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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1925)
TKK CATS CITT TOURNAT - ’H r i"> + -W -* 4 + -»'* + + + -»+ + + » ♦ ♦ + ♦ » ♦ » Charters Incubators Section 10; thence South one-fourth posed district contained the requis mile to the northeast corner o f the ite number o f signers under the laws SEW o f the N W W of Section 15; of Oregon, and that said petition and thence East one-fourth mile to the notice thereof were duly published northeast corner o f the SW W o f the as by law required, and that saj£ It ismambers I f you forget. NEW o f Section 15; thence South lands are susceptible o f irrigation three fourths o f a mile to the sec from the same source and by the tion line between sections 15 and 22; same system of works, by the stor distribution o f thence East one-half mile along saiu age, diversion and (21) South, Range Forty-six (46) section line, extended, to the north the waters o f the Owyhee River and ;• ! That the boundaries o f said pro ¿ agt, W . M.; thence West one and east corner o f the NW W o f the NW- Succor Creek, in Malheur County, posed irrigation district are as fol | on*-fourth miles to the northeast , .. . .. . W o f Section 23; thence South one- Oregon. lows, to-wit: eorner o f the N W W of the SEW o t jh jllf m||e ^ ^ southwest corner (>1 Dated this 5 th day of March, Qf the N w % o f Soctiül Beginning at a point where th Section 23 in Township Twenty-one i (he ^ 1925. i 91 \ S m ith B u n tM It n r t v.tlUA Í (45) lii I I South, Range Forty-five .,tate boundary line between the (21) 23; thence W est along the East am II. S. Sackett, County Clerk. Slates o f Idaho and Oregon intei East; thence North three-fourtha ol W est center line o f Section 22, tc By Roy Daley, Deputy. sects the midchannel o f the Snakt a mile to the northeast corner o f the the quarter section corner on tht Date of first publication, March R iver between Lot 7 in Section 6 SW W o f the SEW o f Section Four West line o f said section; thenct 13. ■ .Township Twenty-two (22) South, teen (1 4 ); thence W est one-fourth South along the West line o f Section Late of last publication, A p ril 10. mile to the North snd South center : Range Forty-seven (47) East, W . M. :3, three fourths o f a mile to the • in the SU M of Oregon, and Lot 3 1 line of Section 14; thence North one- corner o i the SEi4 o f lhe " in Section 14, Township Four (4 )|feu rth mile to the center o f Section N £ i4 o f Section 27. thence Eag, NOTICE OF BOND SALE I . j North, Range Six ( • ) West. B. M 14; thence W eet one-fourth mile to one. half mile to the n’ortheast corner In the Matter o f the Owyhee Drain- Biff Reasons Why You Need the Charters. " l in the S U te of Idaho; thence south I the northoaet corner o f the N W W o f th# SEi4 o f th(J N W U o f Sec_ , 2e District. 1— Trim the wirk once a week only. along said S U te line to a point of the SW W o f said Section 14; tion 26. thence North one. fourth N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that 2— Fill the lamp once a week only where said State line intersects the thence North three-fourths o f a mile m¡,e tQ the quartcr gection c#rner sealed proposals will be received by 3— Outaide Thermoatat take* ra-e o f outaide chargee I East and West section line o f Sec-1 to the northeast corner o f the SWW on the North line of Section 2(i; the Owyhee Drainage District in their o f temperature. I tion 18- Township Twenty-three ( 23) of the SW W o f Section 11; thence thence E¡jst mile to the office in Nyssa, Mslheur County, Ore 4 Special Process for retaining moisture , South, Range Forty-seven (47) East, West one-fourth mile to the section northeagt corner of Section 2fi. gon, until the hour o f 2 o ’clock p. m 6 —Regulator for adjuating only two or three timea W. M „ in Malheur County, Oregon, Ime *a the West line o f Section 11; theD(.e North one.fourth m iie to the on Saturday, the 25th day ot April, during hatch. thence West to the Northwest cor-1 theaee North along th* West line northeast com er o f the SEW o f the 1925, and immediately thereafter pub 8 — Chartera Burner anu big tank reduce the Are riak. ner o f the N E W o f the SW W (L u l l o f Sections 11 and 2, to the nortb- SEW o f Section 23; thence East one- licly opened by the Board o f Super 7—Flame ontrol reducea oil cOnaumption. 3) o f Section 18; thence South to th*|west com er o f the SW W o f the fourth mile to the southeast comer visors o f tfie Owyhee Drainage D is southwest corner o f the N EW o f th iJSW W o f Section 2; thence East one- o f the N W W of the SWW of Section trict, for the purchase o f bonds o f SW W (L o t 3) o f Section 18; thence I fourth mile to the northeast comer 24; thence North three-fourths of a said District in the sum o f Fourteen W est one-half mile to the northeast I of the SW W o f the SW W of Section mile to the section line between Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00), said N YS SA, OREGON R. F. D NO 1 com er o f the SWW o f the SEW o i l 2; thence North three fourths o f a Sections 24 and 13; thence East al bonus to be in denoasinations o f not f M - K 4 W !' '!■ »■» Section 13, Township Twenty-three I mile more or less to the North line ong said Section line one-half mile leas than One Hundred (100) or mors H -H -i (23) South, Range Forty-six ( 46) I of Section 2; Township Twenty-one to the northeast corner o f the N W W than Five Hundred (500) Dollars, said East, W.M .; thence South one-fourth I (21) South, Range Forty-five (45) 24; | bonds to bear date o f May 1st, 1926, o f the N EW o f said Section Fonrri o f Supervisors o f the Owyhee mile to the section line between sec-1 East, W. M.; thence East along the thence North one-half mile to the and to mature serially in annual Drainage District for the Judicial tions 13 and 24; thence W est along I North section line o f Section 2, one- Northeast corner o f the N W W of amounts so as to be approximately Examination and Judgment o f the said section line one-half mile to the fourth o f a mile to the quarter sec- the SEW o f Section 13; thence East equal, principal and interest, and to Cour* as to the Legality and Regu southeast comer of the SW W o f the I tion com er on the north line o f said one-fourth mile to the quarter sec ma ure commencing May 1st, 1980, larity of the Proceedings o f the SW W o f said Section 13; thence te d ie n 2; thence North one-fourth tion corner on the East line o f Sec and ending May 1st, 1945, said bonds County Court, and o f said District, North one-half mile to the north-1 mile to the northwest comer tion 13; thence North along the sec to bear interest at six per cent (6 par the Assessment of Benefit and Dam o f the of the SW W o f the SEW of Section tion line on the East side of Sections cent) per annum, payaole semi-annu ages o f the Land Owners within east corner o f the N W W SPECIALIST SW W o f said Section 18; th en ce)85, in Township Twenty (20) South, 13, 12 and 1, extended, to where said ally on the first days o f o f May and said District and o f the proceedings . , ., , , ■ „ _ . .. in internal medicine for the past of said Board o f Supervisors in th* Wegt on« h“ U mi1« “ “ n o r t h s «! Range F orty-five (46) East, W. M.; line intersects the midckasqgl of the November, principal and interest pay tw elve years. M atter o f the issuance o f Bonds o f corner o f th* N W * ot SE* * th,nc* one-fourth mile to a Snake R iver; thence following the able at the Malheur County Bank, said District .Section 14; thence North one mils I point at the northeast com er o f the said midchannel o f the Snake River Nyssa, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency . 't o the East and West center line o f)S W W o f the SEW « f said Section up to the point o f beginning. of the state of Oregon in New York Does Not Operate. 1.°. * , WV ®e rainsge istrict ¡¿ection 11, being a point at th e) 36, being the present boundary line That at said election to determine City, at the option o f the holder and ' ’ * ree ° ' eM ’ eK* voters northeast corner of the N W W o f the I of th* Owyhee District; thence SouMi Said proposals mus be accompanied whether or not said proposed irriga W ill be at and assessment payers within said SEW o f said Section 11; thence|one-fourth mile along said boundary tion district shall be organized, there by a certified check for five per cent drainage district. I West on tha center line o f said Sec-1 line to the South section line of said N O TIC E IS H F R F R Y r.lV F M * o l ” “ la *ec- vo " ”“ ,u shall be elected three directors, who (5 per cent) o f the amount thereof, N )J1 L IS H E R E B Y G IVE N , that tion 11 and Section 10, one mile to Section 36, that being the township . .. , . » t u„ nt the same to be fo rfeited to the Dis the Board of Supervisors of the Owy the northeast corner o f the NWW of line between twps. 20 and 21; thence n a . . ,. , L f , , trict as liquidated damages in the hee u Drainaire District n mnnipir..i „ u o l i . n n „ l< o a t n n G Q irl .. . u r n Ivnrt n n « m i A _ t o Oregon and bona fide owners of land r d in iK H L / H liIP l, B f l i u n i c i p a i i • th* f.ii* QIT.1Z A # f Q in * l l , t o n a u | hee Drainage District, a municipal SEW o Section 10; thence I I East on said t twp. line one mile, to XitlTin' the boundaries o f said pro event the successful bidder fails to corporation organ sed under and by . North one and one-fourth mile* to the northeast com er o f L o t 2 in Sec-! n posed district, to sqpve as a Board pay for said bonds witbin ten (10) i J, „ j I O /Y X r 0 1 v i,lu * of lhe Drainage District Laws the northeast corner o f the SW W | tion 1> Township Twenty-one M ) o f Directors fo r said district, and days after the awaid. -The bidder ¿d U G L Li X o f the State o f Oregon, have, by peti of the NEW o f Section 3; thence | South, Range F orty-five (45) East, said directors shall be elected at ahaii be required to procure the ap tion ti.ed with the clerk o f the a b o v e , East one-half mile to the northeast | W. M.; thence South 2W miles along proving legal opinion, and said pro Office hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. large therein. entitl d court, commenced special p ro -jcorner o f th, s (4 o f the N W W the present boundary line #f snid That at said election the polls pusals are made subject to the legality ceedings in said circuit court for Mai 0f Section 2; thence South one-1 Owyhee Irrigation District to the shall be open at 8 o'clock A . M. and of said issue, and ronfirma:ion of the heur county. Oregon, for the purpose f 0Urth mile; thence East one-fourth northeast com er of the NWW o f the proceedings of said District. TWO WAYS ONLY o f having a judn-ial exam m .tion and mlle to th, eentar o f Section 2; SEW of Seetion 13; thence East on shall remain open until 8 o'clock P. The Board reserve» the right to re M. and that said election shall be judgment of th t court as to the regu-| thence North one-fourth mile to the the center o f Section« 18 T. 21 S., R. ject any and all bids. ___ _ . the i I 46 E. p and 18 , ... c. conducted as nearly as practicable in No Charge for Conaultation larity and legality o f ibe proceedings , northeast corner corner o of - f th the . SE^4 SEW o o f f the 46 E and j 8 T T 2 J1 S., R. 46 E. one mile, accordance with the al elec. By order of the Board o f Supervis o f the County court for Malheur coun-. N W i/t of aaid Section northeast ------- -- 2; thence ----- o Eagt . . . , I * . to the ------- - o f th, N W * t .on ]aws Qf thg stat# of 0regon ors o f the Owyhve Drainage District Lated this 19th day o f March, 1925 Dr. MeMenthin is a regular graduate! nrrnr«°,Miinoa O f ,*»a,!i , '‘ V !'’ 1’ / " ' 1 on« a n d one-fourth m ile« to the of the SEW o f Section 18, Township This notice is given subject and Wm, Feutz, President. In medicine and su r.c ry and is licensed u„ , Vi . ursln ,riat, a r „ f “ ‘> ,,u ’ I northeast corner o f the SW W o f the Twenty-one (21) South, Range For- pursuant to an Order of the County by the state o f Oregon. He does not'1 ^ and "" «W ! ^ To^ 8 h i p t y - s i x (46) E « t , W. M , thence Court fo r Malheur County, State of John F. Reece, Secretary. operate for chronic appendicitis. g.|l digtrict in th. . nm L, FourU,tn Thuu§. Twentyythre. (23) South, Range North one mile on the boundary of Oregon, entered at its regular sess Date o f first publication Mch. 20, 1925 stones, ulcere o f stomach, tonsils or and Doll ers «14,000 00) to br * - examin ____ _ Forty‘ slx <46> K ,s t- w - M G thence | said Owyhee Irrigation District to ion on the 4th day o f March, 1925, Date o f last publication April 24 1925 North one mils to the northeast cor-1 the northeast com er o f the N W W adenoid*. wherein said Court, among other ed. approved and confirmed, adjudged ner o f the SW W of the N E W o f Sec-1of the SEW o f Section 7; thence Ho has tv his credit many wonderful and decreed to be legal and valid. Hatching E ggs— purebred Barred things, determined that the petition tion 36, Township Twenty-two (22) West to the center of Section 7; results in diseases o f the stomach, Plymouth Rock; 60e p ersettin g Phone o f Oscar F. Selle and others, pray And you are bareby further notified .South, Range Forty-six (46) East, | thence N oitn three-fourths of liver, bowels, blood, skin, nervas, ing fo r the organisation of said pro- 54F4. Mrs. Marie C. Martin. f!3 tf heart, kidney, bed wetting, catarrh, that the hearing o f said petition has \y. M.; thence West three fourths mile to the northeast com er o f the been set for the 30th day o f April, of a mile to the section line between SBW of the SW W o f Section 6; weak lunge, rheumatism, sciatica, leg 1925, at 1:30 o’clock p. m. of said day. sections 35 and 36; thenca North thence East one-fourth mile to the ulcer* and rectal ailments. Below are the names o f a few of ° T “ 808n ‘ hereaft« r « counsel can be one-fourth mile to the northeast | northeast corner of the SW W o f the heard in the court room o f aaid court comer o f Section 35; thence West SE W ; thence North one-fourth mile many satisfied patients in Oregon: at Vale, Malheur county, Oregon. one m il* to the northwest com er o l j t o the northwest com er o f the NEW Hedwick Wilson, Gold Beach, Ore., And you are further notified that Section 35; thence North one-half j o f the SEW varicose ulcers, o f Section 6; thence Frank Koehler, The Dalles, Oregon, ysu and any person interested in the mile to the quarter section corner | East on the center line o f Sections, stomach trouble. m atter o f the organix tion of said dis on th* East line o f Section 27; 6 and 6, one mile, to the northeast Mia. E. b. Hammock, M yrtle Point, trict, or in the proceedings for the thence W est on# mile to the quarter corner o f the N W W o f the SEW Ore., goitre. Mrs. John McCuo, Lakeside, Ore , authorization, isauanca or sale of said section corner *n the West line o f ) o f said Section 6; thence South one bonds, may, on or before tha said date Section 27; thenca North on* ana | and one-half miles, still following appendicitis. Henry W estfall, Ontario, Oregon, fixed tor tha hearing o f said petition, one-half miles to the northeast cor-1 the boundary line o f the aaid Owyhee ulcer of stomach. demur to or answer aaid petition. ner o f Section 21; thenca Weat one-1 Irrigation District to th* South line Mra. E. C. Bates Baker, Oregon Given andar my hand and the seal of half mile to tb* quarter sectioa cor-1 o f Section 8, being the northeast eczema. O. M. Richey, Boring, Ore , heart the C resit Court o f the State o f Ore nar on th* Nerth section line o f Sec-1 corner o f th* N W W o f the N E W of trouble. gon in and for Malheur county this tion 21; thence North one-fourth Section 17; thence East to the north- Louis 8. Steiber, 326 E. Buchanan, 23rd day o f March, 1926. mile to the northwest corner o f the | east corner o f aaid Saation 17; Portland. Ore , adenoids snd tonsils. H. S. Sackett, SW W o f the SEW o f Section 16; | thence South one-fourth m ile to the Remember above date, that consul Circuit Clerk. tation on this trip will be free and thence East one-half mile to the sec- northeast com er o f th# SE W o f the that his treatment is different. Win. Peutz. tion line between sections 15 and 16; | NEW o f said Section 17; thence East Married women must be accompan Supervisor, thence North one-half m il* along oae mile to the northeast com er of Oldsmobile Agency. ied by their husbands. John Reece, said section line to the northeast | the SEW o f the N E W o f Section 16; Address: 211 Bradbury Building, Los Supervisor. Angeles, California. comer o f the SEW o f the NEW of)th ence South one-fourth m ile to the C. L. Fisher, Section 16; thence West one-half | quarter section corner on tlie East Supervisor, •a mile to the northwest corner of the line o f Section 16; thence E ast one E. M. Blodgett. SWW o f the NEW of Section 16; I half mile to the center o f Section Attorney for Petitioners, residing at thence North ane-fourth mile to the 16; thence South one and three • Nytsa, Oregon. quarter section com er on tha aouth fourths mile to the northwest cor- Published every Friday at Nysea. Date o f 1st publication March 27, 1926 line o f Section 9; thence West one-1 ner o f Lot 2, in Section 27; thence Through the Date of l « t publication A pril 17, 19*6 fourth mile; thenc* North one-halt West one-fourth mile to the m»rth- Oregon, by mile; thence W est one-fourth mile | west com er o f the Southeast Q uar to the quarter section com er on the | ter o f th# Northwest Quarter o f S« ne H. F. BROW N N O TIC E OF E LE C TIO N west line o f Section 9; thenc* North | tion 27; thence South, still f o l l o w » g IN TH E C O U N T Y COURT FOR on the section line on* and one-half)the boundary line o f said O w yhee Entered at Ale Postoffice at Nassa M A L H E U R C O U N T Y , S T A T E OF miles, more or leas, to tha northwest | Irrigation District, three fourths ot ' ' ’-carón, as second-eia. . _ á i matter OREGON. comer o f Section 4, in Township | a mile to the southeast corner o f the o f Section 27; In the Matter of the Organization Twenty-two (22) South, Range For )S W W o f the SW W S U B S C R IPTIO N R A T E S :_____ o f the SUCCOR C R E E K IR R IG A ty-six (46) East; thence North one) thence West one-fourth mile to the mile to the northweat corner of Sec-1 southwest com er o f Section 27; T IO N D ISTRICT. On* year, in advance....... ........ 21.60 tion Thirty-three, in Township | thenc* South one-half m il* to the '■<!v months, in advance__ _____ .78 TO W HOM IT M A Y CO NC ERN : Twenty-one (21) South, Range F o r ) quarter section com er on th* W oe I Notice is hereby given, that on the ty-six (46) East; thence Bast three- line o f Section 34; thence West on.e- As long as eighteen months *o pay if you want it. The l l t h day o f April, 1925, an election fourths o f a mile to the southeast fourth mile to the northeast com er Standard Oil Co., the Union Oi Co. Swift & Co. and many w ill be held at the residence o f J. comer o f the Southwest quarter o f I o f the N W W o f the SEW o f Section i . other large companies ow n and opt- ate hundreds of Ford I Twenty-one ( 2 t ) Notice is hereby gives to all prop W. G raff, in Section 12, Township the Southeast quarter (S W W S E W ) 33, in Township ' Car». I f they consider th<* Ford Car a good buy, how about 23 South, Range 46 E., W. M „ for o f Section Twenty-eight (2 8 ); thence South, Range Forty-aix (46) E ast, erty owners in the town o f Nysaa to you? Think it over and letusah. wy o u the latest model*. clean up and destroy all weeds, trash, the purpose o f determining whether North one-fourth mile to the north- W. M.; thence South, still following rubbish, msnurs. sto . an their prem or not an irrigation district ahall be east com er o f th* Southwest quar-j raid boundary line one and three of ter of the Southeast quarter (SW W -1 fourths miles to the northeast cor- ises before th* 18th day * f April, 1926., organized under the - provisions , A fte r that date th * work will b* C a p te r X IV Title X L I Oregon Laws S E W ) o f Section Twenty-eight (2 8 );|n er o f the SW W o f the N E W of See- done by tha Town and the costs as and acts supplemental thereto and thence East one-fourth mile to th e)tion 9, Township Twenty-two (21> amendatory thereof, to provide for East line o f Section Twenty-eight South, Range Forty-six (46) East, tossed against the property. the irrigation o f the lands within (2 8 ); thence North one and three-1W. M.; thence East one-fourth mile Ry o rla r o f th * Town Council. said proposed district by tha storage, fourth* miles to tha n o rth e «t cor-1to the northeast eorner o f the SEW A R. Millar, Recorder, diversion and distribution of th* un ner o f Section Twanty-one (21), in )o f the N E W of Section 9; thenc* appropriated surplus and flood w a Township Twenty-on* (21) South.) South along the East section line of NOTICE AND SUMMONS ter# o f the Owyhee R iver and Suc Rang* Forty-aix (46) East; thance| Section 9 to the sontheast comer In tha Circuit Court o f th* State of cor Creek, in Malheur County, Ore Wsat one and three-fourtha miles to )th e reo f; thence East on the South Oregon fe r the Ceunty o f Malheur gon; that the name of said propos the northwest corner o f tha Narth-1 line o f Section 10, to the quarter ONTARIO O R IG O N 1 In the M attar o f th* Petition o f the ed District is SUCCOR CRE E K IR- e « t Quarter of th « Northweat Quar-1 section com er on the South line of a -V »** A t * R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T ; that at aaidltar o f Section Twenty (2 0 ); thence ;; i election the qualified elector! of I South one-half mile to the aouth- propoaed irrigation district, | weet corner of the SEW of the NW - aaid proposed the boundaries o f which are herein W of Section 20; thenca West along after defined, ahall be required to| tha aaat and west center line o f sec cast their ballots which shall con tions 20 snd 19 to the quarter tec tain the word« ''Irrigation District- tion corner on the west line o f Sec ; Yea” , and ‘‘Irrigation Diatrict--No'’.|tion 19> in Township Twenty-one I). W. GIBSON DRJELLENTHIN C o m in g to B a k e r G eise r G ran d H otel Monday and Tuesday 20 & 21 B e fo r e bu yin g that n ew ca r Oldsmobile 6 see and ride in the j Ask for a D em on stration Powell Service Station j GATE CITY JOURNAL | <d U l,vW b ,, w A /W ^ | 1111 K ^ tiat« « ^ s» I ^ s« a I I t ’ s E asy to Own a F o rd Ford Weekly Purchase Plan or the F o rd Mont: 'y Purchase Plan Notice Phone 2 3 V. B. Staples Ford Garage |