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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1957)
Library, U of 0 •I h 4 VOLUME 35, NUMBER 42 10c COPY County Problems Talked Wednesday At Joint Chamber, Development Group Meet; Session Value Doubted X* VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON County Road System to Get State Help PHONE HA 9-3372 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1957 County School Step Taken The first step toward reor ganization of Columbia county school districts in compliance with the measure adopted by the last legislature was taken last Thursday at Raimer at a meet ing of board members from coun ty districts. Sixty members from boards throughout the countv were pr«'- sent for the convention to select a committee of nine with five alternates All members of boards in this valley, including Ver nonia union high, Vernonia ele- mentary, Mist and Birkenfeld were on hand for the election with the exception of one. Named on the committee are: Glen Hawkins, Vernonia; Rich- ard Peterson and Robert Math ews. Mist; Velden Anderson, St Helens. Mrs. Agnes Hovland an« Robert Stennick, Rainier; Harriet The Vernonia chamber of com with 232 bridges built 15 to 20 Davis and Richard Manick, Clat.- merce was host to the Columbia years ago and in need of atten kanie and Walter Erickson. Scap County Development Commis tion. For a numb r of years the The services of the Oregon stare poose. sion and other guests last Wed county has had money only to highway department were ac Alternates in order are: Jerry nesday night when it met for its maintain and not construct new cepted last week by the Colum Files, Scappoose; Vernon Griffir regular quarterly membership roads or bridges. He told of the bia county court in the planning St Helens. T G Johnston, Bir dmner meeting. tremendous increase in traffic and of a reorganization of the county kenfeld; Glen Williams, Rainie; Mayor Don Bayley welcomed in the siz? and weight of equip road department and William Everman, Hudson the commission members and ment moving over roads which The highway department has Next step for the committee in pledged the support of* the City were not built for this type, agreed to make an analysis and carrying out- provisions of th of Vernonia. therefore they are not holding up survey of the county's preset.* new law. is its organizational Louis Towne, president of the He said the commissioners are road system, its present operation meeting, already set for Novem Columbia County Development trying to find a road master for methods and its future highway ber 7 at 7:30 pm. m the county Commission introduced out of the county, believing this would and bridge requirements, accord court house. town members and guests: Sena be of great value in building bet. ing to Columbia County Judge Following the organizational tor Dan Thiel, Columbia and ter roads. John W Whipple. meeting, the committee will b- Clatsop counties; Judge John He explained that the county Whipple said that the planning required to meet two or more Whipple, Columbia countv judge; i is divided into six districts with of the reorganization is an out times within the next year to Don Coin Walrod, county agent: a supervisor over each. growth of the county’s hope to draw up plans for one or more Art I Steele, editor, Clatskanie With th? new road equipment get a roadmaster. unified district in the county', Chief Others from Clatskanie secured recently, 20 miles have Judge Whipple said that the eliminating union high school and were Walter Rictman, Henrv been paved since July. He an county’s road system has operat I elementary school districts. Koski and Mr. Sepala. Others nounced that Art Davis had been ed without a major eti ange for CITY LIFE proved almost disastrous for faun late Wednesday According to the law the group from St. Helens were Mr. and appointd to the court commission the past 25 years and modern de. afternoon last weak. Being from country, faun became confused will recommend a district that Mrs. Mayne Bell, St. Helens Sen- since the resignation of Boo mands for better roads and on first experience in city. Anima! was first seen by Kathleen have a full 12 years of schooling. tinel Mist; Mr. and- Mrs. Bill i Thompson and that tjie court bridges suggest such a move ac- Tiffney cn Rose avenue when it ran into Gerald Russell's yard, Results of the committee'« Cold well, St. Helens chamber would do the best it could with cording to the county court later ran through Hawken Motors garage, across street and work are to be sent to the state and Chuck Ellis, Bob Vogt, at the money allocated. “With the help of • the best crashed through window in Laws building where photo was tak department of education within torney, and Jim Clawson, m»m- EXPERIMENT FARM SOUGHT engineering skill, the state high en. State police removed scared faun later and returned it to 18 months for approval or recom ber of the port commission. De- Don Coin Walrcd explained the way department can give us, we wild habitat. mendations. If state approval i* v« lopment commission board background and told what had hope to design a plan of opera i not forthcoming, the matter wilt members present were Bill Jan- been done to get an experimental tion for our county road depart be referred back to the commit Vrin, Rainier. Al Nelson, Clats farm located in this area. It is ment that will increase the ef tee and if the state approves the kanie and Gon" Drips, Ver to bp plac 'd in Clackamas. Mult ficient use of both our manpower matter will be referred to voters nonia. nomah, Washington or Columbia and equipment, resulting in bet Last Thursday's convention ROAD PROBLEMS TOLD county by the stat? and would ter roads for our county within was presided over by I meeting Judge Whipple discussed the provide data for the whole area. the limited funds available for Mrs. Lois D Kent, county school C< lumbia county road problem. Specifications call for: 60 to 80 that purpose.'' Whipple said. The new look, as it applies to in to study changes, came up superintendent, who told the p< nting out this county has 640 acres; irrigation facilities; build report cards for grade school with a new primary record card group they were to name a com i miles of road to care for, twice ings for storage and a limited of youngsters, became apparents to designed to make possible a more mittee and not discuss merits a; many as Multnomah county, fice space. parents yesterday when th«' re detailed report to parents for failings of the law. port for th? first six-weeks period youngsters in th? first three There will be three specialists was made by teachers. grades. In doing so, the card size on the iob and some additional The new cards embody the first has been enlarged to allow teach The committee farm laborers, major revision in the report ers’ comments in greater detail had looked over prospective sites The Blue Laki- fire lookout, fortiji for the Vernonia elemen than was possible formerly. and the on.? Columbia county A completely redesigned card suggested was a part of the coun southwest of Cochran and opera t- tary schools in over ten years cd by the Northwest Fire Patrol and as a result, show the plan for intermediate and upper di Services for Frank Kell"y ty fairgrounds location. . Senator Dan Thiel commended association under the supervision ning of a committee of teachers vision grades was also prepared Mrs. Alone Stubbs, 72, who Thomas who died Monday after of Crown Zellerbach corporation, named last year to study the and again the size was enlarged hud been a resident of the Ver icon at his home on Weed ave the chamber for getting Colum has closed for th? season, E S. proposed revision. to allow more space for com nonia community for the past 2’» nue will be read Saturday, Oc bia county people together to Young, logging superintendent This committee, along with ments. years, passed away Friday aftei - tober 19, at 2 p m. at Fuiten's discuss problems and make sug for Crown Zellerbach’s Tillamook some parents who were called The card being us?d for Kin noon at the home of her daugh-» Chapel in th» Hills in Vernonia. gestions. He spoke briefly on the Tree Farm announced today. dergarten children remains es ter at 831 Bridge street in Ver Reverend F. M. Knoll, United coming special session of the Young said the tower, staffed sentially the same as in former nonia. legislature to do something aboui Bn them church, will officate. by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar George. years, but has also been enlarged Funerul services were held at Concluding services will be at the surplus of state funds. While Vernonia, terminated for the yea. to allow additional spac? for re the Christian church Monday. Oc t-r Vernonia Memorial cemetery. Senator Thi»l wants to do some because recent rains lessened the I marks. One feature apparing on tober 14 at 2 p.m. with Mrs. Frank Kelley Thomas was born thing to relieve the tax stress, he serious fire conditions which had i feels that there has been a sur all cards is space where parents Cassie Livingston officiating. i July 13, 1377, in Kirby, Wiscon- prevailed in the area. He said The county rural school board may enter comments concerning Concluding services and inter s », spending all his life there plus there for many years and it that the lookout will again be ment were at the Vernonia Me uMil he came to Vernonia in is good to have a back log. If manned should the weather pic is scheduled to meet October 18 the reports on their children. at 8 p.m. in the county court Color is also used this year for morial c?metery with Fuiten'» 'M2. In 1902 he was united in we spend it now, we will have ture change and unseasonable house to name two new' members the first time, each division card Chapel in the Hills in charge of marriag» to Loa Noble who pre- to raise more later, he pointed dryness set in. to the board. out. being a different color so that arrangements. .'i-xied him in death on June 3, Blue Lake lookot t serves as The members will be selected easy identification is possible. Mrs. Stubbs was born Sept-m » CHANGE NEEDED l!>57. the coordinating station for from nominations presented by ber 5, 1885 at Plain Dealing; He believes that eventually Crown Zellerbach’s weather Survivors are one brother, Arza I re- school districts not now in the Louisiana and spent her early Nible, Madison, Wisconsin; 4 we will have to put the govern- porting system I which includes rural school board district but daughters: Jenny Yaunkee. Lau- ment back to the people, when all lookouts on the company's I lifetime in that community. She who will be included according was united in marnag • to Juilua re Clarke, Helen Van De Carr problems come up. by working tree farms in the Lower Columbia to new state law. Stubbs at Carterville, Louisiana add Rose Loomis of Michigan; 2 them out and having more per-« River region. It is located at the The districts to name the mem in 1903 and they moved fror» s'ns: Frank E. and Charles A., sonal interest in the job; that 3,600 foot level of the Coast bers include Scappoose elemen Louisiana to Vernonia in 1928 ernonia: 30 grandchildren and competition between communi range in the Wilson River block tary; St Helens school district, At a safety meeting Tuesdav Mr Stubbs proceeded her in s ■ -A ral great-grandchildren. ties will create more pride, and of the Tillamook Tree Farm. the union high school districts of of last week, Chairman Howard death two years ago on July 4. more work will be done. Scappoose, Vernonia and Raimer. J (Curley) Buffmire and the Mrs. Stubbs had been an active The Senator said he would do The board has been given pow men working with him as Crown and longtime member of the what he could for this area al er to levy a goodly share of th • Zellerbach’s safety committee for Christian church at Vernonia. the state level if the opportunity requirements of the county school this tree farm ended an 18-montii Surviving is her daughter, Mrs. arises and urged th? best use of districts and to appoint a county term of office by retirement. Ben Brickel of Vernonia with water resources. school superintendent when the During their term the safety whom she had been making her Louis Towne urged county-wide Vernon Peterson, son of Mr. advertising, such as might be The October grand jury began term of the present one expires. program for Stamm Tree Farm I home for the past two years and and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mist, is has been instrumental in estab- a sister, Mrs. H D. Chapman <rf done at the state fair, and Chuck business at St. Helens Tuesday c•rolled as a first year student Ellis, port lishing a record of more than Houston, Texas. commission pres of last week. October 8 with the Fish Poisoning Postponed two years and eight months since a- the Willam'-tte University col Mrs. Elizabeth Serafin was the ident. expressed his opinion that case of Mrs. Marie Peterson vs. lere of law this fall. soloist at the services with Mrs Plans for poisoning trash fish the last lost time accident. the gr.oup had accomplishcd the Ed Montgomery. Homer Gwin is A veteran of the army. Peter- greatest hurdle Working on the committee with Lois Clark as pianist. Casket of all, that of serving on the panel from Ver m the log pond at International S'm is now in the service with a organization. nonia as one of the seven people Paper company have not mater Buffmir» were: Hugo Hill, Ear) bearers were Lowell Heiber, BUI rank of Corporal. He attended The pros and cons of freeways comprising the grand jury. The ialized as planned, it has been King, Harry Sandon and Cass Nichols. Richard Burns, A If rod • alia Walla college for four years were discussed in connection October term will continue until announced. Those persons who Berge rson Jones, Hubert Smith and L. I- preparatory training John Harris was elected incom Wells. agreed to have boats at the pond with tourists. It was agreed that May of 1958. Of the 24 people drawn for the this Saturday morning for the ing safety chairman and he ap access roads must be built to scenic spots to keep the tourists October jury list from the coun distribution of rotenone will be pointed Harry Sandon, Earl King, S&lesman Arrested informed of the date when it is Don Tiffney and Oscar Enstrom Due to the alertness of a citi- in the state longer and to get ty. Lauretta Jane Harshman of announced by the proper author as the new committee in charg ■ them out over the beautiful by Mist is the only one serving rt i in the area two magazine of safety. ities. from this area. salesmen were arrested for not ways. c "plying with the Green River iv which prohibits house-to- Only 12 high school students use selling. A woman called achieved honor roll rating for the city hall to state the men Vernonia high school’s grid as the Columbians capitalized on game. Considering the fact that scare The Indians are definitely the first six-weeks period of •» re soliciting, police arrested team, looking for their first win weak spots in the local's defense the Vernonia eleven is very in a passing squad as are the Log school, a release of the names t»c men, repres?nting the same of the current season, took to the to score once in th? latter min experienced. outweighed at least gers. which should see a lot of Wednesday from the school in- • flpany whose salesman fairly dicates. Sophomores were the ■■ rently attacked an elderly wo- road last Friday evening for the utes of first quarter play and 15 pounds to the man in every weather being thrown Friday most prominent with seven and game played to date, they still second week in a row when they ■'.a? here upon her protest con night the Juniors rated none. By claa invaded the territory of the Rai push over two additional T.D.’s haven’t thrown in the sponge certing a magazine sale in the first part of the second and look forward to every tilt A sour note in the locals camp ses, the students were: nier Columbians and were de was th« losing of both first string Freshman—Vicki Serafin and they engage in. feated by that squad to the tune period. License Examiner Due The remainder of the. game th,- Lorrainne Cunningham. Friday night the local* will tackles for the coming tilt of 20 to 0 Sophomores—Douglas Belling Monday afternoon the Logger The Logger eleven was com- Loggers' defense buckled down need every bit of fight they can A driver« license examiner will be cn duty in Vernonia Friday, pletelv outclassed by the much and kept the talentd Columbians muster as they take on the Scap JV’s got sweet revenge as they ham, Peggy Bowerrhan, Sunny met the Rainier babes and hand DeHart, Patricia McEntire, Don poose Indians on Greenman field October 18. 1957 at the city hall faster Rainier squad and up to from crossing the local’s goal. During second half play, even The Indians were drubbed last ed that squad a 39-6 pasting. The na Savage. Judy Strong and Jud; between the hours of 10 a m. and the present rate as the best team 4 b.m. according to an announce the local gndsters have encoun though down 20 points, the local week by a strong Tillamook ele JV backfield looked vary good Towne Seniors—Penny Hays, Carol,-' with Mullins. Barlow and Davies lads have to be given credit due ven, but before that tilt had cfc ment received from the Depart tered All three of the Columbian’s to the fact that they never gave feated W East 16-14 and managed peovHUng th«- Vernonia scoring Heath. Helen Mills and Julut ment of Motor Vehicles of Ore- Wait» scores occurred in first half play up. fighting to the end of the to give St. Helens a krnq-siae mmrh New Look Applies to Report Cards Issued Wednesday to Grade Students Frank Thomas Taken by Death Blue Lake Fire Lookout Closed / Last Rites Read For Mrs. Stubbs I Rural Board to Name 2 Members Safety Committee Achieves Record Willamette Law Course Started October Jury Names Selected Twelve Named To Honor Roll Columbians Prove Tough Competition, Turn Back Loggers 20-0 Fri. Night » 4