Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 19, 1964, Page 4, Image 4

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Autumn Colors
Used at Rites
1’IMBEK -Fall colors were U*»l
al the w «skiing of Bonnie W«4»>ter of
McMinnville ami Terrence Sponsel
11 Timlwr October 31 at 10 a ni at
St J.iiiws church in McMinn, ill«'
Maid «4 honor was the brule's si'
tci D im «1 Webster, >4 MiMuunillc
IPuk smaids were Sally Williams <4
.liiin tum City ami the g n « n ' ' ,v
ter Melanie llodley »1 McMinnville
Best man ««as a sidxsJ mat«- Gary
Brooks I 'fuTs were Jell Juciwm-m
ami John \ amkdnw. all «4 McMinn
Following a trip through the coa*t
range, the couple is al Inwuc at 131*
KEN YSBIRRY, St. Helens. preparing soil for injection of liqunl fumi-
rth «<sl.ii
s'n s't
Couples Attend
College Event
■ h u m w
lUri IMPnis sport Srfuntay a
mouth II *•» ‘t**’* <U* "* ' * ”
Mr awl Mrs Gn<gr M .dhc-' «.»
itixl Sum!»'
Bergs Mrs Phil Usm an and «bug«»
tw nlau «»*d them
Ibis«' li «su h r »
•lt«,nd»ng Ihn
h.4iM> « vt«sw*«i »'•«•m g «I the hwim
,4 Mm I lui» H u iw n laid krUluy
W l ll . M i - m I. iiim w b a a « Ibuluw AU w
Barlew O4n W d -x i I Owi w on
n um i May Mill» M u rk y
Ik r g .
N.un-s Brlimghnm. M arie Helling
hum ami I <«’ »•• 1 '•*>
Mr, Bill l-iis«x> I awry awl Un
I». « s|»'i»i We«ln»»«hi> of AI Bei g»
«U. I -tu» hi mi mg Mr» l-u
m > u and I miH’ i « all«! <m Mr« Fran
n . i .iiwsi in tlw nftentwm
Mi, From • Nwilrtrom wo» a
V id
|W)( , , ^ 1
••wd l-irty c l*
Mr and Mr»
w rrr
'**1 J
m r MW da al ihr
Mr and Mr,
• cnil,
th> ,
**> d
fondly at I
Mr „n*, M r,
W.sin.-,.u> i„
M. Minin ill«'
Mr ami Mrs \ -rn S|»msel [Kir
ents of the grown, son Dan ami
daughter Sheila were all at the w«sl
ding Mrs lallian Bitter («inner
resident «4 Timber who now lives at
Wheeler and is a very dear friend
of the family. was honored by stand
mg in the receiving line as honor
ary gramlinotl'.er Mrs Ritter c.une
home with tha SpanseU («» a visit
with them ami other friends around
Residents in the west end <4 Tun
her were very grateful wtum tri«-
one street light which ha«l l«sn out
«4 cwiuiussuvn for some time was
checked ami turned on again last
Fire Chief to
Give Training
K E \ Y sBlR R Y , local strawberry grower from St. Helens, and E iertt
lleikes. commercial fumigation applicator from Hillsboro, in the pro­
cess of fumigating five acres of berry land.
Use of Soil Fumigation Gains
Interest Among Berry Growers
Soil fumigation continues to gam
interest ;tmong berry growers in Co­
lumbia ccunty. points out Ccunty
Extension Agent Tom Zinn
Ken Asburry. St Helens, has just
c-mplefed fumigating five acres of
berry land “Strawberries will be
planted on this acreage tins next
.spring.'' says Asburry
Soil fumigation consists of inject­
ing a chemical, usually in the liquid
f/'-m nto the soil This chemical,
after reaching a certain temperature,
vnl itiiizes cr i flanges into a gas The
gas spre ids through spaces between
soil particles destroying insects and
- «•?-. harmful to many different
h.iuLuiiurai crops such as straw­
berries says Zinn
G rw ers trying to fumigate for the
f r t time in Columbia ccunty are
hopeful 'hat the research informa-
ticn obtained from their trials will
eventually prr vide enough facts to
enable ceneral recommendations for
fumigation on berry land
Research conducted by R M Bui
lo- k Oregon State University horti­
culturist and '■unerintendent of the
• ■
tion at Aurora, indicate' that in some
cas?s fumigation has doubled straw-
berrv yields.
üernonia Eagle
THURSDAY, NOV. 19. 1964
As a result o' grower interest, re­
search will continue in the vital field
cf soil fumigation in an effort to im­
prove Columbia county's competitive
positi n in sm ¡11 fruit production
Withcut such grower interest in
'esearch and technical advance­
ment. Oregon would be unable to
challenge the highly competitive food
markets of the world todav
C— i
For Sunday Services
Mt‘'T—Guest speakers at the Bir-
kenfeld church and .Sunday school
ser\ 'ccs Nr vember 22 will be Mr
•■"d M r Everett Brown ci Vi. rr n-
P f'lirk dinner will fellow the
Visito-s at the Charh « Sun Hands
Thursday were Mr and Mrs Ed
S .' mersen of Vernonia and ' n Tues-
d?' Mr Robert Mathews
M’ and Mr" Melvin Saxtcn cf
Tillameck w re week end visitors •!
’’ Ray Garlcck b'-me
Mr nnd Mr Shalmi n Libel wer*
in Clatskanie Saturday
square d ’ncing Sunday they visited
in St Helens with Mrs George Pet-
Mrs Wayne Kyser and boy- were
.n Delena Sunday visiting her folks
Her sister. Mrs Bob Skeans had
just had an 8 [xxind 12 ounce s-.n.
Itandell Charles, November 12. so
that was the main attraction.
10 Transistor
TIMBER—Timber fir«- .lep-irtimnl
held its r««gular mcrting precsimg
the PTA meeting in the schoolhouse
basimient No««-mls,r II t re «luef
Fred Bridun was happy to report
<>nlv one call to date during 1« I .«ml
this was juX a grass fire wit <4
control There will lie an el«s-ti«i
h«“l(l at the Roy May home Decern
tier 2 Notices will be pistol in the
post office and two other jxibhc
buildings to this ,4f«st November
21 at 10 a m the Timber fire chief
will hold an instruction and tram
ing meeting it the corm-r of the
school grounds fir all who are in
terested in the operation <4 the fin*
truck and equipment
Mrs Bert Ohler is being trained
(<>r substitute at the local p e t of
fice preparatory h r the holiday ruxii
Many artxind Timber have been
having a Ixxit with the flu Amwig
them are Mrs Charles Richardson
and Rev ami Mr Zeno Paruiho
Henry .Mitchell and B Tallman have
l>ecn und«T the weather also
Mrs John Rim* attended the In
on Point Cemetery association dub
meeting at the Legion hall at Banks
last Wednesday
Between Job Interval
Spent at Home Here
erett Johnston arrived home Sumlay
from his job at Warm Strings Tix-y
plan to be at h«ne until another job
< peas up
Mrs T M Hopkins will leave Fri
day to s|>end the week end m P*rt
Our package policy for home-
owners provides ( I ) fire in­
surance fo r your home and
personal property (2) personal
liab ility insurance (3) theft pro­
tection at home or away . . .
plus a lot more! You get sav­
ings over the cost o f individual
policies providing the same
protection. < all us for details.
J a n H'A«lo«r». an » a l o u t
If the folks nt I S. Bank sc<>ni even friendlier than evw
these flays, there n a reason. We’ve derided to stretch
Ihankagiving out for a full week and make it a •pecud
Customer Appreciation Week.” Our cuatoinera are the
finest people in the world and we want to exprtM our
appreciation for the op|>ortunity of nerving them. We’re
proud of our record of lieing a leader in many modem
hanking services and conveniencen. And we pledge to
continue offering new and helpful nervicaa.
dust m cane we minn neeing you in person, our entire
Ht-atewide staff of more than .3000 join» in saying,
I hank You for Banking with US.”
New Toys Arriving Every Day In Our
Toy Department
Phone HA 9-6203
905 Bridge Street
Vernonia, Oregon
Repm entinf
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f a g m
co .
N fe p s
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Indemnity Company
Member Hartford
Insurance Group
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Hartford 13, Conn
u n it e d
n a t io n a l