-T he G ate Cflhr J ournal NYSSA. MALHEUR COUNTY. OftÉOOH. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ». IMO ELECTION r i Y CONTESTED Town Topics $150 PER YEAR 5c P I I : CORY O W YH EE * * > * > a n d V t c M t , ) ‘“ ’“i f . Í T b . » Mr. and Mrs. Albert BelUle were MF. and Mrs. Ubaa. Bradley and In Nyaaa. election day from their family attended the play at t*« farm near Ontario t-. u iKuat concluded at* apple I'h riaian church In Vale last we k. ¿L «. Auurueiia rv«or». a s 2 MiS. i packing operations Thursday, after 1*. was entitled ‘The Royal Home of wtn* Haley returned Monday from : f l y D efeated six weeks of strenuous toll on the 1: rael and King David’s Oourt." Paye.te, where they had been pack­ part of himself and 27 employes who 'i any expressed themselvet, aa wall W a rre n E le cte d ing prunes. Mrs. Clive Williams in reported Mm. L L as la a I it«d him la bis labors During I leased with tha play. Ike nil k list J . H. Allen of Arcadia, left this ltd» May. the vis weeks there were 16 cars or The Hallowe’en party given at the The*. Rust of Owykea was in N flU week for Spokane, where he expects Bora—Ta Mr. aad Mia. EMry Boa 7500 boxes of Nvssa’s big red apples .-. bool house Friday by the P. T . A. Wednesday. to reside. « a Moodoy, Ootobor M. a giri. packed and shipped to various points waa a social success In every sense e « * « m m B lt e d la -N r*» Fred Fouch was a Nyaaa visitor fro * Mrs. H . \I. Hansen of N«mpa, was P. I Bp**», mayor of Appio VaRay, o spread the fame of this section as of the word. A shoit program. The «ki defeated by a de- his parents, M r. and Mrs. D. Mjpc- Mrs. C. F. Miliar was a Boise visitor Mr*, glak aad daagMor. Mrs. Mar­ vi Dean bein^ the guest of honor. Della Schweizer and Wanda Hite. A *fority and carried with K Lafferty, well known resident» of Sunday and Monday. tin, war* Oa tailo vial lor* th* Brat of The feed was served in the packing ghost dance In which ghoe ly belnge I f r h O-po/l. * eeveral oaixlktotett for city the outskirts of the city. Dr. MAc- house on mixes covered with groaned and prancsd around, by Skarwood Robert« leavaa tkld eta th* wo*». ® 1 O 1 «!!? ^ ware though »0 favor LaXfen y is so well pleased with ning for Payotte on buaiaosa. paper and consisted of such delica­ Ruby Bradley, Edith Baldw'n, Monna Georg* laofcoor loft Taoaday far • , closing. N'y ;isa that he will locate here for Mia. Coen of Owjraoo was in Nyssa Prova* Utah, «boro ho ha* mining la­ cies as chicken, mince and apple pie, Smith, FY«d Pullen, Joe Mendlola, 1 f* n io L a ° r*' * t*nd1!ate for the 'prad Ice of his profession and had cheese, pickles, etc. The following Orville Bigelow, Guy Glenn and Ray today on har wav to Payatte. v t J . l U jS j e O o faeoro* » i n day closing. a temporary office with the Mlllar- LH»W Rtadya aad A its Campbell Is the personnel of the packing crew; Coleman, and a mince '.-ie dance by E. B. Nodry w n a Bla«kfe*f and llled under an avalnche of iitude real estate firm. Mrs. D. W . Gibson, Mrs. Ellen Nina Smith, Alta Bra Hey, Elba Pul­ or* viaMtag frionas at Matidlaa. Idaho, Rocattllo bushes* visitor thid «oak. .4 • l ,« t for V. M. Warren, who Wtn. Sigerson returned the first of this wash. Fields, Mrs. FYed Young, Miss Julia len, Laura Huffman and Georgia u u r ia ls , *Uy Into office on the crest the week from Cascade, where he R. N Anacreon and wlfa of Boiae » pos te r Most** tad C. 0. Shawn Clore, Jessie and Naomi Peterson, Rust, was given, after whir a Hallow­ ware regisured at Hotel Western tkis r a w mot p « * * * 1* * * * w t03' Mr has been employed in the woods. retarnod la Mytaa today, after spend Inez Green, Mrs. A. McCarty, Miss e'en games aad stunt» were enjoyed week, celvln« 46. . He expects to spend the winter on Josie Forbes, Mrs. W. B. Hoxle. with a final windup of rebreshmonts iag th* weak in Welter J A. Hunt of Boise was lookiag af- his ranch east otf*!N jissa. Mrs. J. Dennis, Mrs. E. MoLellan, of coffee and pie, of which there was Mr*. Thom toes made * trip to Em 4 *,nl! Lyman and FYe»l Young won The 8 t. Paul Guild will meet tr po,siti<>n hi* ohlldren of Ontario were in Nyssa A. R. McCarty. , .. ’«ho smote his name In on Sunday. and treasurer of the Sunday school Mrs Roy Mobley, atcompaniod by last Sunday. Mrs. FYank BYa'er wae Joseph Rumple, eon-in-law o f :MY». Mrs. Mabel Murray of Vale, want to Tba ragalar monthly meeting of the elected to fill out the year. received > y the vari one A. H . Willson of the Ohill Parlor, Boisa Wednesday Tb« High School Fbosball team was a* fWlowv: Mr and Ed Mr*. Tallosa moved their lout In their game with the Inters eltp eauaeil wee held Thursday evening, Mildred, Evelyn and Gerald De­ was in Nyssa Monday evening, leav­ There were present not'd spent FYlday night with "he * (M Warren—173; ing Tuesday for Caldwell, where he household effects from Now Plymouth mountain Institute ait Welaer. The Nevember 4 hoya played, good football after they Mayar Caldwall ana Councilman Me aim , Mrs. FYed Kllngback and a t­ Owe. 46. expects to locate. His wife, who Is to Nyeoa this woek garden, Qoehert. Foster and Pretty- .ldertnen—A. » . Boydell, 1<4; here with her ipaaents, will loin him tended the Hallowe’en party at the Mr* C W. Linder of A readia ia aa- got warmed up. maa. The folljwiag bill* were al­ Prettyman, 138; FVed E. school house. posted home Saturday from aa ex- Th* Junior Class organized Mon lowed ; later. ISO; IW. B. Woxle, 119; A. L. Mr. nd Mr». D. P . Pullen visited Mayor T . J . Caldwell was on the ter ded vlait with bor father in Kansas. ' day and elected the following of- Oam State Lamber Co .......... » 31 66 09; C. J . Geerhart, 8S; I), sick lief the first o f the «week. Rob rt Clark returned Friday ava- fleers: President, Clyde Beam; S«c- C. W. Rohorgor ......................... 125.00 Mr. and Mra. J . C. Fleming of eon 48; W.-fW. Poster, 64. ning from California. While there ho rotary-"rearurer 'Roth Barrett. Idaho,Power C o ........................... 92 15 Arcadia Sunday afternoon. ;- * r > Gallegly, 160; visited Sen Francisco, Oakland and F o s te r............................................ 88 1>a wait developed child ta the B. A crew Is working on the Owyhee I. other piaae*. moat valuable posas m loa of the Gate City Jo u rn al.......... ............. 1160 ditch near Ben Smith'» ranch. ■_JJ. taklag bar lítela ton. •Vary aasing and P R i- Senior*—President, Trrasle Lack­ her beside. Tuesday evening aho the various County Bureaus for th«lr who has baon qaite »ich tha past twa ey; Secretary-treasurer, William EB ON CA8INGS Wa approval. was reported a little better. waaka, for medical trtalm aat. b y ; Horse dhoe Tire KliUkenbatg. The purpose for the proposed fod- _____ A good turnout of voters wao re- Mayor T. Caldwell was oa tha Sophomore* — President, Bonnie special priaa for erathm of County Farm Bureaus In iick ,.gt tWf waak narttaiU *teg tba W . L Gibson has suffered the 1 <>rted at the election. Officer» of Matheny; Vice President, Flay Dunn; only. Also apeclal price Oregon Is to bring about concerted of tha ragalar teeatbly election beard were: R. R Over- Secretary, Dora Tbompaon; Treas­ loss of nearly a hundred sheep dur- Thraa, and remember, we action between the counties on all maatlng 0f tha «oaacll Item Monday urer, Beaale Anderson; color's, pur­ ing the past two weeks from a uiys- stre chairman; Mra. T . M. Lowe, ie Shoe or Miller w ’-apartments o f he program of Coun-1 unt(| Thursday. terioue disease which iseems "o baf- -v ,rs- YF. W. Beam, Mra. B. D. ple and gold, gf charge, should ty F'arm Bureaus that la of mutual j charlay jo em b* aad Ray Meblay Freshmen—President, Mary Ma fie the skill of the ve'erinaries. Mr. BlKelow, Ray CMairell and T . M. interest and importance. When the wm ijY 8 a danca a* the Nyaaa apart th e n ,; Vice President, Grace War­ Gibson ha» changed their feed sev- ,iOW®. tube *ree a t »17.to S ta te Federation Is perfected by the bon((j naxt Tuesday eveoing. Tb* bey* ■ an<^ Mra. Wm. Pacta and ren ; Secretary, Warren Blodgett eral times and has heen most care- he free at »22.56 vote of the County Bureaus, the mat- ?rom(ia » good lime aad «varybody Theasurer, fleoton Hoxle; Sergeant ful in the a tenition bestowed u]>oji family an