The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, November 05, 1920, Image 1

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    -T he G ate Cflhr J ournal
Town Topics
$150 PER YEAR 5c P I I : CORY
* * > * > a n d V t c M t , ) ‘“ ’“i f . Í T b . »
Mr. and Mrs. Albert BelUle were
MF. and Mrs. Ubaa. Bradley and
In Nyaaa. election day from their
family attended the play at t*«
farm near Ontario
t-. u iKuat concluded at* apple I'h riaian church In Vale last we k.
¿L «. Auurueiia rv«or». a s 2 MiS. i
packing operations Thursday, after 1*. was entitled ‘The Royal Home of
f l y D efeated
six weeks of strenuous toll on the 1: rael and King David’s Oourt."
Paye.te, where they had been pack­
part of himself and 27 employes who 'i any expressed themselvet, aa wall
W a rre n E le cte d ing prunes.
Mrs. Clive Williams in reported
Mm. L L as la a I
it«d him la bis labors
During I leased with tha play.
J . H. Allen of Arcadia, left this
ltd» May.
the vis weeks there were 16 cars or
The Hallowe’en party given at the
week for Spokane, where he expects
Bora—Ta Mr. aad Mia. EMry Boa 7500 boxes of Nvssa’s big red apples .-. bool house Friday by the P. T . A.
to reside.
« a Moodoy, Ootobor M. a giri.
packed and shipped to various points waa a social success In every sense
e « * « m m B lt e d la -N r*»
Fred Fouch was a Nyaaa visitor fro *
Mrs. H . \I. Hansen of N«mpa, was
P. I Bp**», mayor of Appio VaRay, o spread the fame of this section as of the word. A shoit program. The
<fcy, th * d tp «lection over- here Tuesday.
Parma this weak.
ira* traaaaoSlag basta*** ta Myaoa to- an apple producing oountrv.
’.rownie Dance by four little boys,
* In interest even the con
L . © . Ham a ko r of Middleton has
Marion Dunn wont to Vala Tharsddy 4*y.
The conclusion of the work was Johnny Bigelow, Johnty ‘Hancock,
tjb-e ipoaltion of chief eieou-
o n ly purchased a half Interest In to attend court.
Olia R agardoa of B o r a l o is visit celebrated b” * ntk rva. t given nv Jimmie Hite and Werner E’euti, a
be nation.
the D. W . Gibson barber shop.
E. W. Bowly went to Enm stt yoa lag bit brolhor Willis aad family this Mr Hunt to his faithful helpers and
Fairy Dane« by four little .¡iris, Ber­
leisure to close the picture
Hr. N. C. IMacLafferty is visiting torday on kusinese
number of invited guests. Mrs. E. nice Baldwin, Dottle Bell Cantrell,
ndnya >«ki defeated by a de- his parents, M r. and Mrs. D. Mjpc-
Mrs. C. F. Miliar was a Boise visitor
Mr*, glak aad daagMor. Mrs. Mar­ vi Dean bein^ the guest of honor. Della Schweizer and Wanda Hite. A
*fority and carried with K Lafferty, well known resident» of
Sunday and Monday.
war* Oa tailo vial lor* th* Brat of The feed was served in the packing ghost dance In which ghoe ly belnge
I f r h O-po/l. * eeveral oaixlktotett for city the outskirts of the city. Dr. MAc-
house on
mixes covered with groaned and prancsd around, by
Skarwood Robert« leavaa tkld eta th* wo*».
® 1 O 1 «!!? ^
ware though »0 favor
LaXfen y is so well pleased with ning for Payotte on buaiaosa.
paper and consisted of such delica­ Ruby Bradley, Edith Baldw'n, Monna
• , closing.
N'y ;isa that he will locate here for
Mia. Coen of Owjraoo was in Nyssa Prova* Utah, «boro ho ha* mining la­ cies as chicken, mince and apple pie, Smith, FY«d Pullen, Joe Mendlola,
1 f* n io L
a ° r*' * t*nd1!ate for the 'prad Ice of his profession and had
cheese, pickles, etc. The following Orville Bigelow, Guy Glenn and Ray
on har wav to Payatte.
v t J . l U jS j e O o faeoro* » i n day closing. a temporary office with the Mlllar-
LH»W Rtadya aad A its Campbell Is the personnel of the packing crew; Coleman, and a mince '.-ie dance by
E. B. Nodry w n a Bla«kfe*f and
llled under an avalnche of iitude real estate firm.
Mrs. D. W . Gibson, Mrs. Ellen Nina Smith, Alta Bra Hey, Elba Pul­
or* viaMtag frionas at Matidlaa. Idaho,
Rocattllo bushes* visitor thid «oak.
• l
,« t for V. M. Warren, who
Wtn. Sigerson returned the first of
this wash.
Fields, Mrs. FYed Young, Miss Julia len, Laura Huffman and Georgia
u u r ia ls ,
*Uy Into office on the crest the week from Cascade, where he
R. N Anacreon and wlfa of Boiae
» pos te r Most** tad C. 0. Shawn Clore, Jessie and Naomi Peterson, Rust, was given, after whir a Hallow­
ware regisured at Hotel Western tkis
r a w mot p « * * * 1* * * *
w t03' Mr has been employed in the woods.
la Mytaa today, after spend Inez Green, Mrs. A. McCarty, Miss e'en games aad stunt» were enjoyed
celvln« 46. .
He expects to spend the winter on
Josie Forbes, Mrs. W. B. Hoxle. with a final windup of rebreshmonts
iag th* weak in Welter
J A. Hunt of Boise was lookiag af-
his ranch east otf*!N jissa.
Mrs. J. Dennis, Mrs. E. MoLellan, of coffee and pie, of which there was
4 *,nl! Lyman and FYe»l Young won
The 8 t.
Paul Guild will meet t<r property holding* near Nyssa tkls matt this wash *a aaeoant of tha siab- Mrs R. D . Hlolmea, Mrs. P. M a plentiful supply.
<1(111 n((8sj|lma*tc bowers
Of these, with Mrs. F . D. -¿Hall, Wednesday, woek.
Binkley, Mrs. FYed Marshall, Mrs.
neaa of Jew * Tbaateooa.
The school is Manning to give an­
^ ittyvnan in the pnly mamlber November 10.
Miss Georgia Dennis avd Mlaa Laey
Mr. aad Mr*. Paaak Datohar wore Cllnkemburg, Mrs Rowers, Miss Ten- other “doin'*’’ at Thanksgiving.
« c o u n c il,
Mrs1.. J . W. W ills returned Mon­
Baird, Mrs.
bora thid woob from Tomorocb. Mob«, sen,
1 1
Gallegly s u the only can- day from Payette, where »he went Boisa.
Owyhee was well represented at the
Cheeley, P. Ml Binkley, James Den­
Mahiag after proparty Interests.
meeting for discussion of Initiative
" P E or necordor nod received -11 to attend a farewell party endered
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johns a aad Mrs.
Rov. and Mrs. Rain* and Miaa Rail nis, FYed Marshall, Charley Toombs, measures led by R . W. Swagler ai
enr sotlerlnc v w * .
her granddaughter
M rs.
George Sadia 1. Webb ware Ontario vieUers Rotes worn visitor* at tha W. G. Thas. Otterson, Joe Zinc, C. C.
the Konony Thursday evening.
. OosbMt was elected tree»- Irwin, who left recently for Wood­
Compboil boms Taoaday aad Wadaas Hunt, E. M. Dean.
Mrs. L. T. Schirmer of Waiaer, la
Owing to pressure of hour* duties
bine, Iowa.
O v e r t t ^ T and iMr. Ooahert
Charlotte McOlnuis, resigned
Dr. and Mrs iB. 3 . iPortner and
her office as oorreepondUg secre*ary
O v e r c f * « * ,»>r
hi* ohlldren of Ontario were in Nyssa A. R. McCarty.
, ..
’«ho smote his name In on Sunday.
and treasurer of the Sunday school
Mrs Roy Mobley, atcompaniod by
last Sunday. Mrs. FYank BYa'er wae
Joseph Rumple, eon-in-law o f :MY». Mrs. Mabel Murray of Vale, want to
Tba ragalar monthly meeting of the elected to fill out the year.
received > y the vari one A. H . Willson of the Ohill Parlor, Boisa Wednesday
Tb« High School Fbosball team
was a* fWlowv:
Mr and Ed Mr*. Tallosa moved their lout In their game with the Inters eltp eauaeil wee held Thursday evening,
Mildred, Evelyn and Gerald De­
was in Nyssa Monday evening, leav­
There were present not'd spent FYlday night with "he *
(M Warren—173; ing Tuesday for Caldwell, where he household effects from Now Plymouth mountain Institute ait Welaer. The Nevember 4
hoya played, good football after they Mayar Caldwall ana Councilman Me aim , Mrs. FYed Kllngback and a t­
Owe. 46.
expects to locate. His wife, who Is to Nyeoa this woek
garden, Qoehert. Foster and Pretty-
.ldertnen—A. » . Boydell, 1<4; here with her ipaaents, will loin him
tended the Hallowe’en party at the
Mr* C W. Linder of A readia ia aa- got warmed up.
maa. The folljwiag bill* were al­
Prettyman, 138;
FVed E.
school house.
posted home Saturday from aa ex-
Th* Junior Class organized Mon lowed ;
ISO; IW. B. Woxle, 119; A. L.
Mr. nd Mr». D. P . Pullen visited
Mayor T . J . Caldwell was on the ter ded vlait with bor father in Kansas. ' day and elected the following of- Oam State Lamber Co .......... » 31 66
09; C. J . Geerhart, 8S; I), sick lief the first o f the «week.
Rob rt Clark returned Friday ava- fleers: President, Clyde Beam; S«c- C. W. Rohorgor ......................... 125.00 Mr. and Mra. J . C. Fleming of
eon 48; W.-fW. Poster, 64.
ning from California. While there ho rotary-"rearurer 'Roth Barrett.
Idaho,Power C o ........................... 92 15 Arcadia Sunday afternoon.
;- * r >
Gallegly, 160;
visited Sen Francisco, Oakland and
F o s te r............................................ 88
1>a wait developed child ta the B.
A crew Is working on the Owyhee
other piaae*.
moat valuable posas m loa of the Gate City Jo u rn al.......... ............. 1160 ditch near Ben Smith'» ranch.
■_JJ. <D. Gojhert, 46;
Bate* Fapatto Lambe*. Co----- - 34.66
W. H. Reynold«* arrived in Nyaaa raca. *
X deal was constimmaite! Tuesday
é l ; I. Lax, 16; scat-
C W. D eB oer________ ___ .
from Bums Toaoday i
whereby F . L. DeBord purchased
engage in tb* pnnetteo of
they Injure :Jia trraiw culls TBe va­
B. F. Footer ..................................... 6.00 275 head of aheep from H ¡Valter»,
at thia pi»««
cant, stupid eapraaskMt of tha ade­
V . V.
Präsident of the
Joe* Thompson ..............
SCO who waa In Owyhee on tha* ,ay.
Mr Patoraan and family as* moving noid face Is due to the weakening
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and
Barney Wilson ............................
County Farm Borsari, returned from th|g week
th, 0 ,^<te Gordon to
effect on tha nerve calls of the Chao. C raw ford.......................
3.00 eons Norman and Delbert left for
T-tcrtland on Monrday, where he had th, eity tn4 w,„ oeetn „ th , p ,a ,t
In ona Instance a (primary Baab af Nyaaa...........
.......... 20.00 their uow home, a «lock ami alfalfa
been to attend a meeting of the g ln (h aB regidanea.
school child had spent a who!« year F. A. Gallarly . . . n ........ ............ 16.00 ranch of 240 acres whtoh hey pur-
‘presidents of the County Farm Bu­
R*y Jam ** raaantly aald hia ally In school without learning the al
Tba atgabteatlea of tb* Are depart- ,.tl;lse<1 for |6000 a few mUea from
reau* of Oregon in the interest of a property and lafl Wadaaaday «vantas
phabet. An operation removed the meat waa tba chief baainesa discussed unity
'diate i t e r a t i o n . A plan for bring- ¡ f#f u u k wh#r, h, wil, u ampia,«d
tdenoide and tb« alphabet was learn­ and C. J . Oetrbert was appointed Are
. . __
in * about such an organlttion waa | jB
e#âj m|nal
thief. Tb* Beat meeting will beheld
n <s on was a eu
ed, in a week.
made aad » ¡e t of by-laws and co n -1 Mri A R MeC.rty want te Marte
Taeteay night, Nevember 9.
verY 1,1 MondaY niSht- neceseWatlng
the attendance of her children at
sUtutlon adopted for sUbmiaaion^ to | ^
We4n#i<ay> taklag bar lítela ton.
•Vary aasing and P R i-
Senior*—President, Trrasle Lack­
her beside. Tuesday evening aho
the various County Bureaus for th«lr who has baon qaite »ich tha past twa
was reported a little better.
b y ; Horse dhoe Tire
The purpose for the proposed fod-
A good turnout of voters wao re-
Mayor T.
Caldwell was oa tha
Sophomore* — President,
special priaa for
erathm of County Farm Bureaus In iick ,.gt tWf waak narttaiU *teg tba
at the election. Officer» of
Matheny; Vice President, Flay Dunn;
only. Also apeclal price
Oregon Is to bring about concerted
of tha ragalar teeatbly
election beard were: R. R Over-
Secretary, Dora Tbompaon; Treas­ loss of nearly a hundred sheep dur-
Thraa, and remember, we
action between the counties on all maatlng 0f tha «oaacll Item Monday
urer, Beaale Anderson; color's, pur­ ing the past two weeks from a uiys- stre<kl> chairman; Mra. T . M. Lowe,
ie Shoe or Miller
’-apartments o f he program of Coun-1 unt(| Thursday.
terioue disease which iseems "o baf- -v ,rs- YF. W.
Beam, Mra. B. D.
ple and gold,
gf charge, should
ty F'arm Bureaus that la of mutual j charlay jo em b* aad Ray Meblay
Freshmen—President, Mary Ma fie the skill of the ve'erinaries. Mr. BlKelow, Ray CMairell and T . M.
interest and importance. When the wm ijY 8 a danca a* the Nyaaa apart
th e n ,; Vice President, Grace War­ Gibson ha» changed their feed sev- ,iOW®.
tube *ree a t » S ta te Federation Is perfected by the bon((j naxt Tuesday eveoing. Tb* bey*
■ an<^ Mra. Wm. Pacta and
ren ; Secretary, Warren Blodgett eral times and has heen most care-
he free at »22.56 vote of the County Bureaus, the mat- ?rom(ia » good lime aad «varybody Theasurer, fleoton Hoxle; Sergeant ful in the a tenition bestowed u]>oji family an<l Aandy Hanaen motored
Casing, tube free ait »33.60 ter of affiliating with the (National ¡nTited to attend.
at-arm*. Lewrence Blodgett; colon, them, but they continue tef s ic k e n ,to Emmett Wednesday,
Bng Mrf C|a fa A.hcroft, wha
l Casing, tube fr*e at » 3 5 "“ Farm Bureau Federation, as a state.
and die and the "specialist called to
" 8 are
bear that Jesse
I a vender and white.
ampi*p«d aa *h*f* at tha
3. Casing, tube free at »36.50 will be given onMderetion accord- hava
"Richard," asked tba teacher, mid treat them has been able to afford Thomason Is better and able to be
■8. Gating, tutbe free a t »37.60 ing to the plane of the committee. jp|pe.Line faro* for tba paat tbraa denly, "hav* you leasmed your his- little relief.
around on crutches.
----------------------- - .. a__tory
' month«,
left Nyasa
Mr. and Mr«. Wm. Peutz mdtored
M a of Fard AcceaaoHa*
Rev. Clive Williams recently took b j auto, for their hem* at Idako Fall«. |<H# ^
mtoH had no
Dr. C. 8 Evans, optical »peclallat to Rota* on business Friday.
a few evenings off from the produce
Th# earp#llUr work 0n th* aaw t t a ; te r no<hltl. ^
KTmmmar of Pendleton, Or., Is at the Star
Three fine hoge, two black and
»«isinesa to assist Rev.
E. C gcko0| house waa etarted thia week lesaon yaf."
rooming house in Ny-sa, where he one spoiled, must have been drown-
C. Pounds with revival meetings at Tha contrast batng lat to Marphy &
may be consulted by anyone with de- |ed In "ha Owyhee river lately, as
Engflah Scbeol Boy Howler*
Tb* **atráel
fec'lve eyesight and those needing three ca rca se « were discovered on
ONTARIO. ORCOON Rofwall. Good in té r ê t was ehown. William* of Payatte.
wa bava
rail* for tbe completion ef tba buttdleg
He has been 30 years I n : the “riffle«” between the DeBord
Oowper lived till 1800, when k* died
nay »I
in eighty working day»-
the optical business In Oregon. He and Overstreet ranches on Wednes­
A number of Nyaaaltaa attaadad U m
Much butter la Imported from Den- win be here only a few day«.—A<|v. day.
dene* at th* Taagaa ball aa *ha^ Owy- ragrk
tlla Dan1»h cow* have
W. W. Fetter Tuaaday «hipped a
hae Saturday night and ail repeat aa a greater ro'rrprl«* and »«parlor TOR 8ALE—TOEÍIH COWS AND
lb ta «••« w ^
Three mile* wew of carload af henay to Houldar, Cola..
un jaually plcaaant time. Tbe beet ef
technical education to out » .
Nyssa on Owyhee ditch bank.—Tony Th* balan«* ef bis aeeaea’e outpet will
order waa maintained at d tba maal*
leitatly . ' A '
The coirrege of tbe Turk* la ex­
be sold to tb* local trada.
wa* all thatceald be daairad.
plained by the fa«' th«* a man with
Mra A. L Roberta of tb* Owl Ore several srivee la more wHHng to
eery wet in Payette Wodnooday end face death than If he had only one k B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! H * H B * a * * * * M M M * * * M M
while there diipoeed of her eity prop­
«nr bteln***-
erty to John H »nan ef that p'aee.
-Every oaco It» a while wo are re­
Cennideratlon »2600.
Mr. aad Mr*. minded of the fact that we have
there ie little denrer of oTer-eaBkaaUinf the
Robert* expect to in**«t la elty prop been tooling ournelvon «*»ut our
▼el«e of friendlincM end eordielity
arty ia Ny**a in the naar fatar*.
American pitoHc school eyatem We
ia wer# Wt
The H. C. Konemgten elab wae *a hav» been telling ourevive* In
Thie institution stuHie# to meka Its relation* with
tertained yeeterdvy aftarnoo* at tea t|OM
poll'toal speech** tor gen-
not only efficient fren a atrietly buai-
l u elieaka
homa of Mra H. C. Frattymaa, with f)rnf1o1|t ftl) t/bout y ,* perfection of
« tm e n t.
n e tt
idpoiat hat pleaaaat and friendly.
Mr* Harry Go«h*rt and Mra. Fratty the sywtem of universal free educa­
man aa ho*te**#a.
Dainty refreab- tion And then w# nm op against
• Protect your Raaidenca, Houaohold Good*, Barn
We ftad that by gettinf to know our clients in a
m*nt* were aorvod and a good time
and Granary againat loaa by fire. Autoanobilaa ia-
th# hard fact that It 1* neather mil-
frie r« ? way, we have a better anderetanding of
enjoyed by all
aured againat loaa by fire, theft and tranaporta-
veraal nor free. Because of th * «0*4.
The Ny*** high school football team
their'problens, and that thia nat only ncakea re-
neglect to make tha ayteom affl-
Will*, Deed*. Mortgag«* aad CoatraaU
left this -om ln g for Kuna. Idab*. to ¡ ¿ J ^
pleasanter, but enables aa to sarvt our pa*
wrltua. Notary public
play with tha boy* tbar*
“Oood achoola coat money Rather
r# efficiently.
* Call at rnnidnnee
Phonn T7
going from her* were: Jecb Barrett.
a plavwround without school th *«
Lawrtnee Blodgett. Werro* Btidg ett.
school wit ho r i a ptaygroowd » r e r
Warn* Feglc. William Klink—bf .
Robert Long, Charley N.wWL C b ^ thin« w . hare w . mute leave to our
Peek. Charley Tbome.en, Fate Daria.
«» *
. ^
^ .
Nyaaa. Oragaa.
Will McDonald. Coaabe* tre e « Den- <*h^ pri)*l«
,l *°
«an «ad Mr Band«« aaaam^atead tba thow la th« team of aducarioa and
Sunday Cloning
bgr Big Majority.
red artiHiiEoyrfel1' w B Hoxlc, c
nd Overt «
id OvertC.
^ork Si
V. V. Hkkox Attends
Farm Bareev Meeting
d Work
tfÿsterious Disease
i mission
Council Meeting
er’t Tire Shop
When Business
Organizations Meet
i Reserrs
J. H. Wolf.
Malheur County Bank
• a1» * * ’