The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, April 30, 1920, Image 2

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Blood Turned to Water!
T h ey G ave H er U p
Calif.:— "A relative waa poison­
ed, her blood turned to water; the doctor*
-a a .
gave her up, said
she could never be
cured. She finally
took Dr. Pierce'*
W hat Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Golden Medical
Discovery which
© vw
Vegetable Compound Did
cured her.
consider it a mira­
for Mrs, W arner.
" I have had si*
Onalaska, W is. —11 E very month I had
operations which , Mr. Johnny Penguin smoothed down
■uch pains in my back and low er part of
left me in a ner­
stomach I could not
vous state, with his feathers with great care, for he
lie in bed. I suf­
„ „
loss of Bleep and was going u-calllng. He looked around
fered so it seemed
H I I 1/ /
appetite. I com­
the beach and then gazed keenly far
though I would
menced using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
out upou the ocean.
He strutted
die, and I was not
Discovery und Pleasant Pallets.
general health commenced to improve after around a moment or two and then
r e g u l a r either. ]
the first bottle. I took six bottles and was | looked about lilm ugain.
suffered for a year
cured—gained 30 pounds. I wish to give
and was unfit to do
“ What shall I take her?” he asked
Dr. Pierce the very highest indorsement
m y h o u sew ork ,
tor his remedies.” —MRS. MAJ3TKUDOW, himself. There were plenty of other
c o u l d only wash
4024 Sutter St.
| penguins around whom he coultj have
d i s h e s once in a
! asked for advice but he didn't want
I read an
B lo o d T h in
a d v e r tis e m e n t o f
| anyone's udvice. He wanted to decide
Kidneys W eak
what Lydia E. Pink-
: the question himself. The only thing
ham’s Vegetable Compound had done
Marysville, Calif.?—*‘I needed a tonic | was that he didn’t quite know how to
fo r other women and decided to try it.
my blood was thin, I was run-down, my answer Ids own question. That was
I t surely did wonders for me. I have
back ached, rn,‘
/ difficult, yes. It most certainly was
no pains now and I can do m y house­
kidneys were weak
stion was difficult.
k and ÉftflMtlHPBM
work without any trouble at all.
so bad that I could
w ill always praise your medicine as ]
“ I might,” he said to himself, “ take
not even d r in k
do not believe there is a doctor that can
rnilk. I remember­ her au ocean wave. That would he a
do os much good in fem ale weakness,
ed that mother had present such as no penguin has ever
and you may use these facts as a testi­
a lw a ys depended had before nnd it would be sure to
monial.” — Mrs. L e ste r E. W a r n e r ,
on Dr. Pierce’s Gol­
R . 1, Box 69, Onalaska, Wis.
den Medical Dis­ please her. But I do not know how to
covery, so I decid­ get the wave fo r her. As soon as I
The reason women write such letters
ed to take it. In a got it another might come along and
to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.
short time I was
and tell their friends how they are
greatly benefited. j take It away from rue. That is a trick
h e lp e d is t h a t Lydia E. Pinkham’s
I continued taking | waves have o f doing.
Vegetable Compound hasbrought health
it and was a well woman.” — MRS. J. 8 .
“ I know," lie continued to himself,
happiness into their lives. Freed
BARKER, 219 8 th St.
“ i will ask her if she would like a
from their illness they want t o pass the
There is but one way to have good health, i wave for a present. I will leave It to
good news along to other sufferini
and that is to put and keep your stomach
women that they also may be relieved
in good order. This is easy to do if you her to decide. That Is what 1 shall do,
take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. j yes sir, that Is what I shall do."
It is a wonderful tonic and blood purifier,
So he picked up a stick he found
and is ho safe to take, for it is made of roots
and herbs and is without alcohol. All upon the beach and strutted along in
druggists. Liquid or tablets.
a very proud and haughty fashioo.
“ With my fine walking cane no one
can resist me," he said.
As he walked along with his head
high in the nir he thought o f what a
lovely home he would have with Miss
Caused by
' Penguin, for he wits going n-culiing
on tire loveliest Miss Penguin on the
Want a clear, healthy complexion,
regular bowels, and a
whole island.
working liver?
At one time he looked down and
M illion* o f people— In fact about 9 out of
saw a tine stone, smooth and quite
10— Buffer m ore o r lean from indigestion,
tain if you take
acute or chronic.
N e a rly ev e ry ca »e 1» perfect.
C A R T E R ’S
caused by A rid -S tom ach .
“ This will just do for her," he said,
T h ere are o th e r Mtomuch disord ers w hich
Little Liver
l I v E R
also are sure signs o f A c Id -S tom ach — b elc h ­ “ for Miss Penguin must he given an
ing. heartburn, bloat a fte r eatin g, fo o d re ­
and easy
peatin g, sour. stomach.
T h ere are
m any a ilm en ts which, w h ile th ey do not
actin g rem-
to marry me. She will expect It and I
cause much distress in the stom ach itself,
edy. For headache, dizziness upset
n evertheless, tra cea b le to an acid-
she will accept It, ha, hn,’: und he '
stom ach.
A m on g these are nervousness,
stomach and despondency, they have
biliousness, cirrh osis o f the liver, rh eu m a ­ ! gave a laugh o f Joy.
no equal. Purely vegetable.
tism . Im poverished blood, weakness, insom ­
At last he reached the spot where |
nia, m elan ch olia and a long tra in o f p h ys­
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
ica l and m ental mlsurles th a t keep the j Miss Penguin was standing.
victim s In m iserable health ye a r a fte r year.
T h e rig h t thin g to do Is to a tta ck these
great nerve and blood tonic for
himself, and then he j
a ilm en ts at th eir source— get rid o f the uchl- j he said to
Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
hiotnncli. A w on derfu l m odern rem edy culled
stopped right In front o f Miss Penguin.
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
K A T O N I l ’ now m akes it easy to do this.
O ne o f hundreds o f thr.usund* o f g ra te fu l
“ I ’ve come to see you, Miss Pen- 1
useiM o f K A T O N IC w rites
" I h ave been
i z u l M b v i i M ar J i u t v n
guin,” he said, “ and I want you to be j
trou bled w ith In testin a l in digestion fo r about
nine years and h ave spent quite a sum for
" IN T K L L H iK N T u w o f I N m U G B N f E "
n ed lcm c hut w ithou t relief.
A ft e r using
B y M iirrii.n K in in H I Ilo n e ll.
E A T O N IC fo r a few di\ e gas and pains j ring!”
in m y bow els dlsappeuiad. E A T O N IC is just
T h e y e a r 1920 w ill be the most prosperous
He dropped the stone In front of
the rgm sd y I n eed ed ."
y e a r the U nite«! S ta tes has eve r experienced.
W e h gee , thousands # f letters te llin g o f her.
She certainly could iiot »•'/’rise It. A n d Just h ow su ccessful you w ill be this
these m a rvelou s benefits.. T r y « A T O N I C and
a r w ill depend on how w ell you use your
But Miss Penguin lookerr In another y In e tellige
ton . t ), w ill be Just a# entiftinautlc In its
n ce
o f people go th rou g h life,
Your dru ggist hss W JPTOlflC. O et a big
s tru g g lin g fo r a bare existence, when w ith
tIon to the stone.
60c box fro m him today. H e w ill refund
use o f th e ir in te lligen ce they
>our m oney I f \ou are not satisfied-
“ Miss Penguin,” he said, “ will you | w ou ld becom e h ap py, successful and pros
not accept me as a mate? I will give
O a kla n d ,
No More
or Blotchy Skin
“ easy
E v e ry person w ho becom es successful and
prosperous th rou gh th e study o f ’ I N T E L L I ­
G E N T use o f I N T E L L I G E N C E " w ill becom e
a w a lk in g, ta lk in g a d vertisem e n t fo r us
T h a t Is w hy w e a te m a k in g this offer.
T«i eve ryo n e w h o r » n obtain a copy o f this
ad we are g o in g to m a ll a copy o f ‘ I N T E L ­
L I G E N T use o f IN T E L L O E N C E " at one-
h a lf o f the re g u la r price, w hich Is $2.00.
C lip out this ad, g iv e the nam e o f th is
paper, you r nam e « n il address, send th em to
us w ith one d o lla r ($1.00) and w e w ill m a ll
you a co p y by retu rn mall.
You study* and put its princip les Into p r a c ­
tic e fo r th ree m onths.
Th en if you fe e l It
has not been the m eans o f h elpin g you In
m an y w ays. Just retu rn It to us, Hnd we w ill
retu rn your dollar.
T h a t ’s ce r ta in ly fa ir ! A n d as th is ad will
not ap p ea r a ga in you b etter clip It out and
■end tt today.
Tn yclilo Tu b lla h ln g Co., T a co m a . Wash.
Measure Your Irrigation Watei
Praÿ Leave Me.”
t a ir . r 'a?
Its vans Type L Water Level Recorder end Flow Met»
W ill record w ater hclp-ht* anti measure the flow
M e « o f R ec o rd er $37 50. W rite fo r Particular*
Portland, O recon .
Mending China.
Broken china after mending should
he allowed In “ set" In a l>ox of saw­
dust. Place in any desired position
end Its own weight will hold the piece
Ready until the cement hardens.
$100 Reward, $100
C a t a r r i» is a lo«*nl tlieetiHe g r e a t ly Influ-
•n ced by c o n s titu tio n a l «o m it lio n s
t h e r e fo r e
r e q u ir e s c o n s tit u t io n a l t r e a t ­
m ent
M A I . 1/8 C A T A R R H
Is t a k e n In t e r n a lly a n »! a c t s th ro u g h th e
Blood o n th e M u co u s S u r fa c e s o f th e S y s ­
H A L L 'S C A T A R R H
J e e tr o y s th e fo u n d a tio n o f th e d isease,
f i v e s th e p a tie n t s t r e n g th b y Im p r o v in g
th e g e n e r a i h e a lth a n d a s s is ts n a tu re In
itoln g It s w o r k .
$100 00 fo r a n y c a s e of
P a ta rrh
th a t
M E D I C I N E fa l l s t o c a r e
D r u g g is t s TTvc
T e s tim o n ia ls fr e e .
F J. C h e n e y & C o ., T o le d o , O h io
R ifin ivo thy friend privately, com-
m»ml him publicly.— Solon.
6 B
ella n s
__H o t w a te r
S u re R e lie f
h rro s
in d ig e s tio n
A Bau Gough
sLuaiu.m n w W t b , relK-v. you r <li*l re, <
- — I your Irrita ted t i n o » , b y t*km C
you n wnve ns a wedding gift. I will
get you the finest wave In the whole
ocean und you can have It to use ns
you lik e ”
Miss Penguin turned her head to­
wards Mr. Johnny Penguin. All the
other penguins were watching. Mr.
Johnny wished he could talk to her
■done. He wished he could tell her
i what a fine mate he would be without
nil these creatures looking on. He
found himself quite shy with so many
I “ What in the world, or on the Is­
land, or In the ocean, or under the
stars or the moon or the sun will I do
with n wave. Mr. Penguin?" she asked.
All the other penguins hnd begun to
Mr. Johnny Penguin didn't
know what to say.
He thought for a moment nnd then
raising his head he said in a loud
voice, " I t Is a g ift such as no other
penguin has ever had. I am doing yon
a great honor when I offer It to you."
Miss Penguin hurst out laughing.
"1 wouldn't have It." she said, "be­
cause I couldn't have It. Yon couldn’t
get a wave If yon wanted to. They
\ belong to the ocean—all waves do.
You could no more get It for me than
j you could get the moon or the sun or
i (he stars or the trees. What nonsense
you do talk, Mr. Penguin.
“ When creatures promise to get
what can’t be gotten they show they
will not be good mates. They are try­
ing to reach for the moon nnd crea­
ture's who do that get all out o f Joint.
S*rry, Mr. Penguin. I cannot nccept
your engagement ring."
"But what Is the matter with It.
Miss Penguin?" asked Mr. IVnguln.
“ Surely yon cannot hut say that It Is
a nice stone."
“ There Is nothing the matter with
the stone." she said. “ But I do not
| like the giver. Pray leave me ’ You
see I have not picked it tip and so von
know that Is my answer. I f I wanted
i yon ns n mate I would have nreept d
* (he stone von brought me."
Which :nd. * (I site wonld have dons*
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion,insomnia; painful pass­
age of urine, you will find relief in
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric add troubles and
National Remedy o f Holland sine* 169&
Th is* sizes, all druggists.
Leek for the b u m Cold M-,1.1 o s every baa
The Fitting Material.
“ Did you see where natives in Aus­
tralia are tearing down telegraph wires
to make bracelets, earrings
" I suppose they thought electric
wiring the best material for current
Customer* Like T h li V ery Particular
Lady Must Be Great Strain on
the Nerves.
Doesn’t hurt at all and costs only
The drug store was filled with wor­
ried looks— prescription fuees.
A ll
were eager for quick action aud the
druggist was doing his best to meet
all the demand*. A woman, the only
one without a prescription In her hand,
shifted hack and forth until she got
directly In the path o f the druggist.
"W alt on me, please," she said snap-
plly. “ I ’m In a hurry."
“ What did you wish?"
“ Some birdseed— canary bird. And
I want the real stuff, none o f this
camouflaged birdseed— sand, eornmeal,
sawdust and a lot o f other stuff.”
“ But, ludy, we— ”
“ Oh, you can't fool me. I’ve been
reading up on this birdseed graft. I
read In n magazine where they were
jamming nil sorts o f Junk Into this
stuff we're feeding our poor little
canurles. Think o f cheating a poor lit­
tle canary."
"But, lady, you don't understand—”
“ Oh. yes, I do understand. I want
birdseed that has a glaze on It— the
kind that shows It Is fresh by Its
bright color. I don't want this gritty
stuff. 1 know what I ’m talking about.
I ’ve been reading up nnd— ”
“ How much did you want. Indy?"
"Oh. about n nickel's worth."
And the poor, unhnppy prescrlptlon-
eers fell in a faint.— Indianapolis
It isn't right to drag along teettng
miserable—half sick. Find out what is
making you feel so badly and try to
correct it. Perhaps your kidneys arc
causing that throbbing l
; he or
those sharp, stabbing pains. You may
have morning lameness, too. head­
aches, dizzy spells and irregular kid­
ney action. I ’ se Doan's Kidney Pill*-
They have helped thousands of ailing
folks. Ask your neighbor!
a few centa
An Idaho Case
Mrs. R. Rockwell,
321 Fifteenth 8t.,
says: "My b a c k
was so lame and
pained so intensely
that it was impos­
sible for me to
s t o o p over. My
kidneys were slug­
gish and gave me
no little annoyance.
Doan's Kidney Pills
not only regulated
my k i d n e y s and
made them normal,
but they relieved
the lameness In my back and helped
me In overy way."
Get Doan** at Any Store, 60c a Bos
D O A N ' S V iK !S
F O S T E R -M IL B U R N CO .. B U F F A L O . N . Y .
M agic! Just drop a little Freezone
on that touchy com, instantly It stops
aching, then you lift the corn off with
the fingers I Tru ly 1 No humbug!
T ry Freezone! Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle for a few cents, sufficient
to rid your feet o f every hard corn,
soft corn, o r 'c o r n between the toes,
nnd calluses, without one particle of
pain, soreness or Irritation. Freezone
Is the discovery o f a noted Cincinnati
genius.— Adv.
r j f
P A R K E R ’S
[Remo ▼e a Den d ru fl - s topsiJ at r Felling
R estores Color and
b ea u ty to G re y end Faded H air
60c. and $1.00 at druggists.
H ls c o x Chem .
V> ks. P a tc h o g u e . N . I.
R e m o v e * C orns, C al­
lou ses, e tc ., s to p s a i l p ain, ensures c o m fo r t t o th e
fe e t , m a k es w a lk in g easy. 16c. b y m a il o r a t D ru g ­
g is t * . H i » c o x C h e m ic a l W o rk s , f a t c h o g u e , W. Y.
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
-IS ID E A L -
This Hustling Age Seems to Have Lit-
tie Tim e for the Merest Ele­
mentary Courtesy.
Wants to Know.
The Daughter— Mercy, no! I never
wear this costume on the street. I had
It made just fo r gym.
H e r Fnther— Jtin who?
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
It «n s the hottest nrni most uncom­
ITTVELV R E M O V E D by D r. B e rry'a
Out liner, r - — Y our uiuggitl or by
fortable day o f the summer nml the
, __c. Fra* book. D r. C. M. B e r r y
2 9 7 5 Michigan A venu *. C h icas».
car was even more crowded than usual,
A Remedy.
says the Indianapolis News.
Tw o
“ That automobile poet certainly
W a ts o n K . C o le m a n ,
Patent Lawyer, Washington,
young women who hod done their full writes recklessly.” “ Then they ought
1). C. Advice and book rree.
share o f work fo r eight long hours, :o take his poetic license away.”
Skates reasonable. EUshest references. He^tservices.
managed to squeeze Into the car with
the rest o f the passengers. O f course
nil the seats were taken. Even a sug­
gestion that some one offer the girls
a seat was far from their minds. They
stood In the aisle, as good-naturedly
as they had done nearly every day In
months pnst. One can Imagine their
surprise when an elderly man rose to
In fa n ts and C hildren.
K a a a H B B a H a a o M iu * a H i4 a * a M n M M i
proffer one o f the girls a seat.
“ Take my seat, lady,” lie said, “ you
look lots more tired than I.”
Gratefully, one o f the girls started
for the seat. A tall broad-shouldered
man was Just ahead o f her.
“ Naw, yuh don’t,” he snarled. “ I
guess I ’ m nearer the sent than you
A L C O H O L ï ’ b R CENT.
are." and he started to sit down.
AVe¿elable Preparation jarAs ■
“ Well, I guess If you are going to
: j sumlatin^theFood
take the seat I may ns well keep It
j: tingtheStomachs and Bowrl» « j
until I am ready to get off,” the first
I n f a n t s .- t i m p b e n
mnn said, nnd with that he sat down
Thereby PromoÜn^D^itoa
T w o Idoeks later he got off the car.
the tall hrond-shonldered man rushed
neither Oplom,Morphine: nor
to the sent, nnd the young Wbtuen held
on to the straps.
lim e r a i. N o t N a h c o t «
jkcfrôfnïdDrSAMLMPŒÜiïR j
More Than Her Mouth.
JmM . .
Although the groundhogs nt the
“ Zoo” did their best to keep the spring
day away from that fine park nnd
playground fo r die people, time w ill
ç y iM s r^
bring spring within a fo«- weeks uow.
at the worst.
Tim e lias a way o f
making things move.
Although crowds nt H ip National
j and Feverishuess ata
Zoological park have fallen off ma­
terially during these cold winter Sun­
days. nevertheless many visit the park
fac-Simile Signatar.-*
every Sunday. Much attention is glvpn
the animals kept indoors, naturally.
Thus the mother'hippopotamus has
1 s t GüOTAüR CONP.Ctfe
R ecN itly two small
fîïT S V V O R K l
boys, that good sort that shy rocks
at cats nnd sparrows, were standing
" ‘J !1 TS
in front o f the hippopotamus cage,
3 5 D o < i- 4 0 ^ = * -
watching Mrs. Hippo eal hay.
“ I.ook at ’er open 'or mouth I” said
one hoy, lost In admiration.
"Mouth nothin’ !" exclaimed the oth­
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
T H Z C riV T A U S C O M P A S V . N t W TOOK C IT Y .
“ That ain’t 'er month - It's 'er
whole head she's openin’ !” — Washing­
ton Star.
His Way.
The-Human Touch Lacking.
“ When your clothes become so old
A way is said to have been found
Tomb Was Tram p’s Home.
and shabby that you are ashamed to for washing linen by electricity. In
A tramp who had solved Hie present wear them any longer," asked the Sal­
future patrons w ill have to tear the
day problem o f where to live by taking vation army solicitor, “ what do you do
buttonholes themselves.— Punch, Lon­
np his abode in one o f the old Homan with them?”
tombs nt Arles, on the Itlione, gave two
“ W ear them I” grim ly replied llos-
Dutch tourists the fright o f their tetter Smith.— Kansas City Star.
Agreem ent
Not the Real Thing.
They had gone out to see the remains
"See here, son, you are wasting a
"W h at are yon crying for, my little lot o f money on Miss Blondy.”
by moonlight, when suddenly out o f a
tomb emerged a human form, which man?" “ I ain't crying; this Is just a
“ I am willing to admit, pop, tkat
the moon caused to appear exceedingly rehearsal."
It Is money miss-spent."
The tourists fled at top
speed for the to«-n, declaring that they
had seen a resurrection. Tire “ ghost"
was interrogated by the police and
will be prosecuted fo r the French
equivalent o f wandering without vis­
ible means o f subsistence.— From the
Continental Kdltlon o f the le n d s »
Daily Mall.
Safe and proper directions are in every “ Bayer package”
o U
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castella
Bears the
itJ â â ë S s r
For Over
T h irty Years
C , i
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin
Captain Couldn’t Answer.
On rising and retiring gently smear
Master Charles Wymond Potter ac-
the face with Cuticura Ointment. | rompanted
his gmndfnther, '"apt,
Wash off Ointment In five minutes Charles A. Wymond. to the river at
with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It j Evansville the other .lay to see that
Is uonderful sometimes what Cuticura
he elevator, boats, barges and coal
will do for poor complexions, dandruff. were all right.
Itching and red rough hands.— Adv.
“ Grandfather," remarked Charles,
"why do they «•all dirt mud when It's
A tree or two and a few shrubs wet. and dust when It Is dry?"
about a house make a great difference
No reply from grandfather, who Is
In Its appearance either winter >r I «till thinking about the nnsner.— In­
dianapolis New*.
You can't always tell what's
bottle by reading the label.
ll^ M o rn in g
In a
| ___
K e e p V o u r Eyes
C le a n
- C l a n r
*-« H e a l t h y
Thoroughly Se'fish.
"D o yon know whnt I ’d like?" «aid
the first road hog.
“ No, what would you like?" sebi the
sc-onii porcine pers«*n.
“ I'd like to hare a motoremr so big
there wouldn't be room on the broad­
est boulevard for anything to pass me
but a breeze."— Birmingham Age-Her-
“ B ayer Tablets o f Aspirin" to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety “ B ayer Cross," Then you are
getting the true, world-famous Aspirin.
pres< ribed by physicians fo r over 18
tains proper directions to safely ro lle r*
Colds, Headache. Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Lumbago. Rheumatism, Neu­
ritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes o f tw elve tablets
cost but a fe w cents. Druggists also
sell larger “ Bayer” packages. Aspirin
Always bny an unbroken package o f Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture»
“ B ayer Tablets o f Aspirin" which con­ o f M<>noaceticacl Jester o f S a lic licacld.