*•••$& -JL Autumn Colors Used at Rites ■* 1’IMBEK -Fall colors were U*»l al the w «skiing of Bonnie W«4»>ter of McMinnville ami Terrence Sponsel 11 Timlwr October 31 at 10 a ni at St J.iiiws church in McMinn, ill«' Maid «4 honor was the brule's si' tci D im «1 Webster, >4 MiMuunillc IPuk smaids were Sally Williams <4 .liiin tum City ami the g n « n ' ' ,v ter Melanie llodley »1 McMinnville Best man ««as a sidxsJ mat«- Gary Brooks I 'fuTs were Jell Juciwm-m ami John \ amkdnw. all «4 McMinn ville Following a trip through the coa*t range, the couple is al Inwuc at 131* KEN YSBIRRY, St. Helens. preparing soil for injection of liqunl fumi- gant rth « « vt«sw*«i »'•«•m g «I the hwim ,4 Mm I lui» H u iw n laid krUluy W l ll . M i - m I. iiim w b a a « Ibuluw AU w Barlew O4n W d -x i I Owi w on n um i May Mill» M u rk y Ik r g . N.un-s Brlimghnm. M arie Helling hum ami I <«’ »•• 1 '•*> Mr, Bill l-iis«x> I awry awl Un I». « s|»'i»i We«ln»»«hi> of AI Bei g» «U. I -tu» hi mi mg Mr» l-u m > u and I miH’ i « all«! , **> d J fondly at I Mr „n*, M r, Sd W.sin.-,.u> i„ M. Minin ill«' Mr ami Mrs \ -rn S|»msel [Kir ents of the grown, son Dan ami daughter Sheila were all at the w«sl ding Mrs lallian Bitter («inner resident «4 Timber who now lives at Wheeler and is a very dear friend of the family. was honored by stand mg in the receiving line as honor ary gramlinotl'.er Mrs Ritter c.une home with tha SpanseU («» a visit with them ami other friends around Timber Residents in the west end <4 Tun her were very grateful wtum tri«- one street light which ha«l l«sn out «4 cwiuiussuvn for some time was checked ami turned on again last week Fire Chief to Give Training K E \ Y sBlR R Y , local strawberry grower from St. Helens, and E iertt lleikes. commercial fumigation applicator from Hillsboro, in the pro­ cess of fumigating five acres of berry land. Use of Soil Fumigation Gains Interest Among Berry Growers Soil fumigation continues to gam interest ;tmong berry growers in Co­ lumbia ccunty. points out Ccunty Extension Agent Tom Zinn Ken Asburry. St Helens, has just c-mplefed fumigating five acres of berry land “Strawberries will be planted on this acreage tins next .spring.'' says Asburry Soil fumigation consists of inject­ ing a chemical, usually in the liquid f/'-m nto the soil This chemical, after reaching a certain temperature, vnl itiiizes cr i flanges into a gas The gas spre ids through spaces between soil particles destroying insects and - «•?-. harmful to many different h.iuLuiiurai crops such as straw­ berries says Zinn G rw ers trying to fumigate for the f r t time in Columbia ccunty are hopeful 'hat the research informa- ticn obtained from their trials will eventually prr vide enough facts to enable ceneral recommendations for fumigation on berry land Research conducted by R M Bui lo- k Oregon State University horti­ culturist and '■unerintendent of the N • ■ tion at Aurora, indicate' that in some cas?s fumigation has doubled straw- berrv yields. üernonia Eagle THURSDAY, NOV. 19. 1964 As a result o' grower interest, re­ search will continue in the vital field cf soil fumigation in an effort to im­ prove Columbia county's competitive positi n in sm ¡11 fruit production Withcut such grower interest in 'esearch and technical advance­ ment. Oregon would be unable to challenge the highly competitive food markets of the world todav C— i Slated For Sunday Services Mt‘'T—Guest speakers at the Bir- kenfeld church and .Sunday school ser\ 'ccs Nr vember 22 will be Mr •■"d M r Everett Brown ci Vi. rr n- i P f'lirk dinner will fellow the services. Visito-s at the Charh « Sun Hands Thursday were Mr and Mrs Ed S .' mersen of Vernonia and ' n Tues- d?' Mr Robert Mathews M’ and Mr" Melvin Saxtcn cf Tillameck w re week end visitors •! ’’ Ray Garlcck b'-me Mr nnd Mr Shalmi n Libel wer* in Clatskanie Saturday evening square d ’ncing Sunday they visited in St Helens with Mrs George Pet- erson. Mrs Wayne Kyser and boy- were .n Delena Sunday visiting her folks Her sister. Mrs Bob Skeans had just had an 8 [xxind 12 ounce s-.n. Itandell Charles, November 12. so that was the main attraction. VALUES RADIO Nobility— 10 Transistor $18" RECORD PLAYER X $18" TIE & SOCK GIFT SET 88c HANDKERCHIEFS 3/88c TIMBER—Timber fir«- .lep-irtimnl held its r««gular mcrting precsimg the PTA meeting in the schoolhouse basimient No««-mls,r II t re «luef Fred Bridun was happy to report <>nlv one call to date during 1« I .«ml this was juX a grass fire wit <4 control There will lie an el«s-ti«i h«“l(l at the Roy May home Decern tier 2 Notices will be pistol in the post office and two other jxibhc buildings to this ,4f«st November 21 at 10 a m the Timber fire chief will hold an instruction and tram ing meeting it the corm-r of the school grounds fir all who are in terested in the operation <4 the fin* truck and equipment Mrs Bert Ohler is being trained (<>r substitute at the local p e t of fice preparatory h r the holiday ruxii Many artxind Timber have been having a Ixxit with the flu Amwig them are Mrs Charles Richardson and Rev ami Mr Zeno Paruiho Henry .Mitchell and B Tallman have l>ecn und«T the weather also Mrs John Rim* attended the In on Point Cemetery association dub meeting at the Legion hall at Banks last Wednesday Between Job Interval Spent at Home Here BIRKENFELD-Mr and Mr, E\ erett Johnston arrived home Sumlay from his job at Warm Strings Tix-y plan to be at h«ne until another job < peas up Mrs T M Hopkins will leave Fri day to s|>end the week end m P*rt land SAVE WITH PACKAGED PROTECTION I > Our package policy for home- owners provides ( I ) fire in­ surance fo r your home and personal property (2) personal liab ility insurance (3) theft pro­ tection at home or away . . . plus a lot more! You get sav­ ings over the cost o f individual policies providing the same protection. < all us for details. J a n H'A«lo«r». an » a l o u t If the folks nt I S. Bank sc<>ni even friendlier than evw these flays, there n a reason. We’ve derided to stretch Ihankagiving out for a full week and make it a •pecud Customer Appreciation Week.” Our cuatoinera are the finest people in the world and we want to exprtM our appreciation for the op|>ortunity of nerving them. We’re proud of our record of lieing a leader in many modem hanking services and conveniencen. And we pledge to continue offering new and helpful nervicaa. dust m cane we minn neeing you in person, our entire Ht-atewide staff of more than .3000 join» in saying, I hank You for Banking with US.” BILL J HORN VERNONIA INSURANCE New Toys Arriving Every Day In Our Toy Department EXCHANGE bank Phone HA 9-6203 905 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Repm entinf 1 (T r a d in g 5 9 8 5 1 reic> Seeps f a g m co . N fe p s Hartford Accident and •>“ Indemnity Company ri Member Hartford Insurance Group (¿11 a Hartford 13, Conn u n it e d QTATE8 n a t io n a l bank of oAEQofJ 1