Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1911)
; al and general CHI BCH NOTH i s. Hall dairy to let her affairs alone, had risen to argue the rights of his H omi it E . B ush , pastor unappreciative client. H ovuh of W orship : Jo n lo n Valley country is Tho door opened and a young PrcachiuK.......... 11:8n s . iu., 8:oo ]». in. liib lc School ............................. lo : 3 o u. m. bumper huy woman entered. For a moment she istiug 11 Epvvorth L e a g u e ..................... 7:oo p. in. stood, hesitating near the door. She Prayer Meeting’ Tlmnuluy. .8:oo p. in. ay A N N IE HIN R IC HSEN . Iduliew’ Aiti, Alteniste NVetlnemlayn. was very pretty and she looked s Turpuulins, und Bed frightened. Ein*t Fresh)teriaii Church. Nvssu H ardw are Co. ‘‘Mr. Chairman,” she asked, “may A. 11. C arrick , p a s t o r (Copyright, i, 11. by Associated Literary Press.) llori.H of wousuil-: I speak in this meeting? I am Edith i H rio n Uuiin's baby has been P reach in g......... IR io u . m., 8:uc>p. m. ” 1 adore cows and I intend to de Ellston, owner of tho lleatho Hall I Suncluy School...................... lo:3o a. m. In your business with a Bank, anil want to •iok tlir past fa * ( lirintian Endeavor............... 7:15 p. ui. vote my life to them.” dairy.” Prayer Meeting, Thursday.. 8:oo p. ui. know and to feel sure that your funds are The chairman, a white-haired man “To cows?” He stared at her, his i. o. o. r. betw een E. H. McDon- understanding dulled by amazement. of 6ixty, smiled assuringly. “Cer safe and secure, deposit them with the -jineli and Fred M arshall's “Cows,” she repeated. “Thorough tainly you may speak in this meet fiale City I s s ile No. 214, I. O O. F. ¡,i Nyssu, a Hold band rin«. breds. I shall open a dairy at lleathe ing,” he decreed. “Come up here Liberal reward will meet In their hall in Nyssa every Hall.” ,1 inside nnd sit down with us and tell us Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock sharp tarn to this otiiee, “T iik B a n k o k S e r v i c e . ” “Why, Edith, you can’t. You why you don’t want the company to Visiting brothers always welcome. Nyssa, O regon. must not— You—” buy your land.” ss Chloe .Johnson has becu J. M, N. G. “1 can, 1 must and I shall. The As she walked up the room Jonh II J . W a ril P resid en t J H. W o l e , C ash ier t! e sir k list the past week. R. Crockett, Sec. settlement of father’s estate has left Coates’ eyes followed her wouder- me nothing hut Heathe Hall. It is ingly. FOR SA LE O. 8 . L. l i . l i. Call on or a dilapidated old house with a few She sat down near the chairman senate of lead, T im e T a b le . acres of blue grass pasture. Cows, and smiled with frank embarrass ss. C. V M itchell, Nyssa, EAST BOUND. then, shall he mv career.” ment at the directors. She did not .9:22 A. M 2() Pony irn is b e r “You'll marry me. I'll remodel glance at Terry MeCune. iss Mamie McDonald of Cnld- ti Through Train . . 4 :4'J 1*. M. the hall and we’ll use it as a sum “Mr. Chairman,” Joab Coates was 1:11 1 '. M 28 Pony ........................ is visiting her uncle, E . H. 10 Fast. Mail 11 :39 a . m mer home. A few thousands will on his feet. He was a middle-aged ),,nuld of Nyssa this week. man, tall and thin, with a hard H N ight Passenger .3:04 A. M make it quite habitable.” “Before “Oh,” she answered indifferently, mouth and merry eyes. ranges, L em ons and Btin- WEST BOUND. > at th e O w yhee M ercan tile. 25 P o n y ............................. 10:1 1 A. M “ I don’t care to marry you, not even Miss Ellston speaks I want to say I ’m ready to 5 Through Passenger 7 :22 P M ns a means of support. 1 know that something more. V onr broken C ycles can 27 Pony ...................... 7 :05 p. M you are the richest man in the coun change my mind about splittin’ up lillHOIl " innde as good ;is new at Cook I don’t (>:00 p. M ty. Hut as a business p.oposition I the Heathe Hall farm. ‘J F ast Mail b lack sm ith s. 7 Night Passenger 4:45 A. M prefer cows. But, Perry,” she make no fight on a little curly- 'K E Qc TOMLINl added, “you may, if you like, he my headed pretty girl who’s try-in’ to , w Moving Picture Show out- attorney, the attorney for the dairy. make her livin’ out of cows. I '/ornef/s tit ¡.tin- [lir stile cheap, if taken at once. H a r r y F. B ut ler, P r o p r ie t o r V» Nyssa. O regon AFRAID. Every thriving, successful business thought sho was a cross-tempered, o n e y to loun on lmprovoll tit the Journal. sour, ugly old maid, judgin’ her that needs an attorney.” furniH ---------- All kinds of----------- “Your attorney’s advice to you is way just because she heat me on a |he family of E. H. McDonald to drop this nonsenseical talk aud contract. If she wants to keep her IO [rt,lined a party of sixty friends land and run the best dairy in the marry him.” Nyssa and vicinity the eve- county I ’m ready to help her. Our “ 1 intend not to do it.” of the 4th. C. C. WII.SÜV Several weeks later the proprietor line will take somebody else’s laud.” The hoard broke into a cheer of of the Heathe Hall dairy came to hinaw a rt — selling ¡it Half- I.AWVKIt laughter and applause. For the first the office of her attorney. e at Nyssa H ardw are Co. “ It’s Joab Coates,” . ie declared time Edith Ellston looked at I’erry ^ cut KatiiU- Iceurmv r>. (I. F. Lafrenz left for Spo- bitterly. “He itas arranged to ruin MeCune. He was neither smiling And ev e ry th in g in th at lin e kept in stoek. , Sunday to join her husband, my business because my dairy is a nor applauding. In his eyes was »sa. Orea has been in that city the past great deal bettor than his and is get a look that made her own soften and Also ev ery th in g in tho above lines ting his trade. Ho wrote me, when brought to her lips u sudden, new light visiting friends. I beat him on the city hospital con gentleness. „ F. A. GOELI Storage C oal d u rin g the “Mr. Coates,” she said when she i tract, that I should soon find my l ‘li ¡/si vi an and, ^ n h of Ju ly . Now ia the could be heard, “I came here to fight i self without a dairy.” to store coal for the w inter, You beat Joab Coates on the hos for my dairy. But— hut now—now Surgeon carry Lock S p rin g s and Hi- pital contract? How did you do it?” I, too, havo changed my mind. I E IN OPERA HOUSE I q tha coal.— E m p ire L u m b er “ I went before the hospital pur- am, am. willing to sell my land to the chasing hoard, which for years has coil pany and my thoroughbreds to ORyonpany you, if you want them. I have de- Mr. Wise— The reception take* ports from the farming sec- place tonight, and I'm going to loch cidcd to go out of business. The H o x ie indicate that the ruins did these umbrellas in the wardrobe. hall I shall remodel and use for a rfl Mrs. W ise— Afraid they’ll want to summer homo.” little damage to the Malheur We arc now handling the J\otanj rublicj ity hay crops. borrow ’em? “You made a good bargain with Mr. Wise— No. I ’m afraid they'!! ! the company for your land and with fico in his resida recognize them. Coates* for jo u r cows,” remarked [e are still g iv in g away F ree, lined P ictu res as prem iu m s, Terry MeCune as they left the direc MISJUDGED. tors’ room. “May 1 inquire, as your pryhee M ercan tile * !o. "M yrtle,” said her father, “I want attorney, what yon propose to do pie best M ach in e O il in the you to Bend that young Smltborton next ?” ty tit the Nyssa H ardw are about his business. I won’t have him “Marry vojj .” coming around here any more. I don t pany. “What ?” r 7^ like him.” M anufactured hy the I. tV K. M illin g ( <>•, In v e ite ” She “That ’ , V “Why, father, I can’t see what you bv . H. E. Bush was an Onta- can have against him. He Is awfully stoppciL ‘ .. y were 1 -onge visitor last Tuesday, going up nice, comes from a very fine family, ■i " office i alone ■ doesn't use tobacco and he never t nted to , isist Rev. M iller close up the Im ild » touches a drop of an y kind of liquor. VALE, OREOOS you be- i marry ‘s work. "T hat's all right. I don't like him. d death. fore i He hasn’t any sense of humor, ami 1 j „ ...atm then to Bill j ts of title to till lati ine Creek Dairy Co., of Spo- don’t believe a man who lacks the Wash., is now prepared to sense of humor can e v e r amount to i till I was marry • lots in Malheur Cj live cream at their receiving much." _ uu said: in trm I m in Nyssa. The Owyhee t i your king deign3 | "Hut he has a sense of humor. After cantile Co. will receive and you had gone »ipstairs last night he to hone fP lI with permission to said you w e re the funniest thing he j the cream. P . O. D. Co. serve hit _ is wife!” had ever seen." “ If yo diil not use those words ! fcrry Butler isrecieving supplies “As a Business Proposition, I prefer— You did \ you used .hat meaning. Tough Luck. Cows." Idditional stock for his harness "11 some or these 'harbingers of spring,' ” not say, ‘Marry me, («cause I love | i. stocking up for the demands T he Jaybird said In an Injured tone. bought large quantities of milk from vou and want you.’ Your attitude o n 't get to work pretty soon, by Jlng. tire sure to come within the "D I 'll Joab Coates, and asked them to let shocked from me, 1 believed, all my have to build a nest of my own.” I' few weeks. the contract by bids. They agreed love for you and all the hopes I had and I won. Now lie is trying to had that our life together might la-a Paternal Duty. lowers and R ak es for sale— : n tender, beautiful, |>erfeot thing. mv business.” "I am trying to keep my boy from ru t b l best on th e m ark et.— Nys using slang.” “What is he doing?” “But today you realized that the sa H ardw are com pany, "Do you find it hard?" • Hi is a heavy stockholder in the beggar maid was entirely < upside of sa own property ■ "By Oeorge, yes! No matter how Cnpilal Electric railway and lie has IJfcoining a successful business wom ■ t F Y o u r broken C ycles can often I lecture him. he doesn't seem convinced the company that its new an. You acknowledged, without to get wise to the fact that I am in alnation aggn-g be made as good as new at Cook branch line must go through my words, when tlie directors were ap- I earnest ” Brii-., b lack sm ith s. land, parallel mv beautiful brook, platidiug Joab Coates’ change of where im darling thoroughbreds mind, that tho beggar maid had suc AN O U TR A G E . ■ T ^ F o l g e r ’s G olden G ate C of drink, and spoil mv farm! If the ceeded and that you didrr’t really fee 5 pounds for ¡f 1.00. R egu and protection of J line _'oes through my land, taking moan to lie superior or to fiaiuit vour lar price 40c per pound. T h is my brook away from me, I shall money. And because of what T saw cut, price at th e O w yhee M ercan have nothing left but my broken- in vour eyes and understood. T am as cheap tile Co. ami no Nolle Nolle h itter down old house and a herd of pas willing to give up my cows don't. ture'' -is cows.” Terry, dear! You must not kiss IESTS are at* Excursions to San Francisco " I f Joab Coates wants the line to me- -I mean you must not. here—in go through your land it will go. He this public: place.” ¡e hands of ASK YOUR MERCHANTS FOR IT ggVia Oregon S h o rt L in e and controls the company and he has suf So u th ern P acific Any one needing oat <. wheat or ehopp|«sl ......1 of any kind, ficient intlueiice with the courts to P O L I T E BEGGAR. I’ I’hone or write the I anna Millltig and Elevator Go.. ‘arnia have vour land condemned and sold. D aily to Ju ly 5 th , in clu siv e , for “ It is eurions how politelthe Eng The wisest thing for you to do is to N ational E d u cation al A ssocia lish beggar can he, ’ said a man at | sell at a good price. I’ll manage l o c o n v t’ lii tot apply the Waldorf the other day. “ I have the sale for you and get the highest often been up against the genus in d irect, or via r u i u .n d and Los possible price out of the company. D. Graham London, but last night when I left A ngeles retu rn in g . See a g en ts I’m sorry, little girl, for your disap w ./ v n / . v K Mi r . m , M , n l»ry 3. Kingman pointment aud the failure of your the hotel and started in tile direction ■ton*( it ves Un - i , l ’r» Ht'l* nt foil fu rth er p articu lars. H lk V iU * enterprise. But a woman cannot ex of Broadway I was nreoaied hy one Î. Nelson with a broad a and an accent you ■ W a g o n U m b rellas a th e Owy- pect to compete with— ’ could stand on. He started in with she retorted. can,’" he M ercan tile. tbat « “A woman Grasshopper—Well, I ---- . ... a hard luck tale almost «s soon as I nerve What do they think I'm going “She can do anything a man can Directors C O M P A N Y * L id . •o out In the road? and tins worn,an will. You'll not got out of the door, and though I lo do; go walked fast lie and his.story kept up manage the r?U for me. There will Vi, Oregon Short L ine— Union be no sale. I shall continue to run with me all the way to Broadway. Pacific. and run it without any There he at last realized that there lecial low rates to Cheyene. A reward of twenty-five dollars TO was nothing doing. But »lid lie re ver. Omaha. K ansas City. St. j man’s assistance.” N ew Y a rd » , N ew . C o m p l e t e StocH. is. Chicago and many other will he paid to the person furnish-' The board c* directors of the Tap rile me as our domestic brand of the di be p le a s e d to fi|»ure w i t h yo u. « k article would have been apt to do? ts. Tickets on sale May 20th, ,ng iaform ation jead in g^ to »h ear- ir w as in in session. sessio I First tn • t oiith of M.din nr ( ' unity Bank and conv .......... fc- Vani He just said, in itn .—»»one rem nn>* , — t __ l r natM had contemplated a Not on your life. li 26th, and z 27th.— Ju n e ora. 3rd rest mellifluous accents, ’Thank you,’ 10th. 14th. 17th. 21st—Ju ly or persons guilty of stealing or J « h J oates 22nd. 2*»tli. August 16th and otherwise m isappropriating mate- lengthy rising inflection and all, and ! came I HOMP.HON, Miindger ember 2nd and 6th. Lim it (V - rial or tools of any sort from along .on» for bidding the new^ branch mar breaking my rule, and paying __ugh the Heathe Hall farm pr 31st. with diverse routes snd the line of the Oregon Short Line ______ '«Try MeCune, in defiance of th* him for his politeness under adver- )vers. See agents for rates Railroad. New York S u n ., Oregon Short Line Railroad t < > 1 Commands of the owner of Heathe -aty I further particulars 9-4? IM M M Eplmpal C ltn k The Beggar Maid If Y ou W a n t C om fort MALHEUR COUNTY BANK SUPER ■o O' t\ .ional 6ai Nyssa= H a rn ess Shop M Harness, Saddles, Bridles, k m a d e t o O R o r d e r r e p a ir e d w. J HR COUNTY A B S T W ARROW FLOUR 08. JONES, MANAfijg u This is High Patent Flour, and every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. N y ssa M a rk et Co. i1 NYSSj - - -Managt i Wigwam Flour .00 TH E FLO U R O F Q U A L IT Y $ 1.35 per Sack NYSS. O reg o n -Id a h o L um ber EXCURSIONS EAST >ur Bank Ì Oreg« RFWARD. BUILD IN G M A T E R IA L