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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1939)
The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME XXXIV, NO. 50 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS ______ IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1939 $1.50 PER YEAR FREE MATINEE Adequate Defense ODD FELLOWS TO Change Parking HOLD INSTALLATION Santa Claus Says He W ill FOR KIDDIES And Neutrality Be In Nyssa This Saturday J. B. Giezentanner, owner of the Law, Chamber The Gate City Lodge of Odd Fel Nyssa theatre, has made arrange lows will hold their installation of Legion Goal ment for a surprise holiday treat Asks Council officers on Tuesday, January 2, ac State Commander Neil Allen, de cording to M. F. Solomon, secretary partment of Oregon, American Le of the local lodge. Caldwell will be installed gion, at a district conference in James Noble Grand; Andrew F. McGin Vale last Friday said that the goal as vice-grand; J. C. Greer, treas of the American Legion was ade nis, quate national defense and for neu urer and M. F. Solomon, secretary. trality "as defined by the principle ---------£ --------- of the United States keeping clear of other nations' quarrels." TOWNSEND CLUB On national defense, Allen called ELECTS NEW attention of those present at OFFICERS Washington, D. C. News Bureau of the the afternoon session to the stand the Nyssa Gate City Journal that the American Legion had taken The Nyssa Townsend club re 20 years ago for an adequate na elected A. L. McClellan president, WASHINGTON, D. C.—Affairs of tional defense program. state will be shelved next Monday The Nyssa, Vale and Ontario at the annual election held in the and the President of the United posts were presented with the an Eagles hall Monday night. States will be just Franklin D. nual The system of election has been Citations, by the changed Roosevelt, citizen, and papa to a state Americanism for the club ,a council of commander. Citations for hav large family. He likes to refer to ing reached their goal in the mem 12 being elected from a nominated himself as “papa” and that is what bership drive were given to Jordan group of 20. The 12 members re all his children call him. For hours Valley, Adrian, Vale and Ontario. ceiving the highest number of votes Mr. Roosevelt will be nestled in an The presentations were made by being elected as the council. In turn the council elects from its arm chair in front of a blazing fire Carl Moser, state adjutant. place (fireplaces are in every room Thomas Collins, department serv ranks the president. The president, the new system, appoints the in the White House—relic of the officer, warned the assembled under secretary and treasurer from the original heating system), reading ice Legionaires that veterans of the of 12. aloud Dickens’ "Christmas Carol” war had only until January council This has been his practice for years, 2, world McClellan appointed Don Graham 1940 in which to file their claims There are three decorated Christ for adjusted compensation. Mem as secretary and Mrs. Clarence mas trees (one in famed East Room bers of the American Legion were Reece, treasurer. where the murdered Lincoln lay in .present January meeting of the club posts in Adrian, Vale, has The been state and Alice Roosevelt was mar Ontario from postponed until January and Nyssa. ried), and at each window of the Officers from the state depart 8, due to the meeting date mansion facing Pennsylvania ave ment attending the conference were, falling on New regular Years The lo nue, the side tourists stand to take Neil Allen, state department com' cal club now boasts of day. a member snapshots, garlands and wreaths mander; Carl Moser, state adjutant ship of 111 paid up members. are hung. The White House, in Thomas Collins, department serv All meetings of the Nyssa Town A telegram was received today been good boys and girls and also from Santa Claus by E. D. Norcott, to find out if there was any last brief, is decorated as millions of ice send club are open to the public in officer; E. L. Knight, vice-corn and charge of the annual Nyssa pub minute ideas they had as to what other American homes are, no more, mander; all are welcome to attend, Mc district 7 Clellan said. lic Christmas Tree party, saying they wanted for Christmas. no less. There is a cheerfulness commander; Earl Otis Graham, Palmer, district 7 that he would arrive in Nyssa sharp The following is the wire that Dr. about the scene. of membership; and Har at 2 p. m. this coming Saturday, Norcott received: Every employe at the President’s chairman district commander December 23. house received a personal present. ry Humphreys, district 2. J. R. Smurthwaite, Santa Claus asked Ed to be sure From the North Pole The gifts were purchased by Mrs. of state veterans administration and to have all of the children from To Dr. E. D. Norcott Roosevelt. The buying is simplified, Jerry Owen, editor of the Oregon the surrounding communities at the I will be in Nyssa sharp at 2 p. m. for the First Lady merely orders a Legionaire, were also present. The Nyssa community Christmas tree, please have all the children from couple dozen of these and those un afternoon session was followed by a located at Second and Main streets, your community present. Of course til she has enough. Into the mansion public banquet with Ray Larson, troop all hands and the cook (lit member of the Nyssa post, as toast The council meeting, scheduled for sharp at 2 p. m as he (Santa Claus) you know that only good boys and Monday night, was postponed until was pressed for time and wanted to girls will be considered, but I know erally). From the gardners who master. tonight. At this meeting Monday get through with his Job of dispens that all of them around Nyssa have mow the lawn and rake the leaves, to the broad-shouldered fellows as Out -of-state department officers the council was to have discussed ing candy to all present and be on been good. Please have your fire truck meet me and take me to the signed by the secret service as attending the dinner were Homer the issuance of a bond issue of his way to other children. While in Nyssa Santa said that he tree as my reindeer are skittish presidential bodyguards; from the Huddleson, commander of the de $25,000. scullery maids in the electrified partment of Idaho, and Leslie Al Details of the ordinance, and would interview_as many youngsters about crowds. Regards, Santa Claus kitchen to the weather-beaten po berts, adjutant of the department other legal work, hindered City At as possible, to find out if they had licemen who patrol the grounds, to of Idaho. torney Fletcher from completing each and all Mr. Roosevelt gives a The Legion Auxiliary also held a the ordinance in time for it to be hand clasp and a gift—possibly district conference, with the mem acted on by the council Monday, three handkerchiefs in a fancy box. bers attending the Legion banquet. and he asked that the meeting be This scene, the president and first Mrs. William Horshefall, depart postponed. The council selected to lady distributing presents, is re ment president and Mrs. Otis Pal night to act on the ordinance. mindful of commencement exercises mer and Mrs. Earl Graham both The bond issue would be used to at school, with the principal hand district presidents, were the state finance outstanding warrants, street ing out diplomas. In the waiting officers attending the conference improvement bonds and city water line, in addition to the staff and and banquet. works bonds. It is the intention of Competitors To servants, are their families—the the council to save the city tax LIONS PROVIDE -------- £ --------- wives and children. It is a big mo Receive Awards payers money on the rate of inter MEDICAL CARE ment and the gifts are treasured as est, which is 6 per cent on the items January 4 souvenirs. Years from now they will Man Loses Ear mentioned, it being expected that The Nyssa Lions club this week have historic value,‘will be museum the new bonds, if favorably voted, “adopted” a young school girl who The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce pieces. For the youngsters there is In Ironside would carry an interest rate greatly is direly in need of an operation will be hosts to eastern Oregon candy; for the grown-ups pieces of below the 6 per cent. and dental work. competitors in the State Corn Show cake. Brawl held in Corvallis this fall, Thurs This is part of the function of the --------- SI---------- Christmas Eve the grandchildren day, January 4, in the Nyssa high Lions club it was pointed out at the hang their stockings over the fire Otis Buchner, Ironside, is being school. At this meeting and din Monday noonday meeting. place in the President’s bedroom; held on a $1000 bond on a charge ner, trophies will be awarded the The young girl is now being car winners. awaken him Christmas morning of felonious assault and battery ed for by a Nyssa family, who are with their shouts as they rush pell- against the person of Claude Pow giving the girl a home, providing The dinner will not be confined mell to see what Santa Claus has ell, as the aftermath of a knifing her with food, shelter, and cloth alone to those who were winners brought them. It is one morning brawl at a dance in Ironside last No action has yet been taken by ing, but who feel that they cannot at the state show, but those who when, as he breakfasts in bed, the Saturday night. highway commission in regards afford the cost of the operation competed in the Nyssa sponsored President does not have officials Powell has an 8-inch cut in his the to the construction of a subway and dental work, which the local County Com Show will also be in there to make reports, to discuss and a two-inch cut in his arm under the Union Pacific right-of- club has undertaken as one of their vited. domestic and foreign developments. back minus most of his left ear way, according to word received projects. Among the awards to be made is Mr. Roosevelt gets as much kick and of is which, it is reported, Buch from Salem Wednesday evening. the sweepstakes cup, offered by C. pleasure and joy out of Christmas all -------- £ --------- ner denies any responsibility for, to authoritative sources, E. Sersanous, Portland, as well as as do his noisy flock of grand except the ear that is missing. For the According awards for the growing contest and matter is held in abeyance, EAGLES SPONSOR children. this Buchner, so it is said, admits pending negotiations with the Union SATURDAY DANCES those for the 4-H clubs and FFA. And the 124,000 government em having bitten it off, or most of it, Pacific and the Amalgamated Sugar The sweepstakes was won this ployes (they had $15,000,000 to spend but claims that he did not use a company in regards to property ly The Nyssa Eagles are sponsoring year by Wilbur Stewart of Ontario. last Saturday—payroll is about a knife. ing between the railway right of public dances to be held every Sat The growing contest was won by W. million dollars a day in the District waived preliminary hear way and the sugar company prop urday night, according to Harry H. Black, Ontario while in the 4-H of Columbia) their Christmas starts ing Buchner was bound over to the grand erty. Miner, secretary of the order. class Joe Stewart was first and the Saturday noon and they punch the jury and who will hear the case at its The first of these dances was held FFA winner was Harold Silket, On Officials at the local sugar fac clock next Tuesday morning. To meeting January 2. last Saturday night with a good tario. tory said that no definite prelim crowd all intents, government stops, is on inaries had been begun by the It is reported. Thompson is chairman of dead center, with no one at any of -------- £ --------- aim of the Nyssa Eagles the Hershel highway department over the prop to afford the good committee in charge of the din the great, sprawling federal build GUN CLUB TO HOLD dances to the pub erty. and that no comment could be at a reasonable cost. Miner said. ner to which R. M. McKennon, ings except the uniform guards agent, his assistant, H. J. posted at the only entrance un TRAP SHOOT SUNDAY made until the department had be lic Another dance will be given this county gun actual and factual negotiations. Saturday night. Endlcott, and O. D. Dearborn will locked. be asked to attend. Others inter The Nyssa Gun Club through E. -------- £ --------- ested in the development of corn in D. Norcott, have announced that --------- £ --------- MR. AND MRS CLUB To Attend Convention— Malheur county will be invited to there will be a trap shooting at NYSSA LOSES TO Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan were the Leo Hollenberg, principal of the attend, Thompson said. newly constructed trap just hosts to the Mr. and Mrs. club at north of Nyssa on Third Street, PARMA 31 TO 26 Nyssa grade school will attend the their annual Christmas dinner and Sunday, December 24, at 2 p. m. --------- £ --------- convention of the Oregon party. Christmas decorations were No prizes will be offered, but it The Nyssa high school basketball annual State Teacher’s association to be Schools Close used throughout the house and at will provide an opportunity for team lest out in their game with held in Portland December 27, 28 Students of the To Nyssa high and the table. Parma Wednesday night by a score and 29 grade schools start their Christmas those who enjoy the sport to have of 31 to 26. High scores for the evening’s some Hollenberg will attend the con holiday vacations today. according to Norcott. play of contract were won by Mr. The fun, Ray, topnotch Bulldog, vention as a delegate from Malheur Classes will be resumed Tuesday, trap, which has been in and was Stanley and Mrs. George J. MitchelL out of the game on account of county. January 2. around Nyssa for a number of sickness. years, was put up about two weeks --------- £ --------- --------- £ --------- THE WEATHER ago by members of the gun club, Wilson was high point man for Only .15 inches of moisture fell in who Coach To Take Vows Nyssa with 11 points, Ken Lewis are anxious to get a team ready ROUND TOWN this area the past week and no for the telegraphic shoots, next following close with 9 points. High Bob Parke, assistant coach and real cold weather yet. man for Parma was Harper with 10 Window judges hard pressed to physical education Instructor of the Following are the thermometer spring. make a decision as to the windows Nyssa high school, will be married points. Last Sunday about 15 men were readings as given by the Nyssa of out putting the final touches on The Bulldogs go to Adrian to Buckaroo Frank Morgan tak Friday, December 22, in Boise. fices of the United States Recla the operation of the trap, which is night to take on that team. This ing the cows to pasture this a. m. Parke will marry Miss Mary Jane mation. . Hershel Thompson says he’s Westby. of Long Beach. California to be one of the best in is the last scheduled game until . not . . responsible Low High reported Date for that present Mr and Mrs. John Young will ac this section erf the county. school resumes. The next scheduled 39 ...................24 Dec. 14 . . . . Passenger trains coining in company the couple. game is with Emmett here, on Sat 34 41 —s -------- Dec 15 double sections and late—Santa urday, January 6. -------- £ --------- 40 49 To Visit Children— Dec. 16 Claus traffis . .*. . Teachers as an Here From Baker— Coach John Young said that he Mrs. Betty Forbes plans to leave 40 54 Dec. 17 xious as the students for that va R. E. Stiff of Baker and W. P. may schedule a game between now on Friday for Portland where she 24 53 Dec. 18 Downing of Wrlser were business the first of the year with cation . . . . Merry Christmas! 23 42 will visit in her son’s and her and Dec. 19 either Jordan Valley or Homedale. muumummmmm visitors in Nyssa on Wednesday ........................24 45 daughter’s homer Dec. 20 -3 iHerry (Christmas ^ Bond Meeting Is Postponed State Corn Show Prizes To Be Awarded Here No Action Yet On Subway for children, with a free matinee next Tuesday afternoon. The pic tures to be shown have not been decided on as yet, but they will be a real afternoon of fun for the kiddies, Giezentanner said. The matinee will start at 2 p. m. The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce Wednesday passed a resolution that the city council change the existing ordinance governing parking time on Main street. The resolution asks that the city council amend the ordinance so that ------ £------ the two hour restriction will be lifted from six p. m. until two a. m. NYSSA FFA HOLDS Most of the members favored the PARENT BANQUET ordinance but expressed their opin the law was not necessary The Nyssa chapter of the Future ion that six p. m. Farmers of America, Monday night after Allen, Nyssa farmer spoke held their first Parent and Son on I. the B. ordinance. Mayor Thompson Ilanquet. t also spoke on the ordinance, reciting Approximately 175 attended the that the ordinance was the result banquet which was held in the of requests from not only Nyssa Nyssa high school. business men, but from farmers as Frank Johnson, president of the well. Nyssa chapter, presided, introduc The ordinance has not been en ing visiting FFA members which in forced, although it has been a law cluded O. D. Dearborn, advisor of for a year, the Mayor said. The the Ontario FFA; Don Danner, council stands ready to make any president of the Ontario chapter changes in the ordinance that the and the speaker of the evening, business men of Nyssa want, the Fred Hawkins, treasurer of the Mayor continued. council will probably discuss Oregon Association of the FFA. the The suggested change at the meet Hawkins gave an outline of the ing tonight, definite how work and ideals of the Future Farm ever, may be restricted action, this will ers of America. “The Future Farm be a special meeting, and as according er of America member serves his to law cannot consider any matter, neighbor and community by living except that for which the to serve and through livestock de officially, has been called. velopment a n d improvement," meeting Chief of Police Cook said this Hawkin said. morning that no overtime parking The musical program consisted tickets had been issued yesterday. of a vocal duet by Barbara Larson As to those desiring to attend the and Betty Wilson, accompanied by show in the evening. Cook that Mrs. Young; a saxophone solo by cars are checked at seven said p. m., at Laura Savage, accompanied by June nine p. m. and again at 11 p. m„ Marie Wilson; and a quartette com those who arrive after seven posed of Frank Johnson, Hollis De- giving hours of parking. Grofft, Dwight and Burl Wyckoff. four According to that explanation a person may park his car after seven ------- £ ------- p. m., the police would then not mark the car until nine p. m., which would mean that the time limit on that car would not expire until 11 p. m. In other words a person de siring to see the show need not The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce worry over parking problems until will hold their annual meeting and 11 p. m. if they park their car after election of officers Thursday night, seven p. m. December 28, it was decided at the The ordinance limits parking of cars from two a. m. until 6 a. m. to noonday meeting Wednesday. The meeting will be held in 10 minutes. Brownie's cafe and will start at 8 --------- £ --------- p. m. At this election a president, board Power Company of directors of four will be elected, and secretary will be elected. Bernard Frost has been president W ins Window for the past two terms, with George Prize J. Mitchell, E. D. Norcott, Lucian Wray and J. B. Giezentanner serv ing as the board of directors. Frank The Idaho Power company wo» T. Morgan is the incumbent secre the prize for having the best dec orated Christmas window in Nyssa. tary. The grocery department window of -------£ ------- the Eder Hardware was awarded honorable mention by the Judges, Ray G. Larson, J. W. Bushong and Millard Scherich. The contest is sponsored by the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce with first prize carrying O N T A R I O < Special) — Circuit an award of $5. Court Judge Charles W. Ellis died In the decorations contest between in the Holy Rosary hospital Wed the blocks, the one between Second nesday night from a paralytic and Third 8treet won, according to the judges. This contest was a chal stroke. issued by the winning block Judge Ellis was eating dinner in a lenge to the merchants of the restaurant when he was stricken, merchants block between First and Second being removed to the hospital where street—the losers to treat the win he later died, never having regain ners to a dinner. No one seems to ed consciousness. be sure if the losers actually did Judge Ellis is a former Harney accept the challenge but win county state senator, having served ners are insisting that they the get their from 1921 to 1923. He was appoint ed to the circuit bench to fill a va dinner at the expense of the losers. cancy left by Judge W. W. Wood, --------- £ --------- and in 1936 was re-elected for a six year term. Judge Charles W. Ellis is survived by his widow. There are no chil dren. Funeral arrangements have not Nat H. Pinkerton, city employee yet been completed. and well known Nyssa resident, suf fered a cerebral hemorrhage last --------- £ --------- Friday morning, leaving him al Japanese Winter Social most completely parallzed. Pinkerton was cleaning the streets The third annual winter social, early Friday morning when he suf sponsored by the Japanese Ameri the stroke and was taken to can Citizens Club will be held Tues fered his home by night police officer day, Dec. 26. The Japanese families Langton. improvement has of eastern Oregon and Southwestern been noted Little in Pinkerton’s condition. Idaho will gather at the Ontario hall for a day full of entertainment. --------- £ --------- For Holidays— The events will begin with basket Home Raymond has returned ball games. Jui jitsu and boxing ex home for the Haahltanl Christmas vacation hibitions, after which there will be from Brigham Young University. a buffet supper, following a pro gram of songs and dances. To top off the entertainment of the day. I ki MARKETS there will be a dance. Mae Russell, and her Melodlans will play. Thursday Quotations Co-chairmen Joe Salto of Ontario By Wiley Ciowrra and Henry Suyehira of Emmett Cream, Grade .29 promise plenty of fun and frolic. Cream. Grade A B _________ _____ ___ .27 A special invitation is issued to PRICE all American friends of the society Hens, heavy CASH _______ _____ 09 to attend the days festivities. Hens, light and Leghorn .05 Springs............................. .09 --------- £ --------- Stags _________ __ ____ A Son Born— .05 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cockerels_____________ .03 T. E. Tlbbets of Parma at the Otis Trade-In Eggs Tibbets home in Nyssa on Tuesday Large _. IS with Dr. L. A Mauldlng in charge. Medium 12 Chamber To Hold Annual Meeting Judge C.W. Ellis Dies In Ontario N. H. Pinkerton Suffers Stroke