Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1934)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 flVYV^ /! I H H ( i A m r /Iffpir I AT in AT A f A I p I III l l l l Kr aAl W. F. AMD ALMA McLINO. Publisher* thought is that Malheur county’s production will be more ! than doubled when the Owyhee comes into development. Already coined, the I-O-N slogan is, “California, here’s your bread basket.” The I-O-N will help solve the problem of where to market surplus crops. Farmer Brown’s - - - Observations Nyssa, Oregon, June 20, 1934 Subscription. Y e*r____ 8ubscrpiUon. 6 Months __76c Altered at the Post Office at Nyssa. O regon, as Second Class Matter I-O-N CAN CELEBRATE Sufficient reason for the coming I-O-N jubilee in Jordan Valley this week end is the start of work on the Idaho and Oregon links of the new short cut route providing a Cal ifornia market outlet for the productive Snake river valley. The dream of many road boosters came true when Idaho let a contract for building a difficult part of the road in Squaw creek canyon. Oregon has built a nice slice running from McDermitt toward Jordan. There’s reason to cele brate. The I-O-N will reduce distance from Boise to California 190 miles. It will not only prove a magnet to tourists who are coming this way but its greatest importance lies in the fact that it will open up markets for such great irrigation projects as the Vale, Owyhee, Boise, Black Canyon, Pay ette—all interlocking in this expansive Snake river valley. It is said that from the Idaho-Oregon area which will be the great beneficiary, approximately 35,000 cars of live stock, potatoes, fruit, lettuce and dairy products are ship ped to the California markets annually. Mining areas of Nevada also draw heavily on this territory. Another Nyssa Funeral Home Phone 76F3 Ambulance Service 'W ant A ds lc Cent per Word ter returned to their home at Nyssa Sunday. Harold Cannon left for his home in Emmett Tuesday. George McCarty is working at Pend leton. W. 8. Rogers has recovered from pneumonia. deer edetur: NEW PROTECTION FOR THE RANGE dog bites a man th at aint The cautious business man will not Thre was a time in the pioneering stage when over ex when but a when a man bites a dog it is accept a deed, mortgage or contract on ploitation of the range resources of the west was justified mise, mise. misses swltzer, wtiu runs the in order for the cattle and sheep industiy to become estab kale, has a black i, and she sez she got real estate, unless accompanied by an it hittin the bath room dorè komin out. abstract showing clear title. Should you lished but this is no longer the case. Both the public in gen eny git a black 1 goin in, but eral and the livestock industry in particular are interested komin 1 kin (>e any less careful? adv. out is sumthin else agin. in having the range operated on a sustained-yield basis in you kin reed a lot about reckless order that this vast resource will contribute its proper v.’immen drivers, but the wurst 1 ever sea wuz lay swan usln a hammur and share to the general welfare of our western country. When In Nampa Visit— The basic carrying capacity must be determined for nales. here is a good storie i hurd on a nue each individual range in accordance with its own condi marriud kupple. they kaim to a The GREYSTONE HOTEL tions, say C. L. Forsling of the United States forest service. hotel, and the klerk wuz showin them and Coffee Shop In the past the general tendency has been to stock the a rume. the rame had twin beds in it., Mrs. Bessie Blackman, Proprietor the gurl lookt at them and she sez to range on the basis of the average or better than average nue hubble, sez she "ge, 1 am sor- year. The result has been that when one or more diy years her rle ,as i wuz hopln we kould be aloan come along more livestock is on hand than the «range can this first nlte.” a short time ago slim the good lookin properly support and serious damage is the result. yung man who hangs around your of- Dr. E. D. Norcott The safest plan is to stock the range on a conservative fls wuz over in baiker tryin to play basis and to plan for its improvement. Such is the purpose I DENTIST he wun a prize for hittin the Nyssa, Jregon of the Taylor grazing bill just passed by congress. This law 1 bawl more than any person on the Office Phone 35F2 will also make it unnecessary for the organization and feeld th at shure 18 sumthin. slim was Residence Phone 35F3 maintenance of small local districts which seemed the only K e S m T es S i " eadwietT ti^ X-RAY EXAMINATIONS hope of such sections as the over-grazed Jordan Valley and beleve it or not th at sumthin wuz district in Malheur county. This county will watch with a bottul of skotch. a man kaim to sea dock sarazin much interest the proceedings in federal range control tother day and wanted to kno what which is now assured. wuz to be dun aboot a continual buz- zln in his eres, and dock tole him rite off a divorse. YOU PAY A SALES TAX speakin of docktors, my ole frend dock norcott saz when he talks pee pul In a recent refendum the voters of the state of Oregon alius listen with their mouths wide i open, one thing aboot it now th at dock decisively defeated a proposal for a general saels tax. has his offices fixed up he as 1 of the sales tax. drawin rooms in eastum orlgon. By doing that, the Oregon electorate followed an ex best mister mckoy’s littul boy got punish ample that has been set by the people of a number of other ed at skule 1 day and awl he was doln wuz skratchln his nose what itched, states and communities. but the trubbul wuz he skratced it with However, if the voters think that they have eliminat his thum, lookin rite at the teecher. ed the sales tax, they are bady mistaken. They are paying a 1 sea lots of fancie socks thees days sales tax now. They have been paying one in the past. They on the street. socks be awl rite in their plaice, but i wud alius rather hev will pay one in the future. The corner grocery where you buy food pays taxes. The 1 on the foot than in the eye. D. F. BROWN Carpenter and Contractor Let me figure on your Job, big and little Nyssa PHONE 201 The way to insure your boy a job on the rock pile is to see that he does no work when he is young. Attornay-at-Law Visiting Eagles Welcome Blackman Building R. C. Shelton, President Don M. Graham, Secretary Chiropractic Physician Office in Residence Three Blocks South M. E. Church PHONE 25 ROBT. D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Budding Phene 66 Oregon Vale On the Old Job TRANSFER AND BAGGAOE All Kinds of Hauling la City Limit* NYSSA, OR. PHONE t City Transfer TRANSFERRING C. KUNKENBERG VALE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM Dr. D. A. Sexton, Frop. Rheumatism, Diabetes, Paralysis Influenza, successfully treated. Mineral Water 212 Deg. Fr. ROOMS AND BOARD At Reasonable Rates It might help if Geneva would take up the fad and just plow under every other row. I Ontario Directory 1 » 3 ONTARIO GARAGE And General Mch. Shop Brazing, Welding, and Lathe Work up to 21 inches Bicycles, Accessories Ontario, Oregon In the future, stickum for stamps will be made from sweet spuds. That’s one way of licking the sweet potato problem. ONTARIO GRAIN CO. Home of GEM and PURINA Quality Feeds Phone 53, Ontario There’« no better food for— STUDENTS AND CHILDREN NYSSA, OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT ÿ!llliM.;lllilll,’l!MilH!HIIIJllHili|i|i|im;ill:iillll|.|||;|i|;|i|,|n:|it|i|;|ii.T|,,[||jni;in,|i) |||l|ii|||'U'|i|;i1 L|ltill|;iinln¡t1 llil:iill:ii|l| mnil;iiii:fi„i,iiinl,i^ They Cost But a Few Cents They Open the Door to Opportunity. Journal Mrs. Fred Marshal!. Librarian Green is said to be easy on the eyes, and ours finds cur rency green a most delightful shade. Strange wants, everyday wants, wants urgent and trivial find a voice and answer in THE JOURNAL’S WANT-AD COLUMN. City Town patrons, 2:3U to 5:30 Out of town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 All patrons welcome. itiiii iiiiiiiiiiiii iii:!ii:Hriii!i.i;i>i:m;iiriii:iii 1:1 iiMiMii iiiTMiiimiiiihi Oregon The fly in the Democratic ointment is that the victors still outnumber the spoils. The Open Saturday ■iii;iii!iii:i!i:iiLiiijiiiuirH!ia!m iiu[DiircRi!Ri!m !iiei!ritii»jU!iii!i>iri Meets Wed. Night at Eagles Hall Nyssa NYSSA LIBRARY Phone 15 and Phone 28 Vale. Oregon. Nyssa Aerie F. O. E. No. 2134 A. L. FLETCHER Oregon ana Osteopathy and Electrotherapy home Sunday. Farmers are busy haying. Mr. Hamilton and sons of Nampa visited at the Frank McCarty home Monday. Mrs. Dale Garrison and baby daugh- Gloria Swanson says her fourth marriage was a mistake, and we are quite sure it was for her fourth husband. Nys TRUCKING Most folks, old and young, play a lot harder than they work. Mr. Jones sold some horses for a neat sum with an Ad which cost him but 25 cents; Mrs. Smith found the baby carriage she was looking for; Salesmen were located for several firms. Oregon Anna B. Pritchett, D. O. It isn’t strange that ghost writers are employed at Wash ington to prepare spirited addresses. That’s All they Cost in The Nyssa Journal—But They Get Results for Readers Far and Near. Attorney at Law H. D. Holmes yores tralie, Farmer Brown concerns whicn produce his stock likewise pay taxes— heavy ones. Those taxes are necessarily passed on to the consumer as pari of the selling price. LINCOLN SCHOOL That is true of everything you buy—gasoline or enter ELECTION JUNE 18 tainment or food or clothes. Part of every dollar you spend goes for taxes—and the proportion mounts constantly. The fact that the tax isn’t apparent means nothing—an indirect Lincoln—The annual school election will be held at the school house June tax can be every bit as expensive as a direct one. It appears that in voting down the sales tax we eliminat- j 18. Mr. and Mrs. Dixie McCraw and Mrs. ed another tax. Annie Russell visited at the Rogers EDITORIAL COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD Another time, Uncle Sam will more likely try to save his dough for himself than the world for democracy. LOTT D. BROWN than good, wholesome Jersey milk. Low priced in Nyssa, it is the best and cheapest food you can buy. Use More Milk. mitri nnriitmirimi unii wiaiaiinrawwa NYSSA OREGON Dealer for Dodge and Plymouth Cars — =3 Thos. T. Ennor, Ontario —■ Phone 54K—Res. 257M ¡§ = Û — - . Expert Harness, Leather, Shoe — I • Repairing See B. H. LARKIN 1 Ontario, Oregon Fine Shoe Repairing SHOE HOSPITAL If You Can’t Bring ’Em Mail ’Em Moore Hotel Bldg- Ontario, Oregon Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist Shelton Dairy CABLES CHEVROLET CO. —Used Cars— With an O. K. That Counts Ontario, Oregon Philco Radio Automotive Service BOYER FLORAL COMPANY “Say It With Flowers” Special Orders Given Every Attention Specializing on the care of Children’s Eyes. Ontario, Oregon O. L. Boyer, Ontario