Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1910)
< I THE GATE CITY JOURNAL =V $1.50 P E R N Y S S A ; M A L H E U R C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y A P R I L 14, 1910. NO. 2 YEAR. 5c P E R COPY. — C. C. Hunt is setting out a bun- ‘ ch of fruit trees, principally sp-j 1 I pies, on a forty ucre truct near! ads? • town. fliive yo\i notice.' tae new Geo Shurts has taken the con Cush for your relinquishment* tract of preparing the Win. Vogts W B Hoxie ranch on the Island, for an im F m l Corn for sale at Boydell*. mense fruit farm. LOCAL ITEMS Building Boom Is On! Many Buildings Under Construction Others Contracted for—Many Resinces Planned what should be done and who should do it. He snys that he will see that every member does his share of work, too. Nyssa is indeed fortunate that she should bn favored by such a man as Dr. Goeltz who is here to stay and grow up with the town. He is ably assisted in his work by V. Pres. Lockwood and board of D i rectors. Nyssa should have a slogan so be prepared to suggest some at the next meeting of the Club ou Tues day. April 19. The Club is for the city and people and anyone having a suggestion for the im provement of the city should make such to the directors or be pre pared lobrin g it up before the as sembly at the regular meeting. The people of the Dead Ox Flat country have taken steps to or ganize into an organization dis trict. Every time you look down one of the streets of Nyssa you see something new. Houses building up like mushrooms in the night. Grigsby & Simons have lminch- S L. Neil weut to Payette hat* -ed the hull of the new 18x50 ferry vrday. boat for the Island Transfer urd Nyssa, the little town of yester An oven 8x12 feet is built behind Rev. Sowanl went to Boise will soon hrve it completed. Comodore Robert E. Pery made day is the booming town of today the building and it is equipped Tuesday. J. E. Roberts editor of the Un his anniversary speech in Indi I t is setting a pace that is hard with the latest fixtures. The esti Alfulfa seed for sale at the ionist at Boise, and Mr. Bates of ana on April 6th. Just one year mate cost of the buildiug is $2000. for the other towns in Malheur the Parma Herald made the Jour ¡Nyssa Forwarding Co. ago he discovered the North Pole. Houses and The inside fixtures are valued at nal office a pleasant visit Wednes County to follow. business blocks are going up in $1000. J. J. Hash will conduct C. W. Smith was *• Boise last day. every direction. These are not the bakery and coufectjpuory busi Thursday. The Oregon State St.nday A dance will be given at the ness. the ordinary boom town shacks School As-ociation will hold their opera house Friday evening. Mus Robert Odell was over from Val* ic by the three piace orchestra from either. Each and every one is a A. L. Friis is building a carpen convention at Portland, Oregon, Saturday. 9 o’clock until 12. Tickets 50ct* substantial well built structure. ter shop on Reece Ave. I t is a April 26-7-8. The Ladies' Aid meets at Mis. The business blocks in course of frame 16x24 feet. Mr. Friis is one Prof. Bartholomew has pur The great Baptist Church “ The Oydell’s Wednesday. chased the L* n Morton homestead construction is the Sharp Bros of your late contractors. White Temple is the place chosen Prof Bartholomew went to There is some rumors about for the convention. just across the river from Nyssa Block on Main street and Second. Boise Saturday ou business. This is a building 60x72 feet, one large buildings going up on sev for $2,000. Excursion rates will be given on A new barber shop was opened story high but the walls are so eral corners but as yet we are not all rail roads in the State. Scarcity of hired help is the un n the pool hall by W. Garrison, L ist Saturday was the scene of iversal cry at present. So many built that they will bold one or prepared to say just what is to be considerable excitement on the Go to Boydells for your high large enterprises looming up in two stories more which will be put done towards erecting them. The “ Wets” have won out, in Nyssa ball diamond. The New trade oofiee. A ll tastes satisfied. various lines that men are at a on as it is necessary. The front The residences in progress of the State of Illinois in their last Plymouth boys gave us a pleasant premium. is built of red pressed brick and construction are: F. B Freeman’s, Thirteen towns voted call and regardless of their chal election. .1, C. Hinder has installed a new M isses Gertrude and Iva Pounds gives a very pleasing effect. The a four room cottage, 26x28 feet, lenge beiug resented they wanted dry and thirty-two voted wet. lutomatic scale on his grocery [» id a visit to their grandmother building is divided into three built by P. M Binkley; Cox’s, a game, so the boys got together ■ouuter. . . . , , iu Payette this week. Gertrude rooms each with an entire plate 26x28 feet, four room cottage; on short notice and had a very C. B. Adam;', of Boise, was look returned Tuesday but Iva will pleasant time which ended in a I Ians are being matured for tne glass front. The estimate cost of Chas. W eigel’s cottage, frame 26x- victory for Nyssa, the first game irrigation of 300,000 acres of land ug over Ids interests in the city spend the week, the building is $6,000. L. Spier, 28, 5 rooms; J. Adums' house 24x- uesday. of the first game of the season., iu Ada County Idaho D. R Ehrgood has just sold 24J is completing his building, 30x72 24, 4 rooms, frame; built P. M. After all the boys are glad they j _______________ Mrs. Schweitzer and daughter, A strip run feet which is erected on Main Biukley; C. C. Forbes, rooming came as it gave both sides a good ' _ ora. of the Owyhee went to Boise acres of his farm. ning along the ferry road from the street. This building is built of house 24x30, two story, 12 rooms practice aud that is what makes | Oncers of the western Pure | Food ^Association convened at railroad to the river. The consid home brick. The building is to frame; Boydell’s two residences, perfect. uesday. Immediately after the ball game j Boise Ida this week. Ten of the eration was $300 per acre. have a large plate glass front and each 24x28 feet, 5 rooms, frame the girls met the New Plymouth The* In g» fit and best assortment the brick of the front is a white built by Grigsby <fc Simons; P. M. boys on the basket ball court and western states were represented. A new fruit inspector has been i Men's shirts ever kept in town The The officials were very cordially self appointed and goes about on cement and gives a shining ap Binkley's house 20x28 feet, four proceeded to thrash them. B. M. Co Store. welcomed by the Governor of Ida. M E. Sharp went to Nampa game proved to be a fast and inter pearance to Main Street. These room, frame; H. D. Birdsall’s laturduy to look alter his inter- Sunday inspecting the surround and shown great hospitality by eating one. The girls played a ing orchards— especially those two buildings are without a doubt brick cottage on which work is to good game and worked hard’ from ■ Boise citizens in general. St» at that place. north of town. He has u fair as- the nicest and most substantial begin at once is 26x30, two story, start to finish. The boys played ! __________________ _ Grape cuttings for sale, Con- buildings in the town. Ed H illier 7 rooms, Crockett & Green con a very geutleraenly game in every j si taut. |>fds Moores early, Catalina, Dela has remodeled his building on tractors; Mrs. Peer’s 6 room brick, respeet. The second half end 2-2! Oregon will probably have one The following business men of ¿i’ es, Ives. oOcts per hundred, Good street and it makes a great Crockett builder; Geo. Green,s and it was necessary to play off ; more congressman after census is Nyssa bave mutaly agreed to close p-4t. W. G. Vogts. Hud much wanted improvement brick cottage 26x30, P. M. War the tie which it took 6 minutes , taken. One representative is al ren’s 24x26, 4 rooms. H. T. Fran to do and the game ended 2 to *4 lowed for 224.000 population their respective places of business there The building is 18x30 feet, Richard Callen and Kendrick in favor of Nyssa. After the i , J v i*uiauuu at 6:30 prompt, beginning with frame. This is now a very neat cis, 6 room, 28x30, frame, J. H, llodgeit spent Saturday and Sun- Forbes, 26x30 5 room briek cot game the girls extended an invitn- jand nS 1 lw coannK census is sx- Monday April 11. 1910: Albert building. H. R. Morris is finish tage both built by McCarty, Clos- tion to the boys to dine at the • Pecled to show Oregon to have a ay at home. Hinsch, J. O. Hunter, F B. Free ing up a building on Main and sou <& Carman. And others of Hotel Western and it was accept- population of 8i 10,000 it will ne- ed. The boys went home feeliug cessate three congressmen. C. C. Payne of Ontario spent man, G. M Zehner, Edward H Third streets to be used for a bak smaller dimensions, This goes a long ways towards that Nyssa was the town to live in inday looking over his claim out Super, Nyssa Hdw. Co, H. M. ery. I t is 26x30 feet and divided --------- • % showing what Nyssa is doing and and that her inhabitants are wide Roush, Boydell Mer. Co. Kingman Colony. into two rooms, one for the store is going to do Keep an eye open awake. The Oregon Agricultural Col lege wrestling team won the inter I f you are interested in secur and the other for the kitchen. and come to a town of prosperity A few five tooth garden cultivs- collegiate championship again this for saie at a Bargain. Also ing an orchard tract of a acres year. The decisive contest was sou Beils and Springs at the Boy- write us or come and see them for with Washington University. In yourself and we will show you some Lii M ercan tile Co. Grading is soon to begin on the this meet the Oregon team won land that will reach the heigbth of Nyssa is to be the junction Paid Roberts spent Tuesday in The news of the ditch is not ditches for the Willow River Irri five of the pix bouts, only losing your imagination. They are loca point of the Buhl-Nyssa extension aise with his mother. The con gation project. the one by a very narrow margin. ted on the banks of the Snake and there is no doubt about it as much but it is good At Boydells you will fiud the with a view unexcelled. The personnel of the team is the Twenty that is the official name of the tractors are busy preparing to be l»t to suit you. The celebrated Ex-president Roosevelt has an same as that o? last year with the minutes walk from Nyssa We road and the officials say that gin work as soon as possible. lival and anything wanted in nounced his views as being opti exception of one man. The team will aeswer any correspondence at Nyssa is to be the place. traws or Panama. The Their animals are being fed up mistic in Rome, addiug, beware of was coached last year by Eddie anj and put in shape so that work can once 5 tracts at $375 and 5 tracts road is a “ sure thing" now IF. O. Carman went to Caldwell the man who does not translate O’Connell and this season has been be pushed us hard as possible at $400 per acre each. work will commence ou it iu the iday on business. The election for the Owyhee his words into deeds. under the direction of J. G. Ar- J. H. Ainsworth. Mgr. near future, that is out from W e make a speciality of grind- Twice Italy wa6 at the bead of buthnot formerly of the Portland Nyssa, Ore. Nyssa. Work has already begun district is to be held on May 21st g custom grain at the Nyssa out of Buhl and they are working ! and for the Kingman Colony on the world. First in the day of her Y. M. C. A. and now a member of John E. Haley left here Sunday down this way. The officials say ; M rwarding Co. Uth Kach digtrict ig divi. glory, when Marcus Aurelius was the College faculty. Albert P. all thru freight will go over , „ . . , , Summer Underwear for Ladies ou his long trip to Alaska. He that .... . .. , . ded into five precincts and each Emperor and second during the Gibson of this place was the light . . . ... , . ,. d Gouts. Ready to wear waists expects to stpp off at Toppenish, this line and the fast thru trains: marvelous reproduction of the life and heavy eight champion. 0I1“ direct‘ Wash., to take charge of some because the river grade is so much ! PreolMt “ eQtltled at Boydells. Prices right. of Greece in the communes of better and easier. I or. The assessor, collector and Rev. .1 D Gillilian, siqierintend- beef cattle for a short time before Madame Schumann-Heink, the C. J. binsel, of Boise, who is the j treasurer can be chosen from any- Amalfi, Pisa. Florence and Genoa >t of the M. E. churches of the shipping them into Alaska. Isrgcst stock holder of the Nyssa- one af the five directors. It it up He adds further “ When the pesi- operatic star who recently came Mr. Haley is in the employ o f Owyhee I nd. Telephone Co. said io ^ ranobarg •rthwest was in the city Monday. get together and mists say civilization is worn out, j west on a concert tour, has written The Pacific Cold Storage ()o. and last 1 ueeday. “ I have just re-( . . ... . ... , Wheat. Oats and chopped feed turned from Salt Lake City where |Belect their candidates either by we can turn to Italy, whence the to the Northern Paoific Railway makes the trip every summer. the Nyssa Forwarding Co. entire Occident derives its civili -1 asking for some of the fancy po- I had a talk with the O. S. L. o f- : caucus, convention or ballot, Prof E. L Grady, the cornmer- Why discard a valuable plant. ficials and they said, ‘that work on ! Things are shaping themselves zation and where we don’t know tatoes served on the dining cars 1 instructor of the I I I at Wei- W e must have a Normal School. the Nyssa-Bahl extension is being up jn very good shape for early whether to admire more the present of the company, for use as seed on was in Nyssa, Sunday with These is a well equipped building contracted for and that we expect i work ^ ditch and a 8oliJ dig. or what is being prepared for the her farm at Little Falls, New Jer ndrick Blodgett. at Monmouth. You know the to see it rushed to a finish th is;. . , future. sey. A barrel of ths big Wash- must summer,. In regards to our tele- 1 tr,ct Each and every rancher is Marion McDonald wont to Wei- record of the School. W e ington grown spnds were sent to now for the districts snd there is have teechers, and the Normal is phone system I would say that we Saturdny to visit her sister, the New Jersey farm, but the W itte and Kuropatkin have traiu them. should double the amount of ma no doubt expressed as to the com orencewhois attending school the right place to .. .j 1 ah Railway Company declined to Four cents on a thousand dollars terials and be prepared to handle plete organisation and election of just fought a great deul. A ll over gUarantee that ¿ u tM , of gnch the I. I. I. is just what it will cost you to do the enormous amount of business officers that are capable aud con a statement made by Witte that size and flavor coold be produced This C. C. Wilson spent a few days this by voting Yes for Monmouth that will be done iu Nyssa. “ A ll Russian generals lack moral in New Jersey. J. B. V. Butler, Sec, Cota. Boise this week. Charley says assurance of both the road and the scientious. courage. To Kuropatkin, such a ! ------ — * e newsjvqier men are too anxi- ditch means much to Nyssa and statement was an insult and sec- The Seattle Chamber of Com- s about his visits. we must be prejiared to handle The dispatchea telling of Col. every telephoue necessary and I report of onds were chosen and other ar- merce, by Adopting «¡4 and Mrs. Anton Bennett Roosevelt’s trip down the N ile with the proposed fixtures, et cet- Judge Th Thomas P7*xe. chairman rai.gements made for the fight. children are visiting their were of special interest to Mr. and ra that would be impossible. of its comsoittee 0 /^National A f The Club is wide awake now ugh ter, Mrs. C. H. Davison cf Mrs Giffen as Col. Roosevelt visi fairs, has gone P K record as place. ted a number of the stations where and is doing things, our set of of strongly recntntf ft-ing the oas- The largest irrigation preject in mission work is conducted by the ficers are energetic and work hard. Kiss Edna Carr left here Tues- United Presbyterian church; par- the world is being planned by the sage by Congr fcjl of the bill pro viding for a t’/ifty million dollar , , They are for the Club and Nyssa y for LafayeTto, Ind.. where she ticularly Luzon and Cairo, at both Government, to be bnilt near El bond iesne t />mplate tha Recla Work on the street began „ , and n A tim# 1 spend the summer visiting of which places Mr. Giffeu has Paso, New Mexico. I t will be mation pro* /ft* now under way in Monday and has since, very much | _ , ends and relatives. done mission work. A t Lnxon, improved the spperance of the! Last Tuesday the directors met known as the Elephant Butte or the West. • *i tha irrigated sec Mrs. Engl ■«, Jake Tsutsch, W CoL Roosevelt made an address to town. Street grading is the prin- * to transact their business. Rev. the Rio Grande project, estimated tions of Washington. Oregon and nfield, and A T. Boydell have the pupils of the gills boarding cipal feature so much noticed B. J. Giffen was appointed secre- to cost $7,000.000 and to irrigate Idaho, many undertakings of the de desert entry on some of Ida- school, of which Mrs. Giffen's sis •ince the flood, snd teams are U ry rhe „drertising business Reclamation Service are being 225,000 acres of land. s rich land and Dr. Goeltz. Dr ter. Miss Carrie M Bnchanaa is j being keept bnisy at the work. held up for lack of funds, and the razin and Frank Lynch have principal. Miss Buchanan may Main St and Park Ave are the was taken up and talked ov«r. people of these states through y the Giffens a visit on her fnr -1 ^ ¡ 0 ,,, being worked at present The conditions and needs of Nyssa o taken land in Idaho: using Plans are almost completed for ” l€lr ¡•coln,nerc'*l organizations ir homestead rights. W e are lough this yesr. A t Cairo Mr. ' General repair work is also being were looked into. A newspaper the Black Canyon Irrigation Pro- their r*Pr* « « “ ta- ry to loose them from onr mid- Giffen’s father Dr. John Giffen dono on the sidewalks and this campaign will be Uken up and tives in Congress to press the ject. Meetings are being held in $30,000,000 bond plan. I f passed iev^rtheless we wish them well had the honor of introducing CcA. added to work of clennin up all worked. Pres Goeltz is a man of rare various places • to consider the this measure means th* redemptl btaining a home and becom- Roosevelt when he made thn nd- iarolind has certainly increased the apperance of the town trne citizens of onr sister dress of dedication of the ability. He is a hustler snd knows signing of contracta. ion of thousands of acres of land I Women's College. in these three states. BALL GAMES » RAILROAD TALK. DITCH NEWS CURRENT EVENTS. NYSSA COMMERCIAL CLUB STREET IMPROVEMENTS E I ' I J /