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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1925)
CITY JOURNAL PUBLIC SALE of Mortgaged Property A» m ortice, I Edith L. Craig, will off**r the following described property for cash on the J F. Littooy ranch (H. B VVjliiams, tenant) 1 1-2 miles north of Adrian cn the Home- dale branch of the O. S. L. R. R., beginning on— Wednesday, August 5 1 22 Head High Grade Jersey Dairy Cattle Bosey. test A3 * Caisy, test & Long Horn, test 6.5 Pet, black, cow, lest ».1 No. 2, test S 5 Blossom, test 5 2 Snowball, black, test ’>.2 Fawn, 4 years old Lily. 3 years old, first calf 2 heifers, first calf 1 heifer, just bred, 16 months— Eleven Head of Cows Milking Now Implements 1 { 1 1 Ford Truck Iron Wagon and Rack McCormick Mower Joke Deere Hey Rake fresh in November 1 heiter. 14 months, ready to breed 1 heifer. 1 year oid 6 Jersey heifers 1 bull calf 1 4 year Jersey bull Heavy Producers. Association Test. Miscellaneous 1 1 1 1 Corrugatnr Spud Cultivator eat Wore Harneaa Chain Harness TERMS CASH SALE BEGINS AT 1 P. M.___________________________ EDITH L. CRAIG, Mortgagee. H. CRAIG, Agent. COL, W .A . LAND FAIR , Auctioneer. G H A R V E Y MOORE. Clerk Published every Friday Oregon, by at Nyssa. H. F. BROWN Entered at the Poatoffioe at Nyaaa. Oregon, aa aecond-eUu. .—it matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance............. ....*1.60 .76 v months, in advance......... EVOLUTION The evolution’st stands for snd be lieves i-n a changing world. Dr. Ho ratio Hackett Newman, aoologist of of the University o f Chicago, asserted in a statement which the defense eounsel o f John T. Scopes placed in the record o f the RhBa county court. The statement o f Prof. Newman, for for many years a student teacher and writer on the subject o f evolution and heredity, laid in part: ‘ 'Evolution it marely the philosophy of change, as opaoeed by tha philos ophy of fixity and unchangenbility. Ona must choose between these alter nate philosophies, for there is no in termediate position; once you admit a changing world, you admit the essence o f evolution. . . . “ We know with certainty some few things about the course of evolution, and we believe we have discovered some important phases o f the mechana ism o f evolution, but these are eontro vereial matters and in no way eOect the question as to the principle. . . The principle of evolution stands in the first rank among natural laws, not only in Us rang« of applicability, but in the degree o f validity to such an extent that it may lay claim to rank as an established law. It is the one great lew of life, It depends for its validy not upon conjecture and philos ophy, but exectly tha same sorts of evidence ae do other laws of nature, “ Evolution has been tried and test ed in every conceivable way for con siderably over half a century. Vast nambere o f biological facts have been examined in the light o f this principle and without a single exception they have bean entirely compatible with it “ A careful study o f the situation reveals that tha entire fablic o f evo lutionary evidence ia woven about a single broad assumption that funds mental structural resemblance aigni ties blood relationship! that, generally apoaking, the closeness o f structural resemblance runt parallel with close ness o f klnehipi . “ A systematic atjrmpt te apply the special creation concept to all cases of homologiea involves one in the utmost confusion o f ideas and leads almaat inevitably to icreverenee which is ab- horent to evolutioniate as wail as to the special ereationiste. “ Thereia no greater difficulty in the classification o f man than in any other living species . , . "Anatomically, tha genus homi hears a strange resemblance te the as. NOW YOU MAY TRY THIS VEGETABLE SYRUP FREE End That Tired, Run-Down Feeling. Why This G*ves Relief. When working as Nature intended your Liver does three neocssary to keep you feeling your best, hirst. It purifies your BLOOD, every diop of which nesses through your Liver every fifteen minutes. Second, your Liver furnish** the essences that are essen tial to perfect DIGESTION. Third, vour Liver supplies the secretions neceas.ry to lubricate your intestines io that your Bowels can move natur ally, gently and regularly every day When your liver becomes sluggish it cannot do these three things; cerse- quentlv you huffer from one cr more if the symptoms abovo described. Just to prove to you that you CAN get quick RELIEF, druggist* are giving sway FREE liberal trial size bottles of Dr. Thatcher's Liver and Blood Syrup It is a syrup o f PURELY VEGETABLE ingredients known to Build Yourself U p ! Physicians for their CORRECTIVE and HEALTH BUILDING properties. Each ingredient ia chosen to kelp Na ture to cleanse and tone the Liver—to correct this cause o f Constipation—to improve Digestion and Appetite —to Nourish and Strengthen the System- to tone the Tired end Overtaxed Nerves, end to send purer. Healthier Blood coursing through your veins. G o o d W o rd fo r W in ter BILL BOOSTER SAYS ,TOP ALIO "THINK THIS OVER « VJWEU SOMETHING IS PROPOSED THAT VUIU BE A BENEFIT TO OUR TOVJU, DO n o u a t O kies s a n rr c a u t © y Chiropractors For Sale U • of [P R O F E S S IO N A L MRECTORY l'S h P ATTORNEYS AT LAW Clip the Coupon Below! E. M. BLODGEOff It will test yeu nothing to try this Attorney and Counsellor at Law health building vegetable syrup. All we aak in return is that you tell others Practice in all courJx what a few spoonfulis did fer you. Keep up this hsalthful treatment after Nxssa, Oregon the sample battle has demonstrated its m en u in your case. Shew your friends end relatives that the xegelar CHIROPRACTORS dollar aixa bottle is sold under the guarantee that every »enny will be Drs R. P. and Pearl M. Brand ford, refunded if for any reason they are licensed in Oregon and Idaho. not completely srtisfied. Carver Graduate* Conitul’ atioa and Examination Free Nyssa, Oregon r n r r This eoupon is good for one sample bottle of I fiL L D r. T h a e h e r’s L iv e r an d B lo o d S y ru p if presented before the supply for free distribution is al ready given away. Read the full details above, then act at this offe is limited. Get a trial size now by present ing this coupon to N YSSA PAARM ACY. „ O Middle age may perhaps be dedaed as that period in life w hen yoo re go ing to fczl Just as well ee yeo ever did In a day or two.—Ohio State- Journal. Take winter as you find him. and Win Back Sound Digestion, Strength and Energy —Feel Your he turns out to be a thoroughly honest fellow, with no nodbensa In him and Very Beat Again! tolerating none In. you. wblch.^ it a In his private practice Dr. H. S. Thacher denonstrated that such symp great comfort In the loog run.—LewelL toms as Indigestion, Gaa on a Sour Stomaeb, Belching, Dissiness, Colds that Hang On, Sica Headaches, Constipation, That Tired Keeling and a general N ot M ore T hough Run Down condition of the System are often the result o f a Sluggish Liver— Some men are so sympathetic that and that relief in such cases comes quickly whin the Liver is properly they are willing to share your Ta*t dol Cleansed and Toned and the System ia working normally again. lar with yon. anthropoid apes. Bone for bone, lightly to be erst aside in case it fails muscle for muscle, nerve fi r nerve, to agree with one's prejudices.” BE DOME, OR DO NOU BEGIN and in many special details, man and FIGURING OH HOW TO OO rt^ the anthropoid apea are extremely M a k in g H a y , E tc. THAT'S -THE DIFFERENCE similar. . . 8tRge Manager (to amateur actress) BETWEEN THE BOOSTER AMO Man ia many degrees closer ana —Hang it! Didn't I tell you to slap r-s. THE «MOCKER! tomically to the great apes than the hie face and not let him kiss yon? latter are to the true monkey*, yet the Actress (innocently)—Ye-es. But apecial creationist insists on placing that’s in the play. This Is only a re man in biological isolation an a crea hearsal. ture without affinities to the animal N O T TO BE C ALLE D SM AR T world. “ If man ia a creature apart from all animals, it is sxtremeiy difficult to understand the significance of the fact that he ia constructed along lines so closely similar to thoBe of certain ani mals; that his processes of reproduc tion are exactly those of other ani mals; that in his developmtnt he shows the closest parallelism, step by step, to the apes; that his modes of nutrition, respiration, excretion, in volve the game chemical processes; and that even hia fundamental psy cho'ogical processes are of the same kind, though differing in degree of P en a lty o f S elfiehn e ss apeoialization as are thoae o f lower The selfish man suffers more from -------------- animale. , . ‘‘So yon think Mayme's a smart Ills selfishness than he from whom "A ccording to the most recent com that selfishness withholds some Im girir portant benefit.—Emerson. putations based on the rate o f radium “ Sure, she's a smart girl!" emanations, one billion years have ‘‘Smart nothing—she can't elapsed since the world firBt attained make her chewing gum pop!” O ra n g e a Should B e H ea v y ita present diameter. Various esti Grapefruit and oranges may be fudged by their weight. Never buy a mate* aa to the time sine* the first light fruit. A heavy, thin-skinned fruit life appeared upon the surface of the I BILL BOOSTER SAYS Is always the best. globe range from 60,000,000 yoara to about ten times that figure. OWM 'tVMUK GOOD . “ None of the animals o f the paat c l o t h e s A b e -tvte are identical with thoae of the present. Drs. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford, BEST IUVESTAAEUT TH A T The nearest relationship ia between a licensed in Oregon and Idaho. Carver AWN BUSIW1ESS N\AU CAU few aperies of (he past which have graduatei. Consultation and examin been placed in tho same genera as WAKE * IT PANS TO KEEP U? ation free. Twelve years suceaasful those of today. - . . APPEARAUeeS, AMD T U E practice in the state. First door west “ There ia a gradual prog-esaion to m a w vjw o oaetses ujell o f bank, Nyass, Oregon. ward more highly specialized forma as COMMAU0S RESPECT AUD one proceeds from lower to higher GAlwiS MORE 8USIUESS strata in the earth's crust. Maay NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. group« o f animals reached the climax 3M 9 0 OOIUG \ Department of the Interior, o f their specialixation long agea ago U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, and hava become extinct. , . . July 1, 1926. “ The outstanding tact brought out Notice ia hareby given that Fred by a study o f human paleontology ia Scott, of Rome. Oregon, who, on July that of man's antiquity. According 15, 1920 , made homestead entry No. to the most expert testimony avail 06346, for SJ SW} Sec. 15, NJ and able, the oldest fossil in the human SEJ Sec. 21, NJNW1 Sec. 22, Town series is ab ut a tun ion years old; and ship 32 South, Range 42 East, Willam even this estimate makes man a recent ette Meridian, has filed notice o f in product of evolution as comperad with tention to make final proof, to estab many contemporary an'nial«.'' lish claim to the land above described, Summarising the “ evidences of or before Register U. S. Land Office at ganic evolution" Dr. Newmen's state- Vale, Oregon, on the 12th day of ment concluded; August, 1926. “ All the line* o f evidence presented Claimant names as witnesses: point strongly to organic evolntion, William Blevins, Ira Scott. William and non* are contrary to this princi F. Stine, Ike Loveland, ail of Rome, ple. Moat of the facta, moreover, are Oregon. G. W, McKnight. utterly incompatible with the only Register. rival explanation, special eretion. “ Not only da these evidence* tell a straight forward story of evolution, CITATION but each one is entirely consistent with In the County Court of the State of all of the other*. Thus, embriology Team, harness and dray wagon. Oregon, tor Malneur County greatly illuminates anatomy and clast- 34-insh wagon with gravel bed. In the Matter of the Estate o f Wm. ification, geographical dietribubiosi is One 2 horse fresno. Canfield, Deecased. aided by paleoatoiogy, and vice versa; One 2-section harrow To Albert Canfield and John Can- blood teats and classification throw One 12 inch walking plow. field, and to all othar parsons inter mutaai light, the era upon the other. Lumber for barn 10x12. ested in the estate o f Wm. Canfield, Reund Oak cook stove, in good con “ Tbe evolution principle ia thua a a*c*a**d. great unifying and integramg scien dition. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tific conception. Any conception that Household good*. OREGON, And under and by virtue of te so far reaching, so consistent, is an Other article* too numéro«* to men- an order af the Honorable H Lee extremely valuable idea aud one no Mon. Frank Stubbo. M*s. County J 4 Malheur Couo- s A D efin ition o f M id d le Age Thi* is Your Chance to Prove That Toning Up Your Liver Will Share It With Family! One black mare, wt. 1100 lbs One sorrel mare, wt. 1700 iba 1 John Deere two-way Plow 1 12-inch walking Plow 1 2 lection Harrow GATE CITY JOURNAL I W. B. HOXM2 INSURANCE Office at Residence, Third and Ehigood Avepue. Nyssa, Oregon tv, Oregon, duly made and entered in the matter o f said estate on the 2nd OSTEOPATHS day of July, 1926, you, and each of DR. HARRIET SEARS you, are hereby cited and required to Osteopathic C|jjr»ician appear in this court on Friday, the 14lb day of August, 1926, at the hour Ontario, Or ego's o f 11 o ’clock in the forenoon of that Offiiee: Wilson Bldg.. Over Raders’ day, at the court house in Vale, Ore gon, to then and there show cause, if any you have, why an order of said court should not be made authorizing and ampowering E J, Rich, aa admin istrator of the estate of ft m. Can- c. ki . l \ kenber ! g Feld, deceased, to sell at private sale the following described seal estate PROMPT D ELIV ERY ! belonging to said estate, towit: Reasonable Kates The Sauth forty feet (40) of lota Three ( 3 ), Four (4), Five (6), PHONE 15 Six (6) and Seven (7), Original Townsite of Nyssa, Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, aa the same appears on the Revised General Map of Nvsea, Oregon, now on file in the County Clerk’ s office at Vale, in Baid County and State. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my band and affixed the seal of said County Court in Vale, Oregon, this 2nd day of July, 1926. •ne 2 Tog Federal H. S. Sackett, E. M. Blodgett, County Clerk. •ne 2 Ton G. M C. Attorney for administrator. •tie 2Toa Den by Date of first publication July 10, 1926 •ne 3 Ton International Date of last publication July 31, I92&. :: (lity Dray Line j For Sale Used Trucks •ne 1 1 2 Ton Maxwell O W Y H E E IRRIGATION TRICT. DIS* NOTICE In the matter o f the Petition o f Mary H. Napton for tha exclusion of cer tain lands from the Eistrict Notice is hereby given that there has been filed with the Board of Di rectors of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis trict a petition by Mary H. Napten that tha land* described as Lota 6 and 7 in Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 47 E. W. M., be excluded from ■aid District, and that the boundary of the district ba changed accordingly. Ail persons interested in or who may be effected by such change in tfce boundary of the District are required to appear at the office o f the Board at Nyssa, Oregon, at 2 o'clock p. m , on Tuesday, August 4, being the next regular meeting o f said Board, and show cause in writing, if any thay have, why the change in the boundary of said District should not be mad Dated this 7th day of July, 1926 By order of the Board of Director* E. M. BLODGETi, Secrets First publication July 10, 1926. Last publication July 31, 1925. :, M. W. Cheeley W e haul Anything Anywhere Any Time M- W . Cheeley Phone 37 I B M SHOP AND CIGAR SI ORE \ s iIAYING, HAIR CIJ.TTr.rvn I H '«r ¿ N D G4JLD raiTTS B. B. 11A MAILER, Bcop. Hpd»« ■K-t-M-H-K *. I I I I H t For Sale 4-Acre Tract Near town H. F. Brown. M «i ! Qrsgea H- \