Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 31, 1974, Page 3, Image 3

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    Attendance Policy Changed;
Approved By District Board
Tlw fallowing is the new
«•rnouui High School attend
>ee policy which became e f­
fective January 24, 1874
Absences from class shall he
n-corded lor each class period of
the day Since the reason for
absence is of less importance
than the fact that the student
was absent at all there w ill be no
distinction or penalty lor excus
ed unexcused absence from any
class nor w ill there be any
excuses required or admit slips
given within the limitations as
listed in this policy statement
The lim itation on absences for
any cause shall be eight class
periods in anv one class per
individual student during each
nine week grading period Upon
reaching nine absences from any
class during any
nine wee*
grading period, all credit for that
nine week period w ill be denied
and the nine week grad«“ shall be
recorded as "5 " (failure i Any
exceptions <»f this rule w ill be
dependant upon meeting all of
the following conditions
i A i All of the days of absence
ih any class were for justifiable
reasons and n<»ne were for
conditions that could have lx“cn
avoided by prudent planning
All work has been com
pleted Io tin- satisfaction of the
instructor Make-up work shall
tie the sole r«“sponsibility of the
stuvkmt that has miss«“d dass-
wha lever the cause of the ab­
sence Make up work in activity
classes shall be instructor-
approved independent study
projects, extra work.
agreements, or other instructor
assigned projects Such make up
shall have the advance approval
of the instructor and shall be
satisfactorily completed with the
established time lim its prior to
tlx* granting of grade or credit
(Ci Credit granted for courses
»1 which the eight period lim it
has been exceeded w ill be grant­
ed only upon the* written appli­
cation of the parent -guardian of
the student Such application
w ill contain an explanation for
each absence of the student and
w ill be dir«*ct«d to the Principal
lor his consideration The P rin ­
cipal. after consultation with the
teachertsi involved, w ill recom­
mend either approval or dis
approval and refer each appli­
cation of (lie Superintendent and
District School Hoard for final
action If credit is denied the
parent and student may request
a hearing befire the Board as
sp«*cified in the District Hand
book for Student Conduct and
Definitions Interpretations
“ Absence is rmisbeing present
and actively engaged in the
Ifeere «re few occaiioos m fife
when you need a friend more
than when you are involved in
an automobile accident. We'd
like to be that friend in need.
You hope— and so do we—
that accident never happens
to you. But if it does, w e ll be
as dose as the dial on the
nearest telephone. See us for
auto insurance that never stalls
in rough going.
Vernonia Insurance
Phone 429-6203
953 Bridge Street
Vernonia, Oregon
K rtm tn rin g
MartfsrS SccfdMl snd
I adMMfty Company
Tto ttaftfwN
toninoci Group
Hw ttoril5.CoM .
classroom activities during the
time assigned Tardiness to
class in any period for whatever
cause beyond the first fifteen
minutes of the class period shall
be counh*d as an absence Non
participation on any date in an
activity course, even though
present, shall bt* counted as an
A student shall lx- counted as
tardy if not present in the proper
place within the assigned class
area and fully ready Io begin
class activities at the time the
class is sch«*dul«*d Io begin.
Thr«“«* tardinesses in any one
class in a nine-week grading
(x-riod for any cause is) shall be
the equivalent of one absence
An A c tiv ity " course is any
subject-matter area in which the
principal type of instruction and
learning takes place due Io the
assigned "a c tiv ity " of the stu­
dent-such as physical t*ducal-
lon. music, shop classes, etc. --as
ojiposed to classes in which the
m ajority of learning activity is
involved with teacher demon­
stration lecture or completion of
reading or written assignments
i Many classes contain both "a c ­
tiv ity " and the "w ritte n " as­
signments must be "made-up".
The time lim itation for make­
up work shall be generally
double the time of the absence
Any extension of time grant«*d
for make up of misst'd assign­
ments because of absence shall
I m ' teacher approved for each
class and must be mutually
arrang«*d prior to the expiration
of the establish«>d time lim ita ­
tion <Exampk*s of tim e lim ita ­
tion: Student " A " has been
absent for four school days-Stu-
dent " A " would have a m axi­
mum of eight school days sta rt­
ing on the date of return to school
to complete all make-up assign­
ments Student " B " missed all
morning class«*s on Monday-
Student " B " would be required
to have completed all make-up
assignments by the end of each
corr«*sponding period on Wed­
nesday. I
Student Proc«*dures
Students w ill report directly to
class following any absence or
tardiness -regardless of the rea­
son or causes However, stu-
dents and parents are reminded
that they must justify each and
every absence whenever the
total absences exceeds eight
class periods during any nine-
week grading period If any
absence included in the total
number of periods cannot be
ju stifn d . all c rtd it in that class
w ill be denied
Students present in school on
any given day who leave for any
reason before final dismissal
must check out with the attend­
ance personnel before departing
In case- of a student's illness
while at school, the school w ill
attempt to contact the parents
and arrange for the student to go
home If the parent cannot be
contacted, the administration
w ill handle the situation accord­
ing to their best judgement.
In cas«*s when the absence of
the student can be pre-planned,
the student shall reauest an
advance excuse from the atten­
dance personnel and shall a r­
range with each instructor to
receive and complete all assign­
ments prior to the planned
absence within the lim its of
practicability. Such advance a r ­
rangements should be made as
early as is feasible but not later
than 24 hours before the pre­
planned absence.
Credit for tests w ill not be
granted nor w ill make-up be
allowed if the student has been
absent on pre-announced testing
dates unless an advance excuse
has been arranged with the
attendance personnel and ap­
proval has been granted by each
class instructor Exceptions w ill
not be allowed on semester test
dates nor w ill advance excuses
be granted for those dates unless
an extreme emergency exists.
Teacher Procedures
Each teacher shall take an
accurate roll of each class
during each assigned instruction
jx-riod Th«- roll w ill be recorded
not earlier than 15 minutes nor
later than 2h minutes after the
beginning of the class. Students
shall lx* accurately listed as
absent or tardy and the report
sent to the high sch<x»l office.
Office personnel w ill prepare a
daily summary of the individual
teacher reports and distribute
copies to all teachers, atten­
dance personnel, and the Dis­
trict Superintendant Each tea
cher shall be responsible for
correcting discrepaixies involv­
ing students in their classes as
shown on this daily summary
You’ll never feel it.
Or ridicule, humiliation, embarrassment
or criticism. What you will feel is
understanding and inspiration.
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Division and Millard Road
a m. and
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aertby. 9:38
For further information call Collect ' 503) 297 1021
Weekdava -
8 30 - 8 30
and reporting such errors to tlx*
Teachers shall k«*ep an accu­
rate record of attendance in
their grade records for each
student in th i'ir assign«*«! classes
The teachi'r shall report ab
sences of students to the parents
through the use of the school
"Progress Report" form per
lodically This report shall be
mail«*d by th«“ end of each week
in which the total abst*nce of the
individual student reaches f«xir
and eight class periods in each
nine-week grading period In
addition, the teacher shall report
attendance on every student in
each assigiwd class to the stu­
dent's parents at the i“nd of each
nine week grading period on the
school grad«* attendance report
No student is to be sent from or
allowed to leave the assign«*d
class area during an instruction
at period for any reason -includ­
ing student or teacher errands
without first presenting a w rit­
ten request sign«*d by the in ­
structor for the approval of the
Principal or his representative
This provision shall apply to all
cases in which the student is to
leave the campus The case of
"n o rm a l" necessary
movement within the confines of
the high schtxil campus during
the assigned class hour, the
teach«*r shall provide the student
with a teacher-sign«*d "H all
Pass "
Search And Rescue
Unit To Be Formed
There w ill be a meeting Wed­
nesday, February 6 at 7:30 p.m
in the Vernonia City Hall for all
residents interested’ in forming a
Search and Rescue Uni,
It is emphasized that this w ill
not be a 4 wheel drive club but
w ill function strictly as a unit to
engage in search and rescue
For further information con­
tact Steve Poe,ter. 429-3432
World War One Vets
Change Meet Dale
Senior Citizen
News —
Th«‘r i“ was an attendance of 70
at our Monday potluck All areas
had many present, except Rain
ier Sorry they could not attend
We were honored to have
Senator Wm It Holmstrom and
his associate (ieorge Drangas
with him Sen Holmstrom spoke
on transport and budget The
old fashion box social, is planned
for Thursday. February 14, Val­
entines day; in the evening
starting at around 6:30 p m All
you ladies pack a lunch box and
picas«“ attend This is for any one
w ho would like to come. Please!
L et’s make it a success, as the
proceeds w ill go to our Vernonia
ambulance fund
W illiam Thompson the eye
doctor w ill be at the center from
9 30to I p.m. Tuesday, February
5 Many have calk'd asking when
l)«x.“tor Thompson would be here,
so come in and have your glasses
Scapjxxise has invitixl Verno­
nia Seniors to their Valentine
potluck. Wednesday, February
6, at the Senior Citizens center in
Celeste Poelter is driving for
the center now. So please call
429-3912 for your appointments
and Celeste w ill pick you up
Our next business meeting and
potluck w ill be Friday. February
1. at 12:30 p.m. All Seniors
please attend
PCC Offers Free
Seminar To Women
A free seminar open to any
woman who wants to explore
career opportunities available to
her w ill be held at noon Friday,
February 15. at Portand Com­
munity College Sylvania, in the
Demonia Eagle
Following a potluck dinner and
business m<*eting of World War I
Veterans and Auxilliary it was
d«*cid«*d to change the regular
meeting date from the fourth
Monday in each month to (he
first Monday of each month at 12
The next meet w ill lie held
Monday, February 4 in the IOOE
Hall at 12 nixm with a potluck
dinner follow«*d by the regular
meeting. Meinb«‘rs are urged to
Set Sunday
Miss Evan Persyn, daughter
of Mrs. and Mrs Sherman
Fisher w ill be instalk*d Sunday
aftermxjn, February 3, as Wor­
thy Advisor of Nehalem Assem­
bly No. 18, Order of the Rainbow
for Girls, in public ceremonies a,
the Masonic Temple at 2 p.m.
Other elective officers to be
seat«*d at the same lime w ill be
J ill Beamish, Worthy Associate
Advisor; Debbie McLean, Char-
it; Nocll Sturdevent, Hope; Bev­
erly Starr, Faith; Patty Cone,
Recorder and Debbie Bergerson,
Miss Patty Cone, who is just
completing her term as Worth
Advisor w ill act as installing
officer and w ill be assisted by
Patricia Fisher as Marshall;
Kathy Poetter, Chaplin; Gwen
Tomlin, Recorder and Rhonda
Persyn, Musician.
Refreshments w ill be served
after the installation and all
friends are welcome to attend
the installation.
Admitting List
January 24
January 25
Margaret Phinney
Douglas Bates
Clinic Dates
The Veneral Disease clinic
usually held on the first and third
Monday is now set for Tuesday,
February 5 and 19. Time for both
clinics is 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The Tuberculin Testing is
J IM B E R G E R S O N , son of M r .
and M rs. Jack Bergerson, was
identified as his younger brother,
C raig, In last week’s Eagle. Sorry
about that.
usually scheduled for every
Monday, with reading of tests on
every Wednesday. The testing
for these two weeks is resch«“d
uled for Tuesday, February 5th
and 19th, with reading on Thurs
day, February 7th and 21st
Fried potatoes may be two to
four times as high in calories as
a plain baked potato.
J.V. Starts 6:15 P.M. — Varsity 8:00 P.M.
Saturday, February 2
Tuesday, February 5
Thursday, February 7
Monday, February 4
6:30 P.M.
Support the Loggers . . . Join These Boosters & Attend the Games
Allied J&H Lumber Co.
Bellingham Logging Co.
Bruce Berndt Excavating
Bill Horn Rlty. & Ins.
Brunsman Hardware & Electric
C&C Logging
Crown Zellerbach
E. P. Stamm Managed Forest
General Telephone Co.
Holce Logging
International Paper Co.
Kimmel's Apparel
Lew's Restaurant
Mike's Tavern
Sam's Food Store
John Serafin Logging
Sew Simple Shop
Smith & Hult Logging, Inc.
U. S. National Bank
Vernonia Branch
Mist Shake and Ridge
National Public Service
Insurance—Dave Brunsman
Vernonia Clinic
Vernonia Drug
Lincoln Savings & Loan
Vernonia Golf Club
Vernonia Milk Farms
Vernonia Sanitary Service
Ellson Cedar Products
F&E Logging
New Vernonia Hotel
Olympic Forest Products
Ostrander and Son
Perry's Basketball Camp
Pine Cone
Fisher's Electric
Ralph's Chevron Service
West Oregon Electric Co-op.
Dave's Automotive— ARCO
Davies Chevrolet
Don's Auto Service
Loren Ellis Jr. and Sons
1974 3
Vernonia Sentry
Vernonia Variety