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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1925)
Gaie City Journal Supplement NYS A. OREGON, MCH. 13, 1925 Owyhee Mr and Mrs. H srrv Evans and little son are very ill w ith th e flu and have been fo r som e tim e. The flu this year seem s to be unusually severe. Mrs. T. M, Lowe is also ill w ith it. J. 8 Glascock had an attack of flu, too, last week. Word from Leland Penn states th at he has traded hiB home in H untington fo r a car. David E. T ufts of W alla W alla, W ash , arrived Friday for a visit with bis d au gh ters, the Meadames Fred K lingbackand P. L D eB ord and fam Bias. K enneth M cDonnald is spending the week as g u est of Clyde Benton in Ny sa. Mrs E. L. M acLafTerty, who under w ent an operation in Portland a m onth ago, has now recovered sufficiently to go to her m other in M eibom s, Wash , w here she will visit for a tim e. Mr. and M rs G. W. B enton and fam ily w ere dinner guests in the Klm gbaek hom e Sunday, where Mr. Benton and Mr. T uifts, who were old tim e friends years ago in N orth Da kota, enjoyed a good visit. Miss Viva Caywood, who has been helping in th e Sehw eiaer home tor several w eeks, returned to Evans te help them during th eir illness. Mr. and M rs. Alvon McGinnis and family visited Sunday afternoon in the J , P. McGinnis home. Evelyn DeBord has missed nearly a m onth of school on account of the flu, being obliged to leave school for home tolks who w ere ill, retu rn in g to school Monday, and is spending the week with h er aunt, Mrs. G. W. Ben ton, and fam ily, J S. Glascock was an O ntario via to r lis t w eak. Ms, and Mrs J. W hitney o f Boise have moved to N yssa and are oecupy ing room s a t the Swan ap artm ent house Mr. W hitney will have charge of the soda and ice cream departm ent a t the N yssa Pharm acy. Leg Broken Chiropractors Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver graduates. Consultation and exanwna- tifln free. Ten years successful prac tice in the stnte of (JVegon First door w est of Bank Bobby Clossen was the victim of an u nfortun ate accident at th e John Reece ranch W ednesday. W hile Iriving a disc harrow draw n by m ules the ani mals became unm anageable and broke loose from the driver. D uring the melee Bobby “’as throw n to the ground, sustaining a fractu re of the le ft leg bone betw een th ankle and New line of la te st spring and sum knee. Dr. Saraxin put thin g s to m er h a ts. L arge assortm ent to select Mrs. E. J. Powell. rights again as nearly as possible and from . Bobby is now restin g easily a t his home. For Sale. 1 folding baby buggy, good order. $5.50. Box 2i3, N yssa. Oregon. Hats Buys Ice Plant The N yssa Packing Co has ordered H atching E ggs— purebred Barred an ice m aking and cold storage plant Plym outh Rock; 60c per setting. Phone for use in th e ir expanding business. The business has grown to e big for 54F4. irbra. M arie C M artin. fl3 tf the old fashioned way of cooling by ATTORNEYS AT LAW m eans of chunks of ice. More m tdern m ethods are im perative where so much m eat is handled. The new outfit, E M. BLODGETT which will be o f five tons daily capac A ttorney and Counsellor at Law ity, will be in tailed and w orking be fore the hot w eath er arrives Practice in all courts N yssa, Oregon "Goes to Emmett CHIROPRACTORS H arry G oshert le ft Sunday for Em DRS. BRADFORD & BRADFORD m ett, where he has accepted a posi C arver Method tion w ith the W hite C am m erer H ard w are Co. The buying public will miss Consultation and Exam ination Free H arry, whose courtesy and efficiency N yssa, Oregon have been an outstanding feature in the m ercantile life of N yssa for many years. OSTEOPATHS We join the en tire com m unity in DR. H A RRIET SEARS w ishing him p ro sp erity in his new home O steopathic Physician O ntario, Oregon Office: W ilson Bldg., O ver R aders' Announcement To th e Public: H aving bought th e m otor trucks and business of Henry Fields, we will do ell kind* of trucking businesi prom ptly and efficiently. Long or sho rt hauls. Phone 75F5. m62t Cheeley & Teutseh. li * * * * * * * W H F l b M -H m h H NYSSA BARBER SHOP :! AND CIGAR STORE • 1 SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING \ \ HOT AND COLD BATHS For Sale. : ! L. B. II^M A K FR , Prop. Two good Jersey cows, o re milking A partm en ts—eith er tw o, three or I ' N yssa Oregon now, th e o th er will be fresh soon. four room s, furnished for housekeep Pnone 51 f3 H. P. H irgm an. ing, o r unfurnished. G. R. Swan. For Reni ' ] ! i