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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1955)
ABOUT YOUR PROPERTY TAX HOW IS THE INDIVIDUAL TAX BILL FIGURED (Part I) Each Individual Tax Bill la Determined by County Assessor When the taxing district’s levy is handed to the assessor, his job of apportioning the bill begins. He starts by accumulating all as sessed values located in the con fines of that district. He totals all assessed values in the district and this total is sometimes called the assessed valuation of the dis trict. Now he has two figures: one is the levy, and the other is BURNS TV AND RADIO REPAIR i Service Calls Taken Daytime and Evenings Phone HA 9-5441 No Down Payment On . Approved Credit EASY TERMS BURNS TV AND RADIO I 763 2nd St. — Ph. HA 9 5441 the total assessed value. A Mill Is One Tenth of a Cent To determine the tax rate, he divides the district assessed value into the amount of the levy. Such a rate would be in fraction of dol lars to be levied against each dol lar of assessed valuation. This, however, is commonly converted into mills which are actually one- tenth parts of a penny. One mill of tax means one-tenth of one cent tax on each dollar assessed value. Thus, to express his rate in mills, the rate of taxation is multiplied by 1,000. The millage rate is in tenths of a cent per dollar of assessed valuation which is equivalent to one dollar tax per thousand dollars of assessed value. The whole process is re peated for each taxing district as soon as its levy becomes known to the assessor. Each district is confined to de finite boundaries. Each separate, taxable property is also located in a definite manner. Thus, it can be seen that the number and kind of taxing district millage affecting each property is deter mined through location. For ex ample, suppose that your acreage is totally located in three separate districts. You tax millage rate would be the combined millage of these three districts. This pro cess for combining millage for your location is called consolida tion, and the total rate is known as the consolidated millage. SUMMARY The assessor determines the rate of taxation for each taxing The Long-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division THB EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE THURSDAY. OCT 13, 1955 7 Consolidated Millage 78 7 mills What is his tax bill’ 61 8 mills X 32.600 equals $160 C3 What is his tax bill? 78 7 mills X $2.600 equals $204.63 1,000 1,000 Answer: His tax bill would be Answer: His tax bill would be $160 68 $204 63. After comparing typical owners Different Taxing Districts Cause we find a large difference be Large Differences in Tax Bills tween tax bills, resulting entirely James Smith, his neighbor, lives from different consolidated null across Alhambra Street and just ages. out of the city. His house was , (To Be Continued) built by the same contractor and with practically identical specifi Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. cations. It, too, has an appraised value of $13.500 and an assessed value of $2,600 He lives in these BEN'S BARBER SHOP taxing districts. Expert Tonsorial Work a. County of Empire 20 6 mills b School District N 36.2 nulls Vernonia, Oregon c. Fire District 11 5.0 mills Consolidated millage 61 8 mills Our Great America > I "T he LAW3E5T forest tktf »jiiRStPv im ihe unitfp stains 15 lOCATeO IM VJECXSEFIFLP, SOUTH CA«?OIIHA. IT PSVCUCES 36,3/0,000 urne reels a yiAg fob itamiimô ou n?re FARMS AMP OTHER WELL MAUAôtO IAHDS ________ , - . ■ — ---------------- PrsÄKsa H AMI Me AN POIBT PMMXTrn OTOUrTKU DtC _ district through relating the dis trict’s money requirements to the total assessed valuation ot the district. This rate is in one-thou sandths of a dollar of tax per dollar of assessed valuation. This process for determining the mil lage for each taxing district i» known as computing the millage rates. The location of property in the county determines which com binations of these separate mil lages of levy will apply. When they are added together, they form the consolidated millage. Assessed Value and Millage Of Levy Daiermine The Individual Tax Bill Once the assessor has deter mined the millages of levy to apply for each taxing district and once he has totaled the millages for each code area, the process of determining individual tax bills is simplified. He will only need to know the consolidated millage and the assessed valua of the property. As we have seen, this consolidated millage is merely the sum of individual tax mil lages as applied to this prop -rty. The assessed value is the market value properly scaled down by the assessor’s computation. In the matter of estimation of mar ket value the assessor is guided by those portions of the Oregon Constitution and Statutes that ap ply. In the matter of scaling down market value to ass'•ssed value he is required to apply a uniform percentage against all property. The tax then is the product of consolidated millage and of the assessed valuation The answer will be in total mills of tax. Mills of tax are then converted to dol lars of tax by dividing by 1,000 or pointing off three decimal places. Tax Bills Vary Because Millage of Levy Varies To see how millage of levy affects tax bills, let’s compare two typical property owners, John Jones and James Smith. John Jones owns property on Alhambra Street, which has an appraised value of $13.500 and is assessed in Empire County at $2.600. He happens to live in these taxing districts, with these separate tax rates: a. County of Empire 20.6 mills b. City of Utopia 19.0 mills c. School District M 35.6 mills d. Mapletown Sewage Taxing District .... 3.5 mills iPhone HA 9-3462 ! I ___ ! NEHALEM VALLEY ! MOTOR FREIGHT 6 GREAT DASfS! OCT. 17-22 Your children visit a new world each week GET 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 '1..TOUR GRANDFATHER AND I WISH WE- COULD HAVE ACCEPTED YOUR INVITATION -BUT THIS IS ALMOST AS MUCH FUN, ISN'T IT? YOU TELL YOUR GUESTS WERE VERY PROUD OF OUR BIG 6IRL. RYE-BYE NOW- AND LET US TALK TO MOMMY/' Birthdays are happy days—and Distance makes them happier by bringing loved ones to the party, from the earth’s outposts, if need be. If you haven’t discovered the pleasure — and ease— of "keeping in touch” through modern long distance facilities, you’re missing something very dear to most tele phone users. Wouldn’t someone — somewhere — like to hear your voice today? •it's so easy —and INEXPENSIVE, TOO!" It’s as simple as calling cross-town ... simpler, sometimes, if you ha ve the out-of-town number you’re calling. Just give your name and number to the operator—and tell her to whom you want to talk. She’ll do the rest — for as little as *$2.00 across the nation. •Evening and Sunday station rate to New York. 1st 3 minutes (not including tax». Daytime rate only $2.50 For longer periods, additional time is charged by the minute. PARTNERS IN PROGRESS WITH A GROWING AREA PLUS A PENNY! VERNONIA DRUG CO. Phone HA 9-6254 — Vernonia Each Thursday, teacher turns a knob and the class enters a new world — a world many are visiting for the first time via the Standard School Broadcast. They hear a symphony orchestra, a dra matic cast, choral groups and guest artists. Standard provides Teacher’s Manuals as program listening guides. Since 1928, this program has introduced man’s musical hertiage to Western chil dren. Now playing for its second genera tion, the Standard School Broadcast is probably the biggest "classroom” in history. It has an audience of nearly 1,500,000 listen ers throughout the West, Alaska and Hawaii ... students in 54,000 classrooms and adult listeners at home. Goal of the School Broadcast is to help listen ers gain an absorbing new interest in music, and—through music — a broader knowledge and understanding of the world around t hem We suggest that you listen in at home to enjoy the world’s best musie and to gain one more link with your childrens' interests. TUNE I N every Thursday ... check your newspapers for time and station. WANT GOOD Milk? LIKE GOOD Service! ■ Then Let Us Deliver Milk To Your Home. NEHALËN OniRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONf 471 plan» ahead to »erve you better