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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1925)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ter of Section Twenty (20); thence SEH of the SW’A of Section 6; 23, three fourths of a mile to the South one-half mile to the south- thence East one-fourth mile to the northeast corner of the SE!4 of the west corner of the SEV4 of the NW- northeast corner of the SW’A of the NE!4 of Section 27; thence East 14 ef Section 20; thence West along SE14; thence North one-fourth mile one-half mile to the northeast comer the east and west center line of sec-j to the northwest corner of the N E’A of the SE»4 of the NW!4 of Sec tions 20 and 19 to the quarter sec -1 of the SE’A of Section 6; thence tion 26; thence North one-fourth tion corner on the west line of Sec East on the center line of Sections mile to the quarter section corner .ion 19, in Township Twenty-one 6 ah 1 5, one mile, to the northeast on the North line of Section 26; t21) South, Range Forty-six (.46; corner of tae NW!4 of the SE!4 thence East one-half mile to the East, W. M.; thence West one and of said Section 5; tiience South one northeast corner of Section 26; one-fburth miles to the northeas. and one-half n^les, still following thence North one-fourth mile to the orner of the NW14 of the SE V4 ot .he boundary line of the said Owyhee northeast corner of the SEV4 of the Section 23, in Township Twenty-on irrigation District to the South line SE’A of Section 23; thence East one- 21) South, Range Forty-five (45; -f Section 8, being the northeast fourth mile to the southeast comer _ast; thence North three-fourths ol .orner of the NW V4 of the NE % ot of the NW!4 of the SW’A of Section a mile to the northeast corner of the Section 17; thence East to the north- 24; thence North three-fourths of a j W14 of the SE 14 of Section Four- east corner of said Section 17: mile to the section line between -een (14); thence West one-fourth thence South one-fourth mile to the Sections 24 and 13; thence East al mile to the North and South center northeast corner of the SEV4 of the ong said Section line one-half mile une of Section 14; thence North one- NE!4 of said Section 17; thence East to the northeast corner of the NW!4 Lourth mile to the center of Section one mile to the northeast comer of of the NE!4 of said Section 24; ¡4; thence West one-fourth mile to the SE’A of the NE!4 of Section 16; thence North one-half mile to the he northeast corner of the NW ’4 thence South one-fourth mile to the Northeast corner of the NW!4 of >f the SW ’,4 of said Section 14; quarter section corner on the East the SE ’A' of Section 13; thence East .hence North three-fourths of a mile line of Section 16; thence East one- one-fourth mile to the quarter sec .o the northeast corner of the SW’A half mile to the center of Section tion corner on the East line of Sec JÍ the SW’A of Section 11; thence 15; thence South one and three tion 13; thence North along the sec West one-fourth mile to the section fourths mile to the northwest cor- tion line on the East side of Sections on the West line of Section 11; ner of Lot 2, in Section 27; thence 13, 12 and 1, extended, to where said thence North along the West line West one-fourth mile to the north- line intersects the midchannel of the of Sections 11 and 2, to the north- west corner of the Southeast Quar- Snake River; thence following the west corner of the SW ’4 of the ter of the Northwest Quarter of Sec- said midchannel of the Snake River j W'/I l of Section 2; thence East one- tion 27; thence South, still following up to the point of beginning. fourth mile to the northeast corner the boundary line of said Owyhee That at said election to determine of the SW’,4 of the SW’,4 of Section Irrigation District, three fourths of whether or not said proposed irriga 2; thence North three fourths of a a mile to the southeast comer of the tion district shall be organized, there J mile more or less to the North line SW!4 of the SW’A of Section 27; shall be elected three directors, who of Section 2; Township Twenty-one thence West one-fourth mile to the shall be residents of the State of (21) South, Range Forty-five (45) southwest corner of Section 27; Oregon and bona fide owners of land Tl> O K K. Will m e - with Mr.. mile to tho 8t,ction line between sec- East, W. M.; thence East along the thence South one-half mile to the within the boundaries of said pro M,s Charlotte Kygar on Thursday, Uon3 13 und 24. thence West alonE North section line of Section 2, one- quarter section corner on the West posed district, to serve as a Board fourth of a mile to the quarter sec- line of Section 34; thence West one- of Directors for said district, and iBrc ' said section line one-half mile to the tion comer on the north line of sa id . fourth mile to the northeast comer said directors shall be elected at " ■ aouthcast corner of the SW'A of the 1‘ublUhed »vary End«? at Nyasa. Section 2; thence North one-fourth! of the NW‘4 of the SE’A of Section large therein. SW ’,4 of said Section 13; thence Oregon, by For Sale. mile to the northwest comer 33, in Township Twenty-one (21) That at said election the polls North one-haif mile to the north 1 folding i aby buggy, gned or er. of the SW’A of the SE ’A of Section South, Range Forty-six (46) East, shall be open at 8 o’clock A. M. and east corner of the NW ’ A of the 15 50. Box 213, Nyssa, Ongon. 35, in Township Twenty (20) South, W. M.; thence South, still following shall remain open until 8 o’clock P. H. P. BROWN SWH of said Section 13; thence West or.e-hait mile to the northeas Range Forty-fivo (45) East, W. M.; said boundary line one and three M. and that said election shall be Entered at the Postoffi<"i *»t N^.na corner of the NW’,4 of the S E ’A ol thence .East one-fourth mile to a fourths miles to the northeast cor conducted as nearly as practicable in A ttention, Farireri>. point at the northeast comer of the ner of the SW!4 of the N E ’A of Sec accordance with the general elec "''-egon, aa second-el.__ ___... matter 1 sp#n gentle mares, around 1400 Section 14; thence North one mile SW’A of the SE!4 of said Section tion 9, Township Twenty-two (22) tion laws of the state of Oregon. lbs each. 8 and 12 yea's old. f. r $100. to the East and West center line of This notice is given subject and 1 s n ir black horses, around lOik) lb«, Section 11, being a point at the 35, being the present boundary line South, Range Forty-six (46) East, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: etch, both 8 year, old, for $U5 u northeast corner of the NW14 of the of the Owyhee District; thence Somh W. M.; thence E ast one-fourth mile pursuant to an Order of the County one-fourth mile along said boundary to the northeast comer of the SE!4 Court for Malheur County, State of One year, in advance_______ .11.60 N v sse/o r ° ' * H"' 8Ch’ S E 'V 'o f "said'Yection " l i ; thene * months, in advance........... . .1 5 West on the center line of said Sec line to the South section line of said of the NE ’A of Section 9; thence Oregon, entered at its regular sess tion 11 and Section 10, one mile to Section 35, that being the township South along the East section line of ion on the 4th day of March, 1925, NOTICE OF BONO SALE the northeast corner of the NW ’A ol lino between twps. 20 and 21; thence Section 9 to the southeast corner wherein said Court, among other In the viutter of the Owyhea Drain the S E ’/4 of Section 10; thence East on said twp. line one mile, to thereof; thence E ast on the South things, determined that the petition a {o District. North one and one-fourth miles to the northeast comer of Lot 2 in Sec- line of Section 10, to the quarter of Oscar F. Selle and others, pray NOTICES IS HEREBY GIVEN that the northeast corner of the SW’A tion 1, Township Twenty-one (21) section corner on the South line of ing for the organization of said pro While workinir for the dredge last week a team owned bv Win Peu i Mal*d proposals will be received by Gf tho N E ’,4 of Section 3; them- South,* Range Forty-five (45) East, Section 10; thence South one-fourth posed district contained the requis miles along mile to the northeast comer of the ite number of signers under the laws became frightened and km eked b m th-» Owyhee Drain«*- Di«triet in th> r East one-half mile to the northeast W. M.; thence South the present boundary line of said SE’A of the NW!4 of Section 15; of Oregon, and that said petition and down and stepped on bis back, bruir < fllce in Nyssa, Maiheur C cu n ij.O ie corner of the SW ‘,4 of Jhe NW! lug h in up ronmderably He has been *on’ u' 1'* '^ e to,lr ° t 2 o clock p m 0f Section 2; thence South one Owyhee Irrigation District to the thence East one-fourth mile to the notice thereof were duly published northeast comer of the NW’A of the northeast corner of the SW ’A of the as by law required, and that said taking tre .lim n is fiom a loetor ever on Saturday, the 25th dav ot April, fourth mile; thence East one-fourtb sine.-. 1*25. and immediately therea t r pub mile to the center of Section 2, S E ’i of Section 13; thence East on NE'A of Section 15; thence South lands are susceptible of irrigation Doc Evans was a Nampa visitor d B *ard of Sup r thence North one-fourth mile to th the center of Sections 13 T. 21 S., R. three fourths of a mile to the sec- from the same source and by the Saturday. visors of tne Ow,hee pra.nage Dis 'northeast corner of the S E it of the 45 E. and 18 T 21 S., R. 46 E. one mile, tion line between sections 15 and 22; same system of works, by the stor to the northeast coiner of the NW’A thence East one-half mile along said age, diversion ar.d distribution of A number of eheen men have taken P'|rchH®‘‘ uf ' f NW!4 of said Section 2; thence Eusi >f the SE’A of Section 18, Township section line, extended, to the north- the waters of the Owyhee River and A numb r or sheep men have taken sai I District in the sum of Fourte-n ono an,i one fourth mile-r to th theta sheep out latelv, among them Thnuaand Dollars Ifuniuitm i .'wenty-one (21) South, Range For- east corner of the NW’A of the NW- Succor Creek, in Malheur County, Jack and “ o i i r a ^ l r ^ of of r o ^ t ) N "0rtheMt C0‘IRr °f ^ SW% ° f th‘ _ „ McDonald _ . u Frank r. McKnigh.. . ou ‘ • “ In denominations E !4 of Section 1, all in Townshif .y-six (46) East, W. M.; thence ’4 of Section 23; thence South one- Oregon. O F. Bacon of the De,ert Sheep less than One Hundred (luOl or more Twenty-three (23) South, Range North one mile on the boundary ol j half mile to the southwest corner of Dated this 5th day of March, Co. ia having his sheep shi ared now than Five Hundred (500) Dollars, said Forty-six (46) East, W. M.; thence said Owyhee Irrigation District t o , the SE'A of the NW’A of Section 1925. George MacL fferty had the misfor binds to bear date of May 1st, 1£26. North one mile to the northeast cor- the northeast corner of the NW’A j 23; thence West along the East and H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. tane to tip s load of hay into the Owy “’'d mature serially in annual I ,u,r 0£ SW',4 of the NEU of Sec- ,»f the S E ’A of Section 7; thence; West center line of Section 23, to By Roy Daley, Deputy. (ice ditch Monday. A refractory horse amounts so as to be appri ximalely tion 36, Township Twenty-two (22) West to the center of Section 7; the quarter section corner on the Date of first publication, March caused tbs trouble. equal, principal and interest, and to South, Range Forty-six (46) East thence Noitn three-fourths of a West line of said section; thence 13. Tlia d..<l,e operated by W. 11 Puck- mii ure commencing May 1st. lb X W. M.; thence West three fourths mile to thc northeast corner of the South along the West line of Section Late of last publication, April 10. ett ia working now between the Lar- *nd end,nK May lat- la46- *aid of a mile to the section line between to bear interest at six per cent i6 per sections So and 36; thence North aen and Phillips places. een») per annum, payable semi-annu — i V »W V » i i ^ i i . » ^ f to t . ^ a » » . o ^ | f t a t H > E ) one-fourth mile to the northeast Mr. and Mra. Ellis Walters moved ally on the first days of of May and comer of Section 35; thence West last week from Oregon Trail Diatnct , , , . ’ . .. „ . . ■ .. . . . November, prmciprl and interest pa\. one mile to the northwest corner oL to the Kolony, where they have rented .. , ,, ,, .. J able at the Malheur County Bank, Section 35; thence North one-half the Bluet ranch. « . .. Nvesa, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency P. T. A. was called off last week, 0f the state of Oregon in New York mile to the quarter section corner on the East line of Section 27; owing to ao many cases of the Hu. City, at the option of the holder thence West one mile to the quarter Mra. M M Greeling, president of Said propo ala mua' be accompanied section corner on thc West line of the County C< unril of the P. T. A., bv a certified check for fi * p r cent Section 27; thence North one ami spent Tuesday with Mra T. M Low , (6 per cent) of the amount thereof, one-half miles to the northeast cor making plana for the coming County *be same to be forfeited to the Dis- ner of Section 21; thence West one Council, which will be held in Big Lf’ct “* liquidated damages in the half mile to the quarter section cor Bend on the S.coni Saturday in Apr I. event the successful bidder fails to ner on the North section line of Sec Don't forget the free dinner to which Pa* 4or ,a 'd bonds within ten (10) tion 21; thence North one-fourth paid up members will he treated by days after the award. The bidder mile to the northwest corner of the the Big Bend P. T. A. If you are not »hall ba required to procure »he ap SW’A of the SE',4 of Section 16; already a paid up member it's time to proving legal opinion, and said pro get busy. posala are made subject to the legality thence E ast one-half mile to the sec , of said issue, and confirmation of the tion line between sections 15 and 16; thence North one-half mile along Lou DeGoeda was a Nysa. visitor proee, dinft nf iaid D iitriet. Monday. Mr. » and l.tal. Johe, went Xh. Board rc.erves the r.ght to re. said section line to the northeast along aa far as Garrisons, where the, j>et , ny ,„ d bldgi corner of the SE!4 of the NEV4 of stopped for a visit. By order of the Board of Supervia- Section 16; thence West one-hali Maximum Truck chaosig M*. and Mrs. J W Kvgar went to ora of the Owyhee Drainage District mile to the northwest corner of the Price prices all Ontario Monday, going down with Cated this 19th day of March, 1825 SW’4 of the N E ’A of Section 16; 1912- 1919 without arar Jamea Huffman. Wm. Peutx, Presidi ni thence North one-fourth mile to th As is $40.00 quarter section comer on the south $45 00 . S 59 00 $ 75 0Ö $ 75.00 tero. $ $ 75.00 Mrs. B F K <rr and daughter. Mr». John F Reece. Secretary. line of Section 9; thence West one 1920............. Date of first publication Mch 20, 1925 100 00 135 00 150.00 210.00 ZIO 09 William Snyder, viaited with Mrs. S tarter tÿpe 166 «0 Date of last publication Aprii 24 1925 fourth mile; tiience North one-hall Lowe Friday. $25 00 mora. 1921 ___ 130 OO 165 00 175 00 *40.00 240.00 mile; thence West one-fourth mile 171 09 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and fam Alt with pneu to the quarter section corner on the 1922............. 150 00 215.90 301 00 225.00 *00 00 426 90 192 09 NOTICE OF ELECTION ily visited Mr. and Mra Ed Hennia matio tiro*. west line of Section 9; thence North 1923............. 210 00 *64 00 286 00 346 ”00 Sunday. 37F00 4 3 00 214.0* IN THE COUNTY- COURT FOR on the section line one and one-halt Solid tires 1924............. *43.00 Spring has surely come. Mrs. Lowe, $95 CO MALHEUR COl NTY, STATE OF miles, more or less, to the northwest 340 00 44*00 496,00 f 99 r0 267.00 » 0 $0 loes. OREGON. assisted by Arnold Points, was busy corner of Section 4, in Township the first of the weel Twenty-two (22) South, Range For Above price« subject to ehsnge without nulice. In ,he J,atu ’r o{ the Organization ty-six (46) East; thence North one and renovating" the yard and lawn. o Old tvpe Tudor new type same as 1924. of the SUCCOR CREEK 1RRIGA 0 Old type Coups—new typo same as 1924. mile to the northwest corner of Sec Mr. and Mra. I. W Edison and fam- TION DISTRICT. Thirty-three, in Township ilv of Apple Vallay arriv.d Monday .o T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tion ADDITIONAL PRICES ON EXTRA EQUIPMENT Twenty-one (21) South, Range For haip on the Ewna ranch, v .. . . . , u i asna . „ , . Notice is hereby given, that on th ty-six (46) E ast; thence East three- Standsrd Psnsl or Delivery B«dv on "T” C h assis....................................................... f2. Mlas Mlldrad DeBord, w.m a ;.n t th . m h day of ApH, 1925 a „ e,cct,on Standard Psnsl or Delivery Body on "TT” Chassis . „ .................................................. * ,A ^ fourths of a mile to the southeast w i n t e r in W a l l . Walla. Wash., a h c . win be held a t the residence of J 8ta> dard Slip on B o d y ........................................................................................................................ .................... . corner of the Southwest quarter of ahe w a s e m p lo y .d ln t h . oflice of W . G raff, in Section 12. Township Body only, less Gabon ••TT” Chasais.......................................... ..................................... ................ the Southeast qunrter (SW’*SE’4) G a rd n er Company d e p a r tm e n t a to m 23 South, R ange 46 E W M for Cab only, less Body on "TT" C h a ssis................. ............................................................................... ................L? J? of Section Twenty-eight (28); thence r . ' u r r e d h.wnc Sunday, in time to heip thc purpo9e of determining" whether Ruxatell Axle or any extra Transmission on "T” _____________________ " „ „ w ,th th e moving of the DeBord family or not an irri)fation d i s t r " ‘ bo North one-fourth mile to the north Ruxstell Axle or any extra Transmissioa on "XT"_________ ___ ______ — east corner of the Southwest quar 40 00 to thoir new heme near Payette, where organized under the proviaion, pf Speedster Body______ _________ ____ _______ . . . * -------- ter of the Southeast quarter (SWl4- 10.00 »h, y a r e g o in g this week. C h a p U r XIV Title XLI Oregon U w s . Deduct 2$ per cent for ears without starter aid demountable rims. ................ SEQ ) of Section Twenty-eight (28); Mr and Mra. Robert Elliott warn and acts supplemental thereto and thence East one-fourth mile to the Nyaaa viaitoia Saturd ay. amendatory thereof, to provide for East line of Section Twenty-eight ( KR 1 , ^ IK.D 1 SED CARS MEAN: Car* are in stard ard perform ance condition aa rep D. E4 Taft, of Walla Walla, who 'he irrigation of the lands within (28); thence North one and three- resented, thus aw u rin * you the minimum of trouble and the max mum of aatisfaetioa. has been visiting hia daughtara } "«‘J proposed district by the storage, fourths miles to the northeast cor for we sell only unused miles in cars. and families, the Klingbacks and Dt- diversion and distribution of the un ner ot Section Twenty-one (21), in Rords, left for home Monday. Appropriated surplus and flood wa Township Twenty bone (21) South. J. S. Glascock was a dinner guest ters of the Owyhee River and Suc Range Forty-six (46) East; thence n tho William Schweiior home Surw cor Creek, in Malheur County, Ore West one and three-fourths miles to day. He wont on to Ontario Monday, gon; that the name of said propos the northwest corner of the North ONTARIO, OREGON as ho was UI with ■ ralapao of Hu. ed District ia SUCCOR CREEK IR- east Quarter of the Northwest Quar- H-4-M“W”W“M**i P.IGATION DISTRICT; that at said * > election the qualified electors of ! | said proposed irrigation district, ) ’ the boundaries of which are herein- ^ < > after defined, shall be required to It vem«mb«rt If you forget. ! ! cast their ballots which shall con- 2 . I tain the words ‘ Irrigation District-- am • > Yes”, and “Irrigation District--No’’. ** ! I or words equivalent thereto. ] \ That the boundaries of said pro- * ’ posed irrigation district are as fol f. lows, to-wit: * Beginning at a point w hen th,- state boundary line between the Slates of Idaho and Oregon intei- s.'cU the raiuchannel of the Snas* River between Rut 7 in Section d, 'township Twenty-two (22) Soutn, Range Forty-seven (47) East. W. -V., ■ » in the State of Oregon, and Lot 8 ! ’ in Section 14, Township Four 14) [ \ North, Range Six (6) West, B. M. Big Reason* Why You Need the Charters. •; in the State of Idaho; thence south 1— Trim the wick once a week only. , . along said State line to a point 2— Fill the lamp once a week onlv ] | where said State line intersects the 3— Outside Thermostat takes eare of outside changes ; ; East and West section line of Sec- of temperature. . , tion 18, Township Twenty-three (23) 4 Special Process for n tair.irg mois'ure South, Range Forty-seven (47) Ea^t, 5- Regulnt >r for • djusting only iwo or three times W. M., in Malheur County, Oregon, during hatch. thence West to the Northwest cor 6 — Charter» Burner and big tank reduce the fire risk. ner of the N E ’A of the SW’A (Ljt 7 -FI ame ontrol reduces oil consumption. 3) of Section 18; thence South to th;. southwest corner of the N E ii of th< SW'A I Lot 3) of Section 18; thence T West one-half mile to the northeast NYS3 A, OREGON R F 1) NO 14 A corner of the S.Wt. of the SE!4 ol M-*4-M-y-K~H-S-$"l-H".' Section 13, Township Twenty-three —......... - , , _ (23) South, Range Forty-six (46) _ East, W.M .; thence South one-fourth : Charters Incubators I). W. GIBSON i GATE CITY JOURNAL Owyhee Announces NEW RESALE PRICES on all Certified used Ford Cars 1 Truck Chassis Fordor Tudor Coupe Touring Chassis \ . B. Staples Ford Garage