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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1925)
rm Mm cm mimmi ; -A S GATE d H JOURNAL Published every Friday Oretrms, by H. r . At torrea. BROWN Entered at the Postofltoa at M y m , 'Vegum, aa second-da*- —xk matter SU B S C R IPTIO N RATES: „. .55 81.60 '■« monftis. in advance------ W ATC H M AN , W H A T OF TH E NIGHT? That th« night is far spent and the day is at hand is the confident prediction o f Mrs. Margaret Rowen of Los Angeles, a lady who claims prophetic powers as the legitimate succes sor of Amos, Isiah and Jeremiah, those mighty men o f old who proclaimed God’s message to the house o f Israel in ancient days. Mrs. R >wen is affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventists and makes the further claim that the mantl ; of the founder o f the Seventh Day faith, Mrs. Ellen G. White, also a prophetess, has fallen upon her. The modern prophetess has recently been in Boise, sent there, she says, by the command o f the Most High to warn the peoo.e o f that city o f the immi nent return o f Christ and the awful doom impending upon the unregenerate. Whether or not Mrs. Rowen has irside informa tion on the plans of the Almigh ty, her prophesy is interesting in that it sets the date within measurable time, contrary to the practice o f many predictors c f putting the time o f fuifillmci t so far in the future that they a 'e no longer with us when tl e set time arrives. Mrs Rowen state on her au thority as a prophetess that Christ will return to earth an February 6, 1925, only about a month hence. That date will he watched with interest, and un less the event transpires as per prediction we will have to con elude that Mrs. Rowen is but another o f the false prophets against whom we have been warned these nineteen centur ies. Mian Myrsle Points and brother Frank are visitfng a few days i> tbs Huffman borne. Gerald DeBord waa an erernight gaest o f bis casein, Kenneth McDon ald, Saturday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Silas Points teek ¿ ' t geese end a bunch o f duck to town to market Monasy. They are buteker ing nine hog*. The weather, so old timers say, is the coldest for years. Th# govern- ment thermometer at the Kingman ranch registered l i degree« below sero on Christmas day, with 14 inches o f snow. AS this writing about Id inches o f »now cover the Owyhee valley. Snow plows have been out clearing the roads for trafle. George Kaylor cleared the road almost to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Quaokenbush returned to their home at Waitsburg, Wash., Saturday, after a fern day» o « * visit at the Lowe home Mias Lois Russell e f Boise arrived the first o f the week for a visit with l i her sister, Mrs Oce Sehweixer. Cea T I j I T I TV C C B U O S L I L N E E G S E S N I Y ’ ¡3 Mid-Winter Term Opens MONDAY, JANUARY 5 and Secretarial Stkeel, Boise, Idaho. Start tbe New Y ear R IG H T by aarolliag with us for a THORO B USINESS T R A IN IN G As a Commercial Training School Link’s it new considered one of the "B E S T IN T H E W E S T .” * )»* + 4 ! ! ♦ ♦ « I I I ! » » »-»»4 * * * * * * * Do You Want to Save Money ► » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ! > M » » 4 ♦ > !4 When yot “trade in” your car on a new Ford See me first-my services cost you nothing circuit court o f tke State o f Oregon for the County e f Malheur, dated the 4th day o f December, 1914, and direct ed te me, upon c decree and erder of ■ale rendered in laid ceart on tha (nd C. K L IN K E N B B M day o f Dceember, 1924, ia a cartain suit m the oiretstt court for said state PROMPT DELIVBBT and ceaaty, wherein Title and Trust Reateaable latos Company, a corporation, as plaintiff, tecovared judgment agairst J. W. PH O NB IS McCulloch and Olive E. McCulloch, his wife, for the cum of Eleven Thous Mesdames Peutz, Klingback, Hen I ) t I- > ■ ! ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ! ♦ ! 9 and Seven Hundred Forty Nine and nis and Schweizer dismantled the no-100 Dollars ($11,749 00), lawful Christmas tree and cleaned up the money o f the United State!, with ia ] U h -M -H -M ^ + -P + + + + + + + + '■4--h-l~t-4-l-4":-4"!-l-:--i-4"i":"{"H "!"H "H ~I"I"I' 1 1-++.' school h use Monday, after the en er- „ — ------ 1 ■ ■ - tercel thereon from tbe 15th day of tail ment ...«_ + + * + « - » 111 M t t t+ 1 -r + tM -fr tn 1 1 1 1 1 RELIEF WORK HEROINE April, 1924. at the rale o f six per sent, Oscxr Pinkston le ft last week to BACK FROM NEAR EAST (6 per cent) per annum, and the fur visit his daughter, Mrs. Pearl Mars, tber earn o f Paar Hundred Twenty near Crane. sad ae-100 Dollars (2420.00), with in 5 Mrs. Olaude Smith and daughter terelt thereon from the 16th day of Viviwn are spending the holidays in October, 1923, at the rate o f eight The Dalles with her parents. Mr. and a per cent (8 percent) per annum, and Mrs. I. Wiancr the farther turn of Pour Hundred Twenty .nd no 100 Dolton (2420.00) Prank McKnight got in with his with interact thereon from the l(tb eheep Christmas eve, having te break day o f April, 1924, at the rate of eight trail from Sh-llbark, seven or eight per cent (2 per cenl) per annum, aud miles out. Mr. Baron also bad a band the further sum of Eight Hundred o f shaep out in the hills but soccetdtd Thirty-Five and 81-100 Dol'ars in getting them in a day or so ago. ($836.81), with iatereat therenn at the Grorge Kaylor took bis ton Robert rate e f eight par cent (8 per cent) per to Ontario Monday to have acme den annum irosa the 13th day of October, fcal work done. 1023, and the further sum o f Six Hun W .lte r Pinkston and family, Alvon dred F ifty (4650 00) Dollars attorneys’ McGinnis and fam ily and Claude fees, which earn the court adjudge* to and Cecil Smith ate Christmas dinner be a reasonable attorneys’ fees for in tbe W. W. Smith home. plaintiff ia this suit, and -plaintiff’ s Oco Sohweiaer and Doe Evsns went eossa and disbursements of tbie suit to Nyssa Monday to get Evana' car, taxes at Fourteen Dollars ($14.00), OREGON. which was marooned at Elbe Walters. NYSSA end that said attorneys’ tee and costa Miss Bernice M acLaffertv and sad diebursemeats rhall brsr interest brother Gordon arrived Pridey evening frees the date hereof at the rate of +++<-+ ¡-t-*-M-4*4“t-4~M-4-+4-' v .__ ■, - L - m . iJ tsa (,■' m College Place, Wash , where six per cent ($ per cent) per annum. eourt hsuae in Vale. Malheur County, jafitoMiif i f i they are in Wa la Walla collage and TH BREFO KB, pennant to said Oregon, sell at puDlic auction, subject high school, respectively, to spend the sxeeutien and order of aele. 1 will on te redemption, to the highest bidder holidays with their parents Mr and Monday, the 11th day of Jawuaiy, for cosh in band, all the right, title MRS. W. E. RAMBO Mrs. E L. M acLaffertv. 198$. at the hoar e f 11:30 o'clock ia and interest o f the above named de Mrs Warren Penn returned home Mrsi W. E. Rambo, a former resi the forenoon of sail day, at the north fendants, in and to the following de Saturday from a visit te relatives m dent of Chehalis, Klamath Falls and main entrance deer e f the county court acribed real property, tow it: G rid iej, Cal. Mr F en « will remtir- Baker, recently returned from the house in Vale, Malheur eeanty, Ore East half o f the soathaaat quarter, there till spring. Near East. gon, sail at public auction, snbjsrt tn (EJSE1) Section thirty three (33); C H IR O PR ACTO R S She and her huaband were singled redemption, to the highest bidder for weat half o f the southwest quar out by the Queen of Greece tor cash in hand, ail tha right, totle and ter (W JS W J); Section thirty-four DRS. B RAD FO RD & B RAD FO RD special thanks in connection with ntarest e f the above named defend (3 4 );T w p . fifteen (16) south, and Carver Method the rescue of fifty thousand Oraaka In ants, in and to tha following described the east half o f the northeaet Ail records for low temperatures in Batoum, following the World war. real property, tewit: Consultation and Examination Free quarter (E J N E i) and tha south this locality ware smashed to smith- r With her husband, she walked liter Nyssa, Oregon west quarter o f the northeast ally in the steps ef the Apostle Paul The sooth half (3$) o f Ssction eens during the cold snip which struck "B e w s re o f false prophets which aa they took hundreds of children from qaartar .S W J N E il o f Section r....... _ ■ - - i -r - n r e iw a is n » sigh ($), TowaahiD eighteen (18) us la .t week. The minimum tempera come to you in sheep’ s clothing, but a Turkish beseiged village through fe o r(4 ) and the west half of the aoath. Range forty six (46) exit O STE O PATH S -inwardly they are ravtwung wuivt-w. ture reached was about 36 degrees be. Tarsus to safety on tbe Isle ef Cyprus northwest quarter (W 1N W J) and of th* the WHIamette Meridian. Ye shall know them by their fru its.’ low tero on Christmas morning, under the direction of the Near East the southeast quarter o f the DR. H A R R IE T SEARS Th* above real property with iti though a coup'e o f other mornings Relief. Mabthew 7:16 IS. northwest quarter (S E jN W j) and appurtenances taken and levisd upon were but vary little warmer. For “ W e are familiar with suffering sad "M any falsa prophets shall a rt“« Osteopathic Physician the southwest quarter o f the north as the property e f the abovw named and shall de eive m any.” Matt. 24:11 several days tbe thermemeter never even starvation,” states Mrs. Rambd, Ontario, Oregon east quartar (8VVJNE1) and the gut up to the aero mark Sueh nevere “ before we weat to the Near East, defendants, or so much thereof as may southwest quarter (S W j) o f Sec O ffice: Wilson Bldg., Over Raders’^ cold, combined with a foot or more of for we spent our honeymoss In India be necessary te satisfy aaid judgment tion three (3), Twp. sixteen (16) snow on the ground, furnished ua with In tbe midst of a great famine where in faver o f the above named plaintiff. aoath, afi in Range forty, E. W. hundreds of chlldres were left at oar Title and Trapt Company, a corpora a sample o f genuine old eastern win ATTO RNEYS A T LAW very doors. With relief money seat M., in Malhour county, Oregon. tion, and agfifest the above named de ter. and by contras! brought home i The above real property with its Christmas av, witnessed the annual realisation o f how mild and pleaaar.t from America we gave amploymeat to fendants, J. <V. McCulloch and Olive hundreds of men who were thus able appurtenances token and levied upon Christmas enlertainm ent and treat our winters usually are. te support their families, and the B. MeCaiiock, with interest thereon, aa the property e f the above named *; M. B LO D G ETT given at the school house. The apicn- buildings are la nee today ss orphan together with all coat* and disburse defendants, er so much thereof aa did tree sent from Long Valley by Attorney and Counsellor at Law ments that have er may accrue. ages. may be necessary to satisfy aaid judg- KuJolph Hite waa beautifully deco "Our oldest son. Victor, returned a Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 8th day Practice in aH eenrts msut in favor o f the above named rated with crystal icicle«, g lite rirg few weeks ago as medical missionary o f December, 1924. plaintiff. L. Halle Lees, and against Mira Julia Groo, 18, o f Portland, to the very spot where he was bora, ornaments and candles, which ware Nyssa, Oregon H. LE E NOE, the above named defendants, B. C. furnished by the O. K. K., as was also has bean swan ed a 116,000 medal and he finds that the leaders la the By C. W Glenn. Sheriff. Bertleaoii and Ada Bertleson, with in .he generous treat of cany, nuts and home ns first prize in a home lighting community are the children whom we Deputy. terest thereon, together with all costa R. W. S W A G L S R oranges, with the euception of $6.50 essay contest in which 1,000 000 school saved from death twenty-five years c inlributed by those who had net par children in the United States and Car • ago. With this ezperlenca back ef Data o f firet publication Dec, 12, 1924. and disbursements that have or may Attorney at Lew us we naturally look for great re Date a f last publication Jan. 9, 1925. accrue. Ten other boya and ti ipated in club activities E. L. ada competed. sults from Americans taking care of a Date o f sale Jan. 12,1926,at 11:30 a m. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this Sth day Rooms 12, 14, 16, Wilson Bldg., M -o-Lafferty, as Santa Claus, caused girls received scholarships ranging tn hundred thousand children in the o f December, 1924. much merriment. The program, as valua from )300 to $1200. Near East.” Ontario, Gregen H. L E E NOE, nearly as we have been able to gather, By 6. W. Glenn, Sheriff. Notice o f Sheriff's Sale. consisted o f soloa “ Oh, L ittle Town of ARMENI AN CHILDREN Deputy. Bethlehem " and “ Silent N igh t” b ; By virtae e f an exaawtion in fore IN S U R A N C E . W A N T AMERICAN FLAGS Mrs. Marian Lowe Quackenbuah; se closure daly issued by th* clerk o f the Date o f first publication Dee. 12, 1924. The Crane high ashooi basket kail Date o f last puplieation Jan. 9, 1923. lections from James Whitcomb Riley Jerusalem.— Armenian children la circuit eeurt e f the ( t a l e o f Oregon,fee Date e f sale Jan 12, 1925, at 11 a m. hoys played the home team in Nysea by E. L. Ma.-Lafferty; a Christmas W. B. H O X IE the Near East R elief orphanages In •he County af Malheur, dated Ike 2nd Wednesday night aud saceseded in carol sung by George Ruat and Lanra Palestine and Syria have petitioned day e f Deaember, 1924, and directed to trimming the local aggregation by a IN S U R A N C E Huffman. A number o f libtlo folk the American consul hare to secure mo, apon a deerea and order o f sale PU B LIC NOTICE. sang “ Away in a Manges” and there »core o f 18 14. The result was quite a American flags for all thalr orphan rendered ia «aid eourt on tho 2nd day O ffice at Residence, Third »nd IN T H E C O U N T Y COURT OF T H E were r e fla tio n s by Ellis Points, Johsi surpiiae to ear band, who soemed to age building. In a letter te the con o f Decomber, 1924, in a certain salt in S T A T E OF OREGON FOR M a w anticipate an aaay victory. Last year sol. they state: “ It la ths only flag Ehrgood Avenue. Uigelow, Laura Huffman, Gaorgta Mi* eireatt eoart far said state and HEUR COUNTY. Kusl Lela Hite, Davis Evans, Peggy tho Nyssa team easily defeated tk we have, and the only one that manna aoanty, wherein L. Bell* Lee* was Nyssa, Oregon In the m atter o f changing the name boys from the interior. a homeland to ua. America has been Sen w e ii, r. Jimmy H ite. Howard plaintiff and R. C. Bertieaon and Ada o f W aller 3. Saymanewici. our father and mother, and we want Points an I William Peuts, Jr. In Methodiat Church. the Stars and 8tiipes always with as Bertleaon, hasban I aad w ife, and T. Notice ia hereby given to all perten., spite o f .he extrem e cold • goodly Notice of Payment o f Dividend as a constant remindsr of what we A. Wakefield end Jane Doe Wakefield, eencerned that at a hearing in the Sunday School 10 a. m. crowd was present. In the mattar of tho liquidation o f owe to your country.” The consul husband and wife, were defendants, ooanty eeart o f aaid county and state Young People’a meeting, 5:M p. m. Mis3 Mildred R atcliff and John Hite ib - Bank o f Nyssa. Nyss . Oregon, hat lorltad contributions of flaga, 1 a judgment was rendered in faver of en tbe 29th day o f December. 1924, Preaching 2nd 4th Sundays, bet* were married in P ayette on Christmas inaelvent, notice Is hsrsby given that feet by 5 feet, or larger. the above named plaintiff, L. Balle upon a petition heretofore filed i i said morning and evaning. day. The day a fte r Christmas a pursuant to an order made ead enter Leea, aad agaiaat tbe above named court, an order was made and entered S. E Smuts, Pastor. neighborhood charivari was tendered ed by the Circuit Coart o f Malheur defendants B C. Beetleaon and Ada therein by said eeart ordering, ad For Sale. the young couple. They will make County, Oregon, ea the 19th day of Rertlaaaa, f . r the sum e f Eight Hun- No. 2 Onions, (1 00 per cwt. judging and decreeing thet the name their home on the ranch owned by December, 19(4. a divideed will be dred and ae-109 Dollaro ($800 00). with of said petitioner. W elter S Szyman- Wanted Ne. 1 Onions. (2.00 per ewL John and Oral Hite. Many friends in paid upon ell approved eiaime filed interest thereen from tbs first dag o f owies. he changed to W nltei S. Sim Idaho Rurale, 75c per cwt. To trade team of horaea for Ford the community unite in wishing them with tbe uaderaigned, sa oMetal liqui March. 1923, at the rats o f nine per muni; nod that the said court will, an- car, at Gamble Island, three mi toe Netted Gems, |1 00 per i w t a long, happy and proephroue life to dster e f the Haak e f Nyssa, Nyssa, Bring your sacks. P. Tense«. n il Id eedt (9 per tent) per annum, and the Ires goed and sufficient cans« be shown north a f Nyssa. Herman Thram. e£W gether. Mrs. H ite it known as our Oregon, iaaolvent, and that such divi •am e f Eighty Dollars 1 380 00) attor- to tbs country, at the eounty court popwlar young primary teaeher, while dent will be paid en as a fte r Decern » • y ’s foes, aad tke farther sum of r->om in the eounty eoart house at ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ » I I I I I I I I I W t 4 4 H 4 l i * Mr Hite •• the eerond eon o f Mr. and bar (0, 1944. Twenty five bollara ($25.0$; coats. Vale. Oregea, at th* hour o f 11 « ’ clock In the fnrenoon o f the 16 nay o f Feb Mrs. Rudolph Hite and is wall known Dated tbie 19th day o f December, Which judgment was enrollad and ruary, 1926. grant a certificate under 19(4. in the oniiuunity. Dra. Bradford A to ed N ed. ( docketed ie the eierk’s offl-e e f said the seal of tha court of the name the gradaste«. Consultato*) «ad eaa P B A N K C BRAM W IL L , tenti ia said eeanty on tha (nd dav e f s«61 Walter ll. Szymanowira ia to Mr. and Mrs. Ose Schwoises and have, which name shall be W alter S A N D CIGAR December, 1(24 family spent Christmne w ith the Superintendent o f Banhs and (M etal Bon free. Ten paura sp-cees N I Simmers, which name o f W alter 8 Liquidator e f the Bank e f Nyssa, Mee in the stato o f Oregon, Bradney family in the Bend. I t was TB B B B F u B E . persuasi te aaid Simmons shall hereafter be his legal door weet e f BAak Nysea, Ore., Insolvent. some cold that day, only 16 degrees aaneutien and erder. e f saie. 1 will an name. ’ S H A V IN G , H A IR C U T TIN G below sero, and Oca fre e « his nose. E. H. TEAT. Monday, the 12th day e f Janasry, HOT A N D COLD B A T M B. M. BledgatL Costnty Judge. Mrs. Ruth Hssnls o f Kane is spend 1(26. at the bear e f )1:M « ’slock in Notice o f Sh eriff's Sole Don’ t forget seto top sad certain Attorney tor Petitioner L. B HAM AK E R , Prep. ing the holidays with her párenle, Mr. work at Nyasa Harnees A Saddles, the fsreasea e f said day, at the north By viMae e f aa eseeatioa ia far First publication January 2. 192$ and Mrs. Harry Evans. ■nía entonan« dee* e f the eeanty N i« Oregea Skep. «Ignara daly issaad by tke stork ad «I La*« pwblieetoen February 1$, 1924. : : City Dray Line ; « GEO. P. WARD | Service Garage Don’t Overlook the fact that you s can buy seeds cheaper in bulk • Our Prices Are Right Nyssa Grain á Seed Co. Cold Weather Owyhee Wins Home Basket Ball Chiropractors 1 ‘ NYSSA BARBED STORE SHOP Ml 111111 Mfito i