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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1927)
VBX GAI CONDENSED »YATHMBMT * 4 - » » 4 -{-M -« 4 -* 4 + -M -* 4 Poultry Supplies Custom Cleaning and Grinding Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA OREGON. e s (| ^ a i r^ h s a w ^ sSnsd y » MEAT? Did you say sure, we’ve got meat ■ COME AND GET IT Nyssa Packing Co. BURB1DGE & RAY. Prop. * Phone 6 - Library Hours. Btturdays Only Opan to town patron 2:80 to 6:30. Out o f town natrons 2:30 to 7:80 :: Bertsch Barber Shop > Between Lawrence Gas Station and Ford Garage Solicits a part o f your irade :: G. E. Bertsch Hairt on Human Head Instruments recently Invented are -apable of counting the hairs on the head and giving other data of Interest to hairdressers. It has been shown that the number of hairs growing on the average head Is from 100,000 to 250,000, varying with the texture of the hair. Human hair grows at the rate ef half an inch a month. Chiropractors Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, licensed m Oregon and Idaho. Carver graduates. Consultation and examin ation free. Fifteen years successful practice in the state. First door west of bank, Nyssa, Oregon. &. M. B LO IQ STT Attorney and Jor at Law Practice in all courts Nyssa, Or: won Nyssa, Or. Keeping Tab on Madame We remember the time when the mistress asked the cook what was her day out. Now the cook asks the mis tress what Is her day In.—Tom Mas son In Collier’s. W e All Have Oar Pride Thare ain’t but phu men who kan stick a white handkerchief Into the breast pocket ov.their overcut without letting a leetle ov It stick out—Just bl accident.—Josh Billings. The Wrecking Crew The car was brought to a local ga rage for repairs and was badly dam aged.—Texas paper. DRAYAGE I do all kinds of Drayagu and Trans* fer. Call at livery barn. d31tf G. A. Hippy. Stomach So Bad Can’t Even Eat Fruit LOCAL NEWS IN BRIS F Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franeia and Mrs, John Ray and daughter Agne* apent the week end in Emmett. Mr. and Mra. Gordon Ray and son returned to Nyssa after an absence o f ■everal month« apant on the coeat. They are viaiting at the home o f Mr. Ray’s mother, Mra. Tom Butler. The 12 day old infant of Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown died Saturday Ser vices were held Sunday and the little one interred in the city cemetery. Dick Tenarn left today with a ship* ment o f fat cattle for the Portland markst. C, Blokkar was ove* from hit ranch near Vais Wadneaday stinking hands with “ the boy*.’ ’ The Guild will meet at tha home o f Mrs. Frank Hall on Thursday, Febru ary 8. Members requested to be on hand aa important buaidess Is to be taken care of. Frank Reberger returned Thursday from Aberdeen, Waab,, where he has been employed for acme time. Mr. and Mrs, Hershey were called to New Plymouth Wednesday by the serious illness o f Mrs. Hershey’s fa- ther. Rev. Stanley. They returned Tbursday and reported Mr. Stanley's condition ranch improved. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Messenger are in Moscow, Idaho, this week, where they ware called by the death of Mrs. Messtnge. 'a father. Frank Newton la in charge o f the school during Mr. Messenger'« absence. A cold Snap Tbursday and Thursday night cauaed the mercary to hunt its hole and 4* dropped to zero apparently without an effort. A piercing wind which accompanied it added to the discomfort of those who had to be out in it. Coming to suddenly after thaw ing weather didn’ t add anytemg to ita popularity. METHODIST COMMUNITY NOTES Work on the basement o f the church is still going on. The Ladies Aid Society will meet on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. AI Thompson to make plans for eeyeral important social affaire, aa well aa to make some business ar rangementa in regard to furnishing the kitchen o f the new basement. The ladies expect to hold » baasar in the spring, perhaps in Macch They alao expect to furnish a free dinner in tha near futare for those who have contributed work or money towards the improvement*. An old school party will ba given in the near future and a play is alao being planned. The sermon Sunday morning ia acetber in the series of World Service The subject will ba the religious eendition ia Europe. Miss Iva Waiters wi'i have charge o f the Junior Church in the absence of Mr. Messenger. Slides on Mohammedan lands will ba ahowa co Sunday sight. There will be a trustees meeting Saturday afternoon nt 2:10 at tha parsonage. D>. Hamilton will be pres ent to discuss important matters of finance “ For v e in was badly constipated and troubled with gas after eating. Could not eat fruit and many other thing*. Adlerika has done m* g o o d - can now eat anything." (signed) W H. Fletcher. Adlerika remove* G as and often brings astonishing re lief to the stomseh. Brings out a sur prising amount o f old w at'e matter you never thought was in the ayetem. ForR ent 6 aere tra ct,4 roomhoute Stops thal full bloated feeling and with pellar underneath. All in blue makes you enjoy eating Excellent grass and alfalfa exeepr. quarter of or chronic constipation, acre for garden Three quarters mila Nyssa Pharaaaay. f i « u school, la sh or monthly pay ment*. dee Willard Lynch or Malheur County Bank. j212t- Aid for Barn» Cold tea leaves, bound on a take pain away at once. Airman’» Vanity An amusing instance of vanity un- per peculiar circumstances Is given in the war diary of a young American flyer In Liberty. During the war, as he tells, one of his comrades, who had lost all of hla teeth In c crash, and who had also lost hla false teeth one morning, wouldn't fly that day be cause he was afraid he'd get shot down with ao teeth In his mouth. Frethmen on Job Early Freshmen of about forty colleges ard universities report a week In ad vance of tha formal opening In order to receive preliminary Instruction In tended to acquaint them with the life they ar* to lead In the Institution, ac cording t* School Life. One Easy Prophecy "There are few things yon can prophesy about women with absolute certainty," write# Blleen Bourne In Liberty, “ outside of the facts that the will be born, may marry, and will seme day quietly head a procession of mourners." “ AdV' on Ceiling Barber ihopa In Paris have leased their celling space to advertising coa- eerni Patrons are thus forced to road th* "ads" while the barber shave« them, unless they desire te float their eye*, says the Dearbor* Indepen dee-. Special Meeting A specii I maetiag o f the Commer cial Club was bald Thursday night, with Prasidsbt C. L. MaCoy presiding. The principal baalnaas o f the evening was regarding the furnishing and fit- tini up o f tha old Malheur Gounty Bank building aa headquarter* for tha reclamation officials, ab o aa offices for th* Owyhea District and the Commer cial Club. The matter was dUecsaed from every angle and a committee appointed to ascertain tha cost of th* proposed improvement sad confer with tbs directors o f tha Owyhs* Irriga tion district ralativ* to tha proportion at* amount o f tha coal aaeh organ ization would stand. Th* next regu lar meeting will be held Thursday, February 10, at which time some defi nite action will ha taken. Nyssa-Vale Game The Nyssa girls upset dopo and ahowed a great deal e f fight by defeating the Vale g irb 19 to 80. The boys team kept up theis disty pace by defeating the strong Vale boys team. The score was 9 to 18. This makes four straight vietoriaa for the “ Phantom F ife ’ ’ and put them in the lead fer the race for the South eastern Oregon championship. Th* Nyssaitee will maet Roswell Friday, jaduary 21, at Roswell, in their next clash. School Notes The first meeting o f th* second semester e f th* Associated Student Body of tha Nyssa High School was held January 17. Tha following effi cers were elected; Robert Thompson—president. Paulin* Fisher— vie« president. Gilbert Klinkenberg—secretary and treasurer. Max Dunaway—pell king. Bugene Marquis—athletic manager. Fay Swan—reporter. A concert given by the school or chestra was enjoyed Wednesday af lei noou at the 8th period The or cheitra ia making remarkable pro gress under th* able leadership e f Mr. Stoner. Oddly Named Retort Mount Desert la the name of an IMand off the coast of Maine, so called by Its discoverer, Champlain. A ridge of hills extends across the southern pordoa of the Mand, sev eral of th* peaha rising somewhat above 1,000 feet. It Is one o t the moat famous and attractive summer re sorts on the Atlantic Hitt or y Prove» It Numbers of the old melodies may not come back in popularity, but the old Jokea will.-*-Clearwater (Fla.) Herald. Sign of Induttry A holler shop Is the only place where s roan making the most noise Is doing the most work. - -Arkansas Gasette. For Sal* Tractor and Plow. R. Quinby residence. Enquire at H. j78tpd I f VEB Malheur County Bank NYSUA, O I M O N At U m Close o f Basiaeaa December 31, 19M RESOURCES Loan* anti Discounts______ 1404,454.11 Overdraft«............................... «27.7» Building,Fusnlturs, A Fiat. 18,690.00 Other Real Estate ________ 8,218.00 School Distsict Warrants 2,484.81 Liberty Loan Bonds......... 78,000.99 Cash and due from Banks 120,466.96 C ash R s se r v s , . . . ________ 195,466 86 LIABILITIES Capita) Stock.......................... 128,090.90 Surplus and Prefit*............... 50,919.90 Bills Payable....................... M SB Rediscounts.................... BOMB DEPOSITS............................. $921,702 04 COUNTY FUNDS ON D EPO SIT-N ON B (621,708 09 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS H. J. Ward. President John Bay, Vies President J. P. Dunaway. Cashier ^ O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier H. A. Dive», Assistant Cashier J. F. Reece J. J. Saraaia G. L. FbiUipe Prampt and understanding service and our sincere deair* to promote prospe- ity; to help you get your share of it and to use that share with wis M N 444444 NYSSA Center o f tha Owyhea Prolact, in Halheur, County, Or. When you move to Nyssa. a; you are aurc to sooner or later in o r der to take advantage o f this wonder irrigation project, you will find ua here ready to supply all your auto needs. First place on entering town and last place on leaving. HOXÏE SERVICE STATION >C» frS*4 >*4 4k Happinett in Labor >9999999» < More Berries The Joy that comes to us in the | In parts of Hungary, farm laborer* knowledge that we can labor, that we are paid In vegetables. Occasionally, can fill a niche in this busy world, Is we suppose, a workman will ask for enough to compensate us for the ef an Increase In his week’s celery.— fort. On our ability to labor depends Humorist. our existence, contentment, and hup- , plness.—Grit. ! Would Sound Better Joy in Kindliness A kind heart Is a fountain of glad ness, making everything in its vicinity to freshen Into smiles.—Washington Irving. Many a man would have a better appreciation of Ids home were a real estate salesman to write an advertise ment offering it for sole.—Bangor Dally Commercial. Custom Grinding and Chopping f Flour, Feed and Recleaning Coal and Wood and Black Bear Roof Paint This business is for sale. A Rood business for the righ man. Inquire at the Nyssa Flour Mill. P. M. WARREN. I (-k-t— -:-4-c-»-cd-: 4-1-1--1--» :• d-P-y :-t t 4 C 4 4 4 t 4 H 4 44 4 4 4 Meet Me at Rader’s Big Closing Out Sale ia becoming the cry of every thrifty buyer. And well indeed should this be the ery. We have promised the biggest and greatest sa e ever held in ONTARIO ar.d we ars making good, great erowds every day go with loads o f Wonderful BARGAINS. You should share in these great savings. MEht'S WOOL BLAZERS, $2.43 and up Boya Blazers, $1 23 and up ALL WOOL FULLSIZF DOUBLE BLANKET, $6.98pair LADIES SHOES, Slippers, etc., a great showing at $1,00 pr. up These are but a few af the many savings. New low prices a*re made every j BECAUSE THIS COMPLETE STOCK MUST BE S O L D OUT. We are quitting business in ONTARIO. Come every day-it will pay you Ontario RADERS Oregon