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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1954)
”2 THURSDAY, JAN. 28. 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOWN TOPICS Daughter Seen A recant guest at the home of In Hospital Sat •r and Mrs. Bob Curl was her bruiher. Sgt. Robert Froman, who was just recently discharged from the Marine corps. He left here Saturday to return to his home «o Illinois. BAZAAR and cooked food sale. February 13. Sundland Electric, Sponsored by Ruth Circle. 413 Among those who were here Saturday night so the men could ittend the annual Homecoming <1 inner of the Masonic lodge were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills of Cor nelius and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick. George A. Remnant entered the Emanuel hospital Friday where in planned to stay for a week to receive a thorough medical check sip. The of winners last week's Hrunsman profit-sharing numbers were H. T. Chivers, Sam Potter and Fred May. Mr» Emil Messing is confined Ao her home b cause of a serious ‘ 1*11 which took place Monday and resulted in injury to her back. M*> broken bones resulted. Mr and Mrs. Guy Thomas and daughu-r returned here last Fri- ilay aft r a trip of several weeks »luring which they flew to Detroit where they took delivery on a ww automobile. From there they drove io Miami, Florida for the .muual convention of the Nation al Rural Electric Cooperative as- ■ ««cuation VALEWTINE dance Saturday, Cotruary 13. Bill Durbin's or- chostra. 9:30. 1 Hal Cook will be 4t3c hare March 13. Mr. and Mrs. . Lyman Hawken returned here last Wednesday tram a trip to Miami, Florida Na- «there they attended th Aiunnl REA convention. «In. Wells Honored Al Shower Monday Mrs. Charles Poetter and Mrs. M»«*ne Shipman sponsored a pink <«ud blue shower for Mrs. Pete "Wells at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson Monday evening. •Fr*. Wells received many lovely fills. Refreshments of cake, jello and »•offee werz served to the ■olkm ing: Mrsdames Ed Burton, Dessy Xarrd. Homer Gwin, Lew Choate, 'AVajTMe Reynolds, Hank Hudson, *nv honor guest. Mrs. Wells, and •In Puett.r and Mrs. Shipman. C.rfts were sent by Mrs. Jack **uuace and Mrs. Ben Barker who «-< uki not attend. TMURS JAN. 28 29 FRI. THE STEEL LADY Rod Cam ron • Tab Hunter JAN. 30 SATURDAY LOOSE IN LONDON Th» Bowery Boys Plus V.IE FIGHTING LADY Robert Taylor Jan. 31—Feb. 1 I JM. MON Bl.OWING WILD . CiM’p T Bai tiara Stanwyck WED FEB 2-3 IWS 'nJTPOST IN MALAYA J.ihn Payne - Preston Foster TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Mary Lola visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and watched TV Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falcon er and watched the March of Dimes telethon program Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, J. R. and Rosalie motored to Port land Saturday where Rosalie had her glasses changed. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbride visited Jo Ann a half hour m the afternoon. She is coming along fine. The Kirk- brides visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirby and Debbie in N.W. Portland before returning home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cox and Virginia and Stephen and Walter Kirkbride visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale Friday evening and watched TV. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, J. R., Stephen and Walter and Edgar Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale Sunday evening. Byron Kirkbride r turned to work Monday evening following a week layoff from a back injury. Edgar Jones visited Stephen and Walter Kirkbride Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Exie Weaver returned home Saturday from Miami, Okla homa where she has been the past few weeks at the bedside of John Weaver who is very low with cancer. Word received by Monday mail was that he is no better or no worse. I I Couple United at Simple Ceremony been introduced and a savings ci $10,000,000 a year already has been recorded in large post ot fices. Longer hours of post office window service are in effect it. 200 larger cities. Regional offices are being es tablished to decentralize man agement and provide closer su pervision over operations. FAIR COST SOUGHT Administration has been re “In contrast we are told, pub organized and simplified to elim lished statements indicate this inate duplicate functions and sum is over twice the realized save money. losses of one billion forty-nine "Much progress has been made million dollars in the price sup under the nev. port program given to the farmers in this first year Mr. Summerfield management, ” of the country by the commodity said, "Much more can and will er dit corporation. be done in the days ahead to "We believe it unconscionable j assure better mail service. that this postal deficit should be "Dramatic proof that our citi passed on to succeeding genera zens are getting better mail sei ■ tions to pay. Instead we the cost of operating the postal vice at lower cost is evidenced b. service should be distributed the recent holiday mail season fairly among the actual users of when the department handled more Christmas mail than eve. the mails.” before at lower operating costs Postmaster Gen.ra! Summer It did so efficiently and promptl field pointed to these significant so that the Christmas mail w;. improvements in service this past delivered by Christmas day.” year: Later pick-ups from mail boxes in most cities now spe.d de i Dr. William A. Pollock liveries by a full day. Optometrist being Air transportation is speed - in used as an experiment ing first-class mail and is work- Dr. L. K. Pollock ing out very well at no increased cost. Dentist M rit is the primary criterion for promotion of postal em- 1917 Pacific Ave. ployees to supervisory positions. Over Bus Depot STANDARDS SAVE MONEY Forest Grove, Ore.—Phone 941| I Performance standards have “Our taxpayers should know the size and extent of our losses on both second and third-class mail. "Since 1936 through the fiscal year 1952 the losses on second- class mail with magazines com- prising 68 per cent of the total, were two billion one hundred and twenty seven million dollars. Better Mail Service Now Provided Rural Areas, Deficit Being Reduced (Note: The following report concerning the post office de partment, the peace-time agency of the government, has been released by Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfi.Id.) Rural America no longer is the "forgotten zone” of mail delivery according to Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield. Millions of citizens now are getting better mail service be- cause of a new emphasis on rural free delivery, Mr. Summerfield said, pointing out that th? post office depaitinent is modernizing service everywhere to deliver the mail faster and at less cost. In a r.port on ».peration for the past year and plans for |954, the postmaster general declared: year. “We believe that congress should recognize that economies already mad ’ and to be made by the new management of the post office department cannot by thems Ives bring the postal de i ficit into balance. i “We have asked the congress F to raise the cost of out of town tú -1 letters by one penny from three cints to four cents. That rate £ hasn't been raised in 21 years, 7 but meanwhile the cost of op erating the postal establishment has doubled in that time. SAVE Dancers who belong to the Do- Si-Do club and th< ir friends and guests are scheduled to go to Natal Saturday night of this week, January 30. for another dance. Are you the 'THRILL or the 'PILL of your party y» Good With Every Meal i c so good I z - WITH MILK RATE RAISE ASKED Miss Ada Normand and Pfc. “We have askd the congress Kenneth Lindsley were united in for a modest raise in second-ciass < marriage with a simple ceremony mail rates for newspapers, maga Z at Kelso, Washington January 19. zines and pzriodicals to bring in Z The ceremony was read by Rev. I added revenues equal to 1 ss than C. H. Sprague. DIRECTIVE ISSUED I X nine per cent of the present loss They were accompanied to Kelso “Just a year ago, a n.w team on this class of mail. by Mrs. Rex Normand, Beryl of executives took ever the man- “Second-class man rates are Normand. Mrs. W. J. Lindsly ag.ment of the post office de lower today than th y were in and Mrs. Sam Smith. Mrs. Normand will remain here partment’s $10,000.000,000 a year 1925; in fact our revenues at pre and attend school. Pfc. Lindsley business with a directive from sent rates are barely sufficient to returned to Fort Lewis Sunday President Eisenhower to provid. cover our bills for transporting after spending a 30-day leave better mail service while r.duc- second-class mail, with nothing Z ing costs and the postal deficit. left over for the enormous ex here. O “We are undertaking one of pense in handling, distribution Mrs. Dewey Hunt served a wed. s the largest reorganization pro and delivery. ■n ding supper Wednesday evening "We have also asked the con honoring the newlyweds. Besides jects ever made in the United the brid? and groom, guests were: States and the dangerous trends gress for an increase in third- Mr. and Mrs. John Normand and towards poor mail service, poor class mail—comprising advertis baby, Pat Normand and Mr. and employee morale and ever-mount ing matt.r—circulars, and pack ing deficits have b en reversed. ages up to eight ounces. We lost Mrs. W. J. Lindsley. “For example, the department 191 million dollars on this class of closed about 600 out-moded fourth mail in 1952. Pinochle Club Meets class post offices and substituted At Davis Home for Play modern rural free delivery ser I After a delicious luncheon vice. "We intend to proceed witn served by the hostess, Julia Davis, i members of th»' Fi r. ndly Pinochle this policy of improving rural I i club enjoyed the remainder of delivery. It is badly needed, not • the afternoon playing pinochle. only by agricultural families who i Marie Sauer won high score and d serve better service but also in rapidly growing suburban I Margaret Vand rZanden won low. Mrs. Freda Nelson was a guest. communities around our cities. • You’ll find it pays i Th»’ next meeting will be at the More and more pe»>ple are mov i walk a ways Vandei Zanden home Finlay, Jan. ing into these areas and they iI Our low overhead permit must have modern, fast mail de uary 29. [ to sell at reduced prices. Our livery six days a week." I quality is high and our prices I • low. Natal Hall Dance BALANCE SOUGHT i Scheduled for Club SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM i as COOKIE '7. IfiFOF THE MONTH -3 z NEHALEM z MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 r w H3TVH3N dOIIS — WHTVH3N dOHS — K3TVH3N dOHS ONLY A RIVET but 10,000.000 rivets put together, built hull of the mighty the QUEEN MARY COMPARE One of the big tasks facing the I I new postal administration was I Snow — Free I cutting the deficit to help balance t Furniture Slightly • the national budget and put the t Higher post office department on a mor.’ 6-Way Floor Lamp $4.95 nearly break-even basis. Mr. Sum Coleman Oil Heater $19 9$ * merfield pointed out. Wood Heater (Perfect) $15.00 [ S15 00 1 "Already we have reduced th.’ i Daveno (Pretty Good) Daveno (Darn Good) $29 95 , | estimated postal deficit for the Assld Chest Drawers from 2: $5 i ! current fiscal year to about $440.- Also save on beds (all or any • I 000.000 That represents a re part) buffets, tables, etc. I duction of th? deficit by about Come in and look around, Let ' one million dollars every work- us know what you want and | we’ll g«t ii. ing day," he said, "But we still ! are running behind, In the eight years since World War II. the i I p»'stal deficit totaled $3.800,000.- 000. Th»* interest alone on this I huge debt costs th • American 847 3rd St. Up from Bakery ! taxpayers over $100.000.000 a I : i : PERFECT WITH ß Vernonia Bargain House i ^g^ONLY A DOLLAR but many dollars, deposited regularly at this bank, can help you build security, and have the other good things you want. Vemonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation JHIHIHIKZHXHXHIHSHINXXHXHXHIHIHIHXHXHXHÏHIHIHXHXHJK M _____ __ Telephone Pzrty line neighbors tlasys thrill to people who • us* th« Im« »boringly • hang up th« r«c«iv«r carefully (and quietly) • h««p calls brief • spat« calls fairly • r«l«at« th« lina far «mergcnc»«» Your telephone service — everyone » — »ill l e better when courte»» goei Jo»n the line th mint twin Whatever type of dairy product you are looking for you may be sure its on our shelves. We carry a complete variety of top dairy goods plus prices that SAVE. Why not dr>>p in today and l -ok over our t.*mpt-ng displays. H HXE H Grocer»«« 'lut» -t e.t tablea SAM’S FOOD STORE ÜHLHXHIHZHZHX HXHZHXHXHXHZHZHZHXHIHïi'