boulevard Grange hall on Friday Phone 47 N yua, Oregon every young woman graduating cleanliness and sanitation. So clean The Walter Hickmans moved on Chas. Bradley ranch. evening. from college has a right to expect was the floor of the dairy house Mrs. Jim Liddle entertained her Thursday to the Z. Davidson ranch, from life. But now she smiles. Not it didst remind us of the stories one the forced smile of conventionally reads of fresh scrubbed door steps recently vacated by the Kolsky fam mother and two brothers of Mar- sing Sunday. ily, who moved to Homedale. upturned lips, but with that inner of Holland. Mrs. E. E. Parker and Kenneth radiance th at assures those who see 'Twas a clean and snowy white visited Mr. Parker a t the Caldwell that all is well. A courageous soul POLLYANNAS GIVE living bravely and with her sweet washing that snapped in the breeze Sanitarium Friday. on our neighbor’s lines and we didst Dorothy Hamilton. Betty Eachus, SURPRISE SHOWERS song helping others to find a hap think she must have purchased Jim Miller and John Timmerman pier way. some of the fine soap chips that accompanied by other members of KINGMAN KOLONY—Pollyanna Besides self-pity and worry have Barney Wilson doest traffic in at the student body council of Adrian club held their regular meeting at never helped anyone, and have done his grocery mart on Main near Sec high school spent Saturday in Wei- the home of Mrs. Dave Mitchell. as much as any other thing to break ond. We have tried many of the ser on business. Mrs. Frank Newbill and Mrs. C. C. up homes and send children away several brands he doest ever have Members of the 8-20 club and Cotton had charge of the enter from the nest ere the time has on hand and have not found one their families enjoyed a pot luck tainment for the afternoon. Mrs. come. "Tis a great gift this ability that fell down in the task it was dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and Mrs. Florence 1 Mjle East and 1 Mile North of Kingman School House, or 4 miles Northeast of to laugh at one's self and to know set to do. But such is the case with Virl Bishop Sunday. Bybee won prizes at Bunco. The Adrian, Ore., on the Moses ranch, or 2 miles South and 1 Mile East of Langton’s that whatever comes may be met everything vended there. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach ladies surprised Mrs. Jack Com with Service Station. First and lived through with a chance of grade and at spending encouraging were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. a stork shower and Mrs. Mitchell making a better showing another prices. Wilbur Roberts in Roswell Sunday. with a handkerchief shower. At time. . - Now Dick Tensen doest trundle Schools were closed Tuesday to the close of the afternoon the host Not all of the pioneers with vision many a fine beefer out of these give the teachers an opportunity to ess served refreshments. Mrs. Ira came into the land with the last parts to California and Portland go to Boise to hear Dr. Kilpatrick Ure, Mrs. Florence Bybee and Mrs. generation, nor are they all gone, centers, but also he doest keep a of Columbia University lecture. Corn of Nyssa were invited guests. for even now there are men and weather eye open for customers of The Prossers and Swigerts were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft were women recently moved on the land the Nyssa Packing Mart where shopping in Caldwell Thursday. in Caldwell on Monday. working toward a goal when parks will be a part of each rural com munity. Where now sagebrush stands will be green lawns, play grounds, a community hall, bird refuges, a ball field and swimming pool. Nor are they sitting idly by waiting but are about doing the things to be done to start. Men with tractors and teams leveling, girl scouts building bird houses, trees planted, stones gathered for the outdoor fireplace and all them with a mental picture of ten years hence when the shade from the 1 Black Horse, 3 yrs. old, weight 1400 2 Bay Horses, 3 years old, weight 2900 trees and the trickle of little lbs., broke gentle streams over ferneries and rock —....lbs., broke gentle gardens will bring surcease from 1 Roan Horse, 4 yrs. old, weight 1400 1 Horse, 10 yrs. old, weight 1650 lbs. the summer's heat and the warm lbs., broke gentle gentle hall in winter provide a comfortable and happy meetingplace for old and young. In Adrian such a sanc tuary is to top a hill and join hands so to speak with the high school Red Cow, 6 yrs. old. Stabby. 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old. Topsie. grounds and at the Morgan Park at Gives 6 gallons when fresh Gives 5 gallons when fresh Buena Vista a snug retreat will nestle in the soft curve of a hill. 1 Black Cow, 4 yrs. old. Smokey. Gives 1 White Cow, 6 yrs. old. Joe Both made possible by the untiring Gives 7 gallons when fresh 6 gallons when fresh. To freshen efforts, labor and vision of those 1 Holstein Cow, 5 years old, Nila in 30 days that have settled the land. That an Gives 6 gallons when fresh other generation may realize the 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old. Richie. beauty and peace that comes from 1 Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old. Blossom Gives 6 gallons when fresh such a haven. Gives 7 gallons when fresh And if there is a doubt that such 1 Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. old. Pet. 1 Durham-Guernsey Cow, 6 yrs. old. a haven can be formed from the Gives 6 gallons when fresh desert they have but to visit the Pink. Gives 4 gallons when fresh. + STAR FOR PERFORMANCE ¥ STAR FOR VALUE gardens of Mrs. Barrett in Arcadia ¥ STAR FOR STYUN6 5 YEARLING HEIFERS— O U T OF THESE GOOD C O W S to learn what vision, patience and If«* hard work can accomplish. Not by « fu ll « Just touch I See your Chev- C .tP , " Feast your eyes brawn and sheer strength. Rather Chevrolet’s Exclusive * rolet dealer and learn on the smooth-flow by a mere whisp of gentle woman Vacuum-Power Shift and 17 HEAD OF FEED HOGS— W EIG H T AB O U T 70 POUNDS how very little It will cost hood. ing lines and contours of feel the hidden power cylinder to own a new Chevrolet for ’40 Twas a mean night, Saturday eve this best-selling Chevrolet for supply 80% of the shifting when we didst jaunt forth with our with your present car in trade. ’40, with New "Royal Clipper” effort autom atically, as no permanent go-to-see-wither. That . . . Yes, buy it, and you’ll own other steering colum n gear black cloud which sailed so haugh Styling. . . . Note that it’s the the "Star for value," because shift can do. . . . Step on the tily by about six hadst done its longest of all lowest-priced “Chevrolet’s FIRST Again!" worst and left behind a mean drizzle throttle-and see how Chevrolet cars, measuring 181 inches 2 Sets of Good Work Harness 1 2-section John Deere Harrow, and roadways running like gutters. out-accelerates and out-climbs 85-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX from front of grille to rear of But nothing daunted, didst drive all other low-priced cars. . . . 1 Walking Plow brand new AND UP, at F lint. forth to pay a visit and break the body. . . . Yes, eye it and con Relax as you enjoy “The Ride M ich iga n . Trans- Several Horse Collars fast with friends over Emmett way. j p n r r a tio n ba sed R o y a P 'f — t h e s m o o t h e s t , vince yourself that it’s the "star 1 2-H. P. Single Phase Motor 1 Hay Derrick Twas not so bad on the oiled high I o n rail ra tes, s ta te safest, steadiest ride known. J ot styling” — the outstanding a n d loca l taxes ( if way except for those meanies who 1 Iron Wheel Wagon, with bed 1 Corn Sheller . . . Yes, try it and then you'll a n y ), o p tio n a l will never dim their lights but seem b e a u ty an d lu x u r y le a d e r eq u ip m en t and 1 Hand Seeder 1 Pump Jack know th a t C h e v r o le t’s th e to take a fiendish delight in blind among all cars in its price a ccess o r ie s —extra . "star for perform ance" among P rices s u b je c t t o ch a n g e w ith o u t ___________________ 35 TON OF GOOD ALFALFA H A Y ing the driver of an approaching n o tic e . A G en era l M o to rs Value. range! ail economy cars! car. Trying perhaps to see how close *On Special D e L u m a n d M a tter P e L u te S eriet. LUNCH W ILL BE SERVED ON THE GROUNDS they can come to making him kill himself and all the occupants of his car. But once the main way was rrr left then driving and staying on the roadway was an accomplish ment indeed. Slowly we perked along, the old jalopy feeling the way. fording the ditches and jumping the gullies. When on the far side of a great splash it came to a sudden halt and wouldst not budge. The heap had but recently been to the Pruyn's garage for a bit of expert Ontario, Oregon COL. BERT ANDERSON, tinkering so we felt that nothing Phone 62 BOYD McMURCHIE, much could be wrong Just a bit too Auctioneer Clerk Professional Cards Ye Snooper’s Column BURN ■m 3 PUBLIC SALE! Tues., Feb. 13 _____ Sale Starts Sharp at I P. M. LIVESTOCK if If«* 5 H O R SE S 5 15 CATTLE 15 17 HOGS 17 FARM EQUIPMENT 1559 'C h evrolet's FIR ST A g a in ! Cables Chevrolet Company TERMS: C A SH PAUL FISHER, Owner