Attendance Policy Changed; Approved By District Board Tlw fallowing is the new «•rnouui High School attend >ee policy which became e f­ fective January 24, 1874 Absences from class shall he n-corded lor each class period of the day Since the reason for absence is of less importance than the fact that the student was absent at all there w ill be no distinction or penalty lor excus ed unexcused absence from any class nor w ill there be any excuses required or admit slips given within the limitations as listed in this policy statement The lim itation on absences for any cause shall be eight class periods in anv one class per individual student during each nine week grading period Upon reaching nine absences from any class during any nine wee* grading period, all credit for that nine week period w ill be denied and the nine week grad«“ shall be recorded as "5 " (failure i Any exceptions <»f this rule w ill be dependant upon meeting all of the following conditions i A i All of the days of absence ih any class were for justifiable reasons and n<»ne were for conditions that could have lx“cn avoided by prudent planning All work has been com pleted Io tin- satisfaction of the instructor Make-up work shall tie the sole r«“sponsibility of the stuvkmt that has miss«“d dass- wha lever the cause of the ab­ sence Make up work in activity classes shall be instructor- approved independent study projects, extra work. study agreements, or other instructor assigned projects Such make up shall have the advance approval of the instructor and shall be satisfactorily completed with the established time lim its prior to tlx* granting of grade or credit (Ci Credit granted for courses »1 which the eight period lim it has been exceeded w ill be grant­ ed only upon the* written appli­ cation of the parent -guardian of the student Such application w ill contain an explanation for each absence of the student and w ill be dir«*ct«d to the Principal lor his consideration The P rin ­ cipal. after consultation with the teachertsi involved, w ill recom­ mend either approval or dis approval and refer each appli­ cation of (lie Superintendent and District School Hoard for final action If credit is denied the parent and student may request a hearing befire the Board as sp«*cified in the District Hand book for Student Conduct and discipline Definitions Interpretations “ Absence is rmisbeing present and actively engaged in the Ifeere «re few occaiioos m fife when you need a friend more than when you are involved in an automobile accident. We'd like to be that friend in need. You hope— and so do we— that accident never happens to you. But if it does, w e ll be as dose as the dial on the nearest telephone. See us for auto insurance that never stalls in rough going. BILL J. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone 429-6203 953 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon K rtm tn rin g MartfsrS SccfdMl snd I adMMfty Company Tto ttaftfwN toninoci Group Hw ttoril5.CoM . JÊ classroom activities during the time assigned Tardiness to class in any period for whatever cause beyond the first fifteen minutes of the class period shall be counh*d as an absence Non participation on any date in an activity course, even though present, shall bt* counted as an absence A student shall lx- counted as tardy if not present in the proper place within the assigned class area and fully ready Io begin class activities at the time the class is sch«*dul«*d Io begin. Thr«“«* tardinesses in any one class in a nine-week grading (x-riod for any cause is) shall be the equivalent of one absence An A c tiv ity " course is any subject-matter area in which the principal type of instruction and learning takes place due Io the assigned "a c tiv ity " of the stu­ dent-such as physical t*ducal- lon. music, shop classes, etc. --as ojiposed to classes in which the m ajority of learning activity is involved with teacher demon­ stration lecture or completion of reading or written assignments i Many classes contain both "a c ­ tiv ity " and the "w ritte n " as­ signments must be "made-up". The time lim itation for make­ up work shall be generally double the time of the absence Any extension of time grant«*d for make up of misst'd assign­ ments because of absence shall I m ' teacher approved for each class and must be mutually arrang«*d prior to the expiration of the establish«>d time lim ita ­ tion