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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1921)
SALT LAKE hlmaelf. and looked «bout In an lo- etant of bewilderment. As the trrth , of hls sltustion reasserted Itself, ho | sat up, conscious of stiffness in every t B USINEES DIRECTORY Joint, yet reinvigorated by several ! hours of rest. He faced a day of In T m e now fo r ■ g irl to h**e h er *"*»*<" activity, a hard demand upon a man ; mt-nt rin g th - t r v ^ u r e o f ev er» ffirl. O u r reaso n ab le prices ease th e w ay. of his temperament, and he was as slow as possible over a meager break fast. hls eyes continually wandering toward the narrow opening, as hls JEWELERS ¿ L mind again reviewed the occurrences S O Y D P A R K BLDG MAIN STULL! of the day before. Finally, unable to resist the tempta Copy Iff ht A. C McCIarff tk Co. tion longer, he ventured to thrust hls head through the entrance to learn something more definite as to his sur these bars, an' when morning come “ G racias! eet will be at night when these cliffs. Eet may be several diiys roundings. All he could perceive was you are not here. Who knows how we come, and you will have to climb before I will dare a c t; you must be the shelf of rock, with a considerable eet happen, senor? I am also asleep, those rocks in the dark. You will need patient. When we come I will bring coping about Its outer edge, together an' you are gone; 'tls the mercy of stout hearts for that trip; but eet Is arms, but I didn’t dare touch any to with a few feet of the descending God.” better to risk than stay here an’ die, night.” trail. On the other hand a new cleft Shelby caught his breath to her ex senor. Now I tell you— Indian Joe "You will not tell me where my wife appeared In the front of the cliff over 400 400 pressive gestures, his fingers gripping will believe you found that knife, and Is being held?" shadowing him, and he suspicloned the knife. BATHS cut your way out alone; he will try to ROOMS “ What good, senor! You could aid that the path he had followed the “I doubt If I can get through that follow, an’ he Is like wolf on the trail. her not at all. There Is no great harm night previous continued upward— hole," he said mournfully, “after the He will not believe you can get away; coming to her yet. Sacrlsta! why you was, perhaps, that secret passageway bars are cut. I’m pretty big." my brother Is great tracker, an’ they worry about her? I bring her with which Pancha had said led finally to "But you must, senor; there Is no think eet easy to run you down. Me me; did I not promise?" the top of the gorge, and along which other way," she Insisted Impatiently fool them, senor.” MOST MODERN HOTEL WEST OF CHICAGO “ Yes, I trust you, Pancha,” he said she planned to guide their future es ‘T h e blade Is strong, shurp; eet will "But how? they will surely see warmly, "and will do Just what you enpe. Beyond the outer edge of the 30 ftewM WA Brdr-Oi* p e r» 11.50; I n K<x*> C 50 dig out the log, but do not be long. your footprints.” 70 R mou With Bath —Ow penm $2.00; T«w ptrtoat $3.00 say. But— but, don't you understand? shelf there was nothing but sky visi See— there Is a tree yonder; I will 125 Room WA Balk - 0 * ptnm $2.50; Two perum* $150 "Mine!” she laughed softly. “ Not If I knew where she w-as I would feel ble. and, believing the coping would 100 Room With Bilk On* per«» $3.00; T*o per*»* $4-00 wait you there, an’ show where you to ever know them, senor— see; eet Is better.” conceal his movements from observa 75 Room* With Bath-One persoe $4.00; Twe perioa* $5.00 must go, so there be no trail. You man's boot I wear, and scarcely have tion below, Shelby pushed his way out She laughed almost scornfully. Topuiar P'xed Colfe Shop and Dining Room come to me quick, hut be still like stepped off solid rock. Now we go to “B a h ! what the difference, senor? through the opening, and crept on death. Madre de D ios! 'tls the only the stream yonder, and then wade up H ead q uarters for Utah, ldaha, Wyoming, Nerada people hands and knees to where he cautious You not know If I told you. But 'tls way.” through the water. There will be no not far away; perhaps by daylight ly could gaze over. She was gone before he could pro trail. Let us not wait, senor.” you might see eet from up there; a log He was higher up on the cliff than test again, vanishing Into the black The man followed without a word, THE CONTINENTAL r- WOOD ' STAVE S.i PIPE night so swiftly and silently he could touching her with one hand In guid house all alone under the bluff. Yet he had previously realized, although only stare out helplessly through the ance. They were upon a crest of solid you lie hid, senor, and trust all to me.” its precipitous front yet towered men _ For i r r i g a t i o n acingly above. The view below was “I have promised that.” bars. Yet she had left hope and deter rock, worn smooth by the ages, and so A hT 7m a all general like that of a distant picture, its de “Good, senor; I will go.” farm purposes. mination behind. With teeth set he advanced unchecked for a hundred / ' ¿ i | «i ¿fr v. V* She drew her hand away, and he tails indistinct. He felt no longer any begnn the work, finding the steel blade For full information write knew she was gone, although no move special fear of being observed, how effective against the tough hickory. It M O I t K I S O N , M K It It I Lie C O . ment of her figure could be distin ever, nnd leaned far enough forward was no light Job, at that, hut he plied to see clearly up and down the broad guished. Shelby swung the bag of the knife desperately, possessing some provisions again to hls shoulder, and valle>’. His position lay somewhat re skill and unusual strength of wrist begnn feeling hls way blindly forward. moved, nround the angle of n side nnd fingers. The stakes gave way one after the other, but he was not satis He had retained the knife, with ravine, so that he could not trace the fied until he enlarged the opening which he had effected esenpe from the entire course of the Cottonwood, or somewhat hy removing all hark from cabin, and. although the point of the even discern the waterfall beneath -¿’^ i-ra n c i" 6 LuKe avicnfif'CCoiiecT the logs, and prying loose the box blade had been broken, he did not feel which he had entered the Hole. Yet V y Genera! Manager Hones!Jieots he had a glimpse of the main stream, i i II Rooms Continental Bans 9 'id s*1 /« entirely unarmed. There was no pos frame. This required nil of half an AJ q a IT LAKE C i t y , UTAH ; could pick out what he believed to be hour to accomplish, yet left nn aper sibility for him to lose the wny, the ture through which he believed he unbroken walls shutting him tightly the log house from which he had es W A L K E R ’S B EA U TY PA R L O R . might force his body. At that he In, so that even the star-decked sky caped, while, within a grove so as to S w itch tra n s fo rm a tio n s w o rth $12 fo r $8.50. Sw itches w o rth $7.50 fo r $5, hy m ail. C ut found no room to spare; hut, hy ven was Invisible, while the path he must he scarcely distinguishable, nppenred sam p le fro m c* n te r of head. 320 S outh M ain. Miring It head first, screwing his shoul follow led almost dizzily upward. It the roof of another, smaller building. i I E W E R S & DYERS. ders through one at n time, and draw was boulder-strewn, and he fell twice, He would not have noticed this, but Q u ality . Service. Ing In his breath tightly, he mnnnged .vet tolled steadily on, never permit for n thin spiral of smoke arising from C lothes in su red . W ork g u a ra n te e d . W e p ay r e tu r n p o stag e. P rice list on u est. to scrape painfully out of the hole, ting hls hand to lenve the guidance of the chimney. Pnncha had said the M yers C lean ers & D yers, 114 E. B ro ad req w ay . clawing at the rough outside hark for the wall to the right, nnd carefully place where Olga was confined was Dry C le an in g by P a rc e l P o st. Send y o u r su its, purchase, and finally coming down testing the placing of each foot in visible from this spot. Could this be d resses, co a ts, etc. to us fo r “ M aster C le an in g face first onto the solid earth. At fear of some pitfall. He could neither It? He stared down a long while, hut an d D y ein g .” S a l t s L a k e’s lead in g clean ers. W e p ay r e tu r n ch arg es. R egal C le an in g & that, he mnde little noise, hut his flesh Judge time nor distance, yet It was without reward. D yeing Co., 156-160 E. 2nd So. smarted, and for a moment he resteil long before light came Into the sky, Yet there seemed to be much pass M O N U M E N T S. W rite for catalo g . S ta n d a rd where he fell, confused nnd panting when he finally clambered over a rock ing nnd repasslng along the main val M arb le & G ra n ite Co., 117 W. B roadw ay. barrier across the path, nnd came ley ; black. Ill-defined figures of men T Y P E W R IT E R S . D istrib u to rs C orona p o rta b le for breath. The night was so black there In the shadow of the great hills, upon n shelf of stone, the left wall of on horseback almost constantly visible. an d R oyal. A ll o th e r m akes sold, re p a ire d and this strange cavern nbruptly disap He was surprised at the number, ex ch an g ed . U ta h T y p e w rite r E x c h an g e Co. he could scarcely determine direc tions, yet the girl had pointed toward pearing. Fearful of whnt precipice, never having supposed that this colony V LOU U t i FOB IL L < t i MUONS. might yawn there, as soon as he ngnln of outlaws wns so numerous. An M orris F lo ra l Co., 52 «E. 2nd S.. S a lt L ak e C ity. the right, and, as soon as he could at - V'» IT W I T H I LOW I KS i nttnined hls feet Shelby flattened him other thing, while he could not clear solicited. tain his feet, he advanced cautiously M iller F lo ra l Co., 52 E. 2nd South. self against the one rock front remain ly distinguish such small objects at that way, with hands held out before ART E M B R O ID E R Y CO. him. The path was rocky nnd uneven, ing, scarcely daring to venture for that distance, the majority of these M achinery em b ro id erin g on lad ies’ ap p a re l. O u t ward more thnn nn Inch or so nt a riders had the appearance of being In- tow n business solicited. 201 Brooks A rcade. probably Icnvlng little trnee of Ills passage. She touched him before he time. A few feet brought him to the •linns. Could they he Sioux warriors R U B B ER S T A M P S & S T E N C IL S . S eals an d enve’s mouth, n mere hole, scarcely gathered here In preparation for some e a r tag s also m ade. S en d fo r sam p les, prices, was even aware of her near presence, etc. S a lt L ak e S tam p Co., 65 W. B roadw ay. wide or high enough to receive hls raid on the exposed settlements? or nntl then she was but the dimmest body. He explored the black Interior was it possible that the troops had al SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE.^ outline, her face Indistinguishable You Go on Alone From Here, Senor.” to the length of hls arms, finding It ready struck, and driven the rem Save lodging ; w ork a f te r sc h o o l; en ro ll an y tim e. through the gloom. iU0 p e r c e n t; $1 a p k g . E verybody buys. “ Speak low, senor," she whispered feet, until the ridge suddenly termi larger within thnn at the entrance. nants of scattered war parties Into ( AfFNTY tU L U I J s a m p le free. D odge B ros., S a lt Lake. She Insisted there was no dnnger, nnd this Hole for refuge? In either case briefly. ‘Tome with me this way." nated at the hank of a narrow stream. C B I \ vi BO UG H T] Best prices. He permitted her to lend him for A single step, and both were standing the silence seemed to prove the place their presence in such numbers ren W estern C ream ery Co., 244 W. F o u rth South. contained no Inhabitant. Doubtless dered ills own position so much more M USICA L IN S T R U M E N T S . ward over ground sloping upward, hut In the water, nnd she had grasped hls the open shelf of rock would he ex precarious, and incren-ed the dnnger D aynes-Beebe. E v e ry th in g k n ow n in before they had thus advanced fifty hand. posed to view from the valley below surrounding Olga. lie felt that, In S a lt Lake C ity. yards, Shelby stopped, determined to Bet Is swift, but not deep,” she with the first flush of day. To avoid spite of hls pledge to the Mexican girl, H A T S R E-M A D E. W rite fo r p rices. R e tu rn question her purpose. "Where nre you taking me? To said confidently. “ I hnve waded eet discovery he must creep In out of he could not remain In hls hiding charges prep aid . S m y th e H at F a c to ry , 116 E 2 S. many a time. We must hurry.” PO U LTR Y BOL'GHT. F o r b est re su lts sh ip sight. Olga?” place quietly, without endeavoring to po u ltry , eggs a n d g am e to F u lto n M kt. C o rre c t He took the hag of provisions nnd This was accomplished without dif learn more of whnt had actually oc w eight. P ro m p t re tu rn s . W rite fo r prices. “ No, senor; not now. I must lenve you In safety first. Later I bring her swung It across one shoulder nnd to ficulty, the floor being fairly level, and curred during the night. JLD SM O B 1LE D IST R IB U T O R S . C ars & tru c k s. to you. Why you ask? You not trust gether they began plowing their way the roof rising so that he could almost Indeed he could perceive no reason Used car b arg ain s. A. E. T o u rssen , 447 S. M ain. through the downward rush of water. me?” stnnd erect. Shelby explored every why he should remain entirely inac R U B B ER H O S P IT A L . "Yes, I trust you, I’anchn; but Isn’t It was tiresome, hut they plunged Inch of the space, knife In hand, and tive. At the very best she could ac We cure in ju re d ru b b e r articles. Boots, Shoes, W a ter b o ttles. T ires, Tubes, etc. S a tisfa c tio n It better that I understand the plan? steadily forward, finding the bottom not entirely satisfied until the task complish nothing before night, and Hot aran teed . R e tu rn ch a rg e s prep aid . W e stern firm. Shelby did not know how far was completed. It was only a box of had held out very little hope for even g R u ubber Then we can work together." Sales Co., 134 E. B roadw ay, S a lt L ake. She drew In a quick breath Impa they ndvnnced, nor could he tell. In a place, less thnn fifteen feet long, then. There were no signs that he i l A8TH STOCKING M FR8. tiently, her fingers clutching nt hls the darkness, the exact nature of their ami perhaps half as wide, narrowing was being sought after down below. It M an u factu rers ab d o m in al. M a te rn ity s u p p o rte rs , T russ fitters. S. H. B o w m ar Co., Brooks A rcade. surroundings. Hls Impression was at the top, as though In some great sleeve. might be that in the excitement of IN G , AUTO R A D IA TO R S & M achinery "D ios! this Is not time to stnnd that they were penetrating a narrow cataclysm of past ages two masses of other happenings, his esenpe had been b W u E ilt L D and rep aired . B est an d cheapest. P o tte r nnd tnlk, senor,” she hurst forth, “}’et side ravine, between grent overshad rock had been hurled together, leaving considered as of minor importance; W elding & R e p a irin g Co., 551 S o u th S tate. listen. If not do otherwise. There Is no owing masses of outcropping stone, this little Jog between. It was hot In that Indian Joe, convinced that he L. D. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. time left tonight In which to escape. which Intensified the gloom. Every there, nnd Shelby, dragging after him could never get out of the Hole unob School of Efficiency. A ll com m ercial bran ch es. I must he hack In the house before step took them higher above the floor the bag of provisions, removed hls served. took no immediate interest iu C atalog free. 60 N. M ain S t., S a lt L ak e C ity. Indlnn Joe wakes, or my brother re of the Hole, nnd. at times the stream coat. A few moments later he rolled trailing him. What was the use, when KID F IT T IN G C O R SE T PA R L O R S. in d esig n in g , m ak in g , fittin g corsets. turns. All I can hope to do Is hide became a veritable torrent, against It Into the form of a pillow, and lay he must eventually surrender? It S H pecialists em stitch in g , em b ro id erin g , b raid in g , accordion you where you not he found. Then which they scarcely could make prog down, staring up at the black vault. would be a simple matter to steal cau and side p le atin g . B u tto n s made. 40 E. Bdwy. ress. The girl kept close to the rocks we must plan what Is best to do." He could think now, recall all that tiously down through that deep cleft M ARIN ELLO B E A l r Y P A R L O R . Hair goods on the right, and struggled forward had occurred so swiftly, nnd weave “You know when« she Is?” In the rocks, ns far, at least, as the an d M arinello p re p a ra tio n s . M ail o rd ers "SI. senor; I know; yet eet will not bravely, never loosening her grasp on this nnd that together. He had acted stream below. He would he concealed solicited. C lift B idg.. S alt Lake City, U tah . be easy to get her away. She Is not hls hand. Meeting as he must the recklessly; there was no doubt of all the way, nnd once there, hidden \ l LC ANIZ1NG & R E T R EA D IN G ] Q uality an d left unwntclied. nnd nothing can he stronger sweep of the current, Shelby that. No one but n blind fool would securely among those thick bushes, he service. S ta n d a rd T ire W orks, 361 So. S ta te . m i t a f l ' Models Made and g u n done tonight. I must watch and wait. felt the strain, nnd was glad when she have ever ventured alone Into this might then learn wbat was actually I rep airin g . K nudson N ovelty Co.. 355 So. S ta te . place lo free n prisoner. He should occurring. It would be far better fot Bet will only be safe when Senor finally came to a halt. U se " In la n d F e rtiliz e r.” F a rm e rs g e ttin g big re "Bet’s here," she said, ‘‘a few steps have ridden to Ponca, and called upon him to know. Besides, this would be tu Macklln nnd my brother are both rn . W rite “ In la n d F e rtiliz e r C o.” M cIn ty re Bid. more, and I leave you. The greatest his friends for help; perhaps he might no disloyalty to Pnncha ; even If she •w ay." •“ S up p o rter* , h ospital and sick danger Is my not getting back In even hnve been able to obtain the "Yon mean that I am to hide out sought him he would ytilj he In the room » u p p l.« . T he Jom -s-O akea Co. 165 S. M ain. time." sen-ices of a troop of cavalrymen from path she must follow, and. *0 long ns S E E Y OUR LO CA L P U B L IS H E R yonder somewhere until you nre There was an opening In the solid the fort down below— the major knew le af b in d ers, special b lanks, records ready?” he questioned. “ Is that the he remained undiscovered, just where o F f or all loose kinds. H e gives Q uality Service. rook of the wall, a mere crevice, so him nnd would believe his story. Why scheme?” he wns concealed could make no pos ATTEND ' F a H B U S IN E S S C O LLE G E ‘ “There Is no other thing possible. concealed hy tangled shrubbery as to hadn't he done this? Why had he been sible difference. The argument satis For P ractical Bus ness Education. Bven that may fall. Senor. do not he he Invisible even In daylight. How she so rash, and bull-headed? The an fied his mind, because he felt he must PIPE A MACHINERY. a fool,” she urged earnestly. "I know Imd recognized the spot In that dark swer Dashed Into hls mind, as though act; must make some eff«*«-* of his W estern M achinery Co.. J u d g e Bldg. the danger of all this; you not realize ness was a mystery ; through the sense some voice had spoken— It was love own. M OLER B A R B ER C O LLE G E Q ualify as even yet what eet means to he a pris of feeling probably, for her hands In of Olga Cnrlyn I He knew tt Instant b r in few weeks. 43 S. West Tem ple S tree t. stantly parted the lntertn<-ed branches, ly : made no further effort to deceive j oner In Wolves' hole. These men k eel; TH E EM B R O ID ER Y S H O P . 334 C lift B id * H em stitch ng. p le atin g , m ach .n e nnd hand em It Is their only law. I risk my life to and she crept through them with Shel himself. Lying there In that black “ S««; touch mo. You thought bro id erin g . b u tto n s m ade, ex p e rt bead w ork. do this, and there Is but one chance by. on hls hands and knees, close be silence, staring blindly upward, he saw 1 I was dead?** of success. Alone, unaided, you can hind. They emerged Into a gulch, as the woman ngnln as plainly as though ] To Insure Prompt Service. never get out of here— never. Why? though some giant ax of the gods had In the flesh— saw her. and knew that j Mr. I’orter.— Why are you trying to (T O B E C O N T I N U E D .) you ask. Because, senor. every pass cleaved the very face of the cliff, a he loved her. Her eyes smiled nt him. 1 phone my office nt this time in the Is under guard; they nre never left gulch dry. scarcely four feet In width, with such wlstfulness In their depths; rook walled on either side, nnd nlmost there was nothing snllen about her ex morning? There's nobody there. Old Bell Splendidly Preserved. open.” a tunnel because of stunted growth, pression any longer; she was all wom In an old graveyard In County An I ^ His Wife— I know what I’m doing. "Then how are we to go?” trim. Ireland, a farmer, while plowing, MI want to tell you when dinner will “ Along a path known only to my where dwarf links had found some an. and— he loved her. self and one other, senor. A young lodgment In cracks and crevices. I’an He covered his eyes with an arm. unearthed a bronze chureh bell weigh j ^ re»dy thla evening, and if I com Indian found eet by accident ami eon cha stopi>ed, breathing heavily from and rolled over. God 1 wasn't there ing more than lfli) lbs., and believe«! mence now I'll get the connection just fided hls secret to me! He coroe. and the exertion of the climb. anything he could do hut wait? He to he over 3 W> 3-ears old. The hell is , in time. “You go on alone from here, senor." felt wild to a c t; to accomplish some In a splendid state of preservaron, went that way for a year, hut no one A Mistaken Reading. else know. Once he took me half way she Instructed, the words pnntlng be thing; to strike some «leflnlte blow In with a clear, powerful tono The old Fortune Teller-D in k for a short to top; eet Is rough, yet can he fol tween her lips. ’T here Is nothing to her hehalf. Hls w ife! She was his Klrkmoyle parish church, wtiere the do hut follow the gulch. A hundred wife— Olga Carlyn 1 It mennt much to find w as mnde. lias boen in rums «luce dark woman with a fierce eye who I s lowed. Now you see I am right?” waiting to give yon a check" ”1 have no choice; 1 owe you my yards and there la an opening at the him now. How deathly still It was; 1622 . right, a small cave. You will feel eet how terribly dark. He felt hot and life already.” Patron— No. she nin’t She’s waiting Idleness "Then do as I say, senor. I will •vlth your hand. You need have no stifled there In the cave, vet did not to get one from me. That’s my w ife I a t n n o t the only «me that m,, leave you where you can never he fear to enter, and no one ran ever find move, or change his position, and so Baltimore American. < 1 r in ns the idle; for on«-e when I w*i found. I have food here In this sack. yon there. That Is where you will he Anally fell asleep. Had No Appetite. going to give our mlmsier a pretty You must wait there hidden until I wait until I come." Shelby tried In rain to distinguish A soldier going over on a transport come. Bet may he a day. two day», long list of the sins of 00» of our peo CHAPTER X. three «’ay*: that make no difference. her outlines: he mnld «inly be sure of ple that he was asking after. I began turne«! more fortunate You have my pledge that I will bring her presence by the voice. The Darknesa of the Cabin. with: “He's «Ireolfully t«»v." "That'» fellows responiled to the mess l.ugi, "l*o not u«e any fire." she went on her. I do not lie. Then you will do It was broad daylight— a dull gray enough," said the old gentleman, “all •'That may h e dinner call for v o n ihl«. a* I say?” warnmgly, “or show yourself by day within the small cave, hut bright *nn- sons o f sins are in that o u a . c u «hides ’ he sighed, "bit It’s only 1* • clock for me." light. They will seek you. and watch •hute without— whan Shelby aroused Spuifceoa. “ Yaa. Pancha." COMRADES OF PERIL By RANDALL PARRISH B O Y D PARK NEWHOUSE HOTEL “ I HATE HER." S y n o p s i s .—T o m S h e lb y , a r a n c h e r , rlile * I n to t h e f r o n t i e r to w n o f P o n c a , lo o k in g f o r a g o o d ti m e a f t e r a lo n g e p e ll o f h a r d w o r k a n d lo n e lin e s s o n t h e r a n c h . In s te a d , h e r u n s I n to a f u n e r a l —t h a t o f D a d C a l k in s , a r e t i r e d a r m y m a n o f w h o m l i t t l e Is k n o w n . A g ir l , s til l In h e r te e n s , s u r v i v e s C a l k in s . M c C a r t h y , a s a lo o n k e e p e r a n d P o n c a ’s l e a d i n g c itiz e n , d e c id e s t h a t t h e g ir l , n o w a l o n e In t h e w o rld , s h o u ld m a r r y . S h e a g r e e s t o p ic k o u t a h u s b a n d fro m th e s c o re o f m e n lin e d u p In h e r h o m e . T o h is c o n s t e r n a t i o n , s h e s e l e c t s S h e lb y , w h o h a d g o n e a l o n g m e r e ly a s a s p e c ta to r. The w e d d in g ta k e s p la c e a n d t h e c o u p le s e t o u t f o r S h e l b y ’s ra n c h . W i th th e m Is ’’K i d " M a c k l ln , w h o m S h e lb y h a s h ire d a s a h e lp e r. O n th e w a y th e g ir l t e l l s h e r h u s b a n d h e r n a m e Is O lg a C a r l y n . a n d a l s o t e l l s h im s o m e th in g o f th e p e c u lia r c ir c u m s t a n c e s o f h e r life . U p o n t h e i r a r r i v a l a t t h e r a n c h S h e lb y Is s t r u c k d o w n fro m b e h in d a n d le ft fo r d e a d . H e r e c o v e r s c o n s c i o u s n e s s to fin d t h a t M a c k lln a n d h is w ife h a v e gone. H e s t a r t s In p u r s u i t . He l e a r n s h is w if e Is a n h e i r e s s , t h a t h e r a b d u c tio n h a s b ee n c a re f u lly p la n n e d e n d t h a t sh e h a s been t a k e n to W o l v e s ' H o le , a s t r o n g h o ld o f th e b a n d i t s a n d h a d I n d i a n s R e a c h in g W o l v e s ’ H o le , h e Is d i s c o v e re d b y " I n d ia n J o e " n n d fo rc e d t o a c c o m p a n y h im I n to t h e h o le . H e r e h e c l a i m s t o b e o n e o f th e c o n s p i r a t o r s a n d Is lo c k e d u p p o n d in g d e v e lo p m e n t s l i e c o n f id e s In s M e x ic a n g ir l , P a n c h a , In lo v e w ith Macklln, w h o I n t e n d s to m a r r y O lg a . CHAPTER IX— Continued. — 9 — “MI senor; [ know the way Hint oth ers do not. I get you out, but,” pas sionately, "oct Is not to save 3*011. I holoiic here— sop; with Juan, my brother. I ntn born outlaw, yet she must gn| That I resolve. If she stay hero I keel her. But ’tls easier way to have her married to you, an’ safe.” “ Yon love Macklln?" “SI. senor," proudly, “ why not? He any he love me; yet slut come. Madre de Dins! I hate her! She take my love! She! Eet shall not be. You swear, senor. that site go with you, an' never come hack any more?" “Yes, Pnncha, I swear that. Once we are away she shall never come hack,” he answered soberly. Impressed hy the violence of her passion, “yet how Is that to be done?” She glnnrcJ apprehensively behind, still dinging tightly to her perch, low ering her voice again Into Its former »nations whisper. “Listen, senor; I tell you. Bet Is late now, for I wait before I come, an’ think eet all out, so I know whnt to aay. Indian Joe, he had man, verra bad man, nn’ I much nfrald. But now he aleep In there; I creep past while he breathe, an’ not wake lieetn. T ls because he drank. Juan, my brother, go up to the cove to find Senor Han ley, an’ he not he hack teel morning. Tonight eet must he done, an' so they will not know I helped. Is eet so?” “ Yes; I understand; yer have op portunity tonight; hut I must get away so no one shall suspect 3’er bail any hand In It.” ’T hat Is eet," eagerly. “Indian Joe, be keel me If he found ou t; maybe my brother, too. I sec heetn keel men, quick, like that- Then he lnugh. So H* Managed to Scrap« Painfully Out of the Hoi«. 1 think; he look In here, hut not to amreh. so he not sure whnt might he Perils|>* there was a knife under the beil he dropped somewhere v. hat you found see? Maybe you had eet hid la pair hoot— how he know Hint?" “ Yes. hot 1 haven’t. I’ancha.” “So I know ; hut 1 hroens one see." •nd ah- «•resser the handle Into hik hand "llnw lie know how you get ee»* r» ' a «»roug atiarn ao von cut