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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1925)
% TBS OATS COT JOURNAL r*i*+*î—i* v %**í*'I*^ v V 4* *>*i*+ 'I* v*S~ : Charters Incubators I t rem em bers if you fo rg et. ; ; Big Reasons Why You Need the Charters. 1— 2— 3— T rim the wick once a week only. Fill the lam p once a week only. O utside T h e rm o sta t tak e s ca-e o f outside changes of te m p e ra tu re . 4 - S p ecial P rocess for re ta in in g m oisture. 6 —R eg u lato r fo r a d ju s tin g only tw o or th re e tim es d u rin g hatch. 6— C h a rte rs B u rn e r and big tan k reduce the Are risk. 7— F lam e o n tro l reduces oil consum ption. foot fence rails. lM -gal soap k e ttle ; 83 su g ar troughs M a d e of w hito ask tim oer; I t gel. m aple sy ru p , 2 spin* ning wkeels; 30 lbs. of m a tto n tallew ; 1 la rg s loom m a te by J e rs y Wilson; 300 poles: 100 sp lit koops; 100 tm p ty b srre ls; 132 gal. b a rro l o f Joknson- Miller whiskey T y e srs old; 20 gals, spple brand-; 140 g sl copper still; 4 »ides of u~k tanned le a th e r; 1 doa. reel h oka; 2 handle hooka; 3 sythea a a l c ra d le '; 1 do* wooden pitchfork«; one half i n t e r e s t ir. tan yasd; 13d calib ie • ! rifle; bullet molds and pow der horn; ; r fl ■ m ade by Ben Mill r; 60 gals of ' ' s ‘'f t s o a p ; ham s, bacon and la d; 40 gals, sorghum ; six head of fox hounds, all so ft-m o u th e d ex o ep t one. A t the sam e tim e I w ill sell my six negro s ie v e s—2 men 30 end I t years eld; 2 boys 12 and 18 y e a rs old; 2 mul- Istkto wenches, 40 a n t 30 y e a rs old. Will sell all to g a th e r to sam e p a rty es I will not s e p a ra te them . T erm s o f sale: C a sh in hand, or note to draw 4 per c e n t In te re s t, w ith Bob McConnell as security. My home is 2 mils« sau th o f Ver aailles, K entucky, on M cgonn’s fe rry pike. Sale will begin a t 8 o ’clock a. P le n ty of drin k a n t e a t. J . D. MOSS. Notice of Hearing of Final Accoant. FOR REAL H E A T IN G ECONOMY N stic s ia hereby given th a t the un dersigned. axoeutar of th a e sta te of W illiam W Beam, deceased, has filed his final report, and account w ith th e county clerk of M alheur county, Ore gon, in the m a tte r of th e sa iJ e sta te , and th a t th e county ju d g e of said county has set Monday, March 16 1925, i t I I o’tlock a m , as the tim e, and the office of the county judge a t Vale, O regon, as the place for hearing the said final account and re p o rt N otice ia fu rth e r given th a t all per- s ns having o bjections to th e said final account and re p o rt m a s t file the sam e w ith th e said court and cause en or before th a d a ta of said h earing. JA M E S C. BEAM, E x ecu to r of tha E s ta te of W illiam W. Beam , Deceased. BURN WOOD ORDER FOR NEXi' wiNTtR NOYr Good wood is a good ( up !. It. is a cl-, . *isfa<*tfnv fuel for heater, range or firej !t ; e —us rr.i c. l ’ . l o families know Wood, with lttq i’ii k. c K lu i cat < r (, i’s economical cost, is becoming a more : opular l t d each year. Last year we found it impossible to accept all of cur orders for wood impossible because th?y v ert received too late tube fill'd before cur mills closed down *■< - Now the Interstate Commerce Comm s-ion issues a warning adviving that fuel supplies b? laid in e a r l y , that the chance of a car shortage be eliminated when FaL crop shipments begin. H atching E g g s— purebred B arred Plym outh B osk; 60c p e r s e ttin g Phone 54F4. M rs. M arie C M artin. flS tf There’s another good reeson who ycu should order now—an interesting reason to YOU. And that reason is low price. It Is vary haad for a se n a to r to ba in d ig n a n t about oil leases a fte r the public loses i n te r e s t D. W. GIBSON % NYSSA, OREGON Published The price, per cord, in pool or straight carload lols, on cars at Nyssa, is ................... R. F D NO 1- GATE CITY JOURNAL every F rid a y O regon, by at Nyasa, H. F . BROWN O w vhee Mr and Mr». J S. G l.acock an 1 child ren , John and Alice, and Mr». B ert G reen viaited Sunday a t the W illiam Schw eizer home, w hare th ey w e re e n t, rta in e d a t din n er. BOISE PAYETTE Mr. and Mrs K y o a r and fam ily hava a t the Postoffm a a t N v iea, been very ill w ith th e flu fa r the p a st O regon, as second-cl£-_ _ a ii m a tte r w eek b u t a re now able to be out. R A T E S: One year, in advance------------- *1.60 m onths, in advance....................76 WEEKLY BIBLE LESSON LUMBER ( 0. Mr. and Mrs. A ndrew M cGinnis and fam ily w ere d in n er g u e sts a t th e W. W. Sm ith home Sunday. ■ Pure Jersey T B Tested W arren Fenn and eons have re n te d the o'd H uffm an ranch up the riv er for the com ing y e ar. F. L. Lie Bor I and d a u g h te r Evelyn w ere business visito rs in P a y e tte T u-a day, w here Mr, DcBord sold a c a r of Idaho Rurala. . HOTICH FO R J S. Glascock was a business v is ito r in O ntario Monday. The City Dairy H. F. Brown, Owner—Geo. E. Schweizer, Manager A T TO RN EY S AT LAW E. M. BLODGETT Attoiyicy and C ounsellor a t Law P ractice in all courts N yssa, Oregon R. W. SW AG LER 4 pswa ««^ P m s ne^W eaw e^^ee { A tto rn ey a t Law Rooms 12, 14, 16, W ilson Bldg., Announces O ntario, O regon IN SU R A N C E. W. B. H O X IE NEW RESALE PRICES IN SU R A N C E O ffice a t R esidence, T hird on all and E hrgoud Avenue. N yssa, O regon Certified used Ford Cars Maximum Price 1912-1919 Aa is $40.00 ? ? Ï ** ? m m 00 < • H $45 00. 136 00 O e m * 1 M 00 $ 76.00 $ 76 00 160.0« 310.00 110 00 $ 76.00 1 1920.............. 100 00 192»........... 130.0* 165 0* 17» 00 340.0* 240.0* 1922............. 150 00 21» »0 21* 00 SOI 00 100 00 1928 210 00 346 00 £30 00 346 00 371.00 493 60 214.00 343.00 3*6 CO 340 00 483 OO 49« 00 599.00 267 Oo . .. O C H IRO PRA C TO R S DRS. Truck Chassis sr m 8 •* Fardor n Tudor Here we find Paul admitting that he lied for God’s glory He had evidently been censured for teaching what he knew to be un true and excused himself by claiming that his lie would re sult in good. There is reason to believe that this same doctrine is held and practiced in some quarters today, but is not one that would commend itself to school authorities. Paul also draws a distinction between ly M r B ra stak i who has been feeding ing and doing evil, indignantly sheep on th e W. W Sm ith ranch, them Monday to the Kolony, denying that he was guilty of moved w here he h a s m ore hay. the latter, but in this distinction L eonard Sm ith le s t se v e ra l days of he seems to be contradicted by school la st w eek an aceount o f flu, tha writer of Revelations, who Mr. and Mrs. Claud S m ith and says that ALL liars shall have d a u g h te r have been very ill w ith the their part in the lake which flu, lately, too. burneth with tire and brimstone. W alter P inkston m ade a business As examples of inaccuracy and trip to C aldw ell Monday. contradiction we will cite a few L ittle G race C h a rlo tte K y g ar is very of the many that might be men ill w ith th e prev ailin g malady. T hom as M Lowe v isited Mrs tioned: Matthew gives the gen M. Mrs M. C re elin g S atu rd ay . ealogy of l he Jews by name Mrs. W arren Fenn and d a u g h te r from David to Christ and makes Bernice have been ill w ith th e flu ihe the number of generations 28 . p u t w eek. In fa c t nearly ev ery fam Luke gives the genealogy from ily in th e com m unity have been rsp Christ back to David and makes resen te d on th e " F l u ” list. the number of generations to be The DsBord fam ily a lio passed th ra 48, And there are enly the two a siege of it b u t m ost of tbsm a re son names of David and Joseph alike v aleecen t now in the two lists. Strange that Mr. and Mrs. S. D. B igelow and ily a tte n d ed to e local t a le n t play inspired writers should disagree fam “ T ake My A dv-ce" a t N y ssa Friday ao radically. night. In Ezra we find an enumera Mrs. V iolet Riee is visiting h e r par lion of the people who returned a n ts, Mr. and Mrs. L arasn. T heir to Jerusalem from Babylon d a u g h te r M ildred is also a g u e s t th ere The writer makes the whole Ed Hennis w e n t to W ilder Monday number to be “forty and two for seed corn. thousand three hundred and Mr, and Mrs. Lou DsGosde sailed a t three score.” As a matter of E v aa s Sunday. fact, however, according to hia listing the total is but 29,818. Sala Bill of 75 Yean Ago. Such inaccuracy wouldn't be Following ia a copy o f a sale bill tolerated in a school text book. from an old Kemtucky p a p e r: Nehemiah also gives a list of •'H aving sold aiy fa rm , and am leaving fo r O regon T e rrito ry ky nx those who returned from the tea m , will offer on M arch 1, 1849. all captivity and he gives the total rav personal p ro p e rty , to w it: as 42,360, but the items given "A ll ox team s, e x c e p t tw o teem s. amount to only 31,089. Another Busk and Ben and Tam and J e rry , inexcusable error in simple ad 2 m ilk cow s; 1 g ra y m are aed eolt; I exen yokea; 1 baby jo k a ; 3 ax dition that a sixth grade pupil c p a air rts ; 1 aron plow w ith wood m ale would not be guilty of. board; 1000 3-foot clapboards; lfiO* 10- We have tra d e d in our old congress for a new one, hut c a n ’t te ll y e t if we we have profited a n y th in g by the ex change. N otice is hsrab y given th a t L au ra E. C lag ett, a ss‘gnee of Murdock M ellon ukj. of O ntario, O regon, who, m Au g i s t 8, 1908, m ade d e s e rt land e n tr No. *60, fo r EJSEi. Section 9 W jSW J, Section 10. Tow nship 21 South, R eage 4* E ast, W illam ette M eridian, ha» fil.-d notice of intention to m ake fin d preof, under the 3rd par ag rap h of A ct of March 4, 1915, to establiah claim to the la rd aho'-e de scribed, be fo re R e g iste r and R eceiver, U 9 . Land Office, a t Val» O regon, on the 80th day of M arch, 1925. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: E. F. P r a tt, A. D 8 P r a tt, both o f Ironside, O’ agon. R o b e rt R O v e rstre e t, R o b e rt S co tt O v e rstre e t, G eorgia M O v e rstre e t, all o f N yssa, O regon. Geo W. M cK night, R e g iste r. Cream, 20c pint mon i a. F ra n k M cK night is very ill w ith flu a t the h o spital in O n tario . M essrs. K lingback and Mendlela w ere business v isito rs in P arm a the flrst of th e w eek. Mr. and M rs W. B. N apton of Wil lows, C al., a re the p a ren ts of a daugh te r born F e b ru a ry 88. The little one h a s been nam ed M ary M a rg are t. Mr and Mrs. G eorge K aylor moved la st w eek to tdie Kolony, w here they have re n te d a farm . R o b ert and B etty K aylor a re d riv in g to N y sia H igh in th e ir new Ford, tak in g as passengers th e M isses B ernice M artin. Rowena Glenn and R ita Beam. Mrs. P e a rl M arx of Diamond paid h e r fa th e r, O scar P in k sto n , a brief visit la st w eek, PU BLICA TIO N D e p a rtm e n t of the In terio r, 9 . S. Land OIBce a t Vale. Oregon F e b ru a ry 18, 1926 Owing to lack of space we have been obliged to omit the Bible lesson for the past t^’O The E vans fam ily a re very ill with weeks but this w e e k a r e a b le to flu a t th is w ritin g . L ittle H a rry J r resume. is seriously th re a te n e d w ith pneu F or if th e tru th of God h a th m ore abounded th ro u g h any lie unto his glory; why y e t am I also judged as a sinner? And n o t r a th e r (aa we be sla n d er ously rep o rted , and aa soma affirm th a t we sav) let us Ho evil th a t good may come? whose dam nation is ju s t R om ans 3:7-8 $ 3.35 Place your orders atonce. Then you’ll 1 aveyour weed, fully seasoned ready to burn, when you w a n t it If you won’t need a full car y suraelf, you’ll find your neighbors willin g to split a car with y cu. Entered SU B SC R IPTIO N i 160.00 ns oe 426 00 192 00 C onsuP ation and T ruek chassis prices all w ithout sta r- tor*. O STE O PA T H S O steopathic P hysician O ntario, Oregon O ffice: W ilson Bldg., O ver R ad ers’ S ta r te r type $36 00 m ore. All w ith pneu- tnatie tires. 1 $50 00 less. <x HONEY '« *<*9*9*» tH I M » » l W 4+ 4H W » ♦ -j H I I I I I I I H H44 NYSSA BARBER SHDP j AMD CIGAR STORE >. V. B. Staples Ford Garage SH A V IN G , H A IR CVTT1XC HOT AND COLD BATHS ONTARIO. ORIGCN %* fo r B re ik fa s t, D inner or Suppor? A good food Hooey Foster's CERTIFIED USED CARS MEAN: Cara art in ataadard performance condition aa rep resented, thus assuring yon the ntiaiaam of trouble and the maximum of satisfaction, for wo aall only unused milea in cars. 4P»? Why Not ¡HONEY S ta n d ard Panai o r D elivery Bedy oa " T ” C h a s s is ......................................................................................... ....$ 2 5 *0 S tandard P aael o r Delivery Body o e " T T ” C hassis.................. ............................................. ............................. 40 00 S tan d ard Slip on Bedy .................................... .............................................................................................. ........... 5 QO Body only, less e a b oe " T T ’’ C h a ssis......................................................................................................................... 20 00 Cab only, less Body en " T T ” C h a ssis................ ............................ .............................................................................20 «0 R uxatell Axle or a n y e a tr a T raa sm issio n aa ” T ” ................. ............. ................................ ....... ........................ to.OO R ux stell Axla a t a a y e x tr a T raasm ission a a " T T ’’................. ............................................................................. 40 00 S p eed ster Body...................................................................................................................................................................... 10.00 D eduet 21 per c o a t f e r se ra w ithout s ta r te r a rd dem ountable rim s. 4P— Free DR. H A R R IE T SEA RS ADDITIONAL PRICES ON EXTRA EQUIPMENT «*« E x am ination N yssa, Oregon Aheve prieea su b je ct ta change w ith o u t notice, o Old type T ad o r—new ty p e sam e as 1924. o Old type O eupe—new typa sam e aa 1924. ia Hi»m s * ||p a i i'9Hiu s ^ < ||i BRAD FORD & BRADFORD C arver M ethod I j L. B HAMAKFR, Prep. Nyiea O.cgaa £