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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1926)
THE CATE CITT JOÜWfAE ■■ ■■ ■■ ■ i— ■ — i i a m ------------- ------------*T ballots which shall contain the V .Y W /A V A V A W ,m W M V V > \W W A 5 W W V V W W W lM words: "ONTARIO-NYSSA IRRI GATION DISTRICT — YES” and ONTARIO - NYSSA IRRIGATION Published *v*ry Friday at Nreea. DISTRICT—NO.” Oregon, by That the boundaries of said pro posed irrigation district are describ H. F. BROWN ed as follows, to-wit: for Commencing at the point where Filtered at tha Pontoffce at Nvasa. the mid-channel of the Owyhee Canal Oregon, as second-oli— U «utter belonging to the Owyhee Ditch Com Exclusive House pany, a corporation, as now con structed upon the ground, intersects SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Furnishings the section line between sections Ons year, in advance----------- 11.60 Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four iiiv months, in advance.......— .76 (24), in Township Twenty (20) and Gift* S E R V IC E South, Range Forty-six (46) East, Officers County P. T. A. W. M., said point being at or near Interior expert information “You have served many terms In the quarter section corner on the Mrs. M. M Greeting Nyaee, Prea. FREE Washington? West line of said Section Twenty- Mrs. Ralph Haworth, Wade, Vice “I have,” answered Senator Sorg four (24), and extending thence in President. Ontario • Oregon hum. Mrs. F. C. Fry. Oregon Trail. Sec. “And yet I do not see that you have a general northerly direction along Mias Catherine V. Conway, Ontario, asserted yourself boldly In champion the mid-channel of said Owyhee Ca COMMUNITY CHURCH nal as now constructed, through Press Chairman. ship of any public policy.” “I served many terms because I waa Township Twenty (20) South, Range NOTES Township willing to keep on serving instead of Forty-six (46) East, Official and Sunday School board getting Into these mix-ups about who Nineteen (19) South, Ranges Forty- Lawn Party meetings were neld at the Al Thomp wus going to be boss.”—Washington six (46) East, and Forty-seven (47), The lawn party which has been son home Tuesday night. After a Star. East, Township Eighteen (18) South looked forward to with such pleasant business meeting deli- ious refiesh- Range Forty-seven (47) East and T h e W ic k e d C ity anticipations for the past three wi eke menta were served into Township Eighteen (18) South, Hiram Cornfodder—Officer, arrest Range Forty-six (46) East, to the Ice cream social ■>< held on Mrs was held Wednesday evening on Mr* this man. He’s been trying to sell me Leila Thompson's spacious lawn and Leila Thompson’s lawn Wednesday point where the mid-channel of said was s i that advance notices had led n gh , at wtdeh there was a large the Union station and he’s a crook Owyhee Canal intersects the north one to expect A large and good na- crowd, ai d social proved very success and a swindler! Policeman—How do you know he’s line of Section Twenty-four (24), tured crowd was in attendance and ice fu l Township Eighteen (18) South, a crook ? cresm went like hot hot cakes. To be The redecorating of the church ia Hiram Cornfodder — Because I Range Forty-six (46) East, at or sure, a number of uninvited guests in under way. bought the dud burned Union station near the quarter section corner on the form of mosquitoes were present The W C T U will be held Wed from the rightful owner not ten min the North line of said Section and apparently bed the time of their nesday afternoon at 2:30 o’eljek at the utes ago. Twenty-four (24); thence West young uvea, hut nobody but a confirm along the North line of said Section church. ed grouch would begrudge them a lit D rug S to re N eed s Twenty-four (24) and Section Twen Preaching service Sunday morning tie happiness and their psrnictoua ac “You say you are a duly qualified ty-three (23), to the northwest cor tivities were submitted to with good at II o'clock. Mrs. Herehey will and registered drug clerk?” ner of section Twenty-three (23) in “Yes, sir. I can compound prescrip said township and range; thence O other method of cooking even approaches Electric natored to'erance The sum of 127 10 speak on the subject ot * Religious Education. ” tions und cook." was realized from the sale of refresh Cooking from the standpoint of Cleanliless. Electric South along the West line of said "One of the old-fashioned kind, hey? manta, which will be used to he'p de Section Twenty-three (23), to the cooking creates no dirt, soot, smoke or smell. It does not What I need now Is a radio me fray the cost t f redecorating the :n P M. Binkley's wateimellon patch chanic.” point where said line intersects the blacken your shiny utensils. It eliminates all that unneces terior of the church. was raided are night this week, pre-, mid-channel of the ditch known as sary work of securing scot and smoke covered pan bottoms. ■ jmabiy by boys, and practically de- j the Nevada Ditch, belonging to the HE W ONDERED stroyrd What melloaa were not ripe Warmsprings Irrigation District, as Women who cook with electric say that this Mod Surprise Party were cut open and mashed. This was now constructed on the ground; ern Method has no equal. Just a snap of the switch and a mean and desp’eable act and those thence westerly along the mid-chan I ist Thursday eve a surprise birth guilty of it are undesirable characters. ! you have instant heat in the right amount and for the pro nel of said Nevada Ditch to the day party was giren Miss Verna U’s about time something was done to point where said ditch intersects the per cooking of every kind of food. Thompson at the country home of her stop these depredations West line of Section Twenty-two parents, Mr and Mra Al Thompron, (22), Township Eighteen (18) South, Thirty guests were present to help and Electric Cooking Range Forty-six (46) East, W. M..; celebrate the happy ccrac'on end a Just Received—A hunch of men’s Is Cheaper, too. Thence South along the West line of moat enjoyable evening was spent strap watches. Call and look them said Section Twenty-two (22), to the I jlltf j playing gams* end singing. At the over. J. A. Cole. The finC-part about Electric Cocking is that you can enj^y all the point where the said section line in psychological moment delicious re comforts and conveniences of it and at the same time feel that you are tersects the mid-ehannel of the ditch freshments, including a huge birthday practicing the utmost economy because Electric Cooking coats less known as the Ontario-Nyssa Canal, Fiak Rad Top tirea give satisfaction. ■ dake, were served Miss Verna waa than any other method. belonging to the Ontario-Nyssa Irri the recipient of many lovely present*, nusie service station, riyssa. Or. Bill Sparrow—Great scott, I'd like gation Company, a corporation, at as "'ell as w shea for many more happy to see the bird that eats those worms 1 or near the northwest comer of the birthday anniversaries. Term« Southwest Quarter of the Southwest- S m ile ’E m D ow n as low as Quarter (SW14SWy«)of said Section Of tro u b le* ev e ry o n e aliv e Twenty-two (22), Township Eigh M u at h a v e h i . pile: B u t t r y t o k e e p t h e li d o n t i g h t . teen (18) South, Range Forty-aix Birlhdry Party T h e li d, m y f r i e n d . Is a s m i l e . (46) East, W. M.. thence in a gen Doris Smith celebrated her tenth Here at the Electric Shop you will eral easterly and southerly direction, birthday anniversary Saturday after J u s t as W e ll find a splendia selection of styles and following along the mid-channel of noon by entertaing a number of her first Autoist—Why are you throw s ze9 in Electric Ranges—one that will said Ontario-Nyssa Canal, to the D O ^N young frienos at a delightful party at ing that match away? exactly fit your requirements You point where the pipe line of said Oi- Second Autoist—I always throw the the home of her parents, Mr and Mra. can buy them now for as low as $6.00 Balance in tariJo-Nyssa Irrigation Company first match away because I've never Dean Smith. The afternoon was hap down ar.a pay the balance in monthly easy monthly been able to light my cigar on the first empties into said canal, on the east pily spent in playing games dear to the sums while you are enjoying your payments and west center line of Section match, anyway.—Wisconsin Octopus. childish heart and partaking of copi A thorough cultural and profcational scholar range. Fourteen (14), Township Twenty ship is the outstanding characteristic o f the ous quantiea of ice cream and cake. A s s u r e d ly S ta te U niversity. (20) South, Range Forty-six (46) Doria proved to be a most entertain Null—I started out on the theory East, W. M.; t hence continuing • Training is o ffa r a O In . ing little hostess and showed her that the world had an opening for southerly along the mid-channel of 22 departments of the College of gut sts a fine time. She received me. the ditch of said Ontario-Nyssa Irri Literature. Science and the Arts. many pretty present!. Those present Void—And you found It? gation Company to the point where were: Architecture and Allied Arts— Null—Well, rather. I’m In the hole the same intersects the south line of IDAHO POWER COMPANY Business Administration — Educa Darlene Dunaway, Ethel Mary Boy- now.—Notre Dame Juggler. said section Fourteen (14); thence tion-Journalism—Graduate Study dell, Gladys Campbell. Claudena and East along the South line of said —Law—Medicine—Music—Physi Y .\W A Y A ‘.W A M V .,A Y .% \W /A \Y M V V M \W /A W V W V V \ Charlene Crawford, Vera Garrison, A G ood T ip Section Fourteen (14), to the south cal Education—Sociology. — Social Dorothy Goahert, Donna and Betty Train Robber—Say, Bill, don’t both east corner thereof; thence South Work — Extension Division. C >oh. Betty and Ten* Tensen, Hairiet er about blowln’ open the express safe. along the West line of Section Twen boundaries are susceptible of irriga Bill—But there’s $20,000 in it! and Isabel Sarazin, Dcana and Doria 51st Year Opens September 27, 1926 Chiropractors Train Bobber—That's small pota ty-four (24), to the point where tion from the same source and from Smith For information or catalogue w rits toes, I’ve captured a pullman porter. said line intersects the mid-channel the same system of work and from Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, The Regietror. U niversity o f of the Owyhee Canal, at or near the the proposed Owyhee project and licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver Oregon. Eugene, Ore. Veltex Gss, Fiik Tires, Motoras* quarter section corner on the West called an election to be held on the graduates. Consultation and examin D an g ero u s W o u n d Hoxie Sei vice Station- Erwin—Yes, my brother was In some line of said Section Twenty-four said 7th day of September, 1926, to ation free. Twelve years successful tight scrapes on the border. Once a (24), Township Twenty (20) South, determine whether said proposed practice in the state. First door west bullet passed through his sombrero I Range Forty-six (46) East, W. M., district should be organized and to of bank, Nyssu, Oregon. Vera—Heavens! Did It kill him? the place of beginning. elect three directors thereof. • Said Order further directed that That at said election to determine Library Hours. E x c h a n g e o f C o urtesy whether or not the said proposed notice of said election be given by s iturdays Only “Can you show me the way to a irrigation district shall be organ publication as by law resuired. Open to town patron 2:30 to 5:30. savings bank?" Dated and signed at Vale, Mal ized three directors who shall be res “Yes, If you show me the way to idents of the State of Oregon and heur County, Oregon, this 6th day Out cf town patrons 2:30 to 7:30 save.’’ bona fide owners of land situated of August, 1926. For Sale H. S. SACKETT, within said proposed District shall (SEAL) C o n tra st County Clerk. be elected to serve as a Board of Three registered Durock Jersey boar But)—Why do you stick so close to Directors for said District. That said By ROY DALEY, pigs. Tom Lowe. a6lf the straight and narrow? Dub—It makes you enjoy the de District shall not be divided into di visions but shall constitute but one tours so. much. Anti shimies for Fords, grease con election precince and the said Di NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS tair.ers that really stop the grease rectors shall be elected at large from IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Sealed bids will be received by E’sie from escaping at the left aide wheel STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL among the land owners therein. N. Shaver, School Clerk of District And you are hereby further notified No. 82, Malheur County, Oregon, un bearing. Hoxie Servicestation. HEUR COUNTY. And nil Fartern Paraffin Base Oila In the Matter of the Organization of that the place for said election has til the hour of four o’clock p. m on the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Dis been fixed by order of the County Monday, the 16th day of August, 1926, You patronize home industry when you use Veltex Subscribe for the Journal, $1 60 per Court for Malheur County, Oregon and immediately thereafter opened by year, 75c for six month. trict. Gas and Motor Oils. at the residence of Jno. A. Hunt in the School Board of School District NOTICE OF ELECTION. the NW*4 of Section 7, Township No 82 at the school house in said TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION BUY AT- Schoo' District No. 82, Malheur Coon Notice is hereby given that on the 19 South, Range 47 E. W. M. Department of the Interior, This notice is given pursuant to ty, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, 7th day of September, 1926, there will be held an election for the pur an order of the County Court of of said district in the sum of Five July 21. 1926 pose of detenpining whether or not Malheur County, Oregon, made and Hundred Dollars ($5’ 0.00), said bond* Notice ia hereby given that Eugen Nyssa. Oregon r V*. Jl entered at a regular session thereof bearing interest at the rate of six per an irrigation district shall be organ F. Pratt, of Brogan, Oregon, who, o ized under the provisions of Chapter on the 4th day of August, 1926, cent (6 per cent) per annum, interest March 20, 1914, made desert land eh 14, Title XLI, of the General Laws which Order determined that the payable semi annually, dated July 1st, try No 03191 for WjNEi, NEiNE Nysaa, Oregon of Oregon and laws supplementary petition of Deseret Sheep Com 1926 and due and payable July 1st, Sec. 22, SWiSEl Sac. 15, Townahip 2 thereto and amendatory thereof, for pany, and others, praying for the or 1936. with the option ef prior redemp South, Range 46 Eest, W¡llaraett the purpose of contracting with the ganization of said proposed district tion in whole or in part, after Decem Meridian haa filed notice of intentioi United States for the construction of contained the requisite number of ber 31, 1976 Bids must be accompan to make final proof under third para Ontario, Orogoo the Owyhee project to furnish grav signers under the laws of Oregon;, ied by a certified check for five per graph of Act of March 4, 1915, t ity water to the lands in said pro that said petition and notice of in cent of the par valua of the issue. establish claim to the land above de tention to present the same had The School Board reserves the right scribed, before Register U. S. Lam posed district. That the name of asid proposed been published as by law required to reject any and all bids. Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 26tl irrigation district is the ONTARIO- and wherein the said Court accepted Dated this 81st day of July, 1926. day of August, 1926 and approved the bond of petition- j NYSSA IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Elsie N Shaver, Claimant name* sa witnesses: That at said election the qualified ers. And said Order further defin School Clerk of School District No. 82, William L. Glenn, Hugh Glenn C. B. Short, Mgr. Rhone 43 electors of said proposed district, the ed the boundaries of said district as Malheur Dounty, Oregon. Nyssa, Oregon Robert Overstreet, Georgia M, Over boundaries of which are hereinafter hereinabove set forth and determin First publicalioa August 6 . 1926. street, all cf Nyssa, Oregon. defined, shall be required to cast ed. That the lands within the said Last publcation August 13. 1926. Geo. W. McKnigbt, Register. Go to GATE CITY JOURNAL “The Treasure Chest” Electric Cooking Is Cooking ! Y lttS N $ 5 . ° » Buy Your Electric Range NOW Electric Shop ASK FOR VELTEX GASOLINE Hoxie Service Station Tensen Motor Co. Parker Tire Shop FLETCHER OIL COMPANY